Glass Secrets: Shattered Cove Series Book 2

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Glass Secrets: Shattered Cove Series Book 2 Page 9

by A. M. Kusi

He stopped walking, staring at her intently as if he was making the most difficult decision of his life. A flash of rejection formed in his eyes, and she didn’t want to be turned down again. She wouldn’t beg anymore for this man.

  Mia darted around him, crossing the finish line first. “I won!”

  Andre shook his head, moving his hands to his hips. His grin widened. “Next time, I’ll know your tricks and beat you.”

  “We’ll see, won’t we?” She laughed, heading into her house.


  Later that afternoon, Mia arrived at The Lighthouse Inn. She carried in a small box of supplies while Jasmine held the door open for her.

  “Hi, Mia. I’m so glad you could come over. Zoey’s napping, so it worked out perfectly,” Jasmine said, closing the door behind them. The foyer was open and simple, with white paneled walls and polished wood floors.

  “I’m just glad to have something to do and get out of the house,” Mia said, following her friend up the grand staircase. “This inn is beautiful.”

  “Thank you. I used to help take care of the woman who lived here before. She didn’t run it as an inn, but I always saw the potential. You should have seen it before Mikel and Andre redid it. It was an eyesore. I have pictures,” Jasmine said.

  “I’d love to. Do you have any guests now?”

  Jasmine nodded. The top of the staircase went in two different directions, winding around in a circle with several closed doors. Each door had a sign on it—Seabreeze, Star fish, Anchor, and The Lighthouse Suite. Jasmine turned left to the door marked private.

  “Yes, two rooms are occupied at the moment. I have four up and running, then one for Zoey and me to share for now. The other room here isn’t redone yet. Waiting on the money to do that. There are another couple large rooms downstairs that I eventually want to turn into my own living space for Zoey and me—away from the guest rooms, like a separate part of the house. But, for now, this will do.” Jasmine opened the room where Zoey’s little body was sprawled out in the crib, her tiny chest rising and falling. Her rosebud lips moved as if she was still suckling.

  Mia’s chest tightened. I want that. It was a shame she’d likely never have it. The ache in her heart intensified. “This is amazing, truly.”

  Jasmine looked down and shrugged. “I want to give my baby girl a safe home with stability. I figured this would be something that I would enjoy while also being able to keep her close to me.”

  “You are such a great mother.” Mia smiled.

  Jasmine’s lips quirked up as she sat on the bed. “I never asked. Besides the studio, what do you do for work?”

  “Won’t we wake her up by talking in here?” Mia whispered, glancing over to Zoey one more time.

  “She sleeps like the dead.” Jasmine laughed lightly. “She’ll be fine as long as we aren’t too loud.”

  Mia sat across from Jasmine on the bed, setting the box between them. “I invested as a partner in an app that my friend from college and I developed. Turns out, it was a hit. Six months later, it was a bigger success than either of us imagined. I kept my shares and act as a silent partner now. I just get a check every month for taking that leap and investing my savings because I believed in my friend.”

  “Whoa. That’s awesome. Which app, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “Mig—it’s an app that allows you to connect with other immigrants, attorneys, and resources specific to your area. People who come here and have nothing, or need jobs, or friends who understand their language and culture now have a way to connect.” It also told them in real time where ICE raids or road blocks are happening, along with listing people’s rights in case they encountered an officer unlawfully asking for their papers. But Mia wasn’t ready to give that much away, so she kept that part to herself.

  “That must be really helpful. Growing up, it was just me and my brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Stone were the only parental figures I had. They let me stay over a lot. I lived in poverty,” Jasmine said, her eyes falling to a loose thread on her blue comforter. “But I can’t imagine how hard it would be to be in a different country going through that, not speaking the language. It would feel so unsafe.”

  Mia nodded. That was exactly how she’d felt.

  Jasmine continued, “I see stuff in the news about illegal immigrants being criminals and overpopulating our country.”

  Mia held her breath, unsure where Jasmine was going with this.

  Jasmine shook her head. “But everyone I know originally from somewhere outside the United States are the hardest-working and kindest people I’ve ever met.”

  Relief flooded through Mia as she let go of the breath she’d been holding.

  “I don’t understand the laws, but I do see the farmers losing workers because no one else is willing to do the jobs that need to be done. Immigrants made this country what it is today. Unfortunately, it was built on the backs of black and brown people. We need to do better,” Jasmine said, her voice surer.

  “You’re right. I have many friends who followed the law and it got them nowhere.” Myself included. “It’s a flawed system, and it needs to be fixed.”

  Jasmine nodded.

  “What is your heritage, if you don’t mind me asking?” Mia asked.

  “My mother was your average European-American mix, and my father, I’m told, was Korean,” Jasmine answered.

  “Have you learned about the culture at all?” Mia asked.

  Jasmine shook her head. “No . . . he was never a part of my life. Maybe someday I’ll consider it.”

  Mia smiled. “Well, I brought you some things to clean out the energy in your home.”

  “I’ll try anything once.” Jasmine chuckled, something dark passing in her expression as she plastered on a smile too wide to be real.

  Mia reached into the box, pulling out the clear stone. “This is a selenite tower crystal. It’s great for bringing clarity and calm to your space, as well as luck and protection. Selenite is a high-vibration stone that helps clear energy, and open and activate your crown chakra.” Mia pointed to her head. “For spiritual work.”

  Jasmine nodded. “Sounds like just what I need.”

  “This is a bundle of sage. We’ll light the end until it begins to smoke and then we’ll spread it throughout your room, and even over you to cleanse the air and clear the negative energy.”

  “Will it bother the baby?” Jasmine asked.

  “Not at all. We won’t do too much. Sage is scientifically proven to actually kill germs, so it’s even good for the baby,” Mia added.

  Jasmine nodded. “Let’s get started, then.”

  If only the sage could clear my attraction to Andre and give me the freedom to actually seek love to create a family. Now that would be some powerful magic.

  Chapter 16


  July turned into August. Joining Mia on her daily morning jog was the one guilty pleasure Andre allowed himself. Her shapely ass bounced just a few steps ahead of him. He’d let himself look, but not touch. Well, not touch too much. The little brushes of their hands, or when she playfully pushed him didn’t count. Not even if he wished it could be more. When it came down to it, he liked spending time with her.

  He tugged on her ponytail and sped up past her.

  “Hey!” she screeched, hurrying her pace to shove him in the side, bumping her body against his.

  He laughed. They didn’t talk about themselves so much as they simply enjoyed the moments in each other’s company. A friend. Yes, that was what Mia was. Just like Jasmine.

  Except he’d never imagined Jasmine naked and writhing beneath him on the edge of pleasure.


  Later that afternoon, Andre’s phone rang from the desk in what would be Mia’s office in a little less than six weeks.


  “Hey, Mr. Stone. This is Mike from down at Ma
ckenzie Lumber. I just wanted to let you know we’ve hit a snag in your delivery. It’s gonna be delayed by a week.”

  “A week?” Andre clarified. He needed that lumber yesterday. This was going to throw their schedule behind. He had other clients waiting after this project with Mia. This was a disaster.

  “Yes, sir. I’m sorry. There was a clerk error and the wrong wood was delivered. I apologize for any inconvenience.”

  Andre sighed. What else could he do?

  “Fine. Thanks for letting me know.” Andre hung up. His day had just gone south fast.

  “Dre?” Tom asked, walking into the small room.


  “We have a problem.”

  Andre rubbed his palm over his face. What now?

  “You better come see.”

  Andre stood, following his right-hand man into the main part of the studio. As he walked through the building, he took note of all they’d accomplished. The list of what they had left to finish grew shorter every day. Mia was going to love it here. His stomach clenched at the thought of her face lighting up and her beautiful smile.

  Tom laughed and Andre realized he hadn’t been paying attention again. Focus. “Sorry. What did you say?”

  “Flooring is all good, except this one section. I found some rot,” Tom said, picking up a piece of the damaged wood. “It’s a good thing after all that we tore up the floor.”

  Andre nodded. “Okay. You know what to do.”

  “Yeah, but that’s the good news.” Tom proceeded to show Andre the electrical mess he’d discovered in one of the walls—old wiring that should have been torn out ages ago and replaced. They were lucky it hadn’t started a fire yet. Then Tom pointed out that one of the other guys had gone to mud and tape the ceiling in one of the future changing rooms, only to find water damage. A huge section would have to be redone.

  As Tom listed off the setbacks, all Andre could do was grind his teeth together. This was a nightmare. He’d have to delay contracts and hope they’d wait for his business rather than seeking his competition. He and Mikel had been so close to reaching their goals, possibly hiring more men, but that hope had evaporated in the last fifteen minutes.

  Andre returned to the office and started going over the amended plans for the next few days. Then we’ll paint the office and get Mia’s proper desk placed in here. A sturdy desk. Images of Mia spread out over said desk flashed in his mind.


  He reread the list. Painting, then furniture. A bed was a piece of furniture. The image of Mia almost naked in between her sheets with her hair sprawled out over the pillow flashed in his mind. He groaned. It was taking him twice as long because he couldn’t stop thinking about Mia. Get it together! He could fall for her. But that was not a risk his heart could take.

  Laughter and music filtered into the office. The noise grated on his last nerve. Who the hell is joking around when we have so much work to do?

  Andre pushed his paperwork aside. It wasn’t like he could get anything done anyways.

  He walked down the hall to the main room where Tom was busy fitting in the new flooring. Upbeat salsa music was playing, and the woman who’d been on his mind all day every day for more than two months had conjured herself up. His chest tightened as he took a deep breath. Bently’s arms wound around her as he spun and dipped her. The sight of her in his best friend’s embrace made his veins burn with green venom. His hands itched to break them apart, even if only as an excuse to touch her. Mia’s throaty laughter spilled out as Bently turned her.

  God she’s beautiful.

  Andre leaned against the wall partition, he had no right to interrupt, because he had nothing to offer. He couldn’t risk it.

  “Mia, you’re gonna make me beg, aren’t you? You really know how to make a guy work for it.” Bently bent on his knee as he held her hands. Andre’s hands fisted.

  Mia answered, “Oh, come on now. You like the chase—admit it.”

  Andre was used to Bently flirting with every woman. But Mia is flirting back. Andre stiffened, clenching his jaw.

  Bently chuckled and smirked. “See, you know me so well already. Now let me take you out, or maybe we can stay in and really get to know each other.”

  The whine of a saw drowned out her answer as Andre stepped forward, unwilling to watch this play out any further.

  “Bently!” Andre snapped.

  “Ahhh!” Tom screamed as the saw shut off. Andre darted over to check on his employee, his attention focused and his body alert.

  Tom clutched his hand to his chest, crimson blood trickling down his arm.

  “Shit, Tom. Let me see,” Andre said.

  Tom unclenched his hand. Blood oozed from the deep slice across his finger, soaking his palm in red.

  The music still played in the background as rigid tension held Andre’s body captive. Anxiety snaked around him. This could have ended a lot worse.

  “Here. Keep pressure on it.” Mia wrapped a few pieces of folded paper towels around his hand.

  Tom squeezed the makeshift bandage over his injured finger.

  Andre’s anger simmered beneath the surface as she took over. How had this happened?

  “Shut the music off!” Andre snapped.

  All three sets of shocked eyes locked on him.

  Mia stood and ran over to the speaker, silence blanketing the room.

  Tom’s face was twisted in pain.

  “I’ll take him to the ER. I was headed that way anyways,” Bently offered.

  Andre nodded. “That okay with you, Tom?”

  “Yeah.” Tom winced as Bently helped him to his feet.

  Andre pulled out a card from his wallet and placed it in Tom’s shirt pocket. “That’s the information the hospital will need to bill me for the care. I’ll call your wife if you want and have her meet you there?”

  Tom shook his head. “No, I’ll call her when I’m all patched up. Don’t want her worrying and dragging the kids with her.”

  “Let me know if you need anything—and I mean anything, Tom,” Andre said. Tom nodded as Bently ushered him out of the room.

  Bently winked at Mia and said, “See you later.”

  Tom could have lost a hand. Andre could lose his workers’ comp coverage and insurance would skyrocket. I could lose my business.

  Andre turned his back, clenching his fists at his sides. The room was silent, Mia and Andre the only ones left on the property. They should have passed on this project. His lungs tightened, unable to draw a full breath as the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on his chest. Mia’s scent saturated the air. Even now she was affecting him, and he hated her for it. Why did she hold so much power over him? It needed to stop.

  “Are you okay?” Mia asked, her voice more timid than he was used to, which only served to enrage him further.

  “No, I’m not. If you hadn’t wanted to rip off this flooring to sprinkle your fairy dust, my guy wouldn’t be on his way to the hospital at risk of losing his finger! The man’s livelihood depends on his hands. We should have just sanded and poly’d the floors and forgot your voodoo,” he growled. Then we wouldn’t have found the rot either. Gah! It wasn’t rational, but he wanted someone to take his anger out on for this.

  “You’re blaming me?” Her voice trembled as if she was using all her self-control to hold back.

  “You had music blaring, were dancing around a work site while my guy was using a fucking saw. Who else’s fault is it?”

  “Maybe the man who walked into the room shouting and startling all of us,” she fired back.

  Fuck, she is right. His anger boiled, every nerve ending on alert as her spicy rose scent assaulted him, captivating his attention.

  Her eyes held him hostage as she continued, “Or maybe it was human error and it’s just an accident that happened. Your man will be fine. I’ll ma
ke sure his family is cared for while he recovers.”

  His chest tightened as something foreign trickled through his veins. Walls shattered and broke at her offer, mixed with the sight of her perfect luscious curves as she stood her ground, unyielding. His lust overshadowed every other emotion. He was dying of thirst in a desert of isolation of his own making. Only she had the magic to quench this primal thirst.

  “You’re a distraction,” he said, feeding her fire.

  “Oh, so we’re back to blaming me for everything?” She threw her hands up in the air. “Why do you feel the need to hate me so much? We were getting along. I thought we were friends.” She sighed before her eyes locked with his and a small smile played on the corner of her lips.

  “I can’t be friends with you.” It was the truth. Friends didn’t want to fuck their friends.

  “I see what this is about.” She shook her head.

  “Enlighten me.” Because I don’t fucking know which way is up or down, east or west with you.

  “You’re jealous Bently asked me out.”

  “That’s ridiculous,” he fired back.

  “Is it? So, you won’t mind when I invite him home . . . up to my bedroom?” Her eyes burned with the flames of a challenge as her lips curved into a knowing smile.

  Something inside him snapped. His eyes darted to her lips only a second before his mouth was on hers. Mia’s hands wrapped around his face as he pushed against her body so she could feel what she was doing to him. His rigid planes sought refuge in her soft curves. Pain mixed with the wildfire raging between them as she bit down on his lip. The electric charge that had been building since the moment he’d met her fueled an urgency. There was no time for thought—only action. He picked her up, Mia’s legs wrapping around him tightly as he pressed her back to the wall. He moved, grinding his body against her, cursing the layers of clothing between them.

  One hand cupped her breast as his mouth moved to her neck, biting and sucking as he marked her.

  Her hands moved frantically to his waist while he set her on her feet long enough to unbutton his jeans and pull them down with his boxers. There was no time to take them all the way off. He slipped his fingers under the flowy pink skirt before ripping the small lace fabric of her panties off. She gasped. Her mouth continued its assault. Her lips moved, casting an erotic spell of greedy lust. An all-encompassing need to be inside her magnified and compounded. He took hold of her once more, overwhelming desire driving his actions. He slipped inside her hot wetness as delirium-inducing pleasure erupted down the base of his spine. He wasn’t going to last long like this. It was too good. He moved his fingers to the pearl between her thighs as he rubbed and swirled. Leaning his head to her breast, he bit her nipple through the fabric as he thrust hard inside her.


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