Buck Me... For Christmas: BBW Mail-Order Bride Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Shifter Grove Brides Book 7)

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Buck Me... For Christmas: BBW Mail-Order Bride Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Shifter Grove Brides Book 7) Page 3

by Anya Nowlan

  “So, what does the charity do?” he asked, urging the conversation on.

  “We try to look out for underprivileged kids during the holidays. Collect money and donations throughout the year and then give gifts and care packages to their families for Christmas, on their birthdays sometimes… It’s a good cause and the people who work there are all really devoted to giving back, you know? I love it there. Well, I loved it there.”

  The joy got sucked out of her in a second when she thought about what Josh had done. He was the guy who’d run the damn thing! When they’d met, she’d thought he was the most selfless, generous guy in the world. What a kick in the gut to find out that he was actually a total bastard.

  “And the guy?” Blitz pried on, shaking Riley out of her misery and straight into another.

  “Josh. I thought I was going to marry him. What a joke, right?” Riley asked, putting her fork down and collapsing into the pillows with a sigh, her legs curled up underneath her. Their eyes met and despite her usual rule about not oversharing, she kept talking. “We had a plan. Three kids, at the minimum. A big house with a yard. Maybe foster some kids as well. I’d been with him for over three years, stupidly waiting for him to propose while he was preparing to make off with everything we’d collected, leaving all those children without gifts on Christmas.”

  “Sounds like a real prince.”

  “You bet,” Riley said, laughing. “My prince of nightmares, maybe. What about you?”

  “I’m no prince,” Blitz said, grinning.

  “You sort of are. The ‘in shining armor’ kind that swoops in at the nick of time and saves the damsel in distress.”

  “Lucky coincidence,” he huffed, smirking. “The fact that I am my own white horse helps.”

  “False modesty will get you nowhere,” Riley said. Except it totally would. “No, I mean, what’s your story? I told you mine. Sad, sappy Riley from Georgia, lost in a snowstorm and almost drowning. Come on, one for one. Tell me about Blitz.”

  “He isn’t all that interesting,” he said, trying to deflect, but that light in his eyes was still burning hotter than the sun and Riley really wanted to know.


  She grinned, biting her lower lip slightly. Blitz shook his head and chuckled as he got more comfortable in his chair, the hot chocolate in his hands again.

  “Okay, I’ll bite. Can’t allow a damsel in distress to think that her prince is a rotten scallywag, after all. What do you want to know?”

  Was ‘everything’ the wrong answer?



  Blitz Frost was not the kind of guy to share. It wasn’t a question of oversharing, but rather that he chose to not do it at all.

  So the fact that he was opening himself up to questions from Riley was something of a mystery to him – one that he was having a hard time wrapping his head around. But he’d invited the challenge, so there he sat, attentive and present, ready to answer whatever curious little queries she might have had.

  Worst part of it was, he was sort of looking forward to it.

  “Are you from around here?” she asked, apparently starting off slow. Perhaps she was trying to ease him into things… Curious.

  “Sort of, but not entirely. My parents lived here for a while. This is I guess you would say our summer home.”

  “’Our’, implying there’s a ‘we’?” Her cute little face looked positively crestfallen at that.

  Blitz couldn’t help but smirk. “Yes. There’s nine of us.” Her eyes went as wide as saucers. “Brothers. I have eight brothers.”

  She perked right up, and dammit, it was adorable. “That’s a big family. What do you do?”

  “It is. We’re all in… well, you could say logistics, I guess. Long-haul air cargo.”

  “So you’re like a pilot?” she asked, chewing on a marshmallow.

  His lips curved into a grin. That was one way to put it. “Close enough, yeah.”

  “Where do you work? For whom?”

  Well, the topic was relatively tame so far, though Blitz had to conceal how much infinite pleasure it gave him to talk about his work. It was always fun running circles around that particular topic in the Frost household.

  “Up North. We work for a guy named Nick. He’s a real sleigh-driver of a man.” He had to actively swallow down a chuckle.

  “A what?”

  “Never mind. Logistics humor.”

  “Didn’t know there was a special kind of humor for that,” she said, giggling. “Is he a good guy?”

  “Oh, he’s very black and white. He either loves you or hates you, no in-between,” Blitz replied, trying to keep his smile from growing too wide. That was certainly one way to describe Nick.

  Her laugh was like little bells ringing. All of her spoke of warmth and affection, and maybe a tiny bit of pain that only Blitz could heal. Hell, he was this close to scooping her up, carrying her back into the bedroom and making sure she really got warm. And he wanted to smack himself for it.

  Not now. You’re leaving tomorrow. And even if you weren’t, she’s been through a traumatic experience.

  All reasonable points, but points he was very close to ignoring completely.

  “We have to keep our spirits up somehow. My work’s very seasonal. Christmas is by far the busiest time.”

  “So how come you’re here then?” she queried.

  “Good question,” he answered truthfully, scowling into his hot chocolate. Why was he there? “Boss sent me to cool off for a few days. I am what they would call a workaholic, and apparently it’s not good for my health. So the company interfered and sent me to kick back and relax for a bit. I ship out tomorrow, though.”

  “You don’t look like you’re the kind of guy who knows how to kick back and relax,” Riley said, tilting her head to the side.

  A lock of her red hair tumbled down her shoulder, resting on the point of her clavicle. Blitz couldn’t help but wonder how her skin would taste on his tongue. He had to clear his throat, finding himself staring at her for a moment too long like a hungry wolf staring down his unsuspecting prey.

  “Do I look more like the pacing and growling kind?” he asked, quirking a brow at her playfully.

  “Maybe,” she said, biting her lower lip slightly. Spirits above, this woman would be the end of him – that seemed rather certain already. “But I don’t blame you. I’ve never been good at taking time off either – too much to do. So I guess it’s a blessing in disguise that all of this happened,” she said, obviously trying to convince herself more than she was trying to convince him.

  “You don’t believe that,” he said in his usual straightforward manner, kicking himself the moment the words got out.

  “Yeah? How come?” she asked, challenging him to go on. “Go ahead, enlighten me.”

  With a sigh, he scuffed a hand through his hair. He was digging his own grave – might as well lie in it.

  “You’re a workaholic too, aren’t you? Only feel alive if you’re doing something, getting something done and squared away? It’s a rush, knowing that you’re good at what you do, and when you’re forced to do something else, you get antsy, annoyed. Maybe a bit angry because now you need to find something else to excel at. And being the best at sitting around on a couch, bemoaning your bad luck is not something you want to be good at.”

  “Harsh,” she said, frowning. “You always this…”


  “I was going to say tactless, but blunt works,” Riley commented, but there was a tiny smile on her lips. Maybe he hadn’t killed whatever chance he had had with his little outburst.

  Why do you care? No messing around with the beautiful human, Blitz. Even if she can handle who you are, she definitely can’t handle what you are.

  Rationally, he knew this. Emotionally, he didn’t care.

  “I am, yes. I don’t think there’s any point to sugarcoating things. It is what it is, and there’s nothing to gain from hiding from the truth, however unc
omfortable that truth is. I can bet you ten bucks that you would rather be at work right now, throwing yourself into last minute preparations to make sure everything goes exactly like you planned, instead of being here.”

  “I don’t know. I sort of enjoy the company,” Riley said, keeping his gaze. He swallowed hard. “But I guess you have a point. I love my job. I hate what happened. It makes me sick to my stomach. And I guess if I was in your shoes, forcefully told to go and take a breather, I’d be steaming mad.”

  “That’s all I’m saying,” Blitz said, letting out a private breath, thankful that she hadn’t been offended.

  He couldn’t help it. Well, he didn’t try, but he wouldn’t have been able to, either. He’d always been the straight shooter in the bunch. While Vix and Rudy were the peace bringers and Don and Dash were the troublemakers, he was the one who’d call people out and straighten things up. He kept them all honest, on schedule, and focused. And it was killing him that now, during the most important time of the year, he wasn’t there with the rest of the crew, working away.

  Then again, being with Riley made him feel twice as good as work ever had and that was something he never thought he could say. It had seemed like an impossibility, after all.

  Blitz drained his hot chocolate and got up, picking up the dirty dishes. Riley was on her feet quickly as well, grabbing the other plate from his hand and giving him a shy little smile. He would have been a liar if he’d said that her looking up at him through those long lashes of hers, her face lit by the lights on the Christmas tree didn’t make him throb with desire.

  “Let me help. It’s the least I can do,” she said, ushering him towards the kitchen.

  “Alright,” he said densely, far too preoccupied with constantly wanting to keep one eye on Riley, which made walking a somewhat difficult notion.

  They walked to the sink and he took the plate from her, turning the warm water on. She dutifully grabbed for a towel to dry off the dishes he washed and, for a few moments, there was nothing but the splashing of water to drown out the silence. Blitz, however, was entirely aware of how close she was to him, the heat that emanated off her body and the nearly suffocating desire to know what she’d do if he were to grab her in his arms right then and there and kiss the air from her lungs.

  “I’m sorry for intruding on you like this,” she said after a long while, breaking Blitz out of his self-imposed internal monologue of reasons why he shouldn’t make a move on her. “Is there anyone we can call? I mean, obviously there’s nothing to do about the jeep and I’m sure the insurance company will love me, but I think I could call up Claire and maybe she or one of the boys could come pick me up. I don’t want to be a nuisance.”

  “You’re not a nuisance,” he said swiftly, tossing her a look that told her to put all that nonsense out of her head. “And you won’t be going anywhere. It would be foolish to let anyone drive on those roads tonight, and we don’t want to put anyone else in danger. I’ll take you up to Shifter Grove myself tomorrow. I need to get to the airport anyway, and the town isn’t far from here. But tonight, you’re staying here.”

  His words were resolute, not accepting any arguing. The twinkle in her eye told him that she really wanted to challenge him a little, though. He almost thought that fate had to have been screwing with him. Why else would it send a gorgeous creature like Riley to him the night before his hardest few days of work of the year, making him question whether he even wanted to go and do his job? The thought of holing up with her in the cottage for a week sounded like a much more palatable idea to him.

  They washed and dried everything and when his hands didn’t have anything to do anymore, Blitz found himself questioning his instincts again. She was absolutely exquisite and he couldn’t bear the thought of letting her curl up for the night without talking to her more. But was it fair towards her? He’d be gone tomorrow, like he was most of the time, and she’d only have a memory.

  It’s just a chat, nothing more. It’s not like you’re asking the girl to marry you, he told himself, but he didn’t quite believe it.

  With how things were going and Blitz acting uncharacteristically for himself, he wouldn’t have been at all surprised if he’d suddenly finish up the evening on one knee, declaring his never-ending love to her. Luckily for Blitz, Riley took matters into her own hands.

  “Where do you keep your chocolate?” she asked, firing up the stove and grabbing a copper pot and some milk from the freezer.

  “Up, to the right,” he said with a sigh of relief, going to her aid when she couldn’t reach the container.

  Though he did sneak a peek, seeing his t-shirt ride up her thighs as she got on her tiptoes – he was a man, after all.

  The evening drifted by with lively conversation and laughter. Yes, laughter. Riley Seston could make the serious, withdrawn buck roar with amusement and that too was an almost unheard of feat. The more they talked, the more smitten he was and, despite telling himself otherwise, the thought of leaving her the next day seemed more and more unbearable.

  When it was finally so late that Riley was beginning to nod off, her eyes heavy-lidded and her lovely lashes falling lower, Blitz decided to call it a night. Reluctantly, they left their mugs and trudged through the house towards the master bedroom.

  “You can have my room for tonight. I’ll take one of the others,” he said, stopping at the door to the suite.

  “I don’t want to put you out! I can sleep wherever. You said you have work tomorrow, so you should be in your own bed,” Riley said, blushing.

  I should, but only if you’re there too.

  He didn’t say that, though. No, instead, he gave her a long look, letting the notion broil in his head, making his insides twist and turn with the excitement of the unknown.

  “No, that’s fine. It’s the only bed that’s made up. You’ve had a tough night, Riley. You need your rest,” he said, taking a deep breath and stepping across the hallway toward the door right opposite hers. “I’ll be right here if you need me,” he said, pushing down the door handle.

  I hope you do.

  He was about to step into the bedroom, cursing himself the entire way, when Riley’s voice stopped him.


  “Yes?” he said, turning around.

  His heart beat so hard in his chest he thought it would burst out and every single nerve in his body was buzzing with need for her as he watched her standing there, rosy lips slightly parted and a blush on her cheeks. She looked like the most beautiful, delicate angel, but the spark in her eyes alluded that there might be a minx behind that good-girl façade.

  “Thank you again for everyth –“

  But she never got to finish her sentence. Blitz rushed to her, scooping her up in his arms and crushing his lips against hers with a hunger unlike any he’d ever felt. He needed her and he wasn’t going to let that chance slip through his fingers, consequences be damned.



  Blitz’s lips on hers felt like fire. Suddenly and entirely, she was consumed by his desire and she was not ashamed to admit that hers didn’t pale in comparison. Not one damn bit.

  She threw her arms around his neck and rose up on her tiptoes, desperate to be closer to him as their tongues danced against one another. He even tasted like cinnamon, and maybe a hint of vanilla – exactly like she thought he would. Blitz’s hands were roaming down her curves, grabbing her hips as he drove her against the wall with a dull thud, pinning her between it and his body.

  “Are you sure we want this?” he asked feverishly, only pausing enough to press the words out before showering her with kisses again.

  “Definitely,” she hissed, fisting her hands in his shirt and tugging him closer to her.

  It felt like he couldn’t be close enough, no matter what he did. She’d always want more of him. Riley kissed him hungrily, nipping at his lower lip, gasping as his tongue thrust deeper into her mouth and lashed against hers.

  She could feel the ha
rdness of his cock, throbbing against the front of his low-slung jeans, and her hand traced its outline without any coyness. The thought of being with anyone else after Josh hadn’t even crossed her mind, but being in Blitz’s arms felt so right. It already felt better than any moment she’d ever shared with Josh and, frankly, he couldn’t have been further from her mind right then and there.

  Blitz’s strong hands slipped under her buttocks and he lifted her easily, letting Riley sling her legs around his narrow, strong waist. He pushed into the master bedroom and Riley used the moment to kiss a trail down his neck, making him groan. She was tossed down on the bed and when she looked up, Blitz’s eyes were blazing with lust. He ripped off his shirt and Riley moaned audibly at the sight of his toned, perfectly carved body.

  He had a swimmer’s body, wide shoulders, narrow waist and perfect, thick muscle all over. There was a playful grin on his lips as he undid his belt while Riley got on her knees and dragged him toward her and onto the bed.

  “You’re too far,” she whispered with a smile.

  “Never,” he growled, and she believed him.

  His hands tracked down her body and then pulled the tee over her head. When he looked at her, his deep brown eyes marveling at her body, she lost any sense of bashfulness she might have felt. Riley had curves and she’d never hidden them, but this was the first time she’d ever felt truly, madly sexy in her body. The way his gaze rowed over the bountiful swell of her hips, her generous tits and the soft curve of her stomach made her completely soaked with her own juices.

  Her hands went to his zipper, but he batted them away, pushing her down on the bed.

  “Me first,” he said through gritted teeth, pecking her on the lips quickly before moving lower.


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