Trade In (Odd Jobs Book 3)

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Trade In (Odd Jobs Book 3) Page 4

by AJ Alexander

  Instead of licking my fingers clean, I use them to stroke my cock. Rachael looks at me over her shoulder as she watches me stroke myself, and she licks her lips.

  “If you don’t put that inside me and soon, I may climb up here and take care of it myself,” Rachael snipes back as she inches her hands toward her pussy. Without a second thought, I grab her hand and ram my cock into her.

  There is nothing gentle about this. It’s simple fucking, but it is also so much more. “I own you. You. Are. Mine,” I say as I thrust into her core, hitting her in just the right spot. Rachael pushes her hips back in time with my thrust, pushing us both over into ecstasy.

  I lean down, pressing her body further into the leather of the seat and grumble, “No one. There has been no one else but you. Always you, Roo.” Her body tenses beneath me, signaling her discomfort. I came here to talk, but we ended up having sex on a late seventies classic motorcycle. Not how I planned it would go, but it could have been worse.

  I pull out of her and head toward the other side of the shop, looking for something to clean up with. Once I locate a semi-clean towel and get myself buttoned up, I hear Rachael’s voice.

  “You can leave your keys on the counter. We will call you when your bike is ready.”

  “Are you kidding me?” I ask, shocked that she could be so cold after what we shared.

  “Were you expecting something else?” She raises her eyebrow before hopping off the bike. “You left me with not a word, changed your number, and disappeared from my life three years ago. Then you say some flowery words, fuck me on a vintage motorcycle and expect me to fall all over you?”

  Even I must stop and think how absurd that sounded, but she could at least not be so cold about it. “You need to try a lot harder than that to get back into my good graces, Lamb,” she says before heading through a door marked employees only.

  Assuming she has dismissed me, I drop my keys on the front desk and head for the door. Before I open it, I respond, “I left without a word, but I promise I had a good reason. Everything between us was the truth. I need to work harder to make you remember.”

  The door chimes as I head back outside, I was smart enough to get someone to help me drop off my car here earlier, or I’d been walking home. Just as I hit the unlock button on the key fob, a feminine “FUCK” filters through the walls of the shop. A smile comes across my face, I’ve planted the seed, now it’s time to wait for it to grow.

  Rachael will be mine again. I have to wait for her to come to her senses.



  It’s been a week since Liam walked into Beaufort’s Bike shop and fucked me senseless. I wasn’t prepared to see Liam again so soon. I damn sure wasn’t ready for him to assault me either. Okay, it wasn’t assault, but I didn’t want him to kiss me and kiss me he did.

  Once his lips touched mine, all the memories of the two of us together came filtering through my mind. He was my first everything. It’s hard to forget about your first, even when they broke your heart as irrevocably as Liam. However, I have this nagging feeling that there’s something more behind him leaving.

  “Earth to Rach! Text me a million times over the past few days we must Skype, and now you ignore me!” Morgan blabs into the microphone.

  She’s sitting in her dorm room, cozy and snuggled into her bed. I wish she were closer, at least in San Diego. I could use a good dose of reality right about now.

  “You’ll never believe what happened! Liam came into the shop,” I pause for dramatics, “and brought his motorcycle!”

  The shock on Morgan’s face is priceless, I wish I were on my phone, so I can take a screenshot. “What in the H E double hockey sticks! What do you mean his motorcycle? Didn’t his mother always say they were the work of the devil or something?”

  We both cackle as we remember Mrs. Murphy’s face the first time she realized who my father was.

  “I have no idea! He even said he hasn’t spoken to his parents since he left. I’m not even sure they know where he is.”

  “Did you let him have it? Tell him how he broke your heart into a million pieces?”

  “Not exactly.” I reach for my glass of wine sitting on the end table. A little liquid courage never hurt anyone.

  Morgan stares at the screen, “Do you plan to answer my question?”

  “WehappenedtohavesexoveravintageharleymotorcycleintheshopbeforeIkickedhimout.” I’m surprised I could get all that out in one breath.

  “Run that by me again. Slower this time.” Morgan inches closer to the screen with a skeptical expression on her face. “There’s no way you said what I think you said in that jumbled statement.”

  This is the perfect way out. “What do you think I said?”

  “Fiddlesticks! You’ve got to be kidding me! There’s no way you two slept together. In the middle of a bike shop?”

  I pinch my eyes shut and nod my head yes, waiting for some response from my friend. After a few moments pass, I’m met with silence and open my eyes to find a shocked expression on her face,

  “Hello? Earth to Morgan?’ I wave my hand back and forth in front of the camera, hoping to gain her attention.

  Suddenly she scares the shit out of me when she yells, “I can’t believe you slept with him!”

  “What the fuck, Mo! Tone the volume down, for Pete’s sake. I thought you had a brain aneurysm or something.”

  “I’ve gotta admit, you short circuited my brain for a minute. First you were ready to kick ass and take names, now you’re telling me you let him fuck your brains out.”

  “I never said that!” my cheeks pink from embarrassment.

  “What the heck else did you do? Doing the deed on the motorcycle about sums it up. Are you two together again?” Morgan is getting too much enjoyment out of this conversation.

  However, this whole ordeal brought back all those feelings, but I can’t forget what he did either. I go with the safest reply possible.


  Morgan responds.


  I roll my eyes. I wish I could rebut her comment, but I can’t. There’s no telling what Liam wants from me. By the statement he made before leaving the shop, he wants me back. Now I need to decide if that’s what I want, more importantly, if I’m ready to hear his reason for leaving.

  “Enough about me and my drama! Tell me about your new job with the cleaning service. Is it another old lady or did you get a sexy billionaire who will fall madly in love with you?”

  “Babe, there’s no need for the theatrics. Cheese and rice, the man I work for is sex on a stick. His name is Theo, and he has to be the most gorgeous specimen of a man on the earth.” Morgan swoons on the other end of the line.

  “Wow, I was only kidding about the gorgeous billionaire part. When are you moving in?” We both laugh

  “That man hates my guts. I don’t understand it either. The lady who was there before me said he was the best person to work for, he even gave her a big bonus before she left to tie her over if she didn’t have another job lined up.”

  “He wants to bone you.” I deadpan, why else would someone be so mean to Morgan. “You need to feed him, that’s the best way to get into any man’s good graces.”

  “Yeah, or let him fuck you or a vintage motorcycle, but that’s not my style.”

  “Ugh, I should have said anything to you about this,” I plop my head down on the desk, covering my head with my arms.

  “What are you going to do now, Rach. He isn’t going to let this go now.”

  “I know, Mo. I don’t know what to do, he has the answers I need, but I’m scared of what is going to happen to my heart if I let him get near it again,” I mumble through my arms.

  “Did you talk to Paul and Michael yet?”

  “Those two have their panties in a twist right now because I won’t be all buddy buddy with Heather.” I throw my hand in the air and lean back in my desk chair.

  “Well if you would explain to them your big brother issues
and what is going on in that brain of yours, they would understand better. They’re good guys and love you to death.” Mo’s alarm rings on her bedside table, signaling it’s time for her to head to work, “Trust them, Rach. You told them everything else, let them in. I’m not as close as I used to be. You need someone in your corner.”

  “Mo. I just don’t know how to tell them.”

  “Start at the beginning, that’s always the easiest.”

  “Smart ass.”

  “Assbutt.” Morgan kisses her fingers and presses them to the screen, “Love you.”

  “Always.” I respond before ending the call.



  I wish I regretted taking Rachael over that vintage Indian, but I don’t. Being buried inside her again was amazing, and something I have every intention of doing again, given the chance.

  “Did you invite me out for beers or are we going to sit here and share our feelings or and shit?” Cole grumbles as he pulls up a seat at the bar.

  “I’m not sure why you’re here, asshole. I called Wyatt, not you.”

  “We’re a package deal.”

  Wyatt slaps me on the back before handing me a beer, “No, the girls are off doing some wedding planning. He was in the truck with me when you called. I figured I’d bring him along instead of turning around and heading back to drop his as off.”

  “Don’t make me regret calling you,” I growl at Wyatt before gulping down half my beer. I’ve tried and failed to get Rachael off my mind, I figured a night out with the guys would help. Unfortunately, the only guy who knows our history.

  We have a few rounds and shoot the shit, nothing too heavy for a few hours. However, both of them are chomping at the bit to ask me more questions about Rachael and I. Cole keeps looking at me out of the corner of his eye, waiting for me to spill whatever is on my mind but Wyatt is just waiting.

  I see a lot of who I used to be in Cole, a cocky asshole that got whatever he wanted in life. Was living the dream, had the life he wanted and the girl of his dreams, but it was all taken away from him in the blink of an eye because of one stupid mistake.

  “I can hear the wheels in your head turning all the way over here man. When are you going to tell us why you suddenly wanted to get together and have some drinks?” Cole places his empty bottle on the bar and signals for the bartender.

  “What do you mean? I just wanted to spend some time with my friend here,” I nod my head toward Wyatt sitting between us, “Your presence was just an unwanted bonus.”

  As the bartender approaches, he pulls a crisp one-hundred-dollar bill from his wallet and slams it on the bar top. “Give me a bottle of Patron and three shot glasses.” The bartender grabs the bill off the counter and returns with Cole’s order, “Now be scared. There is no telling what the hell will happen when we get going with these shots. Take this for the trouble.” He hands a few bills to the bartender before cracking the bottle and pouring three full shots.

  “Here’s how I see it. We’ve known you for almost a year now, and not once have you called us to hang out. So, either you need money or you have a problem you need to get off your chest.” He slides a shot in front of my face, “Either way you will need some liquid courage to loosen those lips of yours.”

  I turn toward Wyatt, who’s sporting a sly grin on his face as he raises his shot glass. “Bottoms up,” Wyatt says before throwing back his shot and slamming the glass on the bar.

  I figure why not, it’s been a while since I’ve been good and drunk. I’m always worried about taking care of someone else, it’s time for me to have a little fun of my own. “Bottoms up,” I respond before throwing back my shot.

  “Here’s to a night of drunken debauchery. May we have enough bail money to not spend the night in jail.” Cole raises his glass before throwing back his own shot and slamming it down on the bar.

  As Cole pours us all another round, I realize what he just said. “If we need bail money, one of you will need to foot the bill for me.”

  “If we need bail money, Cole has to call the girls and tell them.” Wyatt lets out a full belly laugh, and we all join him.

  This is exactly what I needed; a night with the guys to let off some steam, I’ll even be able to forget about how fucked up my life is without Rachael in it for a few hours.

  Half a bottle of tequila down and lord only knows how many shots later, I’ve grown a mangina. That’s the only way I can describe it, shit we all have.

  “Do you have any idea how long it took me to win Addison over? Man, that woman is lucky I love her so much.” Cole barley gets out as he pours himself another shot.

  “Women make us work for it. It’s because they are worth it, at least the good ones are. If it’s easy, then they aren’t worth it.” Wyatt grumbles into his shot glass before he throws it back.

  “Look at you, oh wise one. What? Do you become a sage advice giver the drunker you get?”

  “Something like that,” he smiles before turning to pour me another shot, “What gives Liam? What made you walk out on a beautiful girl like Rachael?”

  I throw back my shot, feeling the burn as it travels down my throat. “I killed her brother.”

  “Fuck,” Cole says, pushing away from the bar. Seems that my revelation was the perfect mood killer. “Let me get this straight, you expect the love of your life to forgive you after you killed her brother?”

  I pour myself another shot and throw it back, “Rachael’s brother was killed by a drunk driver – my brother.”

  “Well damn. That’s gonna be an awesome story to tell at family reunions.” Cole laughs, “Man, from what you’ve said that was three years ago. It’s water under the bridge, if she didn’t kill you on sight, I doubt she blames you. Man up!”

  I shake my head, “You don’t get it at all! My brother got off free. No charges, nothing. My dad made sure of it. I haven’t spoken a word to anyone in my family since that day because of it. I can’t even look myself in the mirror most days knowing the pain I’ve caused her family.”

  Wyatt grips my shoulder tightly, holding me in place. “Do you love her?”

  “I never stopped.” I look him straight in the eye. That was never a question. I will love Rachael until the day I die, but how do we get past me being the reason her brother is dead?”

  “Then get your shit together, sober up, and go get your fucking girl.”

  “First, we will finish this fucking expensive ass bottle of tequila. I paid good money for this shit. Hopefully by the time we get to the bottom of it, we find our balls again. All this talk about feelings and shit is making me sick,” Cole says as he pours us all another round of shots. Wyatt and I share a look before taking our shots.

  This isn’t how I planned the night to end, but it was freeing to have someone to confide in, and for the first time, having someone to share the pain and guilt with, minus being judged.

  I don’t know what the future holds, but no matter what, Rachael will be a part of mine.



  “Why in God’s name are we just now hearing about this!” Michael screeches.

  “I work for a living and you two had your panties in a twist about the whole Heather issue from a few weeks ago,” I respond as I pick up my coffee.

  I asked Paul and Michael to breakfast, just like Morgan suggested. I haven’t told them the whole story about Liam and my past, but I figured they would want to get to the good stuff first.

  “This is beyond you and Heather getting along. You let that fine specimen of a man bend you over a motorcycle and didn’t call us with details. I’m hurt Dorothy.” Paul places his hand over his chest, pretending to be broken-hearted. Him and I both know that he’s just going to beg me to let him take me shopping again to make it up to him and of course I’m going to let him.

  “Babe, I’m sorry okay. It’s hard for me to open up about things, you are both aware of this. However, when it comes to Liam, it’s a whole different ball game. He was my first ever
y, fuck it he still is. Seeing him again has me all twisted up inside and I don’t have the slightest clue what to do about it.” I choke back my emotions.

  I thought I had all of my feelings for Liam bottled up inside, but behind all the hurt and anger still sits that insane love I always had for him, “Damn it. I hate to admit it, but I still love the asshole. Even though he deserted me three years ago. I still love him.”

  Michael and Paul quickly move to flank my sides, wrapping me into their strong arms. “Don’t you worry, Dorothy. If that man has any sense, he still loves you something fierce.” Michael places a kiss on my forehead.

  “Michael is right. Now start at the beginning, we can’t help if we don’t know everything,” Paul says, before getting up and moving back to the other side of the table.

  I lean my head onto Michael’s shoulder and recount Liam and my story, from the beginning. I tell them about our first meeting in high school all the way to my brother’s tragic death on my twenty-first birthday. “I didn’t hear or see him again until a few weeks ago at Addison and Cole’s engagement party. To say it was a shock to the system would be an understatement. I tried to go back to my normal life, but he just won’t leave me be.”

  Paul reaches across the table, “Is that what you want? Do you want him to leave you alone? To never hear from him again?”

  It’s bad enough I had to work on his Harley the past few days, I didn’t have the heart to tell my dad about it being his. It would have ended up in the bottom of the bay if I had. Every time I walked into that corner of the shop, it reminded me of the explosive orgasms he’d given me that night, a night I need to forget and quickly.


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