Dream a Little Dream of Me

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Dream a Little Dream of Me Page 9

by Daniels, Cobie

“Oh, lovely, what part of the states are you from?”

  “East Coast, Virginia.”

  “That’s sounds nice. What can I get you to drink?”

  “I will take a water, please,” Kelsey said quietly.

  Gareth jumped in, “Their legal age for drinking is twenty-one, so she’s starting out easy. I’ll have a pint of Theakston, and bring over two orders of fish and chips.”

  Bouncing the eraser tip off her lips she howled, “Oh, right, I forgot about the age restriction in the states. Let me know when you want something with a little more kick. Be right back with that ale, water, and fish and chips.”

  After she walked away Kelsey couldn't help herself. “Old girlfriend of yours, Gareth?” This was asked with a raised eyebrow.

  Gareth looked down at the table with a bit of a smirk. “Why do you ask?”

  “Oh I don’t know, maybe it was the awkward conversation right before you introduced me?”

  “I wouldn't say girlfriend,” he struggled to find his words, his head rolling side to side.

  Kelsey leaned in close to him. “A bedroom buddy?”

  Gareth threw his head back and laughed. “Where on earth did you pick up that term?”

  “I just created it, why?”

  “It sounds almost…wholesome.”

  Just then the glass of water and pint of ale arrived. Heidi bent over, putting one arm over Gareth’s shoulder and leaning her large chest into him, and whispered into his ear. Kelsey turned her head as to help shield herself from the awkwardness that was spilling out from his corner. As Heidi backed up, she winked at him and said, “I’ll come back and check on you later, love.”

  Kelsey looked over at Gareth who was absolutely red. She grabbed her glass of water and raised it to her lips, “I think you may need this more than I do.”

  Trying to move on from that moment Kelsey asked another question, “Since you’ve never volunteered it, what are you studying in school?”

  “Well, because you never asked,” he said playfully. “I’m pre-med, with the hopes of one day being a cardiologist and contributing something important to that area.”

  “Really?” shot out of her voice with a shocked tone.

  “Well, don't act so surprised,” he said in a huff.

  “Is it because of what happened to your dad?” Kelsey asked carefully. He looked right at her and nodded his head yes. “Were you going to play professional soccer, I mean football, before he passed?”

  “That was the plan, but plans change.”

  “I understand that,” Kelsey replied. They sat in content silence for a few minutes until Gareth leaned over. “Can I ask you a question, Kelsey?”


  “Why don’t you drink alcohol?” Kelsey paused and took a deep breath. “You don’t have to answer; I didn’t mean to put you on the spot.”

  Brushing her hand in the air so that he would know she didn't mind answering the question Kelsey said, “I was raised in a very conservative home. Yes, before you ask, I attended parties in high school where the alcohol flowed, but if I’d ever come home with the scent of liquor on my breath…. Let’s just say it wasn't worth it in the end for the price I would’ve paid.”

  “Your parents sound harsh.”

  Kelsey could feel herself getting a little defensive. “Yes, my parents were protective; you could even call it overprotective, especially my mom.” Kelsey looked out over the bar with reflection in her voice, “However, we had a chain of events occur in the past several months that helped with that. It’s not that she isn’t strict anymore; she’s just is a little more open-minded these days, but only a little.” Kelsey pinched her fingers together to show what a little looked like.

  “Would those chain of events have anything to do with how you have a fiancé?” Kelsey looked surprised that he even asked and this time nodded her head yes. “Care to share those chain of events?” Gareth asked as he threw back his glass. The sadness and timidness that Kelsey had entered the pub with seemed to lift as she looked over at Gareth and with a shoulder shrug said, “Sure, but you may want to order another ale.”

  As he sat there and listened to Kelsey, he realized how he was in serious danger. The more she talked, the happier she became, and he was falling in love with this girl he didn't even know. It made no sense, and he told himself so as she talked, but it didn’t matter. Love at first sight was a popular theme in movies not just because it made a good romance story but because it really did happen, maybe rarely, but enough that people dreamt it would happen to them. Maybe it wasn’t exactly love he felt that first day, but it was something instant and strong. And sharing the time volunteering together yesterday and now hearing about Kelsey’s life made her more real to Gareth, and the more real she became, the more real his feelings became as well.

  She told him all about how she grew up in a conservative home, talked about how important her faith was to her, though it left her questioning so much. How she loved her parents, regardless of how complicated their relationship had been. She talked about her younger sister Ellie, and how she wanted to be the best big sister and role model for her.

  She shared about her adventures with Courtney and Jasper growing up and how precious their friendship was. She shared with him how much she missed her horse Triton, how she desperately missed the smell of the barn and quiet moments painting in the garden. She even remarked at how much she loved being in a pub called the Gray Horse as its name alone gave her, for some silly reason, some comforts of home.

  Even when she talked about Jason, how they met and how from the first date she knew she would marry him, he didn't mind. Well, he minded a little, and in that moment wanted so desperately to be Jason. He watched as her eyes filled with tears that he so desperately wanted to wipe away while she told him about the accident and how Jason’s heroics saved her. “Have I completely bored you into oblivion yet?” Kelsey asked with a half smile, jolting him from his inner dialogue.

  “Not at all. I find this all fascinating. Truly and utterly fascinating.” Kelsey eyed him as she couldn’t tell at first if it was the alcohol talking, but she quickly realized he meant what he said when he leaned into her very close and said, “No, Kelsey Chapman from America, I am not in the least bit bored.”

  Just then Kelsey squeaked, “Oh my, Gareth,” waving her hand in front of her face. “How many ales have you had sitting here for the past three hours?”

  “I don’t know, seven maybe eight?”

  “Well, then I will need to drive home as I am not riding shotgun.”

  “Kelsey, I know how to hold my liquor.”

  “I’m not saying you don't, but if I refuse to die in a car accident in York, England, because it was under the influence of alcohol by the driver.” He couldn't argue. As she helped him out of the booth he looked at her, glassy-eyed and with a bit of a slur, and asked, “Why do you call it shotgun?”

  “I can explain that later; just give me your keys, and let’s hope that I don't grind the hell out of your gears, in your . Driving a stick is not a regular event back home.”

  He handed her the keys and settled the bill. She got them home, with all of the gears to the car still intact. She helped to make sure he made it to his room. “Gareth, stand by your bedroom door. I’ll be right back.” As she crossed to her own room, she was back in thirty seconds and handed him two aspirin and a bottle of water.

  “I would start drinking this water immediately, and you’ll want to take these in the morning as soon as you wake up. You’re going to need them.”

  “Yes, Kelsey, I’m quite aware of what I need to do,” he said with much sarcasm. He looked down into her shiny golden hazel eyes and felt his insides radiated by that red dress. Gareth sensed his breath stagger, and it wasn't from the alcohol. “Thank you, Gareth.” He raised an eyebrow. “Why are you thanking me; you’re the one who saw to getting me home in one piece.”

  “While that might be true, I’m really homesick for my family, for Jason, my friends, an
d my horse. Tonight, being able to get out and see more than four walls of a classroom or a bedroom and just having a friend to talk with, helped more than you’ll ever know. You could’ve said no to taking me out and instead gone to your parties with all your friends, but you didn’t, so thank you, and I hope you’ll be able to get some sleep.”

  Kelsey turned on her heels and walked back into her room and closed the door. Gareth leaned against the doorframe, not sure what to do. Passing out from an alcohol-induced coma sounded perfect; then he wouldn't have to think. Think about her and how in two short weeks she had managed to turn his world upside down and on its head. Instead, Gareth lay in bed staring at the ceiling, replaying the conversation from the Gray Horse in his head and coming to terms that the American one room over was never meant to be his. That she indeed had a love story for the ages, and her real life awaited to begin when she arrived back home in ten weeks’ time. Gareth had a decision to make. She may never truly be his, but why not make some serious memories with this girl? Why not make it as fun as possible so she would never forget him and the amazing summer they had together?

  He got up, walked into the bathroom, splashed cold water on his face, dried it with a soft towel, looked in the mirror, and murmured, “For the first time in your life, Gareth Henry Blythe, you want to impress and befriend a girl with the full knowledge that there will be nothing in return but her friendship?” He continued to stare at himself in the mirror, almost expecting another voice to answer his question. “You’re a bloody fool” was all he could muster, and he slapped the light off and crawled into bed, where he lay awake for several more hours.

  May 2012

  Lucky Number 13

  Kelsey was sound asleep with the covers over her head when Jason leaned over, pulled them down, and very sweetly kissed her forehead, then her nose, then her mouth before he whispered, “Wake up, sleepy head.” He continued to pick up her hand and kiss the top of it making trails back up her arm, then to her collarbone, then her neck. Kelsey moaned, “That feels amazing.” She grabbed him and pulled him into bed with her. Jason started to laugh, “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “I am going to have outrageously great sex with my sexy as hell husband.”

  She climbed on top and straddled him, allowing the sheet to fall and expose her naked body. “Why are you showered and dressed while I was still in bed?” she asked, grabbing his hand and pressing it to her breast.

  “Because we have an anniversary to celebrate.”

  “Oh we do, do we? Well what about my anniversary sex to celebrate thirteen married years with you?”

  Jason let out a moan as she started to flex her hips and rock back and forth. He pulled her down to him so her breast brushed his chest and they were nose to nose. “Kelsey, I have a surprise for you, and I got up early to have it ready. Don’t you want to see it?”

  “Mmhmm, yes, but not until we’re done here.” Slowly she unbuckled his belt, methodically unbuttoned and unzipped him all while looking him in the eye and licking her lips. “Shit, Kelsey, you still know how to completely wreck me, don’t you?” Jason said in shallow breaths. “I do my best, husband.”

  She slid her hand down, pulling his boxers out of the way until his large cock sprang forth. “There you are!” And before Jason could react, Kelsey took him in her mouth. The more he moaned, the more turned on Kelsey became. She sucked, she teased his tip with her tongue, and she used her hand on his shaft while she sucked to take him to the place that was theirs and theirs alone. His hands in her hair, grabbing and pulling, he spoke a tumultuous “oh fuck, Kelsey,” and before he could utter another word, his head went back, and he found his release. Kelsey took every last drop of him and kept her lips and mouth on him as he came down and experienced his after shocks.

  Once she released her mouth, she lay beside him with her arm and leg draped over him. “Happy anniversary, Jason.” Ten minutes passed before Jason came back down safely to earth. He brushed Kelsey's hair back and finally spoke, “Best. Anniversary. Gift. Ever.” Kelsey laughed. He pushed himself up on his elbows as she got up to get in the shower.

  “With the surprise I have for you, I don’t have time to even the orgasm score. Can you wait till tonight after dinner?” Kelsey sighed, “If I must,” and then smiled as she walked into the glassed shower. “I won’t be long.”

  As usual, Kelsey could be ready with makeup that always looked natural and flawless in twenty minutes. One of the many things Jason loved about her. When she came out with her hair in a hat and ponytail pulled through, white t-shirt and jeans that hugged all her curves, Jason sighed. “I love you in a good t-shirt and a pair of nice-fitting jeans.”

  “I thought you liked me naked best?”

  Jason laughed, “And don’t you ever forget it.”

  “Well if you would tell me where I was going I would know if I need to throw on a scarf to dress it up,” Kelsey quipped.

  “You won’t need a scarf, but you will need your paddock boots.”

  Kelsey stopped in the middle of the kitchen. “Really? Wait! Did you buy me that new riding lawnmower I’ve been wanting?”

  Jason stopped dead in his tracks and turned, “Do you think that for one second I would buy you that as an anniversary present?”

  “Well, why not? You know I don’t need fancy jewelry. I mean I don’t mind it, but I don’t use that kind of measuring stick for anniversary presents; you know this Jason.”

  “Well before you get your nose in a wrinkle, let me show you what you got before you make any more guesses.”

  “Okay, fine.”

  Jason reached in his back pocket and pulled out a bandana. Kelsey looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “I thought we were going to even the score tonight?”

  “Ha, ha, ha, we are, but this is to blindfold you before we walk outside.”

  Kelsey immediately clapped her hands together and turned around. As Jason started to blindfold her he leaned over and whispered in her ear, “I truly hope you love your gift.”

  Chills shot down her neck. “If you don't show me right now, we may be evening the score here on the kitchen floor.”

  Jason laughed and guided her out the side door. Twenty-five paces later he walked her through the paddock gate and had her stand in the middle of the field. “Are you ready?!” Jason asked with the giddiness of an eight-year-old on Christmas morning. “YES! Jason! Please let me see!” He removed the blindfold, and, standing across the field was her sister who was holding the most beautiful horse she’d ever laid eyes on. Ellie unhooked the lead, and the horse immediately trotted over to Kelsey and stopped right in front.

  “Kelsey, this is Jedi; he’s a sixteen hand tall, seven-year-old, Friesian gelding. Happy anniversary, sweetheart.”

  Kelsey stood there, speechless, tears filling her eyes then streaming down her face. She was completely in love. “Jedi? His name is Jedi?”

  “I know, right! What were the odds I found the perfect Friesian with the most perfect name?”

  Kelsey laughed and reached out, touched the long flowing black mane, and wrapped her arms around his neck. Jedi stood there completely square, head raised as if on the look out. So proud and so majestic. “Oh, Jason! He’s perfect.” Kelsey turned around and threw her arms around Jason. “Thank you thank you thank you. I love him, and oh my Lord do I love you.” She kissed him hard, and she kissed him long.

  “You guys may want to take that back inside,” Ellie yelled from the gate.

  “Thank you, Ellie!” Jason yelled while waving across the field.

  “Happy anniversary, you guys.” Ellie walked across the lane to go and visit her parents as their home sat across from the cottage that Jason and Kelsey had built two years after they married. “I need to run an errand in town; why don’t you spend some time bonding with your new boyfriend. Can you be ready to leave for dinner at four?”


  Jason put both of his hands on Kelsey’s face and put his forehead to her forehead. �
��Thank you, Kels, I’m the luckiest bastard alive and was determined to make sure that thirteen was remembered as lucky number thirteen; you more than deserve it. You deserve more than I can ever give you.” He kissed her hard and passionately one more time just as Jedi cut in. Jason laughed. “I think I made him jealous.”

  “There’s plenty of room for both of you, so no need for favorites.”

  With that, Jason went on to run his errand as Kelsey introduced Jedi to his new home, the barn cats, as well as Rosie and Dodger, the dogs. After grooming him and even giving him a quick lunge to see how he moved, Kelsey fed him a big bale of hay, and made arrangements for her mom to come over around five to care for him while they were gone. Kelsey didn’t know the evening’s plans, but she couldn’t even begin to think how this day could get any better, except maybe when it was time for Jason to even the orgasm score. That may just be the cherry on top.

  Not only had he made secret reservations in Williamsburg at the Fat Cardinal, their favorite restaurant, he also managed to pack an overnight bag for them to have a two-night stay at the Williamsburg Inn. He packed her favorite red cocktail dress and black heels, loading them into the car without her seeing him do so. When he told her the news in the truck on the way, she was thrilled.

  “Seriously Jas, you have really outdone yourself this time. How am I ever going to compete with this?”

  “Kelsey, this is not a competition; you’re my wife, and I, as your husband, get to do this for you, and nothing makes me happier.”

  “Well, in case you’re wondering, I do have something for you that will come after dinner, and no it’s not more sex, even though that is definitely happening again tonight.”

  Jason laughed, “Oh so sure of yourself are you?”

  “Yes,” she said with a big smile and total confidence.

  They had caught some traffic in the tunnel but got to the Williamsburg Inn in time to check in and to allow them both ample time to change and get ready. It always struck Kelsey as funny how an hour drive could not only transport them in time but also give reprieve from life’s realities. Once they finished their amazing dinner, they decided to take a short walk down the Duke of Gloucester Street to admire the beautiful colonial homes.


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