Awakened By Power (Empire of Angels Book 3)

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Awakened By Power (Empire of Angels Book 3) Page 7

by Zoey Ellis

  Thea sighed as she went to her wardrobe to pick out clothes for the following day. There was no indication when Elyon would be available to go with her and Cam to the human world, so she decided that she would go to the training center. Hopefully Hamon would be available to help her practice her blade technique.

  For the next few days, Thea trained with a focus and intensity that was similar to her first training sessions with Asteroth. Hamon was impressed with her and encouraged her to include holy blades into her normal practice sessions. Dani also seemed happy that she was taking an interest in her training again. She even joined her one afternoon, and they had one of their competitive training sessions that they used to have when training under Asteroth. Dani won, but not without being taken through her paces. Thea made a call to Amber on the second day and caught up on the latest with Maddy and her dad. Amber stopped asking when Thea was coming home and seemed to be content that she was keeping in touch regularly. Thea felt like she was going through the motions some of the time but was glad to hear all about the life that she was missing out on. Each evening when she returned home, she looked at Cam's door and wondered if he was in there. Neither he nor Zak made it clear where Cam was staying; if he had to return to his cell or if he was free to stay in his quarters. She didn't ask either.

  On the evening of the fourth day, there was a knock at the door. When she opened it, a large angel with friendly brown eyes smiled at her.

  "Thea, good evening. My name is Sal. I am one of the Throne Angels who investigated Cam. Do you mind if I have a word with you?"

  Thea nodded and beckoned him inside. "Can I get you a drink?"

  Sal brushed away her offer with a hand. "No, no, no. I won't be here for very long. I'm sorry to interrupt your evening."

  Thea led him to her social room and they settled on the couch.

  "I understand that your assignment is going to take you into the human world," Sal said, carefully. He paused, watching Thea closely. "I also understand that you are to interrogate demons. I want to know if you are truly comfortable with this?"

  Thea swallowed. As much as she had her concerns about Cam, the idea that he would Fall after the assignment ended, made her feel highly disturbed. She didn't want to admit anything that would cause them to inflict his sentence earlier than planned. She needed more time with him, even if she was uncomfortable.

  "We knew that this assignment would bring you into direct conflict with demons, Thea," Sal said after a long moment. "That is why some of the Thrones were not comfortable with Cam assisting you with it. However, the Dominion League presented compelling evidence about your emotional state and your need for him. Regardless of this, it doesn’t mean that you should be put in danger or be made to feel that you could be in danger."

  "Do you think I could be in danger?"

  Sal raised his eyebrows. "We sentenced him to Fall. So, of course, we do think he is dangerous. What matters is whether you think he is a danger to you."

  "But he has been connecting to the Stream, hasn't he?" Thea asked. "Doesn't that mean that he’s healed in some way?"

  Sal's expression shifted. "Yes, that is the only thing that has caused doubts for me. He has been connecting to the Stream regularly, and the Creator seems to encourage him to think about you during those times. I think he has been healing even though he has displayed some traits similar to those from before your attack."

  Nervousness fluttered in her. “Like what?”

  “He is very possessive of you.”

  Thea couldn’t help the smile that formed on her lips. “He’s always been like that.”

  Sal nodded, thoughtfully. “Hmm. It seems that is how the Creator has formed him.”

  “Aren’t most angels like that with their mates?”

  Sal smiled, although it seemed like more of a grimace. “To be honest, I’m not sure. Most angels do not have anyone or anything standing in the way between them and their mates, especially their natural mates. If the Creator has been healing Cam and he still feels so strongly about you, it could be argued that his feelings are normal. It wouldn’t be unusual for the Creator to form her angels to be protective of the one that makes them whole.” He frowned, lowering his head and voice in thought. “And that means, he didn’t truly intend to hurt you.”

  Thea lifted her head in understanding, a flutter of relief filtering through her. If the Creator was supporting Cam, surely he was healing. "I was nervous to see him again," she admitted. "But I have to admit that I feel safer with him, even with what happened. If he has also been healing, then I have no problem facing demons with him. He’s the only one that I trust to make sure I'm okay. He's looked after me before. I don't think anyone else could make me feel safe as much as he does."

  Sal seemed appeased by that. He smiled and nodded. "Good. Elyon will be with you just in case—the most important thing is that you feel secure. Demons can sense negative energy, and if they know that you are feeling threatened, they will take advantage of it. I recommend that you do the interrogation without influence or interruption from either Power."

  Thea thought for a moment. "They don't get along. Will the demons be able to sense that?"

  "It's unlikely," Sal said, a wry smile on his face. "Power angels don't always see eye-to-eye but demons struggle to tune themselves to the feelings of angels, which is why they usually cannot corrupt them. However, you are part human and they will be more sensitive to the fluctuations in your emotions."

  Thea nodded. "Okay, that makes sense. Thank you for the advice."

  Sal rose from the couch. "I have been tasked to watch Cam, and I'm pleased that he has not left his quarters since being released. He is even continuing to connect the Stream. He is doing well."

  So he was in his quarters. Thea's pulse began to race at the idea. He’d been in there all that time and yet he hadn’t come to see her. He was trying to give her space. She accompanied Sal to the door and bid him farewell. She stared at Cam's door wondering if she should knock, but what would she say? In truth, she could do with just being held by him. The nightmares were taking a toll on her and maybe if she wasn’t alone at night it would be easier, but would she just be using him—leading him on? After staring for a while at Cam's door, she retreated back into her apartment.

  Chapter Eight


  Cam ignored the tightening in his stomach as he flew to Zak's office.

  He had spent the past four days pacing in his quarters, bored out of his brain and wondering what Thea was doing. Being in her presence, touching her and seeing her again only to be forced to stay away, was like torture. But he understood what Zak had said and there was no way he was going to cause his relationship with her to degrade any more than it already had. At least he would see her now that Elyon was available to accompany them to the human world. He wasn't sure how the other Power was going to react to him after he had basically pounded in his face.

  Cam landed lightly on Zak's balcony and knocked on the door.

  "Come in," Zak called.

  Elyon was already inside, standing in front of Zak's desk next to the chair, his hands clasped before him. He lifted his head and nodded at Cam. So, he was going to be civil. Cam nodded in greeting as he moved to stand next to him in front of Zak's desk, a chair between them.

  "I've asked you both here before Thea arrives because I want to talk to you about conduct," Zak said, his voice stern as he leaned on his desk. "Whatever issues you have with each other, they do not belong on this assignment. Thea is sensitive and will be greatly impacted by any negativity between the two of you." He looked between them. “Anything you need to say to each other, say it now."

  Cam turned to Elyon. "Thea is my natural mate. I won’t tolerate you engaging her in an unprofessional manner. Your conduct toward her previously was unacceptable. You touched her without her invitation and without knowing whether she was mated or not. If you’re able to control yourself, I have no problem with you accompanying us to the human world on this assignme

  Elyon was quiet for a long moment as he regarded Cam with a cool expression. "I recognize that my behavior was unprofessional, however, I was not on an assignment at that time. You’re right, Thea did not invite me to touch her and it was wrong of me to do so, however, your reaction and subsequent assault was excessive considering you have not yet mated her."

  Cam struggled with the anger rising in him. He had been reasonable in his request, but Elyon seemed to be trying to make some kind of ridiculous point. Elyon could choose to behave in his usual sleazy way around which ever women welcomed that attention. But not his Nephilim.

  "Your attack caused me to give up an assignment that I was looking forward to completing,” he continued harshly. “You’re not the only Power who is capable of great feats, Camael, and just because I didn’t take it any further, doesn’t mean that I will indulge your commands. As far as I'm aware, you don’t have a choice as to whether I accompany you on this assignment. As long as you stay out of my way, I will stay out of yours. Thea is welcome to engage me however she wants, and I will not touch her or treat her unprofessionally in any way… unless she wants that too."

  Cam's fists clenched automatically but he noticed Zak watching him with another look of warning. He nodded at Elyon and turned back to Zak stiffly. Although Thea would never be interested in such an idiot, the fact that Elyon was not honorable enough to stay the fuck out of the way pissed him off.

  "In terms of this assignment, it’s recommended that Thea conducts the interrogation. Both of you should support her, however if necessary, only Elyon is to step in. If it gets completely out of hand with multiple demons involved, then you are permitted to get involved Cam, but only if it is completely out of hand." Zak raised a brow as he repeated himself. "Do you understand?"

  "Yes. I will only get involved if Elyon is unable to handle the situation."

  Elyon stiffened and Cam held in a grim smile.

  "Good," Zak said, nodding his head in agreement.

  Thea arrived a few minutes later and took the chair in front of Zak's desk.

  "I don't have a file to give you, Thea," Zak said. "I don't have any records of where your mother was living after she Fell. The only place that makes sense for you to start is the area where you grew up. That was the last place your mother moved to and the local demons will most likely be able to tell you something if you're able to find one that knew of her."

  Cam watched Thea from where he stood, behind her and slightly to her left. Her shoulders dropped slightly at the mention that there was no file.

  "Do you have any recommendation of how I should… interrogate them?" she asked hesitantly.

  Zak glanced at both Cam and Elyon behind her. "Do either of you have any suggestions?"

  "I think we should trap them in an alley," Elyon said, quickly. "If they can't escape, then it is easier to torture them into giving us the information we need."

  Zak looked at Cam.

  "Trapping them in an alley will make them feel desperate," Cam said. "They will fight us to escape and that will be their main focus. Also, we are trying to locate specific demons, not to randomly trap one that happens to be in the area. Elyon's plan would require us to maneuver the demons to a specific place."

  "And what is your suggestion?" Elyon asked, glaring at Cam.

  "There are two ways we can do this. Thea could approach the demons and suggest that they speak to her willingly, but with the threat of two Powers who are willing to kill them at her command. Or, we capture them and bring them to Thea."

  There was a short silence after he spoke. As far as he was concerned, both of his suggestions made sense, but he would prefer Thea not to get involved in the physical act of fighting or torturing a demon. Although she was completely capable, she was vulnerable right now.

  "Thea, what would you like to do?" Zak asked.

  "I think it's a good idea for me to give the demons a chance to speak to me with no violence," Thea said thoughtfully.

  Cam resisted shaking his head. Of course she would think that.

  "Okay," Zak said. He looked over them all. "I trust you will be careful and look after each other. You’re only permitted to be in the human world for three days. If you are unable to find a useful demon in that time, you need to return. Everyone understand?"

  They all nodded.


  During the first day on their assignment, it became clear to Cam that Elyon was trying to piss him off. He constantly tried to engage Thea in conversation and stood way too close to her than was completely necessary. Cam kept his annoyance in check, choosing to focus only on Thea's behavior. She seemed somewhat like her normal self, talking to both him and Elyon, asking questions, and making suggestions. He even saw the hint of a smile when he asked her about her friend, Amber. But she was still withdrawn, and he didn't know how to nudge out that humor and wittiness he had always loved about her.

  They traveled to the neighborhood where Thea grew up; a dirty, rundown area lined with bars and bail bondsmen, ammo stores, and gambling houses. They questioned Spectra demons, who were scared enough to answer them without too much trouble, and traveled through the dingy residential back alleys and along the strip of fluorescent businesses. They checked as many places as possible gathering information without drawing too much suspicion. Cam could sense the presence of many demons around them, both lower- and higher-class. Somewhere in this neighborhood lurked at least one Legion. Cam felt the demonic energy wafting through the air and he was glad he had come along with Thea.

  After returning to the Angel Realm, he walked her to her door and asked her if she minded him coming in. She looked unsure, but allowed it. They spent the evening together in comfortable silence as they ate and then discussed their notes. He didn’t ask her any difficult questions, choosing to just be in her presence. Whenever he had the chance, he brushed against her and touched her, and she didn’t seem to mind. As the evening wore on, she seemed to be returning to her normal self. The only thing that worried him was her sudden tiredness.

  “Thea,” he said, following her into the bedroom after she got ready for bed. “Are you okay?”

  “I just have a headache,” She muttered, crawling over the bed and dropping heavily onto her pillow.

  “You don’t look well,” he said softly, studying her face. She looked exhausted. For some reason, he hadn’t noticed it before.

  “I just haven’t been sleeping very well.” Thea sighed, her eyes already closed. “I just need some sleep, Cam.”

  He stared at her for a long moment then nodded. “I’ll go back to my quarters.”

  “Thank you, Cam,” Thea murmured.

  Before he could respond, she was already asleep. He watched her for a while noticing that she tossed and turned restlessly, her eyelids twitching. She looked completely worn out, and he suddenly wondered if her withdrawn nature was because she hadn’t been sleeping and was simply stressed. She had only just recovered from her long-term injury and was now on a stressful assignment with him. It wouldn’t be surprising if she couldn’t relax.

  As she turned restlessly, he knelt beside her bed and stroked her cheek, ran his fingers through her hair as he watched her. After a short while, she began to thrash and he watched her eyes darting wildly under her eyelids.

  “Thea,” he said, holding her to still her. “Thea.”

  She gasped awake, fighting against him.

  “Elithea, it’s me. You’re awake,” Cam said, placing a palm on her cheek.

  Her eyes connected with his and she immediately calmed. “Cam,” she breathed, her eyes wide.

  The intensity of fear in her eyes gave him pause. He moved away slowly, trying not to frighten her further, but she threaded her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

  “Cam,” she murmured into his neck.

  He propped himself upon his elbows and stared into her eyes. “What’s wrong, Thea?”

  She pulled him closer and kissed him. He kissed her back, relishing her soft
mouth, the mouth he had missed for so long. He sucked her bottom lip gently and pressed his tongue into her mouth, breathing in her scent and savoring her taste. She pulled him on top of her and the feel of her enticed him to lower his face into her neck and breathe her in. She still smelled delicious and unique and utterly Thea. He kissed her neck and she shuddered and sighed, the sound and smell of her hardening him to rock. He placed little kisses up her neck and along her jawline. She placed her palms on either side of his head and delved her tongue deep into his mouth and sucked gently, their mouths locked together as she grounded her hips up to him.

  He pulled away. “Thea, what happened? Why are—”

  Her hand reached down between them, into his pants and stroked his length.

  Cam breathed heavily as pleasure rippled through him, all thoughts gone from his mind. He leaned onto one elbow as she pulled him closer for another kiss, giving her room to stroke him. They kissed slow and long, while she caressed his cock and gently ran the pads of her fingers over his balls. He groaned into her mouth and dipped a hand under her nightie, ran it over her stomach up to her breasts. She was always covering up her gorgeous body with these unnecessary clothes. He resisted the urge to rip it to shreds so he could see her properly. He palmed and squeezed her breasts, rubbing tiny circles on her nipples, a moan escaped her as she undid his pants.

  He slipped his hand down her back and into her panties, cupping and squeezing her ass, before pulling them down and off. He almost rolled his eyes that she was wearing underwear to bed. If he ever got to be with her fully, he would fucking ban them. As he lay back beside her, she threw a leg over his hip. He treaded a hand through her hair, scratching her scalp, and reached down with his other hand to stroke her wet clit.

  She whimpered and placed a warm hand on his chest. “I missed you, Cam.”

  “I missed you too, Elithea.” His voice sounded so course and rough compared to hers. “I missed you so much.”

  Her stroking increased, and he bit back another groan as the pleasure heightened. He hadn’t had her in so long, there was no way he’d last long. However, he didn’t have to wait. She guided him into her and tilted her pelvis so he sunk in deep.


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