Awakened By Power (Empire of Angels Book 3)

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Awakened By Power (Empire of Angels Book 3) Page 9

by Zoey Ellis


  Thea was glad to have gotten rid of Cam. Since she came into the presence of the demon, a cloud of irritation surrounded her and she couldn't figure out why. Cam had been great with her so far and a perfect gentleman during their evening together. He pulled her out of the terrible dream she was suffering from and looked at her with such concern and love, that she wanted him close. It had been incredible having him touch her again, having him inside her. She stared at him afterward, a familiar joyful tingle stirring in her stomach as those gray eyes gazed at her so intensely. But this morning, she felt nothing again. He handled it well when she said she no longer wanted to be with him.

  Still, there was something about his presence that irked her, and after she killed the demon, that irritation bloomed into a raw anger. She couldn't figure out where the feeling was coming from; there wasn't any reason for it—she didn't truly feel anger towards him.

  When she examined it, she realized it reminded her of when she could feel Cam's distress when he was on the Legion task force assignment, but this felt stronger, more intense. She couldn't be sure the feeling wasn't actually coming from him... it didn't feel like it, but the only way to see if that was the case was to distance herself from him.

  As she climbed the stairs to Amber's floor, she thought about all that had changed in Amber's life over the time they had been speaking. Every time Thea spoke to her, her friend had seemed happy and content with her life. She’d had a couple of short term relationships, but her main love, outside of her daughter Maddy, was the business she set up. Amber had opened an artisan bakery in one of the most popular locations in the city. She had some trials with it but loved building her own company. Maddy was much older, a teenager now, and that gave her more freedom.

  Amber's life was so different now, she didn't need Thea's protection anymore, didn't need her support. In fact, her life seemed perfect. And what did Thea have? A broken relationship and no one in her life she could trust.

  By the time she reached Amber's door, she was in an even darker mood, not helped by the fact that Amber wasn't even in. She sat by the door waiting, her mind rolling over all the decisions that she made and wondering if they had been the right ones. The irritation in her intensified as her thoughts became more negative. After a while, Thea realized she would be grateful for Amber's company if only to pull her mind out of the dark shadows for a little while.

  She rose her head as she heard voices coming from down the corridor and stood up as Amber approached with a girl that had to be Maddy.

  "Thea?" Amber dropped the bag she was holding and ran down the rest of the corridor. She slammed into Thea, hugging tightly and squealing. "Thea! Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" They held each other for a long while, marveling over each other, giggling and sighing.

  "Maddy," Amber said, turning to the girl who approached them. "This is your Aunt Thea."

  Thea turned to the girl. She had shoulder length brown hair with reddish tones and a slight build, but Thea recognized her beautiful brown eyes. "Hi Maddy," she said smiling. "It's so nice to see you again."

  Maddy smiled, shyly and glanced at her mother. "It's really nice to meet you. Mom talks about you all the time."

  "Well, she talks about you all the time to me." Thea gave Maddy a quick hug. "And I can see why she thinks you're such a big deal, you're so pretty—and I hear you’re really clever with electronics."

  Maddy opened her mouth but didn't say anything, her face flushing a bright red.

  Amber opened the door, chatting excitedly as she let Thea and Maddy in. Thea looked around and marveled at everything. Amber had redecorated and it was cozy and comfortable—decorated to Amber’s usual style, with rich purple and gold accents. It was so different to the plain quarters that Thea hadn't bothered to decorate. She was captivated by its beauty and hominess. Amber poured them all some juice then Maddy disappeared into her room, while Amber and Thea settled on the couch in the living room.

  “Thea,” said Amber, her eyes wide. “You look so good! You literally look like you’re still twenty.”

  Thea grinned at her, feeling a little nervous. She hadn’t remembered that she would still look like she hadn’t aged due to the time difference between the Angel Realm and the human world. She hadn't thought about what to say to Amber.

  “Traveling keeps me young, and so does good face cream," Thea teased. They both laughed. "No honestly, I live in a great environment," Thea said. "I eat well, exercise, and live mostly stress-free." She shrugged. "It must make a difference."

  Amber leaned forward and squeezed her arm. "Well, you look like you're doing well."

  “How are you?” Thea asked, trying to get the conversation off of her. "Tell me everything."

  "Well, I only spoke to you a few weeks ago," Amber said, breaking into a grin. "Not much has changed since then."

  Thea looked towards the bedrooms. "I can't believe Madeline is a teen."

  Amber nodded. "Sixteen. Isn't that crazy?"

  “It’s hard to believe,” said Thea. And it was hard to believe that so many years had passed. Amber had commented on Thea’s appearance, but Amber didn’t look too bad herself. Amber was practically glowing with contentment; her golden hair fixed into a neat, respectable style, her skin wrinkle-free and smooth, and a confidence settled within her that made her seem so much more mature. A blast of envy hit Thea that she immediately felt guilty about; she didn’t know where it came from. It was like a heavy weight deep inside of her, a hot stone smoldering in her body. She ignored it. No matter how out-of-sorts she was, Thea could always get comfortable around Amber in any situation.

  "I'd love to see the bakery," Thea said. "Have you been building a client base?"

  Amber nodded. "I have a great manager working there who is great at building business partnerships. She just got me a contract at Hunger Hatch."

  Thea gasped. "The chain? That's fantastic!"

  "I know," Amber said, almost squealing. "I wouldn't have been able to do it without her. She's made such a big difference to the business since she started." She leaned back on the couch, her eyes glassy. "Everything is going well right now. And it all began with the job your friend got me after Leo left."

  Thea just smiled at her, although that hot envy burned in her. “Are you with anyone right now?”

  Amber blushed slightly and Thea knew that meant she was. The envy intensified into that same irritated annoyance she had been trying to avoid. She remembered what it was like to be excited to be with somebody, to be happy and in love.

  “I’ve been dating this guy for only a month,” Amber said. “I met him at a food convention. I really like him but it's so new.”

  “What’s his name?”


  “That’s great.” The smile on Thea's face began to feel fake. “I’m so happy for you, Amber.”

  “Thanks,” said Amber. “And what about you? Are you still with Cam?”

  Thea swallowed but was determined to act normal. There was too much she would have to explain, and Amber would never get over the fact that Cam had attacked her, no matter what the reason. She forced a tone of cheerfulness into her voice somehow. “We’re still together,” said Thea. “We’re living in France at the moment and for at least the next six months. I love him.” Thea added that last part in without thinking. She was surprised at herself. “Things are good.”

  Amber grinned. "France," she breathed. "Is it as romantic as it's made out to be?"

  Thea grinned back at her. Amber was such a romantic at heart and it was good to see that hadn’t changed. "Some parts of it."

  Just talking about Cam made Thea ache. She wanted to feel that love again. Being with Cam—being happy with him—had been the best thing that had ever happened to her. Thea changed the subject, and the two of them talked about Dad and his latest progress, how Madeline was getting on in school and Amber's vision for her business. Thea tried to keep the focus on Amber; she didn’t have the energy to make up any
more stories about how happy she was and how well everything was going.

  About an hour later, Maddy came padding into the living room with a backpack. "Mom, I'm heading out to Grace's now."

  Amber looked at her blankly and then nodded. "Oh yeah, I forgot you are staying with your friend this week. Have a good time. Make sure you text me when you get there. I want a call each night, young lady. And no cell while you're in bed."

  "Yes, Mom," Maddy said, half rolling her eyes as Amber hugged her and walked with her to the door.

  "Nice to meet you, Maddy," Thea called as she headed to the door.

  Maddy smiled at her shyly. "You too, Aunt Thea."

  Thea made a face as Amber closed the door behind her. "Aunt Thea? I'm not sure if I like that."

  Amber crossed her arms and tapped her foot, pursing her lips. "Well, you haven't been here to tell her what to call you, what would you prefer—Aunt Thee? Auntie Thea?"

  Thea thought for a moment. "Yeah. Actually, I like that. Aunt Thee, that's what she can call me." They both laughed as Amber made her way back to the couch.

  “Do you want to stay over?” Amber asked. “We can go to the bakery tomorrow. Or, are you staying in a hotel?”

  “I’ll stay here if that’s okay.”

  Amber leaned over and squeezed her arm. “Of course, girl. Make yourself comfortable.”

  Thea lay awake for a long time that night, tossing and turning on the over-stuffed couch thinking about her life in comparison to Amber’s. She didn't know when she fell asleep but a dream, more vivid than anything she experienced before, filled her consciousness. The shadow that haunted almost every one of her dreams stood before her. It began to take shape and revealed itself to be a beautiful woman, with intense blue-gray eyes that were almost too extraordinarily bright to be real. She smiled warmly at Thea and opened her arms out to her. Her dark hair was puffed out around her face and fell in a cascade around her shoulders and down the length of her. She seemed familiar, though Thea couldn't place where she had seen her before. There was warmth radiating off of her that Thea could feel, it was comforting, pacifying and filled with the promise of hope.

  Thea moved toward the woman but she backed away, although she still held her arms out as if to offer Thea an embrace. Thea stepped closer and closer, but each time she stepped forward, the woman moved back a pace. Frustration built in Thea as she grew increasingly compelled to get close to the woman. It felt like that was the only place she would ever be safe, the only place she would no longer be haunted by her feelings, her fears, and indecisions.

  Then the woman suddenly stopped dead in her tracks and Thea collided with her.

  Thea gasped awake, blinking hard as she looked around the dark room. Something was wrong.


  A soothing voice was suddenly all around her head, coming from within her. Thea’s mouth opened and closed as she looked around. She knew she wouldn’t see anyone, but was unwilling to believe that she was hearing voices.


  Thea squinted into the room. No one was there. She sat up slowly, the uncomfortable feeling expanding within her.

  ‘Thea, you deserve better than this.’

  Instantly, Thea knew who it was—the woman, the one from her dream. “What do you want?” she asked nervously, her voice quiet in the large room.

  ‘Your life could be so much better than this. You are sleeping on the couch of an apartment that is really yours.’

  Thea set her feet on the floor, moving automatically. It was true, this had once been her apartment. If she hadn’t left for the Angel Realm, would she be the one living happily here?

  ‘Of course you would. You work hard, you’re a kind person. You’ve always looked after Amber and your father. You deserve a good life. You have the right to have a good life.’

  That was true. Thea got up off of the couch and walked toward the hallway, unsure of where she was even going.

  ‘Look at this place. Look at the quality of this apartment. Amber doesn’t deserve all of this,’ said the soft voice. ‘All she’s done is take, take, take. You looked after her and set her up with everything she has. And what do you have, Thea? Nothing.’

  Thea took a breath in. That was true too. If she moved back to the human world, what did she have to show for the last fifteen years? Amber had grown up barely even knowing how to take care of herself. It was Thea that have made sure they were safe, Thea that organized their jobs, Thea that built connections on the street, Thea that used her shimmer to protect them.

  ‘Amber has always been weak,’ the voice breathed. ‘She has never been as strong as you. She should not have more than you.’

  Resentment flared through Thea so strongly she stumbled and hit her foot on something. She cursed loudly as pain shot through her ankle. Amber's door opened and she padded out squinting at Thea as she rubbed her eyes with a face like a little girl. The gesture annoyed Thea, reminding her that Amber still seemed so innocent after all this time.

  ‘Take from her. Take what she will not give,’ the voice hissed. ‘You need it more than she does. Focus your mind, draw it from her, feel it entering you. It will be worth it.’

  Amber's face was a mask of confusion, and before she could react, Thea reached her hands out automatically and placed her fingers on either side of Amber's neck, touching her pressure points. An energy surged from Amber through Thea’s fingers and into Thea’s body. The energy electrified her entire body, feeling almost like an orgasm under her skin. A power rose within her and beamed and rippled through her whole body, and she reveled in it as it soothed her insecurities. She wanted more. It felt good—amazing, almost better than anything she had ever experienced. It came second only to the feeling of Cam pleasuring her... Cam.

  Thea jolted out of her thoughts and snatched her hands back from Amber, who was leaning against the wall, her eyes rolled back in her head. Thea cried out in horror as Amber collapsed to the ground. What the fuck had she done?

  Amber was pale and limp and looked just like when she’d been attacked by Leo.

  Thea's heart raced as she knelt down beside her, feeling for Amber's breathing pattern. She couldn't believe what she'd done. How the hell had she done that? She barely even remembered getting up from the couch. She needed to call Cam or Zak, or someone, anyone who could help. She jumped up and turned back towards the living room, but her body froze.

  ‘No. You are not obliged to help her. We need more,’ said the voice inside Thea’s head.

  Thea shook her head, but immediately she slipped into a mellow state of consciousness as though she was still inside a dream. Her body began to move without her instruction. All the power inside her seemed to have taken hold of her body.

  ‘Don't pretend you don't enjoy the power, Thea,’ the voice said, encouragingly. ‘You got high on it. You want more, admit it. You don't have to feel insecure about anything again. You can get everything you want, everything you need. You just have to admit it.’

  Her body took her back to the living room and she looked around. Everything around her swam with an unrealistic glow. This was just a dream, it wasn't real.

  ‘Admit it, Thea. Admit you want more.’

  Thea swayed in the effects of the power, which was like the after-effects of a whole body orgasm, and silently agreed.

  ‘Good.’ The voice sounded pleased. ‘More. We need to get more.’

  Her body took her to the door and out of the apartment while Thea barely registered what was happening.

  The voice wanted her to get more, so she would get more.

  Chapter Eleven


  Cam’s head was full of Thea as he made his way back to the Angel Realm to see Zak.

  He debated whether he should have forced her to come with him, or at least stayed in the human world with her while she saw her friend, but she seemed to want the time alone. A bitterness roiled in his gut about the fact that she could no longer feel for him the way he felt for her, but if she
wanted to return to the human world, that was at least one good thing, because when he Fell, they would both be in the same place. He wouldn't have to hope for a glimpse of her every time she came to the human world. He would be living in the human world just like she was. He would be able to see her anytime he wanted to.

  At that moment, he decided he would spend the rest of his fractured life ensuring that Thea had a happy one, that her life was full of joy and that he would protect her to the best of his ability. The idea of her finding love without him was unbearable. He wouldn’t allow it to happen even though he wouldn’t be a Power angel anymore. He couldn't expect her to want a life with a fallen angel, even her father hadn't wanted that, but he also couldn’t let anyone else touch her.

  Cam found Zak in his office. After knocking on the door, Zak called him in.

  "Elyon just left," Zak said. He gave Cam a disapproving glare. "I'm not happy that you both left Thea in the human world on her own, Cam."

  "She wanted to spend time with her friend," Cam mumbled, as he dropped into the chair opposite Zak's desk. "She hasn't seen her for ages I couldn't exactly say no. Her friend's apartment is Nephilim accommodation; it's protected."

  Zak exhaled harshly. "Adonai just came to see me," he said irritably. "He wants to know why the assignment is taking so long."

  "He doesn't like me," Cam said, matter-of-fact "He'll try to get my sentence actioned as soon as possible."

  "It's not just you he doesn't like. He questioned me at length as to why I didn’t go to the human world with you." Zak’s jaw worked. "He’s fucking annoying."

  Cam barked out a laugh. "Yes, he is. You’ll get used to him."

  Zak leaned forward. "What happened with the demon? Elyon couldn't tell me anything."

  "He wasn't in the room. Why didn't he stay for the briefing?"

  "The Dominion League had an assignment for him and he wanted to get back to work. He saw this as a babysitting assignment." Zak shrugged. “What did you find?”

  “Apparently there were lots of Legion demons in the neighborhood after Thea's mother around the time that Thea was born,” Cam told him. “I thought it seemed unusual.”


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