Seduced By A Wolf

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Seduced By A Wolf Page 5

by Zena Wynn

  Von grabbed for the counter as her knees weakened. She trembled from head to toe, her arousal greater than anything she’d been able to manage previously on her own. She rode his hand, wanting him to go deeper.

  “Do you, Von?” Derrick asked, adding another finger.

  “No,” she cried out.

  “Does this feel good?”


  “You want more?”


  “Say please.”


  “Look at me. Please, who?”

  It was a struggle to open her eyes. They felt heavy, weighted down. “Please, Derrick.”

  “That’s right, baby. Derrick. And this,” he thrust deeper, his fingers brushing her hymen and the brief pressure made her flinch, “is mine, isn’t it?”

  Von wasn’t sure which he was referring to, her virginity or her vagina, but the answer to both was the same. “Yes.”

  “Remember that,” he said as he eased his fingers from between her legs. “I gotta go.” He circled his thumb around her clit one last time before pulling away.

  “What?” Dazed, she reached for him and he gently brushed her hands away.

  “I’ll see myself out. Go to bed and get some rest. Dream of me,” he commanded.

  Von remained slumped against the counter, unable to move, trying to figure out what just happened.


  An hour later, Von was still twitchy. Masturbating during her shower barely took the edge off. She needed a man, one with a thick, hard dick to satisfy the emptiness Derrick had left inside. She paced the floor of her bedroom, rubbing her arms, willing her body to settle down.

  Finally, she threw herself across the bed, forcing her mind to ignore her flesh and think. The phone rang—probably Marketta calling to see how the evening went—but she ignored it. Viewed objectively, she was closer than ever to her goal—making love with Derrick. Tonight he’d taken her to heights she’d never reached before and she desperately wanted more.

  She was tired of being wound up and left wanting. Enough was enough. Her plan to seduce Derrick without him realizing it seemed to be slowly working. So, if the sight of her in a simple nightgown left him dreaming of her for a week, what could she wear that would destroy his control? Marketta would say naked was best, but Von wasn’t sure she was ready to be that brazen. But...

  She scrambled off the bed and over to her lingerie drawer. On a shopping trip with Marketta she’d purchased a skin toned, sexy shelf bra that lifted the underside of her breast but left them bare, and matching minuscule, sheer g-string panties that gave the illusion of being covered while showing everything. At first glance she should appear to Derrick to be naked. Hopefully, the combination of the two would be enough to snap his control.

  It was a bold move on her part. Could she pull it off? Did she have the nerve?

  Yes, Von thought, remembering Derrick’s actions tonight. She realized his jealousy of her attention to Sean was a large part of why he did it. It was stupid, since Derrick knew how much she loved him but maybe, as more than one friend had suggested, that was the problem.

  Derrick was too sure of her. He took her love, her always being there for him, for granted. They’d urged her more than once to make Derrick jealous by pretending an interest in someone else. To give him a little competition, however unreal, to shake him out of his complacency. Before, Von’s innate honesty wouldn’t allow her to play those types of games, but if the green-eyed monster helped her achieve her objective, maybe it was time she started. She didn’t want to be thirty and still unmarried, and with the way things were going between them, that was a real possibility.

  On the other hand, those same friends also suggested that the reason Derrick was so willing to wait until marriage to consummate their relationship was because he had a steady supply of sex on the side. Either that or he was on the down low and using his relationship with her as a cover. She’d disagreed, saying Derrick wasn’t gay or bi-sexual, and would never be unfaithful to her. She tried to explain about him being a minister, a man of honor. They scoffed and called her naïve.

  At least Marketta agreed with her. Although her reasoning had nothing to do with Derrick’s faith and everything to do with him being ‘a selfish, uptight religious pig.’

  Von sighed, really wishing that the two most important people in her life would get along.

  She pulled the taupe set out of the drawer and laid it on the dresser. Her friends would be shocked to know that under the ‘prudish’ attire she normally wore was the sexy lingerie of a siren. After seeing her momma go around half-dressed for most of her life, always on the prowl for her next sugar daddy, Von could appreciate and applaud the modest attire Derrick’s father encouraged the women of their congregation to wear. Her sexy underwear was like a delicious secret she kept from the world at large while satisfying her desire to be sexy and feminine.

  Fingering the thong, she considered how to proceed. She needed to shock Derrick, blast through his defenses before he had a chance to erect them. That required the element of surprise. She was certain once he saw her in this, nature would do the rest. After all, like her he had to still be battling with arousal from tonight’s round of foreplay.

  Tomorrow. It had to be then. It was her last day off from work so she didn’t have to worry about leaving early. Derrick’s game with Sean was scheduled for noon. By six he should be home alone, ready to wind down and prepare for church on Sunday. The idea of facing her future father-in-law and the other members of their small congregation so soon after having sex with Derrick for the first time made her a little queasy. She quickly squashed the thought, knowing if she dwelt on it for any length of time, she’d lose her nerve.

  Take it one day, one hour at a time, she counseled herself. First seduce Derrick. Then deal with the consequences.

  Now how to go from dressed to undressed without Derrick noticing? She couldn’t show up and begin to strip. He’d stop her and escort her to the door. Bad enough she was showing up unannounced.

  For a moment, she was apprehensive. Derrick really, really disliked her coming by without warning. He said as a minister it reflected badly upon him and the church to have single women in his apartment, even if that woman was his fiancée. She could count on one hand the number of times she’d been to his place, and even then either other people were present or she sat in the car while he ran inside to get some important item he’d forgotten. Once again she questioned the wisdom of her planned actions.

  Von chided herself for being a nervous twit. Derrick loved her as much as she loved him. More importantly, his desire for her was as strong as hers for him. There was nothing wrong with them taking their relationship to the next level. He just needed a little nudge. This would work, as long as she planned it right.

  So, she needed something quick. Something she could throw off in an instant. That brought to mind flashers, and she shuddered in distaste. Von didn’t want to equate what she was doing with perverted old men baring their indecently exposed bodies to unsuspecting victims.

  Then Von remembered overhearing one of the women she worked with telling another how she’d surprised her husband on their anniversary. She’d slipped out of the house dressing in an overcoat and nothing else, rang the doorbell, and when her husband answered the door, flashed him. He’d been stunned and very much appreciative of her efforts.

  Von smiled, much preferring the image that brought to mind. But wearing winter gear in the summertime would definitely draw too much attention. Something she wanted to avoid. Not to mention have Derrick thinking she was crazy.

  Hmm, she did have a coatdress. It would serve the same purpose and was dressy enough for church service the next morning, eliminating the need to return home early in the morning and change. Additionally, she wouldn’t have to carry an overnight bag. Everything else she needed would fit in her purse. Derrick wouldn’t suspect a thing and by the time he realized what she was up to, it would be too late.

nbsp; Again she hesitated. Maybe I should simply talk to Derrick. Tell him how I really feel. Derrick was really vocal about what he called ‘brazen’ women. Even after all these years together, Von had to be careful of when and how she touched him. Anything overtly sexual and he’d turn cold.

  She forced herself to shake off any uncertainty. She had a plan, one that would work. Satisfied, Von returned the panty set to the drawer and closed it. Then she crawled into bed and turned off the light. Her smile, had Derrick been there to witness it, would have warned him to watch out. She fell asleep and as Derrick commanded, her dreams were full of the two of them entangled in all sorts of erotic poses.

  Chapter Five

  “Foul!” Sean looked up from his position on the wet concrete court where he’d sprawled after Derrick aggressively body checked his shot, causing him to miss.

  Hands on his hips, head hanging low and breathing hard, Derrick conceded, “You got me.” He extended a hand and Sean grabbed it, allowing Derrick to pull him to his feet.

  This was game five in the best of three-out-of-five. The score was tied two/two. If Sean made this shot, he’d win the game and Derrick owed him lunch. Dinner, now, since they’d long passed the lunch hour.

  Derrick jogged over to retrieve the ball while Sean lined up on the free throw line. They’d played hard, first with a group of guys who’d already had possession of the court when they arrived, and later against each other after it began to rain and everyone left.

  Ball in hand, Sean bounced it once, twice, then lined up his shot. Swoosh! All net. Derrick, positioned beneath the goal, caught the basketball and slung it at Sean for his second shot. Bounce. Bounce. Shoot. “That’s game,” Sean announced unnecessarily as the ball fell through the net.

  “Good game,” Derrick acknowledged.

  He laughed. “I take back what I said about you getting soft. You still play a mean game of B-ball.”

  Derrick smiled. “Yeah, well, I’d like to know who said white men can’t jump. They never met you. That’s for sure.”

  They headed for the park entrance.

  “You’re still competitive, I see,” Sean commented.

  Derrick shrugged. “What can I say? I like to win.”

  Sean grinned at him. “So do I, which is why you owe me a steak.”

  Glancing at his watch, Derrick said, “I’m going to have to give you a rain check on that. It’s after five and I still need to prepare for tomorrow. I’m preaching and need to finish my sermon notes.”

  Sean took in both of their soggy, sweaty appearances and the sounds of their shoes squishing with each step. “I don’t think either one of us are in any condition to be going out.”

  During their second game, the light summer rain had finally stopped, but by then they were both soaked.

  Sean palmed the ball, dribbling it from hand to hand as they walked down the sidewalk to Derrick’s apartment complex. Occasionally, he passed it to his friend who made fake air shots before passing it back.

  “Can I borrow your shower? I don’t want to travel like this.”

  “Sure, man. Let me grab a towel and the bathroom’s yours. You want me to throw your things in the dryer?” Derrick asked.

  “No, thanks. A plastic bag’s fine. I’ll throw them in the wash on base.”

  As they entered the parking lot, Sean stopped by his car to grab his duffle containing an extra pair of fatigues and a t-shirt. His boots were in the cab so he brought them, too. No underwear, but it wouldn’t be the first time he went commando. The important thing was that he had an extra pair of socks.

  In the apartment, Derrick called out from the bedroom, “I’m calling for pizza. Want some?”

  “Naw, you got stuff to do. As soon as I’m dry, I’ll head out.”

  Hooch came out of his room wearing a pair of low riding drawstring sweatpants of an indeterminate color, wet clothes in one hand and rubbing his head with a towel with the other. “Go ahead. I’ll shower after you finish. In the meantime, I’ll run these,” he held up the soggy clothes, “through a wash cycle. Extra towels and wash clothes are in the bathroom.”

  “Thanks.” Sean picked up his stuff and headed in the direction Derrick indicated. Once through the doorway, he discovered the bathroom to the left and the bedroom was to the right. He glanced into the room as he went by, stopping in his tracks when he spotted the picture.

  A quick look over his shoulder confirmed that Derrick was otherwise occupied. Sean stepped into the room. On the dresser was an eight by ten picture of Derrick and Von, which appeared to be fairly recent. In it, Von sat while Derrick stood behind her in a classic pose. The spotlight picked up the sparkle in her engagement ring. They seemed to be happy and very much in love.

  Another glance around the room revealed several more photographs. Some tucked in the dresser mirror while others were in frames, in places of honor on the corner computer desk, on the walls and around the room. They showed the history of their relationship. From gangly youths to how they were today.

  A nagging thought lingering at the back of his mind finally came to the forefront. Sean inhaled deeply. Walked over near the bed and did it again. Pictures of Von everywhere but not a trace of her scent. Why? Didn’t she spend any time here or did Derrick spend most of his time at her place? He hadn’t, and wouldn’t, ask Von about the sexual aspect of their relationship, but had assumed that as long as the two of them had been together, they were intimate. So why couldn’t he sense some sign of her presence?

  He left the room and went to take his shower, conscious he’d been in there too long.

  As he washed, Sean pondered his decision to reveal to Von his love for her. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and those pictures revealed a woman with very strong feelings. But was it love? During his captivity, Sean managed to convince himself that Von was with Derrick out of habit. That her relationship with Derrick couldn’t possibly be as strong as her friendship with him. He was her confidante, the person she told things she told no one else. But, was it love as he wanted to believe, or was it the safety of distance? Had Von used her letters as a relief valve, figuring he was safe because they’d never met in person?

  Sean didn’t know but before he left, he meant to find out.

  A quick shower later, he exited the bathroom with his socks and boots in his hand, making sure to leave the bathroom as clean as he’d found it. He sat in one of the dining room chairs to finish dressing as a knock sounded at the door.

  Derrick came out the kitchen, grabbing his wallet off the counter. “Must be the pizza. That was fast.”

  A tantalizing scent hit his nostrils, causing them to quiver and his cock to stir. That wasn’t the pizza guy. An aroused Von stood on the other side of that door.

  Sean stomped a foot into a boot. He needed to get out of here.

  “What are you doing here? Why didn’t you call and say you were coming over?”

  Sean paused, Derrick’s tone striking him as not right. The two were engaged. Why would she need to call?

  “I wanted to surprise you.” The scent of Von’s arousal increased now that the door was no longer blocking a portion of it. Underneath was a hint of nervousness. Was she afraid?

  Not his business, he reminded himself. He made quick work of his bootlaces and then pushed his foot into the other boot.

  “Aren’t you going to invite me in?” she asked in a husky voice.

  He couldn’t help it. Sean looked up, wanting to see the expression on her face. From where he was seated, only a small portion of the entryway was visible.

  “Yeah.” Derrick stepped back and widened the opening, allowing her to pass him.

  “I came over to finish what we started last night,” she said as he closed the door.

  Sean swore under his breath, easily picturing Derrick covering Von, her hands griping his sweaty back as his hips pumped relentlessly between her own. No wonder she hadn’t responded to his email last night.

  He laced up his other boot, shoved his st
uff in his duffle and grabbed the handles of his gear, preparing to leave before Derrick could tell him to get out. Hooch and Von obviously had some unfinished business, the kind involving naked, sweat-slicked bodies. Suddenly Sean was aware of just how long it had been since he’d been with a woman.

  She cleared the entryway and stopped in the open space between the living and dining areas with her head down, fumbling with the buttons of her dress. Is she doing what I think she is?

  He didn’t know who was more shocked, he or Derrick, when she suddenly spun around and flung her dress off, allowing it to drop to the floor. Sean didn’t know what Derrick was seeing, but the view he had of Von’s butt in that itty-bitty thong had what was left of his blood rushing to his loins. Her hair was loose and curly, drawing attention to her naked flesh. He had no idea it was so long.

  “Surprise!” Von launched herself at Derrick, threw her arms around his neck and kissed him.

  Ah, hell! Is there another way out of here? He looked around to confirm what he already knew. No way was he watching them get busy, but they were blocking the only exit. He glanced back at the couple to see if he had time to interrupt them before things got too awkward.

  Derrick shoved her away and she hit the wall with a thud.

  What the fuck? Sean rose to his feet and took a step forward.

  “What is that...that...mess you have on? You look like a whore. Do something with your hair and for God’s sake, put some clothes on!” Derrick snarled in the meanest, coldest tone Sean had ever heard a man use with a woman. He gave her one last look of revulsion, ignored the beseeching hand she held out to him, and stormed past Sean into his bedroom. The door slammed shut with a bang that caused Von to jump.

  She slumped against the wall, face in her hands, the scent of her pain and humiliation filling the room.

  “Stupid damn fool,” Sean muttered in disgust.

  At his voice, Von spun around, eyes wide and mouth open, giving Sean a full frontal view. He only had a second to enjoy it before she shrieked and crossed one hand over her breasts and the other over the juncture of her thighs. She glanced around frantically on the floor for her dress, scooping it up the moment she spotted it. Von struggled to get it on as she scurried for the door, her hands tangling the sleeves and making a mess of things. Whimpering when she couldn’t get it together, she laid her head against the door and her shoulders shook.


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