Greek Fire: Book Two of the Guardians

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Greek Fire: Book Two of the Guardians Page 2

by Lawrence, S

  How should I attack this problem? My instinct is to force her to my will, but I sense a will of iron within her petite body. Looking down at her identification, I know I have to find out more about her. I tear my eyes from her just long enough to dial the number for the investigator. I turn back to the screen just as she begins to arch her back, arms extended over her head a rapt look upon her face. She stills, her chest rising and falling as she catches her breath.

  "Hello?" The word is muffled. "Hello?" Shaking my head, I try to snap out of my stupor.

  "Yes, Marco. I need you to find out everything you can about an Emma Connolly from New Orleans in America. And I mean everything. Quickly, Marco." Hanging up, I turn back to the screen to see a smile break across her face; it is blinding in its brilliance. Joy, pure joy, radiates from her face. If she was beautiful before, now she is a goddess. Poison, indeed. I grind my teeth teeth at my reaction.



  We've been in the air an hour, and I feel dread at our destination. I hate returning to Greece. I hate the reminder. For her, I would travel to Tartarus, willingly. Aislin's eyes upon me; I can practically hear her mind spinning, so full of questions. Keeping my eyes closed, I hope to deter her. I should know better; she is not one to be deterred. She moves next to me.

  "I know you're not sleeping, Jason. You might as well open your eyes and talk to me." She rubs my hand, lacing our fingers together. A small growl comes from Kai even as he talks to Michael and Sean, the resident Druids. Turning my head, I bring her hand to my lips. "You better stop that before you push him too far, Bubba."

  She started calling me that somewhat dreadful endearment, and I refuse to tell her I like it. "Kukla, what is it you wish to talk about?" I say, as she grins loving that I call her little sister.

  "I want to talk about a couple of things. One, the power of your voice, and two, the most important aspect…," I raise my eyebrow, intrigued, wondering what was more important than my ability. "Emma, or rather, why you are interested in saving her. And please, Jason, don't try to tell me it's because she is important to me. I'm not an idiot or blind; something else is going on."

  I refuse to answer the second question. Looking at her, I wonder how much to reveal of the first. "My power is complicated. You were right when you guessed it could be very beneficial, and at times, even an enormous amount of fun." She blushes, some erotic image dancing through her mind, I'm sure. I wink at her before continuing, "It can also be very dangerous."

  She looks at me expectantly, wanting more. After a moment, she sighs, "I don't understand how. I would love to be able to make people do what I want." A slight smirk crosses her face at some thought, some act of playfulness she is envisioning. I wonder how much she would love it if she, or her dragon, realized I have been using it a little at a time on her. It started the moment the despair in her voice assaulted my mind and I saw the blackness surrounding her after the rescue..

  The trauma from the torture she suffered engulfed her very soul. When she rushed into my arms, I wound my arms around her, and I began to whisper to her. The words unimportant, it was the subtle tendrils of my power moving through her mind, easing her pain. Each time we’ve had a moment alone, I use my power on her, giving her distance from that room in hell, giving her and her man a chance at happiness. Those whispers allow her to be open to his love and present her mind with the opportunity to heal. Would they love me or hate me for that power? Would they look at it as the gift it was meant to be or see it as a betrayal? I couldn't bear to see the looks of utter disgust in their eyes. Glancing away from her, I look over at Kai. He is listening to our discussion and his eyes are twinkling, imagining her devilish ideas. My eyes fall to Sean and Michael, closer than anyone I know, brothers in every sense of the word except birth. I know they would be livid if they knew I meddled in their minds. The knowledge doesn't stop me from whispering to them as they sleep. My hope is to lessen the nightmares of war.

  My "gift" comes with strings, which is an aspect I will never reveal. Diminishing their burdens opens their memories to me. It takes me into the memory. I was in that room with Aislin, I felt the cane bite into my flesh, I watched Chris die. I was on the battlefield with the Druids; I felt every bullet, saw friends and brothers-in-arms die in unimaginable agony. Never will they know that I hold their pain within me. I'm selective in those I care for, as the burden is immense. Of course, the bounty is also great, like Aislin suspects, I can also use my gift for immense pleasure. At that moment of release, I feel all of my partner's pleasure, magnifying my own. Tantric sex, please; I can draw it out for hours, orgasm after orgasm. My lips curl at the thought.

  "What are you thinking about, you naughty boy?" Aislin is grinning at me.

  "Nothing you need to worry about, my dear."

  Shaking her head, she sighs. "Don't think I have given up on my questions." She tilts her head her eyes intent, studying my face. "I see you, Bubba. Emma and I always say that to each other because we look beyond what we show to the world and actually see each other. I see you. You don't need to tell me, but you should find someone to tell, someone to hold your secrets. I have Emma, and now Kai." I look away. Yeah right, if only it were that easy. My secrets aren't just my own, and I learned long ago not to share. I'm lost in the past when she startles me from my reveries with a gentle kiss on my cheek before standing and moving towards her man. She looks over her shoulder, "Emma is a great vault." I don't miss the twinkle in her eye.

  * * *

  "Sparrow, ye shuid lea it alone." Kai's voice is amused, but there is something about it that brings me up short.

  "Leave what exactly alone?" I know there is heat in my tone and I slide my eyes to his face. His eyebrow is raised. Okay, he's right, but there is something so broken about Jason. Don't get me wrong, outside he is, as Emma would say, sunshine and roses. But just below the surface is a raw wound, and I know exactly how painful it is. Brave face for everyone to see, so they don't worry, but inside you are dying. You smile while screaming inside.

  'He isn't you, my love. And you don't need to hide behind a smile for me.' His voice plays through my head and tears well in my eyes. My boys turn concerned eyes to me. They don't ask questions, just send me looks of love. I lean my head back, keeping the tears from falling. Drawing in a few breaths, pulling the door closed on that room in my mind, I lock away the sounds of my screams and Chris's muffled shouts. It is minutes before I can school my face and only then do I look at them.

  'They have enough nightmares. I will not add mine.' I squeeze Kai's hand. "I'm fine, just worried about Emma." I smile at them, my eyes begging them to let it go at my lie. They glance at each other, and I swear they are talking even though they assured me many times they have no ability. They are so much like Emma and I. One last knowing look passes between them before going back to whatever they had been talking about. I let the breath I am holding out; I didn't want to speak, I just want to focus on Emma and finding her. I don't want her eyes and heart to be haunted. I look back to Jason, but he is concentrating on the boys and unaware of my attention. I draw a breath through my parted lips, rubbing them with my fingertips. My chest aches, the look of longing on his face is heartbreaking. He glances around, his eyes lock with mine, and he shakes his head, swallowing hard. I smile tentatively, agreeing to let it go for now. But I love that man like a brother, and I refuse to watch him suffer.



  I play all the scenarios through my head, but no idea how I'm going to get out of this. Why didn't I tell ANYONE my plans? Daddy would be here in a minute if he had any idea, Aislin would ride her dragon-man to my rescue for sure. But NO - I just had to surprise her. I don't believe in knights in shining armor, and there won't be any hot Druids rushing to my rescue. I must save myself. I just don't know how to do it. I mean, I know I can't fight my way out. My training would save me on the street, one on one, but not here. Saving myself here will take my brains. I think about what Aislin survived. Even though I
know she glossed over some of the details, what she had said had been enough to make me weep for my best friend. I don't know how she made it. She did sound better when she called to tell me about the wedding, so Kai is good for her. Sighing, I look around the room, realizing there is nothing but a bed and no bathroom. No bathroom means they must take me out of here at some point unless they throw a bucket in. My guess is Mister Tall, Blonde, and Brooding doesn't dirty his hands emptying buckets of piss. I ease down on the bed, pulling my knees to my chest. Resting my chin on them, I begin to plot.

  The first step is getting out of this room. A bathroom break is the easiest solution and really that's as far as I’ve managed. My lip is hurting, and I realize I've been chewing it while planning. I can't get any farther than out of the room. I have no idea what lies beyond it. Daddy taught me to look at every side of a problem, and momma always says to amass all the information. I can't do either in this box. Standing, I move under the camera and wave my hands. "Hello? Can you hear me? Hello?" I wait, knowing he can talk to me.

  "Yes?" It's him, his voice is like warm chocolate. I probably shouldn't even notice that. Angry at myself, I grumble under my breath looking down. Stupid chocolate; it's bad for me anyway. Schooling my face, I glance up. Time to pour on the sugar.

  "Umm, hi. Well…, I need to use the restroom." I wave my arm around in question. Nothing. No response. The minutes tick by and I'm beginning to worry it will be a bucket when the door opens. I'm once again stunned by him. He is gorgeous, not like the guy Aislin met, Jason, but a very close second. He looks at me with his blue eyes, which are filled with some emotion I can't quite figure out. Normally, I'm very good at reading people, but this guy, he is a conundrum. He seems sorta safe, well as much as he can while holding me captive, but I also pick up a really bad vibe from him. My radar’s broken.

  "I'm sorry, Emma. Please allow me to escort you to the bathroom," he says smiling a little too big. See, that right there seems nice, but also catch a hint of he would like to kill me… Slowly. I feel on edge around him, thrown off balance. Flustered, I blink a few times, trying to gather my thoughts. I need to stay focused. He is staring at me, waiting for something.

  "Umm, yes, well okay." That was impressive, Emma. Jesus! Yep, I'm going to die here. I start for the door and then stop abruptly, so much so that he slams into me. I feel myself falling and brace for impact, but it never comes. His hands close on my arms and stop my momentum. He turns me to face him, a grimace covers his face. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I just had a thought and wanted to ask if I could take a shower." He stares at me, his body is inches from me, and I feel his heat. I glance down at his fingers still wrapped around my arms. His eyes jerk to them before he lets me go so fast you'd think I was toxic. Backing away a step, he looks down at his hands before looking back at me. There is a strange look in those blue eyes now.

  "Yes, of course. Gather your things." He moves to the door and waits with his back to me. Clearly, I'm no threat, or at least that's what he thinks. I don't know if I should be offended or happy because he's never going to see me coming. I snatch up my things and shove by him, striding down the hall. He catches me in just a few steps, his fingers wrapping around my elbow, firm but gentle. We walk along, turning down other hallways. I try to keep track of the lefts and rights. This place is a maze and, if I'm not mistaken, a square. I follow him up a flight of stairs and to the end of a long hallway.

  He pauses at the doors, grumbling, "I decided to move you to this room with its own bathroom. I believe you will be more comfortable here. While you are cleaning up, I will have your things sent up." He pushes open the double doors, and my jaw drops. I essentially grew up with Aislin in the St. Charles mansion, but I've never seen a room like this. It is all golds and blues, classically Greek. I step in and look at him over my shoulder, trying to read his intentions, but his face is blank. Turning back, I move to a balcony and throw open the doors. I step out and gasp. There goes my escape plan; it just flew right out these doors. All I see is water and rock. We sit high up on a cliff surrounded by a bright blue sea. "So, you see there is no way for you to leave." I jump as his voice whispers in my ear. He moved like a cat, and now I feel his heat behind me. I grip the rail, my heart pounding and my teeth clenching. I will not cry, not here, not in front of him.

  I plaster a smile on my face before turning and looking at him. "I had no plan for escape. If Aislin is with these vile people you spoke of, I want you to save us both." I return inside and move to another door, opening it to find a massive bathroom with a huge soaking tub in the center. I can't hide the sigh that whispers through my lips. I joked about selling my soul for a tub like it before. I hope the devil didn't take me up on my offer. I run my fingertips over the cold marble before turning a real smile on my face. "If you’ll excuse me, as you said there is nowhere for me to run, I plan to lay in this tub until I look like a shriveled old prune."

  There is shock on his face as I slam the door in his face. I lean back on it and turn the lock. I am under no delusion that it would keep him from me if he truly wanted in. I turn the water to hot and proceed to snoop as the tub fills. All I find is shampoos, soaps, and bath salts, which I promptly take possession of. I glance around, looking for cameras before I begin to undress. I need to use the step to get in, and as I lower myself, steam floats up. Leaning back, I think about how Aislin would love this, 'boobs and knees' she would say. It is every woman's goal to have a tub that covers both, well maybe not every woman, but ours. My tears begin to fall before I am even a little used to the heat. It doesn't take long before full-blown sobs are shaking my body. I try to be quiet, not knowing if they are listening.



  The fucking bitch slammed the door in my face! No one treats me like this. I should break this door down, strip her naked, and make her bathe in my presence. My hand closes on the knob as the lock clicks. If she thinks the lock will keep me out, she is dead wrong. The water just came on, and she is moving around, the sound of her clothes falling to the floor reaches my ears. I can feel the vein at my temple throbbing, and I slowly release the knob. Leaning my forehead on the door, I ponder my next step. I had discerned the lie in her voice when she said she hadn't planned to run. Of course I expected it; I would be shocked if she sat calmly in her cell.

  Her small pleased sigh at the sight of the tub had been genuine. It gives me an idea. I am lost in my plans when the first sound broke from her throat. My lips curve at the sound of her heartbreak. I imagine her tears falling and my heart begins to pound. I’m going to have so much fun causing more and more of her tears but first, I need more information. I savor her sobs for a few moments more before turning to stride out of the room, closing the doors as I go. I head to my office as I call to make sure her things are taken to the room. Closing the door behind me, I sit at my desk. I pull up the feed to the camera in her new room and consider adding them in the bath. I’m reaching for the phone when it rings. Glancing at the ID, I frown before answering, "Yes."

  "Have you learned anything yet?" The tone angers me.

  "No, she only arrived a few hours ago. She said she doesn't know anything. That she was only trying to surprise her friend. I will keep talking to her. She might know more than she thinks." My tone is soothing as I speak.

  "We need answers. You should do more than talk."

  "Oh, really? Should I beat and rape her like your operative did to her friend? Should I torture and kill her friend in front of her? It didn't work for you, and I refuse to sink to your level. I am in charge here, have been for a very long time, and I will do things my way." My power flows through them. Pulling their darkest nightmare from them , mys eyes gleam as they cry out in terror. I hang up the phone, smiling.

  Turning my eyes back to the screen, they widen as she walks from the bathroom, her body and hair wrapped with towels. I’m surprised as she goes by her things and steps onto the balcony. She’s staring out at the blue waters, shoulders slumped before they straighten. She tu
rns and looks right at the camera, eyes narrowed and chest heaving. She is glorious in her rage. My breath catches as she moves to the bed and drops the towels at her feet. My gaze roams over her pale skin, rosy from the hot water, as she dresses and then turns back, eyebrow raised in defiance and I chuckle. Oh yes, this was going to be such fun.

  Picking up the phone, I dial the investigator and leave him a message, telling him to send me everything he found so far. I tell him to update me as each new piece of information comes in. In the meantime, I will use Google. It doesn't take me long to find articles about her dancing and then her Facebook page. Looking at her pictures, I find myself jealous of her happiness and her family.



  Cars are waiting for them when they land. My eyes keep straying to the Aegean as I speed through the curves of the coastal road. It's been so long since I came been back here, and I don't want to be here now, but for her, I would brave Erobos. For her, I would face them all.

  Lost in my thoughts, I don’t see it until Michael screams, "Fucking look out!"

  Mind snapping back to the present I jerk the wheel, barely missing a stupid fucking goat. Of course, no shepherd in sight. "Relax," I laugh and speed up. In moments, we are careening through the switchbacks, and Aislin's boys are white knuckling it as they slide from side to side. My laughter dies in my throat when I come around the last curve, and my home comes into view. Hitting the brakes hard, I smirk as Sean braces his hand on the dash to keep from slamming into it. We pull up in front of my door.

  * * *


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