Greek Fire: Book Two of the Guardians

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Greek Fire: Book Two of the Guardians Page 11

by Lawrence, S

  Hondo, from Japan, is first out, always so serious. Then comes Erika, whom I found in Denmark hundreds of years ago, ready to fight and kill anyone. Her anger goes to her soul. Last is the quiet Powaqu. I found her in the Black Hills of North America. Beautiful and deadly, she can heal or kill with her power. They joined me long ago in the fight for our revenge. We will start here in Greece and then move to all the clans, one by one.

  "My friends, I'm glad you could get here so quickly. We have much to discuss, but first, we need to ward the house against those across the way. Then Powaqu, I need you to heal Emma."


  "Yes, she is the key to getting to the Elysian fields. Jason is going to take me there to save her."

  "Really, and why would he do that?" It is Hondo who speaks, drawing my gaze.

  "He loves her best friend, and he lets his feelings rule him."

  "So, when we get what we want, we can kill her in front of him." Erika's voice is filled with relishment at the thought.

  "NO! She is mine." Three sets of eyes narrow on me. I must tread carefully. "She is convinced she loves me, and I'm going to play with her a while after. Now help me get the witches."

  I move to the stairs and start my descent to the cavern below. At the bottom, I throw a switch, and the lights flare to life. Water drips from the ceiling, and the lights reflect off the pools on the stone floor. We can hear the sea beyond the walls. I smile at the whimpers coming from those hidden here in the dark. It’s their own fault they are locked here really. They had the chance to join us. We each cross to a door of a cell, grabbing the cuff on a hook, clamping it on our wrist. These golden bracelets protect us from the magic. I stole them from Hephaestus a thousand years ago, right after the gods found out that Circe had taught some of the children magic. He had been making them for the gods. Not my fault he chose to work on Mount Vesuvius, and also not my fault that my distraction caused the eruption. I shake my head, clearing the memories. I look up to make sure the others are ready. We all open the cell doors and step inside to gather our helpers.

  "Hello, love. Been a while, hasn't it?" She steps forward. I am, for a moment, taken back to my own time in Sisyphus's jail. She is dirty, hair matted, but defiance flares in her slanted eyes. The sounds of fighting force me to turn my head, looking over my shoulder. Erika's dragging her charge out. He is angry, fighting back. It'll do no good, but I say nothing, letting her have her fun. The others come out quietly, as over the years they learned. "Come, let's get you cleaned up. I have something I need you all to do."

  "If we refuse?" Mimi murmurs.

  "You already know the answer to that."

  "Why don't you kill us? We will never willingly join you. Someday, someone will beat you and save us." Her voice has grown defiant.

  "Don't count on it. I am so close to getting what I want. Soon, very soon, I won't need you at all. How you act in the next few days will determine my level of generosity." Her eyes look behind me where it grew quiet, and tears begin to flow. I turn to see one of the men broken and bloody on the ground. "Erika, please don't forget we need him to be able to work."

  "Powaqu can fix him." She shrugs grabbing his arm and dragging him up the stairs.

  I nod to the others, and we all travel up the stairs in silence and take them to the showers. Powaqu uses her power on the male, and he comes to even angier. Mimi comes out glaring at me but moves to his side.

  Her voice is quiet as she speaks to him, "Calm yourself, my friend. Fighting doesn't help; you know this. We will do this thing they ask of us. We have no choice." She raises her hand, the cuff on her wrist jangles, sparkling in the light. They are infused with blackthorn, dampening their magic. It is how we keep them locked below; the cavern is filled with the poison. It is pumped in through the ventilation. The cuffs are only activated when we bring them out. There is a sensor in them injecting a small dose if they leave the compound. It is my own invention. The Order provided the information about the blackthorn when I first infiltrated it hundreds of years ago. They had learned about the poison from a weak minded Druid.

  Hate filled eyes land on me and I smile at him, raising an eyebrow. Mimi looks over her shoulder at me. Her long, night colored hair falls over half of her face. For one moment, I think a flicker of gold flares in her chocolate colored eyes, but then she blinks and nothing. Powaqu walks to him and begins to chant, the pain leaving his face and his muscles relaxing as her words heal him. She leans close speaking to him, and I don't miss the sympathy that crosses her face. Later, I will take the time to consider what I need to do about that.

  "Now that you're all better, you all need to get to work. Hondo, you and Erika watch them as they strengthen the wards." I look at Mimi, "They must be strong enough to block us from even a god's vision. Powaqu, come with me. I need you to help with Emma." I move to the room I had left her in. Powaqu followed silently behind me. Pausing outside the door, I wait. Beside me, she peers in the small window.

  "What happened to her?"

  "She jumped from a window and broke her foot or ankle, possibly both." Her gaze flicks to my face.

  "You said she believes she is in love with you. Why would she try to flee?"

  I answer, even though I don't think i need to, "Because she didn't at the time. Just fix it. She is a dancer, so she must be able to dance again."

  She opens the door nodding and glides in. I follow, and Emma smiles at me. "I told you I would bring you help. This is Powaqu, and she is a healer."

  "Not a doctor but like you, am I right?"

  "Yes, like me." I move to her side and rub her silky hair.

  "Hello, I'm so happy to meet a friend of Arias’. I wish it was under better circumstances." Her hand reaches for Powaqu. My 'friend' takes it, shaking it.

  "I'm glad I can help you. You may call me Pow." Powaqu smiles at Emma before looking at me. "Leave us. It might take a little while, depending on the damage. It will be delicate work repairing the bones to the previous strength."

  Holding her gaze for long moments, I find no deception. I lean down, kissing Emma's upturned lips. "I will be right outside. You can join me when you feel better."



  I'm sad when the door closes behind him, staring for a moment before turning my attention back to the beautiful woman in front of me. Do these people come any other way than beautiful, I wonder. Feeling suddenly self conscious, I glance down at my dirty clothes and run my fingers through my tangled hair. I peek up at her, and she is smiling at me. "You are beautiful." Her voice an accent that I vaguely recognize. I study at her and realize she must be at least part Native American.

  "You're from America too, right?" I ask instead of asking what tribe she is from. I'm not sure if that is considered offensive or not and I don't want to anger her.

  "Yes, and before you ask, I came from a time before there were the modern tribe names, but my people became the Great Plains tribes." Amusement causes the corners of her eyes to crinkle. "Why don't you lie back and relax? I'm going to chant over you. The words help the healing."

  Trying to relax, I lie back . I haven't looked at my ankle, scared of how bad the injury is. I might never dance again. I don't have to see it to know that. Who would I be? Would Arias still love me? I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to stop the tears from falling. Her words begin to wash over me. Even to my damaged hearing, her voice sounds beautiful, and I'm lost in the music of her voice. In my mind, I choreograph a beautiful dance.

  I'm at a loss for the amount of time that slipped away when she finally stops. Opening my eyes, I focus on her face and realize something is wrong. She is worried, and confusion clouds her eyes.

  "What?" There is a tremor in my voice.

  "My power isn't working on you."

  "Neither does Arias’." I'm surprised by the shock on her face. "Didn't he tell you?"

  "No. Do you have any idea why they don't work on you?" I can tell this is important to her.

  "Well, I think because of my
ears. When I was younger, I was sick and a fever damaged them. My ears work fine but differently than most people’s. The definition is a double tone."

  She stares at me. "Wait here for a minute while I talk to Arias. Is your pain less?"

  "Yes, doesn't hurt much at all." I take a chance and gaze down, my ankle is swollen, and I gasp when I realize it is turned at a wrong angle. My eyes fly to her face. "I'm not going to be able to dance again, am I?"

  "I'll do everything I can, but give me a moment." She pats my arm, rising and leaving me alone.

  I am nothing if I can't dance. Only when I'm dancing am I enough. Only when I am perfection do people love me. Aislin had only ever been my friend because of my dancing. Mom and daddy only loved me when I made something of myself and was able to make a better name for us. My fear of losing Arias overwhelms me. He loves when I dance for him. What if I never can again? Will he grow to hate me like everyone else does?

  I begin to pray and bargain, my body trembling, willing to offer anything if I can keep his love.

  * * *

  Aphrodite listens in on Emma's inner turmoil, feeding off her fears and laughing at how well the suggestions took. They wouldn't be able to if the stupid girl didn't have the tiniest tendrils of the fears to begin with. All her drive for perfection, driven by the fear that she wasn't and wouldn't ever be good enough. Her memory of that day at her friend's house was proof. She danced for the girl, hoping and praying that she really was her friend, that the girl saw beyond her frizzy hair and coke bottle glasses. Aphrodite giggles with glee as Emma begins to sob in despair.



  Something is wrong by the look on Powaqu's face. A mixture of concern and something else I can't quite decipher is stamped there. I'm worried. She is striding to me with purpose, and I start her way to keep us away from the others. This should be a private conversation, I can tell. When I reach her side, her hand whips out and grabs my arm. Turning, she pulls me with her farther from the others. I pin her hand with my gaze, then move my eyes back at her face. She raises one eyebrow, daring me to say anything.

  When we are about eight feet from Emma's door, she stops suddenly. I almost collide with her. I certainly recognize the emotions when she turns her face to mine now - anger, tinged with a hint of sadness.

  "What did you do to her?" Her voice whips at me.

  "What do you mean? She broke her ankle jumping out of the window."

  "I mean, she told me your power doesn't work on her. She told me after I realized my power didn't work as well on her as on others. She said because of a defect to her ears from a childhood illness." I hide my surprise. "So, how did you convince that woman that YOU are the only person to love her in her entire life?!" Her eyes are shimmering with a golden light in her anger, her skin is rippling.

  Grabbing her arms, I shake her, "Get a hold of yourself. Calm the fuck down!" I glance over my shoulder at the others. Luckily they are more concerned with the witches. I drag her a little farther away before responding. "I'll tell you, but you keep this between us. You are less angry than the rest of us at those who created us. So, I will trust you with this. I asked the one who I can trust. No, trust her is not entirely true. I can't trust her, but I understand what drives her and I use the need against her. Aphrodite."

  "You had a goddess come and do what exactly?" Her outrage is palpable.

  "I understand your anger, but listen to me. I want Emma. I want to keep her." Her disbelief forces her back a step. "So, I asked Aphrodite to help me convince her she loves me until we rid ourselves of the others. Then I will ask her to take the compulsion off Emma and I will woo her myself. I'm certain with time she will grow to love me on her own. There isn't any time now. I will use her to break them."

  "It is wrong. She believes no one but you ever loved her. Not even her mother."

  "It is only for a short while until I destroy Jason. Then we all get what we want. Please, the others won't understand." I hold my palms out at her. She sighs. For now, I won. "Now, what about her not healing?"

  "I was able to ease her pain but not heal her bones. My power is like yours… Carried in my voice. Whatever is different about her ears or hearing is stopping the power from working." Intrigue and regret echoes in her voice. "She's afraid you won't 'love' her if she can't dance." Her displeasure rings in my ears.

  "I'll talk to her. I'll make her understand. Remember to keep Aphrodite between us. The others won't understand."

  "I don't understand, but I will keep your secret… For now." She turns and stalks across the stone floor towards the others. Her shoulders are stiff with her anger, causing me to pause and wonder if I made a huge mistake telling her. I'll worry about her later. Now I need to reassure Emma. My hand pauses on the handle when I see her hunched in on herself weeping. If only she had been willing to listen to my side, been willing to help me, she could avoid all this pain.

  I open the door and move quickly to her side. "Darling, I'm so sorry Pow couldn't help you. The pain is better though, I hope."

  "Yes, thank you so much."

  "If you didn't try to run from me, you wouldn't be in this mess," I admonished.

  "I'm so sorry, I was afraid. Afraid you didn't really love me."

  "Surely I proved that now." I make it a statement.

  "Yes, yes, of course." She grabs my hands, gripping them tightly.

  I lean down, drawing near her lips, locking eyes with her. I'm pleased when she surrenders. She closes the distance between us, hands moving to my chest. Her lips are gentle as she presses them into mine, but I don't like gentle.

  Taking over, I lick along the seam of her lips, and she parts them. My hands move up to under her jaw, and while she flinches from the earlier injury, she instantly melts into me. My tongue plunges deep, staking my claim as the fingers from my left hand tighten on her throat. She swallows but doesn't protest. Leaning forward, I push her back against the bed, pushing deeper into her mouth. I move the hand on her face, bracing on my elbow. The kiss turns aggressive, and I bite at those soft, delicate lips.

  She gasps and tries to move back, panting. My fingers tighten more, and her eyes widen as I focus my gaze on them. She freezes for a heartbeat. My eyes narrow, and then her hands are in my hair, pulling me back to her. My lips move to her jaw and kiss along the edge before moving to her ear. Pulling the lobe between my teeth, I bite down before moving to her neck.

  I run my nose along the length, drawing her scent deep into my lungs. Licking along her collarbone, I revel in her shiver as I nudge her shirt aside, baring the upper slope of her small, firm mound. Her creamy skin beckons, and I press a kiss to it. My hand reaches for the bottom of her shirt, sliding the hem up. I have waited long enough for her to come to me. Now I will make her mine. There is a hint of trepidation in her eyes as I glance up at her.

  "You've made me wait too long. I want to savour this, but I'm afraid I can't." Her moan is her answer. As I lean down to feast on her, a knock echoes through the room. "Fuck!" My head turns at the sound, "Go away!"

  Hondo's voice calls out, "We are moving them back downstairs, and we need you to do your part."

  Sighing, I lean my forehead against her, drawing a deep breath. "I'll be waiting for you right here." Her lips claim mine in a gentle kiss before I sit up and run my fingers through my hair.

  "This won't take long. Then I'll come back and take you somewhere more appropriate, my love."



  The sound of gunfire dies away. I'm surprised by the number of guards here on the island. Sean and Michael are moving around the coastline, looking for any that might be trying to escape. Kai and Aislin have started in the house looking for Emma. I'm about to join them when Michael motions me over to the dock. Striding over, I don't like the look on his face. Reaching his side, I glance down at the man lying at his feet. The man is dead, his throat slashed. Bringing my gaze back to Michael, I shrug.

  "His throat is slit, but we didn't do this. He’s b
een dead a few hours, I'd say," he replies, answering my unasked question.

  Looking back down at the man, I take a closer inspection. Looking around at the house, I narrow my eyes, letting my gaze travel from it to the dock. I try to figure out what might have happened. Aislin's voice rings out from a balcony on the second floor to the right side of the house.

  "Her things are here! She was here!" Even from a distance, her voice is loud and filled with her fear. I can see the tears beginning to fall from her eyes. Kai's arms come around her from behind, pulling her to him. His eyes meet mine, and he shakes his head. He didn't find Emma or anyone who seemed to be in charge. Frustration bubbles up from my chest, coming out at a growl. Sean is moving around the perimeter of the house and comes to a stop under the balcony. He drops down to his knees, looking at something.

  "Jason." His voice reaches my ears. Kai heard him also, but he said it quietly enough that the others didn't. My gut tightens at his tone. He's found something, and it worries him a great deal.

  "Wait here for a minute, Michael. I'm going to go check with Sean." He glances to where Sean is kneeling, and his eyes narrow. Sean turns, looking at him. They share a look, and Michael sighs. "We don't know anything yet."

  I walk to Sean, keeping my eyes on the ground looking for clues as to what happened to the guard. When I reach his side, he points down. He didn't need to; her scent had reached my nose before I ever got close. Her scent was mixed with blood and fear. Kneeling, I looked at the place Sean was pointing. There are drag marks on the rocks. Tilting my head, I studied them while trying to calm my pounding heart.


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