Greek Fire: Book Two of the Guardians

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Greek Fire: Book Two of the Guardians Page 14

by Lawrence, S

  "You're right, but I also would have information on my little fox here." I glance at Powaqu, but her face tells me nothing. A small cry from the cell makes me smile, her face comes into view. Powaqu’s body tenses as identical golden eyes stare out at her. They are filled with rage and betrayal. The man still stands in front of me, unable to move or speak. I smile at Mimi as I reach for him. Her eyes widen and then fill with tears as I take his head in my hand and break his neck, letting him drop to the floor.

  "There are always consequences." I spin on my heel and walk to the stairs. "Let's go; we need to prepare now that they are aware we are here. I'll be back for you, my dear. I have something I need you to do."

  I listen to her sobs and I smile. The others follow, one slower than the others and I glance at her. Daring her. She will need to be taken care of.

  I continue straight to the office, and they file in. Waiting. Lifting the phone , I open my drawer and pull out a number that I found and saved for years. I dial it and sit down, putting my feet up. This might go better than planned.

  "Nestor. My name is Arias. Call your friend and tell him I have Emma, but I'm willing to trade her for him. Call me back after, and I will tell you where." Hanging up, I spin my chair and level them all with a look.

  "I'm going to go grab Mimi. Hondo, go upstairs and get Emma. Then we are going to the temple of Hades, where it all started. I had wards put on it long ago, and Mimi is going to strengthen them. She's going to make them strong enough to hold a hellhound."

  "Once we lure him there and bind him, then what? Torture him until he opens a portal and takes us through?" Erika sounds excited by the idea.

  Hondo stands. He never needed any encouragement. "Don't hurt her." My voice is quiet and lethal. After the taste of her I had, I want more. I crave her. She is mine. His head jerks before he leaves the room.

  "Yes, we will force him to take us through. We won't let him change until he does."

  "You're going to lock him in his hellhound form?" Powaqu asks.

  "Mimi is, yes. The creature was created to hunt and kill, so he will go mad locked in the temple." Erika grins at me delighted, but Powaqu is thoughtful. When she realizes we are watching her, she nods before rising to her feet.

  "I will ready the van."

  My eyes stay on her, "You keep an eye on her." Erika nods.

  Standing, I grab the phone and forward the calls to my cell before I head back down stairs. I step over the body, unlocking the cell door. She is huddled in the back corner of the room. Her rage filled eyes raise to mine. I move in the cell, unafraid of her, and crouch. My knees bump into hers, causing her to flinch.

  "I need you to do a few more things for me."

  "And if I refuse?"

  "Well, two other cells contain occupants. Do you care less for them than you did for him?" My hand waves carelessly at the body, and her eyes follow the movement involuntarily. Drawing a deep breath, she stands and moves toward the door, the others calling out to her. They tell her not to give me what I want, but she shakes her head. Stepping around his body, her tears streak down her face.

  "You won't need any restraints. I will do what you ask." Her voice is stoic. The other two cry out, arms reaching for her through their bars. It has always been Mimi who had the power, the others were to keep her in line. After today, I won't need them anymore. I waggle my fingers at them, grinning as they cringe back; they see their death in my eyes.

  We reach the van, and I help her in the back, sitting her across from Emma, who glares at me with hatred.

  "My love, there is a lifetime to work out this little problem." I'm aware she wants to respond but she clamps her mouth shut before glancing at Mimi. "Where are my manners? Emma, this is Mimi. She is going to take care of Jason for me. Mimi, this is Emma, and she's the reason Jason is coming. He is going to trade himself for his friend Aislin's BFF. Of course, don't worry, my love, you aren't going anywhere." The sudden flare of hope on her face sputters out. I close the doors, leaving Powaqu in with them. Hondo is already in the driver's seat. Erika and I climb in my car. In moments, we are all on the road, leaving the house, most likely forever.

  We are almost to the ruins when my phone rings. "Hello, Nestor. I assume Jason is ready to sacrifice himself for Emma."

  "He said yes. Against everyone's wishes. Do not think we are fooled. We comprehend you will not give her back. He will not listen to reason though, so where do you wish him to come to?"

  "I don't think so. Give me his number, and I will call him myself. No need for you or the others to show up and ruin our time together." I listen, waiting. After a long pause, he tells me the number. I hang up. Glancing over at Erika, I smile. Sometimes it is too easy. Unlike last time, he won't escape.

  I don't call right away. We get everything ready for him."When he gets here and we get him inside, you must work quickly to force his change. I want him locked in his beast until we break him. He will be locked in this chamber for a long time." She narrows her eyes before nodding her head.

  Mimi completes her spell, turning the chamber below the public ruins into a cage. She sets the wards, without the alarm. I take her to the center of the room to the stone altar, where humans used to kill to please the god. Shoving her back on it, I hold her down. "If you did or do anything to come between me and my revenge, I will slit your throat on this very stone and leave you here to die, forgotten. Then, I will go and keep your little friends, letting them pay for your betrayal. I will whisper in their ears that all their pain, all their humiliation, is because of you."

  She shivers in fear, flinching as I run my tongue down her neck before I push off and stalk away. Hondo stands at the door. "Watch her." I murmur as I pass him. I need to go to Emma.



  The door of the van closes, and I stare at Mimi. She is beautiful underneath the dirt and fear. I can't help but admire the hint of defiance in her. My eyes slide to Powaqu before glancing back at Mimi. Looking closer, I realize they both are Native in heritage.

  "What are you going to do to Jason?" My anger threatens to bubble over.

  "I don't know what he wishes, but it will be nothing good, I promise." She wraps her arms around her knees, pulling them tight against her body. "Although, I would rather the torture that he planned for this Jason then the life he plans for you."

  I blink at the sadness and empathy coming from her. My mind is filled with images from last night. Silent tears slide down my cheeks. I look at Powaqu and rage fills me as she sits listening to us discuss our fates.

  "You are aware what he did to me. How did he make me believe I loved him? His voice doesn't work on me." My nostrils flare as I whisper through my clenched jaw. My chest heaves as I begin to panic at the thought of what I had did. How I had acted, I had asked, no, begged for him to touch me.

  "It was the goddess. It was wrong of him to do that, to strip you of your family's love, your friend's love." I jerk my gaze to her face, trying to read it.

  "Help us!" I implore her.

  She glances at the man driving through the wire barrier and shakes her head.

  "There is no help for you." Her tone is flat.

  It hasn't been long before we stop. Seconds tick by as the driver climbs out, and I look at her, begging with my eyes for her to do anything. Opening my mouth to speak, she stops me with a finger to her lips. The door of the van jerks open, and he is standing there smiling. He holds his hand out to Mimi, and she glances at me in defeat one last time before he pulls her from the van.

  Looking back, he tells Powaqu. "Stay with her." To me, he says, "I'll be back, my love."

  We sit in silence for a long while. I keep looking at the open door. I wonder if I could get away. But I know I would be caught, as I can barely hobble.

  "Don't try to run; he will only catch you. It will be so much worse if he thinks you are betraying him." She sounds sad and I look at her.

  "So I should resign myself to my fate? Resign myself to being raped day after da
y because he thinks he loves me and that I should love him in return? Last night it was someone else that crawled into bed with him. I remember it, I enjoyed it, but it was like I was looking down on it happening. Why didn't he leave me that way if that's what he wanted?" My voice had risen, and the last was screamed at her.

  Sighing, she glances out the door before responding, "I don't believe it was his choice. Aphrodite feeds off the pain of love. I heard rumors they spent many years together, destroying people with their versions of love. I think she let you free of the spell to feed on your pain and to punish him. His love is twisted, but he believes it is true."

  I am speechless, my mouth hanging open. Just as I'm about to reply, his body is blocking the light. He stares at her, jerking his head to the side. She peeks at me one last at me and then moves out of the van, leaving me with him.

  Stepping inside, he crowds me. Lust is stamped harshly across his face. Swallowing, I slide back away from him. His anger is instantaneous. He rises over me, like men sometimes do, using their size to intimidate. I meet and hold his gaze. Long ago, daddy taught me sometimes all it takes is a look to stop a bully. Unfortunately for me, this is not one of those times. His hand comes out and grips my already bruised jaw.

  "I came here because I need you. Last night wasn't enough. It will never be enough."

  I stare at him, wondering how I could have ever thought him attractive. "Are you going to rape me right here in this van? Because exactly like last night, that would be what it is. My body, hell even my mind, might have been willing last night, but you stole my will..." Leaning toward his face, I growl, "Make no mistake - it was a violation, it meant nothing to me."

  I didn't even see his hand move. One minute I was staring at his red face, and the next, I'm flat on the floor of the van. I lick my blood from my lip, my head spinning. I have enough sense to curl into a fetal position as his hands fall on me over and over. He is silent in his rage, and all I can hear is my cries and flesh hitting flesh. An image of Sally flashes in my mind, and I realize I will suffer the same fate - dead by the hands of a man who says he loves me. A gasp stops his hands. I peek up through my arms. Powaqu is standing at the back door.

  He runs his fingers through his hair, smoothing it, before speaking. "What?"

  "Mimi is ready." Her eyes are locked on him.

  "Good." He gazes down at me. "Get her cleaned up." His hand smooths over my hips, and he smiles. "We, my darling Emma, will finish later." Rising, he climbs out.

  I don't move. Tremors race through my body. Everything hurts.

  "I can try to ease your pain." I glare at her.

  "I don't want your help." I force out, angry tears starting to fall. God, I fucking hate that I cry when I'm pissed. She walks away, shoulders slumped. I don't give a fuck if she feels bad. I gingerly sit up and slide toward the open door. I wipe the blood from my mouth with the back of my hand, touching my cheek and eye softly. They’re swelling already. Every movement hurts. I think he broke something. I'm panting, shallow breaths, trying not to grit my teeth, knowing it will only hurt more. Long minutes pass as I try to get to the end of the van. This fucking thing is a mile long. Squeezing my eyes shut, I try to block the pain in my body.

  I finally touch the edge with my heels and sigh. The breath comes out shaky, and I press the heels of my hands into my eyes. Swallowing over and over, I try to calm my mind. I think of daddy. His voice rings out in my head 'Focus, baby girl, assess the situation. Find multiple routes in case one is blocked. Remember you are stronger than they know.' Opening my eyes, I blink, trying to adjust to the brightness of the sun, before looking around. I won't be able to outrun them, but I can walk, sorta. Evade. Hide. Easing to my left, peeking through the crack of door, Arias and the other man stand close to a ruin. I don't see Powaqu or the other woman, and that worries me. Easing back, I look through the crack on my right, nothing there. I'm starting to pull away when a gorgeous sports car roars up, sliding at a stop inches from Arias. My heart stops when Jason slides from the car, his whole being screams predator, and even with his sunglasses on, I can tell his eyes are scanning the area. Assessing. My heart starts to pound. Opening my mouth, I draw a deep breath, about to scream a warning when a hand comes crashing over it. My eyes widen as Powaqu whispers, "Don't. I'm going to help you the only way I know how. I'll take my hand away, but don't scream. If you do, they will kill him now." I nod.

  "Why? Why would you help me now?"

  "I agree with revenge against those that left us, but you do not deserve this." Her hand sweeps the length of my battered body. "I should have stopped him before ..."

  "Yes, but instead, you let him rape me." My voice begins to rise in my rage.

  "Shh!" She peers around the open door. "Come they are moving him down to the chamber. She lifts me like I'm a small child, and I'm surprised by her strength. Her lips are touching my ear when she whispers, "I'm going to hide you in the chamber. Mimi agreed to make it so not even Arias will be able to get in."

  "Will he kill her?" I ask.

  "NO. He won't know for a while. I'm hoping Jason's friends can save her by then."

  "What about you, he will know it was you that helped me."

  Her eyes are resigned. "I've hurt too many, done too much, I deserve my fate."

  I don't argue with her. I can't. Carrying me, she creeps from behind the van, moving away from Arias and Jason. Even from the distance, I can sense the tension and rage that flows from both men. Her eyes dart around looking for danger. She moves down a small path, well hidden.

  "He doesn't know that I found this. He won't look for us here, but we must hurry. I'm going to hide you in the back of the chamber. You must be silent, no matter what you see or hear. You will know when you can safely come out. You will be able to go to Jason. He came for you; he won't hurt you." She shivers when she says his name. I wonder at the fear she carries for him.

  "Why do you fear him so much?"

  "He hunts those like us. When he catches us, we are destroyed, disappearing completely." Her voice is quiet in her sadness.

  "I'm sorry. I don't know him. I only know what Aislin had told me. It must be awful to be hunted down, to live in constant fear." I wanted to add like I had been doing since they stole me in my sleep but didn't. I understand she is risking her life to help me now. "You need to leave, run, or Arias will kill you. Aislin and Kai would help you, I'm sure of it. She will protect you from even Jason if she must. Go to her and tell her I said 'I see you.' She will know I sent you… I'm trusting you not to hurt her."

  She sits me down and studies my face in the darkness before shaking her head once. Footsteps echo from the blackness, she places her finger on her lips. I mouth 'GO' at her and she grips my hand, squeezing it tight for a moment. My eyes widen in wonder as instantly a beautiful fox stands in front of me, before it turns and on silent feet, races away.

  Voices draw my eyes, but I can't make out anything but darkness. Arias is yelling, his rage filling the chamber. I don't hear Jason. He remains silent and I think of his eyes. It was their piercing intensity that drew me that first night Aislin introduced her boys to me. I think about how it felt, as if he stared directly into my soul, seeing things that I keep hidden. A woman's voice joins, soft and her words are rhythmic. As it continues it grows louder and even I can almost see the power that rings clear in it. It must be Mimi, the one locking us in here. Suddenly, she falls silent and I strain my ears, listening, waiting. I jump when a howl rings out, Arias' voice is victorious when he speaks next.

  "You will remain as your beast until you give me what I want. I hope there is enough of you left in there to understand what I'm telling you. I'll be back in a few weeks, now I'm going to go fuck Emma." A growl fills the air, every hair stands up on my body. Evil laughter echos as a howl of pain and rage fills the air again.

  "You are locked in. Mimi's magic will hold you and keep you hidden from those that seek you. Emma is mine, and you can't save her. Just like you couldn't save those you loved f
ifty years ago. I'm going to tell you a secret… I killed them, whispered to them at night until they did what you had suggested. It was never your power; it was mine."

  An anguished howl rings out, so loud my eardrums might shatter. When it dies away, I sit in silence, waiting. I don't think Powaqu knew I was going to be locked in here with a beast. A raging beast with the man locked deep within him. I'm about to move when I hear a scream of rage. Arias’ voice is lethal as he screams my name. I shrink back, drawing my legs in, trying my best to simply melt into the stone wall. I can hear the destruction he is wreaking. I pray Powaqu and Mimi survive his wrath.

  "WHAT DID YOU DO?" His pounding steps come racing toward us. A thud reverberates through the chamber, and he screams again. "MIMI!"

  Seconds later, a man's voice calls out, "She's gone, and so is Powaqu." I imagine a sly little fox racing away. I pray they make it.

  "I knew that bitch was up to something. FIND them! She locked me out of the chamber. I can't get in." His fist pounds on the barrier.

  I shudder. We are trapped in here, so no one can get in or out. This plan of Powaqu's seems to be going south quickly. Deep barks fill the air, and I imagine a big fearsome dog grinning at Arias' anger. Slapping my hand over my mouth, I stifle a giggle. It was one of those insane giggles where you know if it starts, you won't be able to stop. I totally understand when Aislin said her life was crazy. No going back to everyday after all this. I have officially danced over the cliffs edge. My breaths are coming in quick gasps, and I am pretty sure I'm going to faint. Faint. Like some ridiculous damsel in distress.

  Damn it, I'm no damsel, I am a Scarlet. Well, you know, after the beginning. The crazy is beating at my brain. Suddenly, I picture daddy in the middle of one of his episodes, fighting the memories and the nightmares. This image steadies me. Closing my eyes, I breathe deep and slow. After a moment, I realize that is is again quiet except for the sound of toenails clicking on stone. It is getting louder, and I know at any second I will be face to face with Jason's beast, the animal that terrifies others like him.


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