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Greek Fire: Book Two of the Guardians

Page 16

by Lawrence, S

  We all wait, holding our breaths. I watch through Kai's eyes as they move through the house. 'No one is here. Ask if there is somewhere else we should look.'

  "They can’t find anyone. Is there somewhere else they should look?" I look at the one called Powaqu, knowing she had helped Arias. I can barely hold my anger at bay. The look she gives me tells me she is aware of exactly what I'm thinking.

  "A hidden door in the study on the west wall by the built in shelves." She is unapologetic.

  Even from where we are, we all hear the sound of destruction as Kai breaks through the door. I smile; that's my guy. His laughter caresses my mind. I'm amazed at the vision in my head of the secret lair. It looks right out of some James Bond movie. Every evil villain in a movie has one just like it. Kai's eyes turn as Michael finds stairs leading down, and he and Sean start to descend into the darkness. Kai follows and Raven guards the top, protecting them all. I might love her for that. Sean flicks on a flashlight he had somewhere on his body. Always prepared, that's my guys. All three of them stop dead in their tracks, and I gasp at the carnage before Kai closes our connection. I can hardly understand what I saw.

  Sobs pull my eyes. The one whose friends were there is sobbing. I understand her pain. She knows, my face tells her everything she needs to know. Perséphone moves to her, but she shrinks away, turning and clutching at Nestor, fear and despair etched on her delicate face. His arms wrap around her.

  I shake my head at the other woman, and her eyes close in defeat and regret. "I'm so sorry, Mimi. I thought we would get here in time."

  Power knocks us to the ground, so much power even Perséphone must fight against it. She is magnificent in her rage when Mimi turns to face Powaqu. "You could have saved us hundreds of years ago!" I'm on my knees, reaching for her. Nestor's arms comes around her from behind and he whispers in her ear, holding her close. A dragon's roar causes her to pause in her anger. We all look to the house as the early morning sky is lit with fire. On and on, he burns it.

  "Kai is very angry," I murmur and Mimi glances at me. Raven flies toward us, looking a bit like an avenging angel with the fire lighting up her golden wings.

  Landing, she walks straight to Mimi, "I'm so sorry we were too late." She glances at me and I'm glad she didn't elaborate. The woman didn't need to know her friends had been torn apart. The light fades, and I look to watch the dragon fly back to me. Landing, he lets Sean and Michael climb down before he shifts. I move into his arms. He squeezes me tight, and I look up at his face before drawing it down kissing him. He deepens it for a moment before pulling back. I watch his eyes as they lock on something behind me. Turning in his arms, I see Sean has moved in close to Powaqu, his shoulders tense with his rage. Looking to my right, Michael is standing with Raven. He too is tense with anger, but he is ready to defend his brother if there is a need. I don't miss his hand clutching Raven's.

  "You helped this monster? Because it was a monster that did what I saw." His rage is barely leashed. We are all silent, waiting for her answer. It will lead to her judgement. I look back at Michael, his eyes haunted by his ghosts.

  "I have no excuse. I had my reasons but I chose to ignore things I shouldn't have. I was scared. I was being hunted when I joined him. But what I saw in him these last few days… No, I deserve whatever judgement you pass." Her eyes are steady on his. "I can die knowing I saved Mimi and Emma."

  Turning to Mimi, her voice is low as she speaks to her in another language, one none of us understand. I know it must be something related to Native American languages, but I would guess it is much older. Mimi bows her head tears sliding down her face before raising her eyes to the other woman.

  "I will pray to the Great Spirit that he will not judge you too harshly. Arias is a deceiver. He uses his voice to trick and blind those he wishes to use. I, too, was tricked into my cage. Our cages were very different though." She turns away and stares at the burning house, chanting softly under her voice.

  "Sean, calm down. She can tell us where Emma and Jason are." It's Michael's deadly, calm voice that has us all looking back at her. She draws a breath, looking at me.



  His howl dies away and Arias' scream fills the air, his rage beating at us. My name echoes off the walls. I peer into red eyes glowing brightly like beacons, "Jason?"

  He stumbles to me and pushes me away from the barrier and Arias. I glance over my shoulder at the man who is stealing everything from me. Smiling, I turn my back on him. He is meaningless, nothing to me. The journey back to the fire takes us a long time, my stupid foot, and he keeps stopping, panting heavily. Once we are settled, I study the arrow.

  "It needs to come out. I'm worried though. I'm not sure I can stop the bleeding." My hand is shaking as I reach toward the arrow. I went hunting with daddy enough to recognize this is bad, although I also wonder why Arias missed the kill shot. I'm sure he is capable of making it. The only answer is even in his rage, he wanted to make Jason suffer. Running my fingers along the feather I follow the shaft down to the entrance wound, a soft growl comes from his mouth. Laying my hand on his side, I stare at his face, lips curled back and white teeth gleaming at me. His tongue lolls out as he pants.

  "Shh, it's ok, Beastie. This is going to hurt, but it needs to come out. I'm going to count to three, then jerk it right out. I'd done it before with deer. Daddy made sure I could feed myself- you know, in case of an apocalypse or invasion. I'll tell you all about my weird childhood someday." I grab the shaft and stand up, praying I'm strong enough. "One, two..." Jerking it as hard as I can, I fall back, arrow in hand. I glance up and red eyes are leveled on me. I smile. "Daddy always said it hurts less if you're surprised."

  Looking back at the wound, I rip off my shirt and press it hard, trying to stop the blood from flowing out. It isn't long before the warm wetness soaking it is on my skin. His breaths are coming slower and slower. Tears are streaming down my face. He's dying. The blood isn't slowing, and I don't understand why. Burying my face in his neck, I sob. Warmth glides along my cheek as his tongue licks away my tears.

  "I can't lose you. I never even had a chance to really meet you. Selfish I know, but still." Glancing around, my gaze falls on the large stone tablet. Arias’ words echo through my head. He had said this was where his life with human started started, where he was thrown away. I try to remember the story he told me on the beach, what temple is this. Gasping, I peek at my beast. His eyes are closed, and his breath is shallow, scarcely coming.

  "Now or never, Emma. Be epic or not," I whisper to myself. I rise, grabbing the arrow in my hand. Crossing to the table, I try to remember everything I learned about the Greek Gods. They seem to like sacrifice. Okay, here it goes. Climbing up, I think of the GIF I sent to Aislin. Of course it would be me on the table. A growl startles me, and I see my beast struggling to rise. "Don't worry, I'm going to find you help."

  All I got to sacrifice is me. I hope my blood is enough to break through the barrier. "Hades, if you can hear me, save him please." I speak clearly, locking eyes with his red ones before I draw the arrow head across my wrist. Gasping at the pain, I glance down at the blood flows out onto to stone. A howl rings out and I jerk my eyes to him. Blood still flows steadily from his wound. I glance down at my wrist and then back at him.

  "Does he usually take a while? I hope not because we might not have a while. I can't die for nothing." Sliding off the table I hobble over to him, blood dripping off the ends of my fingers. I lean on him, head on his stomach. Holding my wrist with my hand, I try to at least slow the blood.

  "God, I'm so stupid. It had something on it, didn't it?" He rumbles a little noise of agreement. How long does it take to bleed out, I wonder. We are covered in blood minutes later, and my eyes start to slide closed.

  "I don't think he is coming." Looking at his face, I reach out and run my bloody fingers over his ears. "I'm so sorry I couldn't save you, save us. I wish we met somewhere else. I'm going to tell you something okay. Great, well, ever
since that first night, the one when Aislin introduced us on the video, I thought of you, dreamt of you. Silly really, I don't know anything about you but you felt... Important to me." I pretty sure that last was a bit slurred, spots fill my vision and I slip into darkness. A howl is the last thing I hear.

  * * *

  Hades raises his head. Someone made a sacrifice. His brows draw down tight. No one has done that in hundreds of years. Dressing in modern jeans and a black t-shirt, he sifts to his temple and hits a ward. Anger courses through him and his eyes burn bright as he draws his powers to him and blasts through the ward. Striding to the offering chamber, he stops, freezing, taking in the scene in front of him. A human female is draped over his hunter, her blood spilled on the stones, calling to him. Her prayer whispers to him 'Save him please.' His eyes land on Jason, his hunter, his son, who dared do this. Crossing to them, he probes Jason's mind, finding him locked deep within the hellhound. Spelled by a witch. He shatters the spell with his power, and in an instant, Jason lays before him.

  "Save her, Father." He says those three words before he passes out, one of which Hades never heard him utter before. Laying his hands on them both, he sifts them all to the Underworld, to his lab.



  I turn on my heel, yelling at the others to follow me out. I don't stop until I reach the vehicle. Jerking the door open, I'm climbing in when Hondo’s voice stops me. "What are we doing?"

  "We are going to find my witch. I must free Emma. It's a wonder he hasn't already killed her." I reply, my voice tight with my rage and fear.

  "I don't care about that stupid human. We have lost, Arias. They have the numbers and the power to kill us. Not just beat us, but actually destroy us. I am leaving." His eyes lock with mine.

  I turn to face him completely. Everything is falling apart, and it is Jason's fault. My rage erupts as I pull my knife from the case in one smooth motion, and his eyes widen. He looks down, surprise etched on his face. It is buried to the hilt in his heart. Bloody bubbles form at his mouth seconds before he falls back, dead. My gaze slides to Ericka, but she shrugs and gets in the passenger door. I can always count on her bloodthirsty nature. If only she was full Berserker.

  I slide in and shut the door, looking over at her. "Do you also feel the need to complain?"

  "Nope, been ready to die for a long time. I'll go down fighting and take at least one of those bitches with me." Her eyes flare icy blue, a sign of her heritage. Ericka only wanted revenge because she was born with half a Berserker's power. She felt slighted because of her perceived loss, a feeling I cultivate, whispering to her in the darkness, flaming her fires. I smile at her.

  I hit the gas, throwing rocks as I speed away. I head for Jason's house, certain that the bitch went there. She hopes they will help her. There will be nothing that will save her from me. We are only a few miles from the temple when the power tears through us. Ericka gasps and turns on her seat staring out the back window.

  "Someone destroyed the wards!" she shrieks, scared.

  I grip the wheel, pushing the car faster. Only a god had the power to do that. How did one find us?

  "Doesn't matter, we must find Mimi." I try to hide my worry, but I know she is aware. I glance at her and then back at the road just as three cars race by.

  "Fuck! That was them." Her voice rose along with her fear but it is also tinged with anger.



  I lock eyes with Kai. We both noticed the car racing away from the power we just felt. Something just happened at the temple. The temple where my soul sister is locked in with Jason. Which, I mean, normally would be good but not as his beast. I cringe thinking of how small she is and how vicious he can be. Perséphone told us how the beast needs to hunt, how it fights Jason to kill. Mimi told us that Jason was pushed deep within the beast, leaving the beast in control. Clenching my teeth, I swallow, turning my eyes to the window. Kai squeezes my hand tightly. Nope, no, nope, I refuse to consider it.

  "She is the one for him. I believe it with all my heart," I whisper.

  "What are you talking about, my love?"

  "Perséphone. She told me that the fates told her the one for Jason would calm the beast. Emma is his, I know it. She's fine. Probably had him eating out of her hand the moment she met the beast." I force a smile onto my face.

  "If she is anything like you, he never had a chance." He pulls my hand to his lips, kissing it.

  "Oh, she is so much stronger than me. She is always my rock."

  He pulls to a stop, and I jump out, racing toward the ruin.

  "Wait for us!" Michael's voice rings out.

  I can't stop my feet, my tears breaking free, and I have to find them. Kai is by my side, using his supernatural speed, and next comes Powaqu and Mimi.

  "That power surge demolished my ward!" Mimi pants. My eyes fly to her, but she shakes her head.

  She leads us to where the barrier had been and then Powaqu moves forward, but Kai stops her and points to the ground. I shine my flashlight down and my hand flies to my mouth. Blood. A trail of blood leading into the darkness.

  "There is a room where the sacrifices were done that way. Arias took me and forced me onto the table, threatening me." Mimi's voice quivers.

  I start to run forward, but Kai's voice stops me. "A wounded animal is dangerous. A wounded hellhound, well, I can't imagine. But a wounded dragon sometimes doesn't recognize friends. We go cautiously, and I will go in front." His tone brooked no argument, and I nod.

  We follow the trail of blood until we reach the chamber. A small fire is burning, and I fall to my knees.

  So much blood. On the table and pooling on the floor. Where are they?

  Powaqu steps forward and shifts, her beautiful russet fox stands beside me. Her golden eyes meet mine before she moves forward with her nose to the ground. The sound of her sniffing fills the silence as we all wait, holding our breath. She shifts back, and her eyes are sad.

  Kneeling, she takes my hands, "I'm sorry. There are two different sources for the blood, animal and human. The human is on the table and the floor mixing with the animal." I peer at the table, seeing the arrow, and then back to the floor.

  "Is it the animal blood that left the trail?" She nods. "Oh Emma, what did you do? She tried to save him. Mimi, would a sacrifice break through you ward?"

  Her eyes fly to mine and she glances around, realization dawning on her face. "It might be powerful enough. I certainly didn't ward against it."

  "Lass, are you saying your Emma..." Sean moves and picks up the arrow from the table, "she used the arrow that hurt Jason to sacrifice herself to try to reach a god to save him?"

  I choke a little bit, fighting my tears. "Yes. She would do just that."

  Kai takes the arrow from Sean, and letting his dragon forward, he studies it. The dragon chuffs in disgust. "Poison." That one word shatters me.



  The echoes of screams wake me. I keep my eyes closed and draw in a deep breath, separating the scents. As soon as I pull it in, I know exactly where I am. The Underworld. An image of Hades leaning over me skitters across my mind, and I clench my teeth. Emma. My eyes fly open, and I search the room. I release the breath I was holding when I find her laying on a bed across from me. 'Very sick' my beast whimpers. Whimpers? What the fuck is going on?

  'You didn't kill her. Why?' I ask my beast.

  'She makes me feel… Different. I will keep her.'

  ‘Oh, you will, huh?' I chuckle, wincing in pain. Jesus, Hades is such a bastard. His power could heal us both.

  "I see you're awake." My father's deep voice rolls over me. I turn my head to the side. He is sitting in a chair not far from my side.

  "Is she going to be alright?"

  "Who is she? To you?" His voice is deceptively calm.

  "She is important to someone who is important to me." I clench my teeth fighting the need to glance over at her. I'm unwilling to give him any ammunition. Hades mind
is cold and calculating, and I have no desire to be a part of another of his experiments.

  "I see. Well, she is getting better. It was touch and go. The poison was very strong, meant to kill you. It will take much longer for her to recover."

  "You can't use your skills to fix her?" A question but also an accusation.

  "No, it is magic, and not mine. If I'm guessing, something from the Eastern clan. I don't want to chance activating a hidden element. She was brave cutting herself like she did." I don't miss the narrowing of his eyes, and I realize I'm already in an experiment. "Your hellhound didn't destroy her. Do you know why?"

  "No." A growl rumbles up my throat, and he puckers his lips, the growl intriguing him. Fuck. A slight moan, and my head whips to her. I force myself up.

  "Careful, you were almost gone too." I'm taken back by the concern in his voice and I lock eyes with him for a moment. I swing my legs over the side of the bed and stand, holding on when my vision begins to swim. Hades stands and comes to my side, taking my elbow and steadying me. I glance down at his hand on my arm. I can't ever remember him touching me. More screams make me tense, memories flooding my system. My own screams have echoed through these halls; the difference is mine were a child's voice. I sway under the onslaught, and my beast pushes forward intent on protecting me. I stare up at Hades, and his lips quirk at the sight of my eyes. So proud of his creation.

  Pulling my arm loose, I shuffle to her side. She is coated in sweat, her flaming red hair plastered to her head. Dark circles below her sunken eyes stand out against her almost translucent skin. She shivers constantly and I pull the thin sheet up over her. She is mumbling in her sleep, and my eyes widen as I figure out what she is saying. "Save him."

  Hades is beside me and his voice is again interested when he speaks, "It seems you both had the same goal; that is what you asked of me also."


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