"It is cool you don't have alcohol. I find it a pleasant change. Not simply because I'm an addict, but I have always felt as though, people act more as if they wish they were, rather than who they really are. Who you really are so far, is really quite nice. I am battling my first desire already. What is it like to kiss you?"
I nearly burn the entire roof of my mouth with the inevitable gulp that my throat requires. Didn’t this just become more fun?! Again, with the surprises? I did not expect that so soon. Is she going to attempt to turn this table? My, my! Could she be similar to me? I absolutely will need to step things up. I also must keep in constant mind, why I did conjure this all up to begin with. I did say let the games begin. Two points for Lindsay. Let us continue.
"You’ve made me blush. Are you aware of your beauty? The fact alone of no makeup makes me quite envious. Are you always this forward with potential lovers?”
"Potential? I forgot already, I said no expectations didn't I? If I have been forward in the past, no one has been so bold as to question it."
"You're certain this is out of character for you? You seem to be doing well. Your honesty, desires and you are most definitely trying to seduce me with your conversation.”
She smiles at me. We both drink. Finally, silent for a brief moment. When is Ben getting back? I adore a good challenge. She is more enticing than I anticipated. She is looking to play. I am thoroughly intrigued. Slightly giddy. I have not had a worthy opponent in such a long time. I'm not certain how much longer I want to wait for this all to really get going. The game's begun and it appears it shall be a strategic one at that. Lindsay made the first move. She may have sought to move her knight, but she will see, I in the end am the Queen. I get up with my mug in hand. "Can I get you another cup? I am a bit of a caffeine junkie. We may not have alcohol, but we are stocked with caffeine. Seems we all have our addictions."
She looks directly at me. Seeking something she doesn't know I will not disclose. Yet
she asks exactly what I have been waiting for her too.
“Why don’t you have any?”
“No specific reason. Ben and I have never really been big drinkers.”
Lying does come so easily for me. I do need more coffee. That is true. The women in my past were submissive, not one a challenge. Lord, even the threesome I did venture into one night was surreal. Watching how to I could direct two other people sexually. Manipulate them to pleasure one another and then only me after. Pure dominance, even with the drugs I sedated myself with that night. Women, they were simply among the many games I chose to play. A challenge to see if I could manipulate the same sex as I as well as I have mastered men. Especially the times my mania rears its seductive, yet ugly self.
I cannot deny at that time in life, I was curious about being with a woman. I was battling a certain despise, of even the idea of men. That reason prompted my quest, but then as all the rest, they became a game of control. Pleasure. Same as every lover, aside from Ben. Emotionless fucks.
"No more coffee for me. I'm good. Do you mind if I look at some of the pictures you have around?"
“Be my guest.”
I seek aid in my kitchen. Not only for coffee, but I would like an undistracted moment to plan my next move. I put my cup in the sink. I need more than that one can hold this time. I find the largest mug from the cabinet. Caffeine is about to fill my bloodstream like a needle filled with heroin for an addict. Accelerate me into a reality that shall be. Push adrenaline into my psyche. It will send me into overdrive.
Intrigue and seduction lay within the mind. Attraction lay within the physical, never anywhere else for me. I let very few, if truly anyone see within mine. There lay ghosts I keep trapped tight. Lindsay’s tattoo sleeve keeps distracting me. It is exceptionally hypnotic. I can tell each piece has a story. I want to know more. Odd. I never wish to know more. I turn to place the creamer back in the fridge. Lindsay is beside me. Close. Eye makeup close. Ben, goddamn you! Where are you? Appears this is all starting without you. This shit is about to get real. I smile to myself. A rush is rising.
"I don't want to wait. To hell with no expectations. Do you want me to wait?" Lindsay does not hesitate. She places her hands on my hips. They are soft. She strokes the sides of my hips with her nails right at the edge of my tank top. She does not wait for me to answer. Her lips taste like peaches as she parts mine.
She kisses me softly. Small gentle kisses against mine. This, I do recall. The feeling is very different. Tender, yet intensely passionate. That best describes the right kiss with a woman. I respond. It is almost impossible not to. I begin to kiss her deeper, not realizing I drop the creamer. It splashes everywhere, including all over us. The feel of her tongue exploring mine. Her breasts pressed hard against me. My mind swirls. Not enough caffeine. Not enough drugs. No sign of Ben. He wanted this part first. Women are usually late, not men.
I place my hands on her back. I explore the definition of her spine. She pushes me against the fridge as she moves to kiss my neck. It does feel good. Let her do for now as she wishes. She needs to feel she is getting what she wants. Let her feel she has a say. However, I am in control. A control I will not falter away from.
I cannot allow this to continue much longer. Ben did ask to watch us first. I am being selfish. Her intensity and now her second bold move without my initial reciprocation? This is only getting more challenging and I am getting high off the mere notions of this all.
I allow her to continue to explore my neck. I have moved not allowing her to find the spot there that is only for Ben. She whispers in my ear in between sucking and kissing. "I haven't wanted someone so much as I want you in a very long time. I don't want to necessarily take you here on the floor, but I most certainly will if you let me."
I move my hands to her face to search her eyes. She is playing the game, I already mastered? She shall be a worthy opponent. Seems I chose well, for both Ben and I! I am pleased. Three points for me!
"You are-" The words escape my mouth as we hear the front door.
Lindsay takes a step back from me. A very coy smile suddenly presents itself across her lips. Oh, she has fucken done this before. Out of character, my ass. This keeps getting better. I still need that coffee. Addicts do come in all forms.
Lindsay turns to leave. "Let me go introduce myself."
Ben is already standing at the entrance to our seven by eight-foot kitchen. His smile borders immense laughter. I didn’t see him before he left. I had escaped back into the shower. Sadly, washing away our tryst. Speaking of effortless, here is my prince. Who else can take a completely plain white tee shirt, pair of khaki cargos with flip flops no less, and look totally hot? My Ben, that is exactly who! Oh Captain, my Captain! Enjoy this now Lindsay. You are no one tomorrow.
"Well, what happened here?" Ben tosses his car keys on the counter then extends his hand to Lindsay.
I trip on my own feet to get paper towels to clean up the floor. My OCD is now having a field day with this mess before me. I miss his first glance at her. Damn that was an important moment. Fucken creamer.
"Lindsay, pleasure to meet you. You’re definitely as stunning as Max described you."
"Ben. The pleasure is all mine. I have heard many good things about you. If I may return the compliment, the picture Max has on her phone, does not do you justice. You are an exceptionally handsome man."
Christ! I may vomit on the floor with the creamer. At least I can clean it up together.
Ben's smile widens. "Aren’t we all getting off to a nice start? So. What exactly happened here? Looks as though both of you were attacked by our non-dairy creamer. I hope it gave you both a good fight before losing to our kitchen floor."
I am on the floor cleaning up. I am quick to look, grabbing Ben’s eyes with mine as I reply. "You might say that."
Lindsay is looking down at me. Am I really on my knees in front of anyone?
"Max, may I use the bathroom? Mind if I excuse myself for a moment?"
"Of cours
e. It's down the hall on the left."
I shoot Ben a look, as Lindsay turns to leave.
He then interjects. "Be sure to turn left. Mine is on the right and I'm kind of possessive with my bathroom."
She turns back with a confused look. I am rather certain it will not be the first one she encounters this evening. I am a woman on a mission. I grab more paper towels and 409 before returning to floor to further clean up. Ugh! It is so sticky. I need a mop. Seriously this is going to mess with me. This floor needs to really be washed.
“Little joke between Max and I. Part of my job is her pure torture."
She returns the smile. “I like your banter. I knew I would like you also."
I continue wiping, doing my best to clean up. Lord, I need to mop, but I cannot do it now. I will restrain myself. Control. I make a deliberate tug at Ben’s leg. “Get down here! What took you so long?”
He does not even question my demand. Ben sits down on the one spot that the creamer did not reach. “Well she is intriguing isn't she? Right about being hot too. So, when did she get here? What exactly have I missed?"
"I think there may be a reason we haven't been down this particular road before. I hope you are prepared."
"What do you mean? Oh, God Max is she a "professional”? Ben laughs aloud. "Do I need to go hit the ATM?"
"Seriously?" I squint my eyes firmly back at him. "No, that is not it. Of course not! I am only saying I would like you to be prepared. She is different from the women you date. She is raw and very real. Seriously seductive Ben. Straight for the jugular this one. No bullshit I mean straight to the point. No fear or she certainly is not showing it. She goes after exactly what she wants."
Ben laugh’s changes to a deep belly one.
"What is so funny?"
"You don't hear it, do you? You just described yourself. You have finally met your match. Outstanding! Listen, if I can handle you, I am certain I can handle this all just fine. This is really going to be interesting. Even if I only ended up listening from my own room. Seems she wants you pretty bad. May not have time for me.”
Ben gets up. Is that what he thinks? An opponent yes, my match? No! Well, this evening just took on a completely new level of twisted. My match? No, I broke this mold. I highly doubt this. I refuse to even entertain such a thought.
Ben still standing by me he continues. "By the way, you need to change your pants they are creamed. Finally, a woman who now understands the torment of an adolescent boy. Hey, Max. Now that I think about it. Maybe you should simply leave them off. Sounds like you will be taking them off soon enough. Remember, you both first. Brilliant Max. Brilliant."
I lock eyes with him. “I very much dislike you right now. And FYI, we already started. Hence the creamer on the floor.”
“Olive juice Max.”
Ben leaves me on the floor, as he steps over me for a bottle of seltzer from the fridge. He then heads for the couch. Lindsay is there waiting, with her shoes off, sitting Indian style in the corner of the couch. My corner of the couch. My corner! Oh, game on! I listen closely. I hear Lindsay start.
"Max met her match? Is that what I couldn't help but over hear?”
"That's fantastic. That's what we get for talking on the floor with open walls to our den. Since you can't see. I can describe the shade of red, Max is right now?"
She is sizing him up. I can't see it, but I feel it. I hear her. "You are quite funny. Do you know that?"
And of course I am right. You always pay a compliment and then ask a coy question to make a man feel like he is important. Oh that is seduction 101 people. Amateur. If she is my match, she needs to be better than this.
My face is not red from embarrassment. My face is red with adrenaline. I am filling my mug to the absolute rim. Coffee, my present drug. My arm is tied tight, needle full, now simply push it through my vein. I yell from the kitchen at this point, “More like a sarcastic fool, who is going to get his six-foot ass kicked by this five foot four best friend?"
Lindsay looks at me at the entrance of our kitchen. "You guys have great chemistry. I'm enjoying this and to think it's only beginning."
I immediately chime in. “Yes, to think it is the only beginning."
All right. Yes, there was a little bit of an attitude in my response. Only the beginning, I do quite agree. Ben seems already enamored. I drink and I watch.
Ben ignores my snippy response. "Yes. What has been described to me, I feel there is a good possibility our mutual friend has met her match. Does that make you uncomfortable?"
"Actually, it arouses me even more. She is innocently, enticing."
Oh my God! Lindsay did not miss a step. Not sure if I should be impressed or slightly intimidated.
Ben throws his head back. "Innocently? That is a new adjective for Max. That's not what the side of your dress says."
Lindsay sips her coffee as she replies. "I attacked her."
Ben spits a small amount of seltzer out of his mouth. I can almost hear his mind stir with amusement and amazement at the same time. “Really? This only gets better, doesn’t it? Max is a control freak."
Fuck this. Are they both crazy? "Hello? Both of you! I am right here!"
I cannot watch any longer. I walk into the den. I hide any expression of annoyance in seeing her sit in my spot. I decide it is best I go change. Ben is right this is not very comfortable. I would also like to finish my coffee. I summon all the enticing innocence I can. "Lindsay, I can bring you some sweats if you like? You both get to know one another a little. Mock me? Whatever works?"
She looks up at me with her larger than life eyes. “Sweats would be great. Thanks."
Ben hits my ass as I stand next to him sitting on the couch. "Max, be sure to put the robe on the left on. The right choice, wouldn't you say?"
I shoot him a dirty look and turn with my middle finger raised so he can watch as I walk away. When I get to my room, I gently close the door. I need to catch my breath and finish my coffee. More importantly, I need to eavesdrop.
I hear the coffee table move and a shuffle. Yup he is putting his feet up and getting comfortable. God I know him so well. I listen closer.
"So. Lindsay I’d like to compliment you. You are gifted. As much as I am biased regarding Max. That night, she was even more striking than I see her every day. I was a bit jealous she hadn't asked me to go with her."
"Thank you. I appreciate that. I may not have the most impressive career, but I love having the pleasure of highlighting a woman's beauty. How about you? Do you like what you do? I understand you are a captain on a yacht."
"That would be correct. I enjoy what I do very much. Sometimes it's challenging dealing with my clientele. The ocean however, has always been home to me. It's home as much as here is."
"You’re never afraid? Being surrounded by blue in every direction?"
"God no. That is when life seems the most peaceful. I live a very different life. Part of me is married to what I do. Whether it is a storm or silent water, seeing a sunrise or sunset, the canvass is beyond any words I can express. Everything about it is. Even how one needs to move to adapt to the motion of the water at times. Please, don't get me wrong, there are mundane times. There are also times, I'm going to collapse I am so tired of the long hours or my staff driving me utterly insane. You need to be very adaptable. We don't work nine to five. We are on call twenty-four hours for however long each excursion is set. Even flying to each departure port is trying. I never have the same schedule. Tomorrow, life changes completely once again. Only downfall, it doesn't leave much room for many steady relationships in this life. Most don't like the distance or keeping up with the back and forth."
"Looks to me, you have someone who does."
"Max? Max is incredible. She is very special in my life. She never asks for more than I can give and I don't ask it of her. Besides, she is an emotional cripple. I am the romantic, despite my sarcasm. I love, love. For Max, love has a different meaning. Not that it is less of a meaning, she simply
lives life differently."
Is he crazy? I swear I am slipping him one of my mood stabilizers. How could he tell her that about me? I take another huge gulp of me coffee. I am going to kill him, I swear. Just kill him in his sleep. Emotional cripple? No, forget killing him that would be too easy. I will make him a cripple. Slice that Achilles’ heel. See who is a cripple then? Oh God these two aren't done? Lindsay shut up please you are not here on a talk show. Her voice is beginning to annoy me now.
Lindsay continues, "I don't think I've ever met two other people, who have what you both have. I can see why Max speaks so highly of you. Not only, are you funny but your passion for life is so different. Refreshing from a man. It's quite radiant."
Radiant? Who the fuck uses the word radiant? Oh I can't wait for this to start. Well better said, me finish this all. I can't stay in here much longer. I chug my coffee I still need to rummage through my closet. I don't actually own sweats. I have yoga clothes. There has to be something in here. First, I need to crack the door very quietly so I can still hear them when I am in my closet. These two are too much. I may need some Pepto for my nausea from them both.
"Thank you. Do most men in your company open up this easily?"
"Max asked me something similar earlier. Speaking of, did I scare her away? Seems I became a bit caught up in you. Wow. I can't stop staring at you. It was the same with Max. The both of you have hypnotic eyes. Your eyes are so different, yet it's hard to look away from them also."
I Walked With Her Page 4