First to Fall

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First to Fall Page 12

by Alexa Whitewolf

  “Wonderful.... Racist werewolves.”

  He shrugs, accustomed to the notion. And if I plan to date a werewolf, I’ll have to deal with it, too. I search Dom’s expression, trying to look past the tangle of questions in my head and ask myself the one that really matters.

  Do I actually plan to date a werewolf? Because something tells me this isn’t going to be one of those light and easy relationships you see in Hallmark movies.

  It dawns on me in that moment that we didn’t quite have that talk we promised, about our relationship. I’m about to bring that up, when the door bursts open and Lucas stomps in.

  He takes one look at us, then jabs a finger in the air. “Porca miseria, Dominic, you told her!? Are you insane?” The swearing, if not the tone full vibrating of anger, clues me in that Lucas is seriously pissed.


  Damn Lucas and his bad timing. I can’t believe Luz is taking all this in stride, but his interruption is not helping our case.

  Still, I refuse to let go of Luz. “Relax, Lucas. We got attacked in the woods by Aiden and his crew. Kind of hard to defend her as a human, don’t you think?”

  He scowls, clenching his fists. “Then maybe you should have run your little picnic plans by me first. This could have all been avoided!”

  “Sure, so you could shoot me down?” I scoff, knowing full well I’m not doing myself any favors.

  Something burns in his glare, and I know if Finn was here he’d tell me to shut up. But right now, with my wolf secret out, all I know is I want to be honest with Luz in all aspects, including telling her about him.

  “You’ve crossed many lines, Dominic. But you’re getting closer to a limit you won’t be able to return from.” Lucas spares a glance to Luz, before directing his glare to me. “We’ll finish this later.”

  I wait until he leaves, then place my hands on Luz’s shoulders and push her slightly away.

  “About this relationship... And how it started.”

  In retrospect, I should have let Luz talk first. Instead, I follow my statement by kissing her senseless—then quite literally shoot myself in the foot.

  “You can’t like Lucas.”

  Luz freezes under my touch, frowning up at me. “Excuse me?”

  “Lucas is the alpha of our pack, Luz. Since we pledged our allegiance to him, it activated some kind of pheromone and it attracts any woman to him. This entire time, that's why you lusted after him.”

  Luz frowns, shaking her head. “I would know my own feelings, Dom. I’m pretty sure it had nothing to do with your wolf thing.”

  “But it did. It does.” Her emerald eyes that previously shone are now narrowing my way, and I know I should stop while I’m ahead.

  She takes a step back, crossing her arms over her chest. “You’re telling me I can’t differentiate between my feelings and some spell?”

  “No, that’s not—” I run a hand over my face, ready to kick myself. “It’s not a spell, Luz. It’s deeper than that, like basic, primal attraction that will continue to call out to you until you act on it.”

  Her face flushes at that. “So you’re saying I’ve been a virgin all this time but now because of some wolf crap Lucas is pulling, I’ll just fall in bed with him? Wow, Dom, thanks for the vote of confidence!”

  I’m moving towards her before I can stop myself, unable to shut up. She’s missing the point and panic is welling inside me at the thought of losing her, so close to having her. “I’m not contesting your virtue, I’m trying to tell you that it won’t matter.”

  “Don’t tell me what will and won’t matter in my life, Dom!” Her eyes flash, and there's both hurt and irritation in there.

  “But it’s the truth! You’ve fallen into a world you don’t understand, and if you don’t listen to me you might do something you regret. This, you and me, it started because of your so-called love for Lucas. But you don’t love him, it’s this whole alpha shit that has you twisted!”

  She purses her lips, her cheeks flaming now. “Stop. I know what I feel, and nothing you say can affect that.”

  “Luz—” Shit. How did this conversation go so haywire? I try to put my arms around her, but she jerks out of my reach.

  “No, don’t!”

  And yet I do. I grab her anyway and crush her mouth with mine until I feel her sweet surrender, and her arms wrap around my neck. I continue my assault on her lips while her entire body leans against mine, pliant and practically melting against me.

  In that moment, I pull back and meet her bemused glare with one of my own. “If you’re so in love with him, then why are your arms wrapped around me begging for more?”

  Before she can answer or I make matters worse, I leave, ignoring her stricken expression.


  So Dom is ignoring me at work. Since our little blowout a little over an hour ago, he's been burying himself in restoring some car. I didn’t even get a chance to explain myself, or the fact that we were talking about two completely different things in Lucas’ office.

  Yes, his arrogance that he knew what I felt pissed me off. But in the end, I was only trying to communicate how I felt about him. I never imagined Dom had such strong feelings about my so-called lusting over Lucas, and that blindsided me.

  So in retrospect, I can’t blame him for how he acted, but—

  What the hell is that noise?

  Shouts emerge from the garage, and not the funny kind. When the second wave sounds, I run over in time to see Dom hit Lucas, then get punched in return. As if the first hits were some kind of catalyst, they go at it with a brutality that leaves me gaping.

  Tristan and Finn are on the sidelines, arms crossed over their chests like they couldn’t care less. I know my rash judgment is useless considering the reality they live, but it doesn’t make me rethink my next actions, either.

  “Stop!” The scream escapes me with enough intensity to make the duo on the sidelines turn to me, but it doesn’t have the tiniest effect on Lucas and Dom.

  I move to get closer, getting as far as passing by Tristan, but Finn wraps his arm around my middle and brings me to a full stop.

  “Stay out of this, Luz,” he mutters. “This is wolf business.”

  So they know I know.

  I guess word must travel fast in such a small pack—which again begs the question of what the hell I got myself into. Yet my eyes are drawn to the fighters, helpless in Finn’s arms as Lucas hits Dom again.

  His glare, and the promise from earlier, echo in my mind. I notice the brutality of his punches, the clenched jaw, and wonder how in hell I could have ever felt anything for him. And why did I get so annoyed at Dom when he tried to tell me otherwise?

  I groan in Finn’s arms, and he must interpret it as a sound of pain. “Dom will be fine, Luz, at least once he submits to Lucas. He crossed paths one too many times, and if he doesn’t submit, Lucas has no choice but to kick him out. A beta is no good to a leader unless he listens.”

  I remember all the times Dom pissed Lucas off on my behalf, for my stupid crush. Tears spring to my eyes, but I refuse to be the weak party in this trio.

  A gasp escapes me again when another punch drops Dom to the ground. He’s panting, taking in deep breaths. His eyes scan the surroundings, and he notices me in the crowd. Something passes over his expression, and it’s enough to make Finn’s grip loosen.

  I don’t waste time trying to understand things out of my control. Instead, I wiggle out of his remaining grip and jump between Lucas and Dom, arms spread on either side to keep them apart.


  Lucas freezes, his fist raised high, and I feel Dom’s panting breath on my neck.

  “This is stupid, even for you two! You’re acting like mutts having a pissing contest, not adults.”

  Apparently my little speech has its effect, because next thing I know, Lucas moves away. There’s a restless energy to him, and on a subconscious level I know I just interrupted something that should have finished.

  Yet al
l I care about is Dom being all right. I turn my gaze to him, but his expression is not welcoming in the least.

  “You should have stayed out of it.”

  “Dom, no, you—”

  He shakes his head, pushing past me. “I wouldn't have harmed your pretty boy’s face—much.”

  I don’t even get a chance to tell him it was him that had me worried, not Lucas.

  ∞ 10 – Rebeliune ∞

  “Those who excel in virtue have the best right of all to rebel,

  but then they are of all men the least inclined to do so.”



  I’m staring, baffled, after Dom, aware but not quite of having eyes on me. By the time I snap out of it, I realize Lucas never left and Finn and Tristan are still here.

  So I’m alone. With three werewolves of different abilities, according to Dom.

  Rather than cower, I toss my hair back and put my hands on my hips. “Is anyone going to explain what just happened? Because I’d prefer to understand more before I go hunt down my boyfriend and smack some sense into him.”

  Not that I’m sure we’re still in a relationship at this point... But Lucas doesn’t need to see that.

  Finn and Tristan share an amused glance, but it’s Lucas who holds out his hand towards me in invitation. “Walk with me.”

  To my surprise, Tristan’s face hardens, and he moves towards us. “Talk to her here, with us.”

  I don't understand why he intervened, but Lucas narrows his gaze. “I’m your alpha. You don’t trust her with me, amico?”

  Finn, ever the peacemaker, steps in between them. “I think what Tristan is trying to say, albeit failing, is that it might be safer in here. You heard Dom’s recounting—”

  “—before it broke in a fight...” Tristan’s interjection seems to irritate Lucas further, as his jaw clenches. Finn throws him a dark look, then shakes his head.

  “Either way, boss, let’s take the safe road until we know more.”

  “Fine.” I’m taken aback by Lucas relenting—I thought alphas never back down. Or so my books say.

  As if hearing my thoughts, Lucas smirks. “A good leader knows when to listen to his subjects.” I try not to show my surprise. He probably just reads people well.

  Unfortunately for him, his comment gives me ideas. “Great. So am I one of your subjects?”

  Lucas tilts his head to the side, eyes darting to the other two. He has no idea where I’m going with this. “Sì... You are under my protection, as is everyone in the pack.”

  “And by your previous reasoning, you take your subjects’ advice into reasoning, right?”

  He squints at me, no longer amused yet unable to retract what he’d said. I catch Tristan snickering, but don’t get distracted. “Well?” When he nods, I cross my arms over my chest. “Perfect. In that case, I suggest you stop fighting with Dom. I may be new to this, and not grasp all the intricacies of your little wolf pack, but I know this. Nothing good can come from you two fighting, especially when there are creatures and other neo-Nazi wolf packs that lurk around.”

  I can safely conclude three things, based on his expression. One, Lucas never expected me to talk this much. And two, he never guessed the attitude that hid underneath my overall calm exterior. And three, my words piss him off because I'm right.

  Guess he’s not the only one who can read expressions.

  “Well, Dom sure picked well.” The praise comes from Finn, who then walks over to Lucas and smacks him on the shoulder. “Nothing I wouldn’t have said myself, boss.”

  “Nor I.”

  I glance at Tristan, catching his nod of acknowledgement towards me, and warmth spreads in my chest. For over a year, these guys have not only tolerated my presence here, but made me feel safe. When Tommy reappeared and turned my life upside down, they rallied together and protected me.

  Maybe I am crazy. But nothing about them scares me. Rather, for the first time in my life, I feel like I belong, like I’m valued and don’t have to hide who I really am as a person.

  “You may be right.” I focus my gaze on Lucas, who widens his stance. “But perhaps your efforts would be better suited convincing your boyfriend to stop ignoring my orders. If he does not obey me, make no mistake: I will throw him out of this pack. And a lone wolf is no good—for you, or for this town.”

  The implication is clear enough: if Dom gets expelled, so to speak, he’d have to leave town. Considering I don’t plan to let that happen, I vow to try and change his mind.

  “Fine, I will. But can we talk about the elephant in the room? Your guys’ abilities?”

  “I thought Dom already told you most of it.”

  I turn to Finn, shaking my head. “He explained he’s a vârcolac, and you each have your different abilities. That Lucas’ bite can turn me, and Jared’s or Aiden’s, but we never got much deeper in it.”

  The guys glance at each other, and I huff. “I know I’m human, and practically useless in your minds in fights. But I took self-defense classes and was more than able to take on Tommy by myself. I also helped Dom during the attack in the woods. So, not completely useless, here.” I meet each of their gazes in return. “Please. Tell me.”

  Lucas retreats at my words, walking into a corner and leaning against a pole. He’s watching me with hooded eyes, though I can’t read his expression. Some kind of signal must have passed from him to the guys, because they start talking. But the entire time, Lucas is silent and sullen.

  Finn gestures to a small stool near one of the cars. “All right, love. Take a seat, this might be a while.” Once I do, he begins. “First, you need to understand not all packs are like ours. Mostly, they’re larger—twice the size at least—and with only two strong-headed leaders. The alpha and beta. In our case, we’re blessed with four heads.”

  “We all come from different spots of the world,” Tristan continues. “Maybe one day we’ll tell you our stories, but for now the gist is this: me and Finn each used to belong to a pack, before we left and sought freedom. Dom was a loner from the beginning and ended up here way before us. When me and Finn arrived in Rockland Creek within a few weeks of each other, we were one too many wolves to roam freely.”

  “So Lucas gave us a choice.” I glance to the leader, but he’s still resolutely silent, leaving me no choice but to give all my attention to Finn. “Join him in a pack, for a test drive at least. After six months, if we were fine with how things were going, we would swear allegiance to him.”

  I had to interrupt at that point. “Is this how it’s usually done? Not that I have anything to compare it to except books and mythology, but...”

  “You’re right, of course.” Finn flashes a smile, throwing a look to Tristan who rolls his eyes. “We’re a special case.”

  “He means we’re idiotas—rejects.” I snort at the term Tristan uses. “I’m serious. Lucas took in a bunch of broken kids and gave us a purpose.”

  I realize then the extent of the bond that links them all. It’s more than just the pack, or a hierarchy that ties them. Underneath Lucas’ tough exterior, and each guy’s secret, there’s a deep-seated friendship and trust between them. I’d wager nothing could break it, not even Dom’s inability to obey orders.

  “So you formed the pack.” I try to get them back on track if only because thinking of Dom has my stomach in knots. I don’t think the sensation will disappear until I get to talk to him and wipe the slate clean.

  “Yeah, and after the six months were up—last summer—we pledged allegiance to Lucas.”

  I remember what Dom told me, about the pheromones in Lucas being triggered by his new alpha status. My crush on him started in the summer, which means... He was right all along.

  Damn. Now I really owe him an apology.

  I focus back on Finn, who’s now talking about the rules of the pack. “It’s simple. We don’t show off to humans, stick to ourselves, and try to avoid a turf war with the Reapers.”

  “And obey the leader.” />
  I ignore Tristan’s input, focusing instead on Finn’s last words. “The Reapers?”

  “That’s what we call Jared and his group. How much did Dom tell you about them?”

  “Only that they hate humans, and to stay away. I got the impression they’re very, um, racist.”

  Tristan snorts. “You could say that, beleza. Sadly, they’re not the only ones. I’ve traveled enough in the military to have seen worse scums.” He shakes his head as if to clear it of a bad memory. “Human hunters wiped out Jared’s entire family back in the day. He moved here, but he was broken even as a child. The result is the Reapers.”

  Despite the easy explanation, I have a feeling there’s more to them than that. Plus, I have a hard time grasping their role in all this. “So... What, they wreak havoc on the town?”

  Finn glances at Lucas as if wondering how much to tell me. When he nods, Finn faces me again. “They stay away from most humans—unless they have the temerity to land on their land. Then it’s open season on humans.”

  Got it. Stay away from the bad people. “What about the creature?”

  The minute the words leave my mouth, I know I might have put my foot on a landmine. Tristan and Finn share shocked glances, and even Lucas straightens up.

  “You saw it?”

  I nod at Tristan, biting my lip. “It showed up when Aiden’s group attacked us. There were... a lot of wolves, and I think even Dom was getting overwhelmed. Then this hellish, deformed wolf stepped out with yellow eyes....” Their gazes widen, and I trail off. “Surely Dom told you.”

  “No. He didn’t.” This comes from Lucas, who’s now stalking towards me until he towers over me. “What happened with it?”

  I bite my lip, unsure how much more to say. Lucas makes it easy when he grasps my forearm, tugging on me. “Lucrezia, rispondimi!”

  Unfortunately for Lucas, his order to answer him only makes my stubborn side stand out. I jerk out of his grip, scowling. “Ask Dom.”

  His eyes glitter, but before he can do anything Finn intervenes. “Back off, Lucas. Dom didn’t get a chance to tell us anything before you jumped him to assert your alpha.”


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