First to Fall

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First to Fall Page 22

by Alexa Whitewolf

  Whatever conversation is going on with them passes right over my head until Finn whispers. “We’ve got trouble.”

  I crane my neck to where he’s pointing. Row after row of creatures emerges from the cave, paired or alone. They fan out until they surround us, and I recall everything me and Finn learned about their special abilities.

  “I’m not leaving you two alone and neither will Luz.”

  I glance at Finn in surprise, then Lucas who moved by his side. He’s still in wolf form, glaring at me with an almost annoyed look on his face. Tristan is keeping an eye on Jared, ensuring he’s not leaving anywhere.

  Finn's words now make sense, and I realize Lucas must have told him to take me away, leaving him and Tristan to face off against the creatures alone. “Finn’s right. I’m not leaving any of you. If we fight, we all fight together."

  Movement interrupts our conversation. The creatures closest to us part like water, and in their midst another wolf emerges. He’s covered in blood, his fur matted and bleeding in parts. But I can see the white stripe on his back, and the blue of his eyes when they land on me.


  ∞ 18 – Curaj ∞

  “Courage is knowing what not to fear.”



  I walk past the vrykolakas—my pack—dragging my back leg, and emerge at their head. Their strength is like a second heart behind me, tangible and encouraging. Despite my beat-up state, their presence fills me with renewed energy.

  Still in wolf form, I scan the area until I have a clearer picture of what’s going on. I see Luz in Finn’s arms, and Lucas facing off Jared, Tristan by his side.

  My wolf growls at the sight of Luz in another man’s arms, until my friend’s narrowed gaze sinks in. I smell blood on her and notice her bandaged ankle.

  Finn must have understood my question because he snaps his fingers to get my attention. “She’s fine. Injured, but she’ll be alright.”

  My eyes shift to Luz next, noticing her glazed look. She’s leaning way too heavily on Finn, which makes me think she’s in dire need of medical attention. A snarl takes my attention away, and I notice Lucas moving to stop Jared from advancing.

  Wait here. The order is meant for my pack, and they take a step back and wait for my next command. I pass by Luz, sniffing at her ankle and giving it a soft lick. Her hand runs over my fur, and I nudge her.

  I’ll be back soon. Stay strong, draga mea.

  I know she can’t hear me, but her slight nod shows she understands. So I focus all my attention on Jared and his wolves. Joining Lucas, I stand straight—even if full of blood.

  My thoughts focus on my former alpha, ensuring whatever I say will only be heard by him. One of his pack called the vrykolakas here, I inform Lucas.

  He glances at me, noticing I’m step in step with him, not to the side like a beta does. For a moment, considering the way we ended things, I fear he might start something. Instead, he nods. Do you know who?

  Yeah, not that it’s much use. It was Aiden, and my cousin killed him.

  Lucas narrows his eyes as if coming to a decision and steps to Jared. This ends now. From alpha to alpha, you have transgressed our laws and tried to harm one of my own.

  She’s a filthy human!

  I snarl, stepping closer until I’m muzzle to muzzle with him. Watch yourself, Jared. You’re already on a thin leash.

  He glares at me. Back off, beta. This is a conversation between alphas.

  And he is exactly where he’s meant to be. I glance at Lucas, surprised by his support, but his attention doesn’t waver from Jared. You’re speaking to the leader of the vrykolakas, so show some respect.

  Jared gapes at me, then laughs, a low rumble. I knew it! I knew from the beginning you had a hand in bringing those creatures here!

  My wolf takes over and we move, growling low. Second warning, Jared. Heed my tone. I’m no traitor to my pack—old or new. And I had nothing to do with them, other than being related to their previous leader. The same can’t be said for the traitor in your midst.

  Jared stops talking, letting my words sink in. He looks to Lucas. What’s that?

  You have a traitor among you. It is he who let the vrykolakas into your territory, allowing them protection without your knowledge.

  There’s a rumble behind Jared from his wolves that have been following the exchange. I keep a close eye on them in case they attack. But they’re mellow, expecting a signal from their leader.

  Jared stares between me and Lucas, then shrugs. And why do I care?

  Because you may be racist pricks, but you also value loyalty in your own.

  Who is it, then?

  Lucas snorts, his body shaking with silent laughter. Not so fast. You agree to my terms, then we talk. When Jared goes silent, he continues, You leave our human alone—and I mean for good. Regardless of whether she stays with us or goes with Dominic, Lucrezia is untouchable. In exchange, I give you the name of your traitor.

  Your bitch humiliated me!

  A quick glance over my shoulder confirms the discarded branch near Luz, and my tail wags. That’s my girl. She notices it and smiles back.

  My attention shifts to Jared and I step until I overshadow Lucas. Disrespect my mate one more time, and you’ll wish she’s the one fighting you next time. Accept his terms, or else.

  She’s human! How dare you corrupt your blood so? She’s garbage to us, food, a—


  Too late. Lucas’ growl might have echoed, but I’m already lunging at Jared. We grapple on the ground until I overpower him, jaw on his jugular, my teeth close to sinking in.

  I could kill you right now, and your pack would be none the wiser. But I know what losing a leader does to idiots like yours. So I will spare you. But you owe me a life debt, Jared, don’t you ever forget that.

  Despite the pain from my wounds, I move off him without showing weakness and re-join Lucas. Jared jerks to his feet, evidently intending to fight. Snarls from both me and Lucas quickly change his mind, and his eyes dart to the two packs in the background. No matter how much he wants to fight, he realizes he’s outnumbered and his ears flatten on his head. Very well. I agree to your terms. Who is the traitor?

  Lucas looks back at me, and takes a step back, allowing me to speak. I incline my head in acknowledgement, before addressing Jared. It was Aiden who betrayed you. He disliked your policies, thought them weak, especially when you struck the deal with the zmeu.

  I must have said something right, because Jared doesn’t react, nor does he try to argue the point. Instead, he turns to his wolves. We’ve suffered enough losses here. The redhead is off limits, you all bore witness to the pact. Now move.

  I wait until they’re all gone, disappearing in the bushes, which is how I see Jared throw one last glare my way, then Luz’s. I wouldn’t trust the guy as far as I can throw him, and I intend to keep an eye on him.

  Once they’re gone, I turn back to Lucas. You knew I won alpha?

  I know the sound of an alpha howl, brother. His jaw opens in a grin. Congratulations are in order, I believe.

  Distracted, my gaze lingers on Luz, then the vrykolakas. The simple thing here would be to leave with them, to lead them somewhere else. Ileana said I could save them if I so choose... But Lucas, Tristan and Finn are my wolf family, not these creatures that are more beast than wolf.

  And then there’s Luz. I notice the blood again seeping from her wound. There is no way I can survive away from her, even for a short time.

  She can leave with you, amico.

  I meet Lucas’ knowing gaze. He’s been following my train of thought, but I’m not ready to decide yet. What would happen to the vrykolakas?

  If they leave our territory, they can keep their lives. Otherwise, it’s death.

  I nod, aware this is not a decision I can make on my own. Yet if they see me with Luz, there is a strong chance I’ll lose my one advantage over them.

  Lucas settles the matter for me. You woul
dn’t. They are bound to you, and your Luna. In fact, they’re already protecting her. Look closer.

  I follow his advice and peer at the vrykolakas. While half of their attention is on me, the other half is focused on Luz, on her every breath. When Finn shifts and she gasps in pain, one daring vrykolakas moves closer.

  Stand down. He hears me and steps back in line. I take that moment to morph and head to Luz, taking her in my arms. Despite being covered as I am with blood, grime and dust, she wraps her arms around my waist and buries her head in my chest.

  Dimly, she notices my naked self and mutters, “Can you put some clothes on?”

  I chuckle and glance over her head, where Lucas is stepping closer, also in human form. He’s zipping his jeans on and throws me a faded pair. I let go of Luz to pull them on, but don’t bother with dirtying a shirt.

  When I wrap my arm around her again, her entire weight leans on me and I glance down with worry. “How are you holding up?”

  She opens her mouth to answer me, but Finn beats her to it. He interrupts our little moment with a slap on my back—hard enough to jostle me forward.

  “Your girl is something! She took on Jared all by herself. By the time we got here, he was shaking his head like he didn’t know what hit him.”

  Pride swells within me, but Luz only flushes in embarrassment. I’m glad to see some color in her pale cheeks. Tristan joins us next, a half-smile on his smug face. “It was funny watching the babaca squirm.”

  I nudge Luz’s neck with my nose, breathing in her scent. She shivers in my arms, and I fear she’ll need solid medical attention after this. Unless my talk with Lucas goes well, that is.

  “Can you wait a bit longer?”

  She looks up at me, green eyes full of relief and love, searching my expression. “I’ll be fine—whatever you decide, Dom. Go do what you have to.”

  I kiss her full-on, relishing the way she melts against me. It’s short-lived before I release her back in Finn’s arms. “Watch over her.”

  “With my life.” I nod, satisfied he got my meaning, and follow Lucas to the edge of the clearing. I turn so I can keep an eye on Luz and my pack from afar.

  “So.” Lucas widens his stance, hands in his pockets, a relaxed pose.

  I can’t exactly mimic him with my wounds, which I’m still doing my best to ignore, but I cross my arms over my chest instead. “So.”

  “Mi dispiace... I’m sorry for what went down last time.” Lucas rubs the back of his neck and straightens up. “Though you withheld things from me and acted like a righteous prick, I can’t fault you for something you did not know of.”

  I nod, acknowledging his apology. “And I’m sorry for the way things ended. You have to believe me, I never meant to hurt you, Lucas. As my alpha, you were everything a wolf needs.”

  Despite my best intentions, hurt flashes in his eyes when I use the past tense, and his nod is terse this time around. “What will you do now, as alpha of the vrykolakas? Leave with them, and Luz?”

  My gaze lingers on the creatures. Maybe it’s because of my new status, but I feel a certain pity towards them, knowing they will never have the peace I do. Yet I can’t judge, because they seem happy where they’re at right now.

  “I will make sure they stop ripping hearts out, for one. And they’ll leave your territory, don’t worry.”

  Lucas glances at them, then back at me. A muscle ticks in his jaw and his brow furrows as if trying to decide something pivotal. His nod is more to himself when he extends a hand towards me. “Our territory, if you so wish.”

  My jaw slackens as I stare at his offered hand for what feels like a long, long time. I get what he’s asking, of course, but the intricacies of how that would work...

  As if reading my mind, Lucas says, “I will not ask you to give up the alpha of the pack. But you can continue being my beta as long as you are on my territory. If ever you wish to leave, you are free to do so.”

  “So basically, nothing changes?”

  Lucas nods, searching my gaze. “I want this to work, Dom. The four of us, we’ve been through a lot together.”

  I move my hand, about to shake his, but a thought stops me. “And Luz?”

  “I will not stand between you, if that is your worry. Though for her protection, we should initiate her under our pack—but mated to you.”

  “So for all intents and purposes, she would be my Luna.” Lucas nods at the term, reserved for the mate of the alpha. I grin, then shake his hand with a resounding smack. “We’ve got a deal.”

  Lucas turns back to the rest of our pack, grinning. “Bene. Though I have to say, I don’t envy you her spirit, amico.”

  “That’s because you’re not wolf enough to handle it.” Lucas’ laugh echoes behind me as I stride over to my mate, my shoulders a million years lighter now.


  While Dom and Lucas are chatting, I’m doing my best to stay awake in Finn’s arms. “About that hospital...”

  His grip tightens on my waist, and I draw in a breath. “You may not need it, love.”

  I peer at the blood still oozing from my ankle, then up at him. The sky seems to move above me, and I hear Finn whispering my name urgently.

  “I’m okay, I’m okay,” I mutter, leaning even more against him. “But I don’t agree, I think I lost a lot of blood.”

  Tristan moves closer, gripping my shoulder. “Beleza, stay with us. They’re almost done.” What the hell does Dom’s conversation with Lucas have to do with the fact I’m bleeding my entire bloodstream here?

  My blurry vision moves to Dom and Lucas shaking hands, then my boyfriend is moving closer. He pulls me from Finn’s arms into his own, and his heat seeps through my wet clothes. I notice his body is unmarred by scratches or battle wounds, and somehow that eases the worry that had been plaguing me.

  “I got you.” Dom’s whisper is close to my ear. “I know it’s hard, draga mea, but I need you to hang on. You have to decide something... And if you say yes, you’ll be better after, I promise.”

  I blink, forcing my eyes to meet his. “Say yes to what?”

  Lucas inches nearer, his eyes on me. “I have a proposition... If you’re all right to stay in the pack, that is.”

  “Stay in the pack?” I repeat, frowning. “Why wouldn’t we? Lucas, if this is about me—”

  He holds up his hand, smiling. It’s such a change from the guy I last interacted with, that I know my confused expression shows on my face.

  “I owe you an apology, cara, much like I did Dom. For the way I acted.” His eyes dart between us, and a corner of his mouth pulls up into a half-smile. “Truth be told, what you two have is pure enough to make any wolf in this vicinity jealous.”

  I’m too far gone in my weakness to stop my snort, and Dom chuckles in response. His arm tightens around me, and it’s all the heads up I get before Lucas’ intense gaze drags mine.

  “Until now, you have been under our wing. But I would like to offer you full initiation into our midst.”

  I lick my dry lips, managing one question. “Does this mean I have to learn how to turn furry?”

  Lucas’ burst of laughter is echoed by the guys, and I even catch a few snorts from the silent creatures behind us. Our fearless leader faces everyone, spreading his palms open.

  “Let’s give Luz the full protection of the pack, sì?”

  “Hell yeah!” Finn hollers, ripping me from Dom’s arms and swinging me around. I laugh, begging him to let me go until he relents—straight into Tristan’s arms.

  My eyes meet Tristan's chocolate ones. “I will agree, but on one condition.”

  “And what’s that, beleza?”

  “You don’t feel guilty for what happened with Jared. I was the one who left, Tristan, and what happened after is on my shoulders alone.”

  He searches my expression and I try to appear as resolute as possible. Tristan ends up shaking his head, half-smirking. “You’re serious, aren’t you? You won’t say yes unless I agree to this?”
br />   “Agree and mean it.”

  Tristan nods, and I know his word is one thing he won’t break. Before I can leave the circle of his arms, he pulls me into a hug. “I’ll agree to that on another condition. That you learn to ask for help next time. Claro?”

  I pull back, seeing the earnest look in his eyes. Knowing what I do of Tristan, how he lost his squadron in the last war he fought, how he suffers from nightmares... I nod, and I vow to myself that I’ll stop playing hero. These guys deserve better than that.

  Dom pulls me away, grasping my hand. “You already know my vote,” he grins to Lucas.

  The alpha clasps his hands and I sense the vrykolakas getting agitated behind me. I glance there, then back at Dom. “Should they be here for this?”

  He squeezes my hand. “It’s better if they are and understand your role in this pack.”

  “So you really did...?”

  Dom nods, and I can’t help the pride that swells within me. When he grins, his eyes crinkle at the corners. “Enough about me, gorgeous. It’s your turn now.”

  We face Lucas, though I don’t know what to expect. The mind-numbing cold has somehow left my body, perhaps due to the temperature rising. After all, it’s almost sunrise.

  Yet when Lucas kneels before me, all my senses focus on his movement. He pulls a knife from his jeans' pocket, and my eyes widen. Dom must have caught my panic because his hand squeezes mine.

  “Breathe, draga mea. It’ll only take a minute.”

  Lucas' features are all business and hard granite as he unwraps the bandages Finn placed around my ankle. When the last of the material is off, blood trickles down my foot, spilling into the snow below, and my head spins again.

  “Hurry, mate, she’s ready to lose consciousness.”

  Lucas nods, bringing the knife closer to the wound. He holds it close to the skin, glancing up at me. “Normally, we would cut on the wrist or finger, but seeing as you’re already hurt, there’s no point in marring your skin further.”

  He gets up, the knife now full of blood. The guys gather close and hold their hands out, including Dom. Lucas flicks the knife onto each of their extended palms, and drops of my blood fall in them.


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