Battle for Cymmera

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Battle for Cymmera Page 17

by Dani-Lyn Alexander

  “I know, Noah. Thank you. I’m sorry I questioned your loyalty.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’d have felt the same way if I thought she was gone.” He backed away, leaving Jackson to deal with his pain alone.

  Elijah’s letter made perfect sense now. He’d manipulated circumstances and put himself in harm’s way to save Jackson. He’d died to save Ryleigh. Jackson didn’t even try to stem the flow of tears.

  The air shimmered again, and Ryleigh emerged from the portal.

  All of his emotions settled. His grief for Elijah, who’d been like a father to him, would never lessen. If anything, it would grow worse once the shock wore off. But he would survive, as he had when his father died.

  Max launched himself at Ryleigh and landed with his front paws resting on her shoulders, almost knocking her over.

  She caught him, wrapped her arms around him, and sank her fingers deep into his fur. “Hey, boy. Where did you come from?”

  Jackson firmly believed Elijah would still guide him, as his father and mother had and would continue to.

  Max nuzzled Ryleigh’s cheek.

  “I’m sorry I left you, Max. I didn’t know where you were.” She hugged him tight.

  For now, it was time to end this war. It was time to reclaim his kingdom. It was time to move on and rebuild the realm his parents and Elijah had died defending. And, with Ryleigh at his side, they’d succeed.

  Max dropped to all fours and took his customary place at her right hip.

  She wiped her tears and lowered her hand to his back. “Come on, boy. Time to take our kingdom back.”

  She started forward, and her gaze fell on Jackson. Her breath whooshed out, and she threw her arms around him. “Oh, Jackson.”

  He held her close, giving into one moment of peace, blocking all other thoughts from his mind. Ryleigh. His mate. The woman he’d love forever. The woman he’d thought dead. He pulled her tighter.

  She pressed her cheek against his chest. “I didn’t know where you were.”

  “I was terrified when I couldn’t find you.” No need to burden her with the grief he’d suffered when he thought she was gone.

  She pulled back and stared into his eyes. “Elijah.”

  “I know. Noah told me.”

  She nodded and returned to his embrace. Soft sobs shook her shoulders.

  He held her another couple of minutes, then reluctantly released her. If he could, he’d stand there on that plateau with Ryleigh in his arms until the end of time. Unfortunately, he couldn’t indulge in that fantasy. Maybe one day.

  She stepped away “There’s so much to tell you. I don’t even know where to start.”

  “You’ll have plenty of time to bring me up to speed while we walk back to the castle.” The gentle weight of her hand in his soothed him, brought comfort as they headed in search of their people.

  Chapter 9

  Ryleigh walked through the castle gates beside Jackson. “So what do you think happened to Darius and Vaughn?”

  “I don’t know.” Jackson pressed his thumb and forefinger against his eyes, the first outward sign of stress he’d shown. “Two of my men, Lucien and Gage, were with them, so I have to hope they moved everyone for some reason.”

  Ryleigh’s heart broke for the three kids. They’d already been through enough. She laid a hand on Max’s back and checked behind her to reassure herself Mia was still safe.

  The Queen’s Army and the Guardsmen who’d escaped with them to the Realm of the Fae marched behind them with Tristan and Tatiana in the lead and Mia and Cyenne directly behind them.

  Satisfied Mia was protected, Ryleigh scanned the horizon for any sign of attack. “Do you want us to return and bring Kiara back in case we find them?”

  Jackson was quiet a moment, and she wasn’t sure he’d heard her; then he shook his head. “Not yet. She’s safer there for now. Let’s see if we can find anyone first. You said Cyenne and Mia can go back and forth at will?”

  “From what Allura said, yes.”

  “Do you trust her?”

  She bristled. “I wouldn’t have left people in her care if I hadn’t.”

  “I know.” He raked a hand through his hair and huffed out a breath. “Sorry.”

  She waved him off. She couldn’t imagine the stress burdening him at the moment. She could certainly forgive one question. “Don’t worry about it.”

  Jackson had taken the news about the new realm fairly well, all things considered, only glaring at Tristan a few times when he found out he’d allowed Ryleigh to take part in searching the jungle. As if he had a choice.

  Maybe he was starting to figure out he couldn’t control her. Then again, maybe he’d just given up hope.

  A smile threatened. She clamped her teeth together. Somehow, she had a feeling he might not be ready to see the humor in the situation yet. There might be a slight possibility he’d never find humor in it.

  Jackson kept his gaze locked on the castle. His strong profile gave nothing of his feelings away.

  They started across the courtyard. The entire area still stank of smoke, though it seemed all of the fires had been extinguished. Scorched debris crunched beneath their feet.

  She gripped her sword tighter, thankful Jackson had found it. Its weight in her hand comforted, even though she sensed no immediate threat.

  “Do you think Thaddeus is here?” With Chayce gone, they should have a short time to get themselves together before Thaddeus made a move. She hoped.

  “I don’t think so. Not yet. But you never know, so be ready.” Jackson stopped in front of the castle doors.

  She still couldn’t believe the threat Chayce posed had been eliminated. Jackson’s expression and tone had remained neutral while he told her what happened, but he’d only given a brief account of the exchange, and they hadn’t been alone, so she had no idea of his true feelings about his brother’s death.


  She nodded.

  The heavy clank of the pulleys Ranger and Dakota worked to open the huge doors masked any other sounds. Nothing like announcing your arrival.

  Ryleigh held her sword ready.

  She and Jackson entered first.

  Max stayed close.

  “Wait here,” he whispered, then held out a hand to block her and crept forward.

  Yeah, right. She stayed just behind him. She didn’t want to get in his way if they came under attack, but no way was she waiting by the door like a frightened child.

  When he reached the throne room, he stopped and ran a hand over the smooth, intact wood of the closed doors.

  The doors had been lying in ruins last time she’d seen it. Ryleigh pitched her voice as low as possible and leaned close to his ear. “They were damaged.”

  He nodded.

  Something clattered at the far end of the corridor.

  Ryleigh jumped and pressed her back against the wall.

  Max issued a low warning growl.

  The Death Dealers fell into formation and took over with Jackson in the lead.

  With a quick check to be sure Mia and Cyenne were protected, Ryleigh held her position with the Queen’s Army.

  A thud echoed down the corridor.

  Ryleigh took shallow breaths through her mouth, trying to keep her harsh breathing quiet.

  Her soldiers stood braced for attack.

  Max’s hackles raised.

  Jackson shoved open the kitchen door with his foot, then plunged through the doorway. The other Death Dealers followed.

  Ryleigh started after them.

  Tristan darted a hand out in front of her and held up a finger in a wait a minute gesture.

  She vibrated with the need to see what was happening.

  Laughter poured down the hallway. About the last thing she expected.

  She frowned at Tristan.

  He shook his head and held his position.

  Being a soldier required patience Ryleigh didn’
t have.

  Jackson emerged from the open doorway a few seconds later, which felt like hours, his arm slung around Darius’s shoulder.

  Ryleigh ran to him. She shoved her sword into its sheath and threw her arms around Darius’s neck. “You’re all right.”

  He wrapped his strong arms around her waist and lifted her off the ground, then released her. “I’m so glad you’re safe. I’m sorry I had to send you alone.”

  She swiped at the tears. “You didn’t send me alone. And I can’t ever thank you enough for keeping Mia safe.”

  Mia shoved between them and lunged into Darius’s arms.

  He hugged her tight and smoothed a hand over her hair. His voice turned huskier than normal. “I am so happy to see you. I was terrified you wouldn’t make it.”

  “I made it, thanks to you.” She moved back and grinned. “And the pup made it too. Thank you, Darius. You saved my life.”

  He nodded and moved back.

  Mia had made light of her escape, only concerned about the pup who’d been injured, but Jackson had shared the story Harrison had told him. Based on Darius and Mia’s reactions, it had been a much closer call than she’d realized.

  “Are the kids safe, Darius?”

  “Yes, they’re fine. We’ve given them jobs, and they’ve been helping clean things up a bit.” He gestured for everyone to move into the kitchen.

  “Max, stay.” Everything had been destroyed. She left Max sitting outside the kitchen, no sense risking him stepping on debris and injuring himself. Since there was nowhere left to sit, Ryleigh stood amid the wreckage.

  “I was just telling Jackson. I woke on the plateau, and night was beginning to fall. When the others explained what was going on, I decided to return to the castle. I thought the kids and Vaughn would be safer here.”

  “What if Chayce or Thaddeus had been here?” How could he have moved the children without being certain the castle was safe?

  “The rest of the Death Dealers had already emerged from the cave by that point, and I sent them ahead to secure the castle, but we didn’t have a choice. Vaughn isn’t able to regulate his temperature any longer. He would never have made it through a frigid night on the mountain.”

  She couldn’t handle anyone else dying. Her life in the human realm had been clouded by the deaths of everyone she loved. Since they’d come to Cymmera, she’d already lost King Maynard, who she hadn’t gotten to know well but had come to admire, and Elijah, who she’d come to care a great deal for. “Did he make it?”

  Darius frowned. “He’s holding his own, which is probably the best we could expect under the circumstances, but he’s not good. Ranger’s with him now, but we need a stronger healer.”

  “At least he’s fighting the poison.” That should count for something. Although, King Maynard had been able to hold on too. For a little while.

  “He’s fighting it with Ranger’s help, but we really need Kiara.”

  Cyenne stepped forward, her cheeks flushed. “I was present while King Maynard explained what happened to Vaughn. I’d like to try to help.”

  Hope fluttered and tried to take hold. “Do you think there’s anything you can do?”

  “I’m well trained with poisons, especially if they are natural.”

  Jackson stepped forward and studied Cyenne. “We don’t think it’s poison.”

  “Then what?”

  “Magic. Dark magic.”

  A smile spread across Cyenne’s face, and her eyes lit up. “Even better. Faeries are inherently good. Our magic comes naturally, and it’s strong enough to counter most dark magic.”

  Darius placed a gentle hand on her arm and guided her toward the door. “Thank you. Your offer is very kind and very much appreciated.”

  “I’ll come with you.” Mia stepped over a broken chair leg and followed them into the corridor.

  Darius paused. “We’ve set up a temporary infirmary in the spare room beside the throne room. Do you know it?”

  Mia nodded.

  “Could you please show Cyenne the way, and I’ll meet you there in a minute?”

  “Sure.” She ushered Cyenne down the corridor and disappeared.

  Darius turned back to Jackson. “I’m going to send all of the soldiers to guard the perimeter, but once Vaughn is in good hands, we have to talk.”

  Jackson frowned. “What is it?”

  “We have to find out who sent the courier with that note. No one here is safe as long as there could be a traitor in our midst.”

  He nodded. “Do you have any ideas?”

  Pain flickered in Darius’s eyes before he blanked his expression. “A few.”

  Another traitor. One more person they’d trusted who’d betrayed them. At least, that’s what Darius expected.

  Jackson let the matter drop. “Where’s Dakota?”

  “He went to check on Vaughn.”

  “Please ask him to summon the dragons. The Death Dealers will leave for Argonas immediately in search of survivors.”

  “Yes. Do you want me to ride in Vaughn’s place?”

  Jackson paused. “I’ll let you know.”

  “Good.” He left Ryleigh and Jackson alone, issuing orders as his footsteps receded.

  “What do you think?”

  Jackson looked after Darius. “I don’t know what to think.”

  Ryleigh sorted through the mess in the kitchen. Shattered dishes, cups, and bowls littered the floor. Cupboards stood open, their doors hanging from their hinges or missing all together. She toed aside a broken chair, its mangled remnants covering what remained of a plant one of the kitchen workers had been trying to grow.

  She turned over a bowl that had somehow escaped destruction and lifted the plant gently, keeping as much soil as possible covering its roots. After lowering the plant into the bowl, she scooped up as much soil as she could from the floor and dropped it around the plant. She placed the plant on a lopsided hutch and sifted the soil through her fingers.

  Jackson slid behind Ryleigh, pulling her back against him as she tended the plant. He wrapped his arms around her waist, clasped his hands together, and nuzzled her neck.

  A jolt of heat surged through her.

  “I thought you were gone.” His harsh whisper held all of the pain and grief he’d suffered.

  Her heart ached for him, knowing the torture she’d endured when he’d been lost in the dungeons of Argonas. At least she’d still had hope he might be alive. She couldn’t imagine the agony of truly believing he was dead. “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry? For what?” His warm breath against her neck eased some of the pain of missing him.

  “I shouldn’t have disappeared where you couldn’t find me. I shouldn’t have left.”

  “Of course, you should have.”

  She looked down, her tears falling into the bowl as she continued to knead the soil. The cool, damp earth helped ground her.

  “It’s a hard thing, holding the responsibility for all of Cymmera in our hands. When I thought you were de…gone…” He swallowed hard.

  With her hands covered in soil, she settled for grazing her cheek against his.

  “I don’t ever want to need the strength to go on without you again. I hope I never suffer that kind of pain and emptiness as long as I exist.”

  “I can’t ever go through that again.”

  “But, eventually, it may happen.”

  Pain pierced Ryleigh’s chest.

  “We’ve taken a vow to rule this kingdom, no matter what. And we will be expected to honor that vow. You did the right thing, Ryleigh. The only thing you could possibly have done under the circumstances. Exactly as I’d have expected you to do.”

  He slid his hands over hers, cupping them beneath the soil. “Elijah knew.”

  “Oh, Jackson.”

  “When the courier delivered that scroll, Elijah knew the information was false, yet he sent me to Argonas, anyway.”

  “I know,” she whi


  “Mia told me.” She let the soil fall back into the pot and squirmed around in his grip until she faced him. “He loved you so much.”

  “Did she tell you why he did it?”

  How could she tell him? After the guilt she’d suffered because he’d given his life defending her, how could she subject Jackson to the same fate?

  His expression crumpled, and a sob tore from him. A primal scream of sheer agony followed. He must have seen the truth in her eyes.

  “I’m so sorry, Jackson.” She wrapped her arms around his waist and cried with him, his grief enhancing her own.

  His heart thundered beneath her cheek.

  He pulled her closer.

  Need ripped through her. The unyielding desire to ease his suffering, to comfort him, to erase his pain. Yet, she could do nothing.

  Eventually, his sobs tapered off. “When I find whoever is responsible for delivering that scroll, they will suffer beyond measure.”

  She couldn’t let him do that. Couldn’t let him make a decision he’d regret later. “Jackson—”

  “Not now. Please. We’ll talk about it later.” He stepped back, sucked in a shaky breath, and looked around at the destruction. “Right now, we have to find the rest of our people and clean up this mess.”

  He kicked a wooden cup across the room.

  It splintered against the far wall. The pieces rained down onto a ruined table.

  “Jackson?” Mia’s voice startled her.

  Ryleigh spun around.

  Mia stood in the doorway, the tears spilling down her cheeks belying her regal posture.

  “What’s wrong?” Jackson wiped her tears.

  Mia took his hand in both of hers. She lowered herself to one knee and bowed her head. “Your Majesty.” She sucked in a shaky breath and stood. “We’ve found the man responsible for delivering the scroll to the courier.”

  That couldn’t be possible. Darius had only left a short while ago. He couldn’t have found him yet. “How?”

  “He came forward and confessed.” She threw her arms around Ryleigh’s waist and hugged her tight.

  Ryleigh smoothed Mia’s hair. If she could just stay in that moment forever, she would. If she never had to hear who’d betrayed them, she’d be content.


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