Point of No Return: Project Exorcism, Book 3

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Point of No Return: Project Exorcism, Book 3 Page 7

by Mandy M. Roth

  She pressed her mouth to his, shutting him up. The kiss was passionate yet tender. “You’re here now. You came when I needed you and that’s all that matters. Now, can we maybe leave here? The smell of it all is going to make me sick.”

  He stood, taking her with him. He held her hand in his and dipped his head, kissing her quickly. “Let’s go.”

  They started on their way and she had to tug lightly on his hand. “Jordan, honey, you’re going too fast for me.”

  He paused, his brows meeting.

  She blushed, realizing she’d just called him honey.

  “Nina, you’re usually fast—scarily fast. What’s wrong?”

  She exhaled slowly. “I don’t know.”

  He closed his eyes a moment. “The baby. Your body is adjusting to the baby.”

  “Oh gods, that’s why I can’t shift forms,” she said. “I won’t be able to again until after he’s born.” Her eyes widened. “Jordan, I can’t protect him. I can’t keep him safe if I can’t shift and if I’m not at full strength.”

  “Shh,” he whispered, pulling her to him and kissing her forehead. “What do you think I’m for, huh? You’re my mate, Nina. My wife. I’ll protect you.” His hand found her stomach. “Both.”

  She clung to him. “But, I’ve always protected myself. I’m head of the bloody guards. I’m—”

  Nodding, he cut her off. “Very stubborn and headstrong. Yeah, I know. Can you keep going if I slow the pace? Tell me if you can’t. I’ll watch over you while you sleep.”

  “We’re too close to where we were attacked,” she said. While her ability to shift might be gone, the warrior in her wasn’t. She knew it wasn’t safe to remain in the area. That they had to keep moving. “I’m good if you slow the pace.”

  “Nina, swear to me that you’ll tell me if you need to rest,” he said, bringing her hand to his lips and kissing it gently. “I won’t see it as weak, baby.”

  “I will.” She went to her tiptoes and he dipped his head, kissing her lips.

  Chapter Six

  Nina held Jordan’s hand as they approached their village. One of her guards was on a watchtower. She heard his whistle and knew he was in the process of alerting others that someone was nearing the gates.

  A stampede of sorts occurred as their friends and family gathered at the gate. Bradi was there, nearly ripping the chains to shreds as he tried to hurry the large, heavy metal gates open. The moment he could squeeze through, he did. He rushed them, grabbing Nina and lifting her off her feet, hugging her tight.

  Sevan was next through the gates, reaching for his brother, giving Jordan a manly embrace. “We thought you were dead. We looked everywhere for signs of you guys but there was nothing.”

  “We’re fine. The shuttle isn’t. Front half of it is at the bottom of the red sea and well on its way to being a reef. The ass end is marooned on the beach.” He exhaled slowly, his hand going towards Nina as Bradi set her down. “We never made it off the planet. Marisa’s father—”

  “Is here with us,” Marisa said, coming forward with Christian at her side, her medical bag at the ready. “Bradi and Sevan formed search parties to hunt for you two. Sevan headed one that went to Margaidia, thinking you might have run into trouble there. He found my father and brought him to us.”

  Nina exhaled a shaky breath, her gaze going to Bradi. She didn’t want to say what had been in the back of her mind from the moment she’d first left on the fool’s errand.


  He was out there, somewhere—possibly dead.

  Her chest ached and she knew that for now at least, he was alive. While distance and time had come between them, their bond as twins had waned to the point she couldn’t sense him. That didn’t mean the threat to him was gone. Far from it.

  “Any word of Kyriakos?”

  “No, sis, but Sevan used some of my old contacts to put the word out to all our lost brothers.” He hugged her again before Lorelei appeared and forced him out of the way.

  “We’ll find him. I promise. We’ll find them all and bring them all home with us,” her sister said, tears evident in her eyes.

  The women embraced. Lorelei’s stomach had started to swell and it was easy to see she was expecting a baby. She stopped in mid hug and drew in a sharp breath. “Nina?”

  Nina cringed, already knowing her sister could sense the change in her.

  Lorelei spun and snatched hold of Jordan’s wrist. She dragged him closer, hugging him too. “Is it possible to be even more of a family member to me? I know you were already my brother-in-law because of Sevan but now you are extra brother-in-law material.”

  “Say what?” Bradi questioned.

  Marisa squealed and lunged at Nina, hugging her again. “Stars above, this is fantastic. You two finally did it. You mated!”

  Sevan’s eyes widened. “Holy Universe. Nina let you near her and didn’t tear off your balls and spoon feed ’em to you?”

  Blushing, Nina instinctively stepped towards Jordan who put an arm out, pulling her close. He used his free hand to touch her cheek, directing her attention upwards, to his face. His lips quirked. “There were moments I thought she might do just that.”

  “I’d never hurt you, Jordan.”

  He winked. “I was kidding, baby.”

  He dipped his head and she went to her tiptoes, their lips meeting. When the kiss ended, Jordan remained close, holding her tight but looking at his brother. “I need Nina to rest. We’ve been walking for days and I’m worried about her and the baby.”

  “Baby?” everyone echoed.

  Marisa squealed again and Christian let out a whooping sound. He patted Jordan’s shoulder so hard that Jordan would have fallen had Nina not been there to steady him. He cast a wicked grin in her direction. “I think they’re excited for us.”

  Just then, Pheebes strolled through the gate.

  Nina tensed, expecting a fight to occur between her mate and her ex-lover.

  Pheebes’s blue gaze moistened and in one fell swoop, he was on her, lifting her and hugging her to him. He turned her in a circle. “I thought… Nina, I thought…”

  She smiled, hugging him back. “I’m fine.”

  “So is the baby,” Jordan said sternly.

  Pheebes set her down and glanced at her stomach. “Congratulations are in order?”

  “My sister is mated and knocked up,” Bradi said with an odd note of pride for as crass as he was. “In case you missed it, she’s off the market, buddy.”

  “Bradi,” Marisa scolded. “Be nice. You know as well as the rest of us that Pheebes didn’t stop hunting for them either. He’s the one who found that chick and her buddy hiding in the compound. He’s the one who got it out of them that they’d sabotaged the shuttle, and he hasn’t slept a wink since then. He cares about her.”

  “And caring is as far as it will ever go,” Bradi added.

  “What he said,” Jordan replied, puffing his chest out.

  With a roll of her eyes, Nina gave Pheebes a quick hug and took his hand, placing his palm upon her lower abdomen, knowing he’d sense the child within her.

  Pheebes’s eyes moistened. “You are happy? He treats you well?”

  “He keeps me in line nicely,” she said. “And I’m more than happy.”

  “Do you love him?”

  She put her hand over her long time friend’s and nodded. “With all my heart.”

  “Then I am happy for you both and you and your child will always have my sword at the ready to defend and protect you.”

  “Thank you, Pheebes.”

  He grunted. “I will even defend your gormless husband.”

  She burst into laughter and Jordan baulked.


  Jordan stared at his wife’s sleeping form. Her stomach was large, too rounded for her to sleep upon it anymore. She was always going on about being fat and he spend equally as much time assuring her that she was beautiful.

  And she was.

  Never had he seen a more p
erfect sight than Nina swollen with his child. The babe was due soon, and while Sevan had done his part in trying to prepare Jordan for fatherhood and all it entailed, Jordan couldn’t help but panic.

  There was so much to worry about. So many threats to the babe both here and abroad. Getting a full night’s sleep was already a thing of the past for him. He spent too much time worrying about Nina and the babe.

  With a sigh, he tossed the covers back from their bed and climbed out. He slipped on a pair of pants but didn’t bother with a shirt or shoes. He needed fresh air.

  He exited their living quarters and walked down the corridor, towards an exterior door. He paused as a shadow stepped forth.

  Christian inclined his head. “You too find sleep elusive?”

  “Yeah,” Jordan said, rubbing the back of his neck.

  “Nina?” Christian questioned.

  “She’s resting well. The tea and herbs you mixed for her really helped her to relax and stopped her back from aching. Thank you.”

  Christian merely nodded as he opened the exterior door.

  The night was dark, the moon’s light barely there. Jordan stepped out behind the Chieftain.

  “Jordan, you wear your concerns and fears for all to see,” Christian offered, not looking at him.

  Jordan stilled.

  “You’ve been blessed by the gods.”

  “I know,” he confessed. “And I’m scared of losing those blessings.”

  “Living in fear isn’t really living, is it?” Christian reached out and touched a leaf on a tree. “The others are a real threat. One that we’re all dealing with. And I don’t think the universe is any safer than here. These are dangerous times.”

  “Yes, they are.”

  “But, I believe a change is on the horizon.” Christian faced him. “And I know it will come in our lifetime.”

  The news managed to lift the heavy weight he’d felt pressed on his chest for months. “Your crazy mumble-jumble spells and chanting tell you this?”

  Christian laughed. “As a matter of fact, it did.”

  With a shrug and a quick pat to Christian’s back, Jordan grinned. “Works for me.”

  “So you’ll go back to your quarters and start enjoying your blessings rather than worrying nonstop?”

  Jordan eyed him. “You know, I can see why you’re in charge. You’re a huge pain in the ass.”

  Christian’s laughter followed him as he entered the compound, headed straight towards Nina. He entered his home and went straight to the bedroom. He climbed under the covers and slid close to his wife, nuzzling his face to her neck.

  She stirred. “Jordan?”

  “Mmm, I love you.”

  She twisted slightly and kissed his lips. “I love you too.”

  “Go back to sleep, everything is fine.”

  About the Author

  To learn more about Mandy M Roth please visit www.mandyroth.com Send an email to Mandy M Roth at [email protected] or join her Yahoo! group to join in the fun with other readers as well at http://groups.yahoo.com/subscribe/Mandy_M_Roth

  Look for these titles from Mandy M. Roth

  Now Available:

  Project Exorcism

  Paranormal Payload

  Force of Attraction

  Loup Garou

  The Valkyrie

  Going the Distance

  Talons: King of Prey

  View to a Kill

  Sacred Places

  Goddess of the Grove

  Performance Criteria

  Magnetic Attraction

  Coming Soon:

  Best Intentions

  Valhalla: The Valkyrie Beginnings

  When the heart sets its course, even home is no escape…

  Force of Attraction

  © 2009 Mandy M. Roth

  Project Exorcism, Book 2

  With a Commission uniform on her back and an engagement ring from the ship commander on her finger, a normal life is finally within Dr. Marisa Langston’s reach. If she can just learn to love her fiancé, everything will be perfect. Except for the perfectly arrogant Lieutenant Commander Bradi Janelle. He not only gets on her last nerve, he makes her body burn with a hunger only he can satisfy. Distraction is dangerous for a woman who has something to hide…especially when the ship is sabotaged.

  Bradi isn’t looking for a mate. Hell, he goes out of his way to avoid the prospect altogether—until the sexy little number in the infirmary makes a mockery of his ladies’ man façade. Now, trapped with her in an escape pod, she’s way too close for comfort. Too close to deny himself the heaven of her body. And her semi-conscious ramblings reveal way too much information—secrets that are dangerous for them both.

  Their out-of-control hormones are the least of their problems. The pod is careening toward his home planet. Once there, Marisa won’t be the only one with nothing left to hide…

  This book has been previously published and has been revised from its original release.

  Warning: Contains steaming hot baby-making in close quarters, sexy shifters in a galaxy far, far away, and a giant eel. Don’t worry, it’s friendly. Most of the time.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Force of Attraction:

  Bradi woke slowly, his joints aching and his body on fire. It was normal with his condition for his body to react to changes in the temperature automatically. It was also common for him to run several degrees hotter than a human. That was just one of the reasons why he’d refused to allow Dr. Marisa Langston to evaluate him. Hell, he hadn’t ever allowed any Commission doctor to examine him. It’d cost him a pretty penny to pay others to forge his documents, but it was necessary all the same. Besides, he had no family so money wasn’t really a concern for him.

  Marisa was still sleeping and he didn’t want to wake her. She looked like an angel lying there with her arms pulled up close to her chest and it took everything in him not to reach out and touch her. The cut on her arm had finally stopped bleeding but the slightest bump could easily break it open. Rolling on his side, Bradi winced when pain radiated through his shoulder.

  Peeking out the POD window, his stomach dropped. There, in the distance, he saw the tell-tale aquamarine color of Margaidia, their original destination and the destination that had been programmed into all the escape PODs should there be trouble. The POD had overshot the planet and was headed on a direct path for Sargaidia, the uncharted sister planet to Margaidia, and the last place in the universe he wanted to go back to.

  Bradi checked the computer and found it frozen over. Looking around the POD, he realized that the entire thing was covered with a thin frost.


  Dropping down next to her, he touched her lightly. Her body was rigid and extremely cool to the touch.

  “Doc?” he asked, shaking her gently. She didn’t respond and his gut twisted. The thought of her freezing to death before he was able to get the POD operational again was a very real possibility.

  “Come on, babe,” he said, hoping to goad her into responding. The faint blue line around her lips told him that no amount of prodding would help. Acting quickly, Bradi pulled his shirt off and reached for her. Groaning softly from the pain shooting through him, he covered Marisa’s body with his own. “This isn’t enough.”

  Bradi worked his boots and pants off before reaching for Marisa’s uniform. He’d been dying to get her out of her clothes from day one, but this wasn’t exactly what he had in mind. He worked her shirt over her head and did his best not to stare at the luscious pale globes before him. Her pink nipples looked good enough to eat and everything in him wanted to sample them. The faint light from the navigational controls reflected off her pale skin and he had to be closer to her.

  The nasty cut on her upper arm seemed to be holding, but the fear of breaking it open left him moving slower than he should to warm her body. Working her boots and pants off, Bradi lingered a little too long near the top of her panty line. Thoughts of Pete kept him from peeking further.

  Placing his
body over hers, Bradi willed himself to be hotter. His body reacted to his command and he felt his core temperature rise even more. If he had to, he’d shift forms, but the last thing he wanted was for Marisa to wake and find herself under a partially changed man. Somehow, he didn’t think that would go over so well. Fully shifting wasn’t an option either. It wouldn’t make it any easier on her to find herself pinned beneath a black panther.

  Marisa moaned and he looked down to see if she was awake yet. Her eyes remained closed, but she moved her hands slightly. Bradi tensed when he felt her fingers running over his back.


  “Mmm,” she whispered, grinding her hips upwards.

  The sweet scent of her cream filled his head. His erection, which he seemed to permanently sport while around Marisa, ached to dive into her, sample her flesh and claim her for his own. The tiny silken barrier of her panties served as a reminder that he couldn’t—or rather shouldn’t—take her.

  She shifted a bit. “Mmm, I want you in me.”

  Bradi froze as she grabbed his ass. “Doc, wake up.”

  Cool lips met his and he fought to keep his body from responding. The minute her tongue pushed through and found his, he lost all control.

  If I’m going to die out here anyway, I might as well die making love to her. Marisa is the closest to heaven I’m ever going to be.

  Marisa’s hands pushed between their bodies. She wrapped her fingers around his cock and he nearly came on her bare stomach. Never before had a woman’s touch brought him so much pleasure so quickly. Reason fought its way through to him. “Doc, baby, wake up, now! You don’t want to do this. It’s not right.”

  Her lips fastened onto his as she pushed her panties to the side and rubbed the head of his cock in her wet juices. “It’s more than right. I want you. I’ve dreamed of touching you from the moment I boarded the ship.”


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