“A data chip?” Ronda frowned, and looked at him curiously. “But clearly they’re not looking for a data chip. Obviously they’re searching for someone, and not something. You can’t honestly believe they’re in there searching for something as small as a data chip.”
Dale frowned at her quick observation.
“Their search does seem to confirm that doesn’t it?” he replied under his breath.
“You?” She whispered.
“That would definitely be my guess at the moment. So they believe I either have it in my possession, or can tell them where it’s located.” She turned her eyes to the monitor and stood quietly now, waiting as she and Dale watched their every move. Though it felt like an eternity, after several minutes the men finally left the studio.
Ronda wished she could be as far away from “Raai labs” as possible. She wanted more than anything to be home in her apartment curled up on her favorite chair, with a good book, as she sipped a cup of hot tea. A place where she felt comfortable and safe. Her apartment was her only safe haven. And except for a close friend who lives in the same apartment building one floor below her, she was pretty much alone since moving to New York. And although she dated from time to time she hadn’t yet met anyone with whom she had established a deep connection. In her heart she knew she’d rather be alone than to be in a relationship, where when all was said and done amounted to everything, but what could be said to be emotionally satisfying.
So far, the few short relationships she had were more in line with playing at being a couple, than actually being a couple. They were shallow, and short lived as the few men she had dated proved to be emotionally incapable of a true relationship, and who’s self interests made them incapable of loving a woman wholly. And now, she wouldn’t accept anything less than someone mature, and open minded, who’s views on life were broad. Someone who didn’t allow himself to get caught up in material things, and let them define him. She was sure that in the end she would be happier alone. At least until the right “one” came along. And she would rather wait. However long it takes.
Of course every now and then she wondered if she would have met the “one,” back home, if she had never come to New York. But then she reminded herself, there was no reason to stay, and since she no longer had family there, there was no reason to return.
From what she knew, her father worked at “Raai labs” for several years before he left to lead his own research team. And by a sudden twist of fate almost three years ago he and her mother died in an automobile accident. And upon hearing the news of their passing, Professor Bierce made it a point to offer his condolences and approached her with an offer of a steady position with the company.
“Your father was a very dear friend.” She remembered him saying. “They don’t come any better. And I promised him when he was alive, as a trusted friend, that when you finished college, I would make sure you’d have a place at “Raai Labs,” if you want it of course.” And after several days of considering his offer, she concluded that it very well may be the best move she could make. He’d even helped her get set up in her apartment in the city. Thinking back, she never would have imagined that working for “Raai labs” she would find herself in this predicament.
To Ronda, Professor Bierce was a man who commanded respect. A successful scientists in his own right, yet he was a humble man. And at the age of fifty six, he was robust. Profound and good natured, he was a man in charge of his own mind. He never raised his voice, always managing to remain calm, regardless the situation. And a handsome man, tall and slender, with green eyes, and ash brown hair with some grey sprinkled throughout. “The apple didn’t fall far from the tree.” she often thought. Not only did Dale inherit his fathers good looks, but he shared his self control, and calm disposition. She somehow knew that the only thing that could possibly cause them to become angry to the point of losing control of their emotions, was to see those they care for treated unfairly.
Remembering the Professor, she whispered,
“Do you suppose they’ll go after the Professor?”
“No need to whisper, they’re gone remember. No, not while he’s in the hospital. Especially after this. The last thing they need is to draw more attention. Although if they hope to have a chance of getting their hands on the data chip they need him. He’s the only person, as far as I know, who knows where it is.”
Ronda wondered how it could be that she knew nothing about the research data. Like Dale, she was normally aware of research conducted at “Raai labs.”
“So what exactly is this research they’re after?”
“You see — that’s information I can’t disclose.”
“Well, it’s obviously very important research material for someone to go to such extremes to get their hands on it.”
“To say the least. Trust me, he’ll stop at nothing to get his hands on it if it can aid in his own research.”
She stood quietly now, as she and Dale scanned the view of the lobby.
“They’re gone!” she said, hope in her voice.”
“I wouldn’t be too sure. Here, see here.” he said, pointing at the monitor. She looked to see a man step out from behind a column. And another waited near the elevator. Suddenly a dreadful feeling came over her and she trembled at the thought of them finding Dale.
“Are you okay?” he asked, noticing she had suddenly become quiet.
“About as okay as I can be under the circumstances.”
Suddenly, Ronda gasped when she saw Mr. Cummings in clear view. Relieved to see he was okay, they watched as he slowly made his way down the corridor past Dales office towards the elevator .
Ronda gasped as the men stepped off the elevator
“Get back Cummings!” Dale murmured under his breath.
Cummings stopped in his tracks and ducked behind the wall when he heard the elevator doors open. The men quickly made their way down the left corridor and out the back exit to the outside staircase, leading to the back ally behind the building. Cummings made a run for the stairwell, then exited through the garage where he was confronted by Maynard’s men.
Suddenly their attention was turned to the scene of several police officers forging their way through the lobby.
“My guess is Maynard’s men got carried away here.” Dale said.
“Why do you say that?”
“I’m sure Maynard wanted them to come here, find what they want, or who, and get out without making their presence known.”
They watched as the officers appeared to spread out and search the building. Moving his attention to another frame, Dale noticed two officers making there way towards the studio, their guns aimed ahead.
“Lets go!” Ronda exclaimed, making her way to leave.
‘Wait!” Dale said, stopping her short. “You can’t just go running out, you could get shot.” His voice was low but stern.
“Look.” he said quietly, staring at the monitor. She stepped closer. And they watched as the officers moved around the room. “Suspicious, don’t you think?”
She watched, as they followed the same pattern as the men before them.
“They’re not police officers.” she said, despondently.
“No — they’re not.” Dale answered. “Apparently they’re posing. Obviously they were prepared and waited for the police to show, then managed to get past in the commotion. Maynard doesn’t pull any punches, I’ll give him that.”
“He certainly doesn’t lack imagination either, does he? And what are we supposed to do now?” Ronda’s voice was low, with a note of frustration.
“Right now we have no other choice but to wait it out— wait till they leave.” he answered quietly, his eyes fixed on the monitor.”
“And after they leave we can make our way to the police.” Ronda said, hope in her voice.
“No — not exactly.” he said, as he continued to subdue his voice.
“What! What are you saying? You know who’s behind this. And your life is in danger! We have
to go to the police!”
“Until I have certain facts, and I know how my father wants to deal with this, I can’t go to the police. Trust me, if it were my choice I wouldn’t hesitate.”
“Who’s choice is it if not your’s, or mine given the circumstances.”
“As you know Ronda, it concerns my father’s research.”
“Okay, so it concerns the Professor’s research! Why should that stop you from talking to the police. I don’t understand.”
“This is private research data we’re talking about. And if it were brought into question regarding what’s happened here today, after a full investigation, it would soon be made public.” Now I don’t know everything concerning the research data, and perhaps never will, but at this point, I do know I have to protect my fathers interests. And I need you to understand that.”
That Dale would put his life on the line over his fathers research revealed to Ronda, that there was far more to this than she could probably begin to understand. And probably more than Dale himself understood, she thought. But he remained loyal. And there was nothing she could do but to remain loyal also.
They waited. till the men finally made their way out to search the offices before quickly making their way to the back exit where the others sat waiting in a silver car. Then they dove off, with Cummings in tow.
Escaping Shelter
“Chances are likely there’s still someone out there, waiting .” Dale said.
“And if they are,” she questioned, her eyes still on the monitor, “how do you suggest we get past them? How do we know which way is safe?”
“We don’t. We’ll just have to chance it. We’re gonna have to make it past the lobby to the garage. From there we make a run for the car. But we don’t want to take any chances and be left without recourse.” Dale picked up the gun from the desk, then stood up and faced Ronda. “Do you know how to use this?” he asked, lifting her hand and placing the semi automatic in it. “Those men have guns” he said, “and there are no guarantees they won’t use them. You’ll need to protect yourself.”
She stared at the pistol, frowning, noticing a piece of metal extending from the barrel.
“What’s this?”
“A silencer.” Dale replied. Her eyes went from the gun to Dale.
“I suppose at this point it doesn’t matter if I know how to use it or not.” she said, as she reasoned, if this is what it was going to take to protect herself and Dale she was gonna have to use it, hit or miss.”
Judging from the look on her face, it didn’t take much for Dale to realize she had never handled a gun before. But he also knew she needed to protect herself should something happen to him, and they went after her on the chance they figured she might know something. His eyes scanned the room.
“Looks like you’re in for a crash course. Come on, over here” he said, as he pulled her towards the corner of the room and positioned her stance with his hands on her shoulders. “Okay,” he said, positioning the gun in her hand, “now you want to grip the gun with your middle and index fingers, like this,” he said positioning her hands and finger. “And use your other hand for support. Now raise your arm straight out like so,” he said, as he pulled her arm straight out, the other arm following as she gripped the gun with one hand, and used the other for support. “Point the gun straight ahead at your target. Make sure the rear sight is level with the front sight, and use your dominant eye. He backed away from her. The lamp is your target. Remember, keep your hand steady, rear sight level with front sight, focus on the front sight aimed directly at your target.“Now shoot!” he exclaimed. In that instant she pulled the trigger, and put a bullet through the left side of the lampshade. Startled and a bit shaken, she deliberately let the gun fall from her hands. It was the first time she ever fired a gun. She didn’t miss her target.
“Now don’t get too cocky.” he said jokingly. “That was close range, but not bad for a first try, not bad at all. As long as you have a feel for the gun in your hand, and with a little more practice, before you know it you’ll be an expert shooter. And there’s no better practice than with a live target.” Ronda’s eyes widened .“I’m kidding.” he teased, though his tone serious. “Now listen,” he said, as he picked up the gun, and handed it to her. “Hold the barrel down and keep your finger off the trigger till your ready to shoot. You don’t want to shoot yourself in the foot.” She could feel her feet tingle at the thought, and taking a deep breath, she repeated, “Off the trigger till I’m ready to shoot. Got it.” she sighed.
With the need to speed things up and get out while the coast was clear, Dale looked at the monitor one last time. “We’re good.” he said. He looked at Ronda. “Ready” he asked.
“Ready” she said, knowing, if she was going to get out she had to follow Dales lead.
He slowly lifted the latch, opening the mirror just enough so he could scan the room for movement. It was clear. He turned to her, gave one quick nod, and they darted across the room for the front door of the studio. They stopped quickly. With their backs against the wall, Dale turned his head, and scanned the corridor. Together they ran till they reached the end of the corridor, then paused, and scanned the office area as they remained out of sight.
“My car keys and phone are in the office.” he whispered. “Stay close behind me, and keep your eyes and ears open.” She nodded in reply. “Lets go.” he said, then they quietly made their way to his office. The area was taped off, and moving past her desk they couldn’t help but notice Ronda’s desk had been ransacked. Desk drawers were open with papers strewn about, and she trembled at the thought of what they might have done had she been there when they entered the office. Would she have been taken in Dale’s place, she wondered. She shuttered at the thought. Entering Dale’s office, it was in the same disarray.
“Eyes open” he said, as he grabbed his jacket, pulled out his keys, and searched the pockets for his phone, when from the corner of his eye something caught his attention. Picking it up he checked for signal then quickly slipped the jacket on, and put the keys and phone back in the pocket as Ronda continued to keep watch
“Someones coming” Ronda whispered anxiously. Dale stood next to her now. They waited quietly, as the voice became more audible as it got nearer.
“Everything’s clear.” the man said, as he held his phone to his ear. “That’s right, top to bottom and I’m telling you they’re not here. I’m coming down…” he continued talking as the elevator doors opened, then stepped in, the doors closing behind him.
As his voice faded Dale and Ronda left the office, quietly moving past the elevator, and down the stairwell, pausing as they reached the second floor. Then making their way down to the first floor they paused, all was quiet. They made their way to the garage exit, scanning the garage before hurrying to his car parked several feet away. Running to the car Dale unlocked the doors while Ronda ran to the other side and quickly jumped in. Dale put the keys in the ignition and hearing the engine rev, one of Maynard’s thugs came running out from around the corner of the lot firing a shot aimed at the left tire, missing, as Dale drove fast, burning the tires as he turned and sped out. Ronda’s heart was beating fast. She never had a bullet fired at her before, and she wasn’t sure if she was relieved that they made it out, or if they might still be safer locked away in the hidden room from where they just escaped.
As if reading her mind, Dale said,
“Don’t worry, I don’t think he’ll try to follow us. I’m sure if he wanted to shoot us he could have. Plus there’s already been too much of a scene today. Unfortunately for Maynard, I’m sure nothing went as he’d planned. He may just lay low for a while, for fear what happened here today be traced back to him.”
“I just want it to be over.” Ronda said. “I’d like to get home in one piece and forget this day ever happened.”
“I’m not so sure going home is a good idea. Not just yet anyway. If it gets back to Maynard that someone’s with me, he may suspect,
by association, that particular someone may be able to lead him to the data chip.
“But I know nothing about it, except what little you’ve told me. And least of all where it is.” she said, suddenly feeling anxious. “Your saying I can’t go home, and I can’t go to the police. What am I supposed to do short of crawling under a rock, indefinitely.” Feeling her frustration, Dale wished for her sake he could take her home. “When this day is over,” she thought to herself, “it’ll just fade into oblivion, like everything else. Only in this case that wouldn’t be such a bad thing.”
“That’s right,” the man said, speaking into in to his phone, “I guess he was here all along.”
“Was he alone?” Maynard asked anxiously.
“No, he was with a women. I think it was her.
“Good, good.” Maynard said, “As long as she’s with him, it’ll make it that much easier to track her. Send a couple of men to the hospital in case he decides to give Professor Bierce a visit. I want you to find them. Of course, if Cummings had the balls to take care of it in the first place this farce would have been unnecessary. So I’m counting you Mike, find her and bring her to me. Don’t fumble things up this time. You do realize if things slip up anymore than they have, the authorities will be coming after me for this.”
“Trust me, I made sure we covered our tracks. The last thing I want is more time at the crowbar hotel. Roger got a little carried away and scared some people that’s all. Nobody was hurt. But if anybody has to takes the fall for this, it’s gonna be Roger. And as far as the police are concerned I have no connection to you and vice versa. I know what I’m doing. It’s what you pay me for.”
“Just make sure you do. Now remember, no harm should come to them, particularly the girl. I don’t want anything to happen to her. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes sir,” the man replied.
“Good, get on it then.” Maynard ordered, frustrated and determined to obtain the data chip.
Ronda Page 3