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Ronda Page 7

by Dyanna Lynn Hart

  “Jake, Jake, are you there?” Thomas asked, thinking they had lost connection. “Jake can you hear me.”

  " Yes, yes I’m here.” Jake replied, coming back to his senses. I need time Thomas, just give me some time to think it over.”

  “Keep in mind we have little time to spare. For all we know Maynard may have already tracked them. Listen to me, I know you need time to think it about it, but please, consider what may happen if Maynard gets a hold of Ronda, not only will her life be in serious danger, so will Dales. Please, you must realize it’s our best option. It’s our only option.”

  “I’ll get back to you in twenty four hours.” Jake said as he put the phone down, and muttered under his breath, “I’m sorry my friend.” Having already made up his mind, he was going to take care of Maynard himself. To once and for all put an end to his threats. He was prepared to take whatever means necessary and pay the consequences if it prevented anyone from being harmed. Most of all, Ronda.


  Confronting Feelings (liberating the heart)

  The day passed quickly, and as evening came Ronda and Dale found themselves in the kitchen preparing dinner.

  “You get the noodles going and I’ll prepare my special sauce.”

  “Yes sir, Mr. Bierce” Ronda said, in a very serious, albeit playful manner.

  “Sorry. Giving orders just comes naturally to me I guess.” he joked. “Let me try again. Would you please, prepare the spaghetti?”

  “Now that just seems to have a better ring to it doesn’t it?” she said playfully. “So tell me, do you cook often?”

  “Every chance I get. But with my schedule being as busy as it is, it doesn’t leave me with a lot of time. So I usually order in, or pop a tv dinner in the microwave. Ronda was amused at the thought of Dale Bierce, preparing a TV dinner.

  “What?” he asked, noticing the look of amusement on her face. “You don’t believe I can cook? I’ll have you know I’m very good. Better than good actually. You see fortunate for me when I was a boy my father or my nanny would sit me in the kitchen to do my homework where the cook could keep her eye on me. When I finished she’d make me help her. Literally telling me what to do, from what spices to use, to explaining the best cuts of meat and how to prepare them. Of course being an only child at the time, with no playmates around I came to enjoy it, and soon I’d finish my homework in no time flat. Just so I could help cook dinner. And deserts were my favorite. At eight I made my first crepe Suzette and baked Alaska.“ Dale said proudly. “Looking back, she was the reason I aced my class. Of course if I had been graded for my cooking I might have gotten a C minus, but you got to admit for a kid that’s pretty impressive when it comes to cooking.”

  Ronda laughed, a hearty, joyful laugh. She enjoyed listening to Dale tell his story. And Dale enjoyed her laughter. And the way her eyes seemed to twinkle with the reflection of the light as she laughed. She was more than beautiful.” he thought.

  “Well in that case, it looks like I have no choice but to take your word for it.” she said, unwilling to mention her vision of him sitting at home all alone eating a TV dinner. Now she couldn’t decide if it was more sad than amusing.

  While preparing dinner they discussed many things, never mentioning Maynard or the data chip. And when dinner was ready, Ronda poured two glasses of red wine and sat down, as Dale placed a large bowl filled with spaghetti, a salad for two, and garlic bread on the table, then took a seat across from her.

  “Bon apetit” he said, as he held up his glass of wine, took a sip, then dug his fork into the spaghetti, twirled and scooped up a mouthful.

  “Not bad if I say so myself” Dale said.

  “Delicious! Ronda said, “And the sauce isn’t so bad either.” she joked, taking a small bite of spaghetti.

  “Ohh! Is that right?” Dale said, noting her humor.

  And realizing the spaghetti was under cooked Ronda opted for the salad.

  “Actually the spaghetti’s a bit under cooked for my taste.” Ronda said. “I”m sorry about that, I should have left it a few minutes longer.”

  “To be honest, I like my spaghetti a little on the tough side. You really have to chew it, you know. It’s like killing two birds with one stone. You get to feed your face, and give it a good workout at the same time.”

  “I’ll remember to keep that in mind” Ronda said, unsure if he was being funny, or sarcastic. She decided on the first.

  She watched as he finished his entire plateful.

  “Well, you were either being sincere or you were absolutely famished.”

  “Or both?” he replied, with a smile.

  “I have to admit, I’m surprised.” Ronda said. “You never struck me as someone who would have an interest in cooking. Who would have thought, she said jokingly, our very own Mr Bierce, “chef extraordinaire.”

  “I don’t know,” he said, “I find most people besides myself enjoy cooking. Personally for me, it can be very relaxing.”

  “It can be, yes. I just assume most people enjoy a meal far more when they don’t have to do the work of preparing it themselves.”

  “I guess in a lot instances that’s true.” he said as he sipped more wine. And as they continued to talk, they would soon come to discover they had learned more about each other in just two days than they had in the two and a half years working side by side.

  After dinner, Dale poured two more glasses of wine. And handing one to Ronda they stepped out onto the deck where they mused at the pink, and violet clouds above, and the glow of amber sun as it was just beginning to set. Ronda took a deep breath, and sighed as she felt the soft whisper of a breeze blow gently across her face. And leaning against the rail, she watched as the waves washed upon the rocks leaving it’s foam behind. She’d never felt such a sense of peacefulness. She stood quiet, and still.

  “Penny for your thoughts.” Dale said, standing next her as she continued looking out at the ocean.

  “I was just thinking — about how different today turned out from what I expected. Nothing compared to the events that took place yesterday. And how, oddly enough, if it weren’t for what happened, I wouldn’t be standing here, witnessing this beautiful scene right now. Nor would I have ever known that you like to cook, or learned any of the things I’ve learned about you. Until now, I never really stopped to think of what a complete mystery you are to me.”

  “As you are to me,” Dale said. “In fact, all I really know about you is that you’re not from New York originally. You have an apartment in the city, your punctual, oh yes, your coffee is horrific.” he grinned.

  Giving him a side glance, she pretended to be offended. Then they laughed.

  “And the lady can laugh at herself. I’m kidding of course,” he said, “about the coffee.”

  “And here I thought you were being sincere. After all you do stop and get coffee before work at least every other day.”

  “That’s true, but it has nothing to do with your coffee. Not at all. I don’t want to bother you with things like that, seeing how busy you are, and I could just as well make it myself.”

  “Oh, I see,” she said, “and why don’t you?

  “Well, as it turns out, my coffee isn’t any better than your’s actually.”

  “Oh!” exasperated, she slapped his arm lightly. “You’re incorrigible, you know that! But if I’m to be honest, I have been known to burn a pot of coffee.” she smiled. “Just don’t ask me how.” Dale laughed and admired her ability to joke about herself..

  “But in all seriousness,” he continued, “I really don’t know much about you. I do know that it was my father who entrusted you into the company as my executive secretary. And highly recommended I might add. And you know, now is as great a time as any to tell you Ronda, that you have proved to be the best executive secretary I’ve had. I mean that you know. I wish I had told you before. And from now on I’m going to make it a point to vocalize my appreciation more often.” Ronda smiled at his sincerity.

  “Well s
ince we’re being open here, you should know that after several months with the company I was more than glad it was you, and not Mr. Hodgens I was assigned to. Besides I know you’d be lost without me of course,” she said, jokingly. “after all who would do the scheduling.” But deep down, she felt it was true. He would be lost without her. She didn’t know how she knew that. She just did. And Dale knew it too.

  “We’re quite a pair aren’t we?” he sighed. “I hope I’m not being too personal,” Dale said, hoping to find out more about the women that’s worked by his side for over two years. “but what made you decide to come to New York and work at “Raail Labs.” It’s a long way from home isn’t it? From what I understand, your father used to work in the labs. Is that right?” he asked.

  She turned to him, realizing that Professor Bierce hadn’t told him about her parents passing, or the promise he made her father. It meant Professor Bierce trusted in her ability to do the job, and saw her as an asset to the company.

  “Yes, that’s right.” she began slowly, “You see, before I came to New York, while I was away in college, my parents died in a car accident. I was just finishing college actually, and after the Professor heard the news, he reached out to me. According to the Professor he’d made a promise to my father long before he died that there would be a place for me at “Raai labs” when I graduated, if I wanted it. Well, after a lot of consideration I saw it as a fresh start. A way to start over on my own. So, I decided to take him up on his offer.”

  “I’m sorry to hear about your parents. I had no idea. But I’m glad my father kept his promise, and you decided to go for a fresh start. You know, he said curiously, it seems lately I’m learning my father has a real knack for secrecy. But that aside, I’m truly sorry about your parents, I’m sure it’s not easy for you.”

  “To be honest, my memory of them is somewhat vague. I mean I do have some specific memories. It’s just that, the memories I do have don’t seem to evoke any emotion. You know, happy times, sad times. My dreams evoke more emotion. For instance, I often dream of a place with green all around, and animals. And although it’s a dream rather than a memory of a past event, the memory of the dream evokes a happy feeling when I wake up. You know what I mean?”

  “Maybe it’s a memory you’ve suppressed.”

  “Funny you should say that. I was actually seeing a therapist over a year ago concerning my memory.”

  “Really, and did it help ?”

  “I wish I could say it did. He suggested hypnotherapy. Supposedly it would help me relax, and might help resurface memories. But in the end it actually proved to do little as far as resurfacing memories, or making what clouded memories I have more clear. And as it is, according to my therapist, I block my mind from retaining new memories.”

  " What do you mean?” Dale frowned.

  “Well, I tend to have trouble remembering how things happened.”

  “For instance?”Dale said.

  “For instance, when I started working for “Rail labs,” the first few weeks aren’t very clear to me. That sort of thing. My therapist said it’s due to shock. And that it’s my way of dealing with the trauma of losing my parents so suddenly, and that the memory of them would only bring back the pain of having to face the loss all over again. And according to him, on a subconscious level, I’m fighting that. So he believes it carries over into any event I may find stressful, and subconsciously block it out. Eventually he suggested I let the pain of losing them be dealt with slowly and naturally, and in time when I’m ready, the memories will be clearer along with my feeling of detachment.”

  Dale listened intently.

  “Do you ever feel you miss them.”

  “As she lowered her head, Dale sensed hesitancy.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “To be honest, I feel empty inside.”

  " Well that would be a natural feeling I would think. I mean considering that they’re no longer with you.”

  “Yes but, no, not empty in that sense. More as if, there should be some feeling towards them that I’m lacking.”

  Dale frowned. “Go on.”

  “I mean, could the shock of losing them so suddenly, and unexpectedly cause trauma to the point where I feel emotionally detached from them? But yet, strangely, I feel this deep missing, or longing that I can’t explain.

  He looked at her curiously, and his heart ached to see the confusion and pain she was feeling.

  “I don’t know.” he replied, “I think everyone deals with traumatic incidents in their own way, so it’s hard to say what can cause what. I believe you miss them, but subconsciously push it aside. Maybe it makes it all easier to deal with.”

  I suppose that’s a possibility. Although to be honest this, this missing that I have inside feels totally unrelated to them. In a way I can’t begin to explain.”

  “Listen, I’m sorry I pried, I didn’t mean to resurface such a painful experience.”

  “No, I’m glad you asked. I’ve never talked about it with anyone before. Besides the therapist of course. It feels liberating to be able to share my experience with someone. You have no idea.” And she was glad it was Dale who she could share it with. She never felt so at ease talking to anyone as she did him. Particularly about her personal life.

  “Well I’m always available.” he said with a smile. “If you ever need to talk I’m all yours, and free of charge.”

  " Well in that case I won’t lose your number.”

  “Good.” Dale said, “No seriously, cause after yesterday’s escapades I thought you might be thinking of leaving and having a fresh start elsewhere.”

  She smiled, remembering having thought exactly that at one point the day before. But she knows in her heart she could never really leave “Raai labs.” It’s become a second home, and the staff like family.

  As she smiled, that smile he’d become so used to seeing each day, and looked forward to seeing each morning, but never would admit it, he remembered how more often than not, when she looked at him the way she is now, he sometimes felt she could read his every thought. And he would to turn a way, or deliberately put on a more serious demeanor. Even now he wanted to turn away, avoid eye contact. But he didn’t. Not this time. And he wondered if she knew how badly he wanted to kiss her, and hold her in his arms. He had always had an attraction towards her, and it wasn’t merely a physical attraction. Everything about her intrigued him. Her self confidence, and self discipline, her strength of character. An inexplicable something, that summed up who she was.

  Of course, being a man of integrity he wasn’t one to overstep the boundaries he felt necessary for a good work relationship between any boss and assistant. And even if he had tried to over step those boundary’s, she seemed to him too cool, and distant, beyond his reach, almost untouchable. He realized now that it was only in his mind. He had put her on a pedestal due to his misconceptions of her. But now being this close to her, and after listening to her tell her story, he could feel her vulnerability. She was alone in the world. And quite opposite of being cool and distant, her very presence silently screamed for someone who could touch her mind, her very soul, and show her that they understand. Intuitively, he knew this was the gateway to her heart, seeing clearly now that she hid her vulnerability well, behind her cool exterior, afraid to be judged, afraid to be hurt, yet again by life’s misfortunes. He understood her well.

  Now he was finally willing to express the feelings he had been harboring for her, for so long . Too long. He stared into her eyes. The longing in his eyes was clear.

  ‘What?” she asked, her smile turning serious, as her eyes expressed the hope and wanting she had held for so long. His eyes traced the beauty of her face till they rested on her lips. Then slowly lifting her chin with his hand, he gazed into her eyes, deep pools of amber green. And slowly leaning into her, he kissed her. A gentle kiss. Then again, looking into her eyes he wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her again, deep and slow.

  With the sensation of his lip
s on hers, and his tongue rhythmically pressing against hers, she reached her arms around his shoulders, one hand in his hair, inviting him closer, as the feelings they harbored for one another, and suppressed for so long came to fruition in a now passionate kiss.

  The rest of the night found them in each others arms, discovering in the other, what they had waited for, and finding that for the heart that waits the taste of love is sweet.

  There was nothing seedy about their lovemaking. Ronda was not a women who would accept anything less than the expression of love through sensual and sexual contact from the man to whom she gave love in return. And Dale wasn’t afraid of love, or to love. He didn’t feel as most men often feel. That he didn’t measure up. So in tune with his masculinity, that he could afford to be vulnerable. Allowing himself to love her totally and completely, mind, body and soul. Twin souls joined together, they were the perfect match. They fell asleep in each others arms, and woke rested and at peace, and for a while, the world and all it’s problems were a million miles away.

  “Good morning darling,” he whispered in her ear, with arms wrapped around her as he kissed her hair.

  “She lifted her head from where it lay on his chest and looked into his eyes as she replied, “good morning darling. I’m sorry” she said with a smile.

  “What— what do you mean? Sorry for what?” he asked, confused.

  “Well, it seems I was so caught up in personal affairs last night, I didn’t have a chance to go over reports.” she said, jokingly.


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