Ronda trembled at the thought. Letting her mind get carried away, she envisioned a world of human cloned bodies, brainwashed and under Maynard’s control. What a dark world it would be.” she said, thinking out loud.
“You know, speaking of the devil, I’ve gone over everything in my mind from when this whole thing started. And from the beginning the focus has been on you, and your safety. Maynard might just believe my father entrusted the chip to you.” Dale said. And to be honest I’m beginning to believe the same.
“But nothing could be further from the truth.“ she said, now sitting up straight as she stared out at the ocean pensively.
“You see, that day at “Raai labs,” when Maynard’s men were searching the studio, it wasn’t me they searching for. It was you.”
Ronda looked at him, perplexed
“I don’t mean to frighten you.”
“Why me? You’re the professor’s son, I would think Maynard would be more inclined to believe he’d entrust it to you.”
“I would think so too. I mean why wouldn’t he believe that. Unless of course, he knows something different. Why do you suppose my father and Jake want you as far away from Maynard as possible if they didn’t believe he thinks you have it. Or at the very least know were it is.” Ronda thought about what Dale was saying.
“Do you remember him giving you anything for safe keeping? A box, an envelope, anything?”
“Are you suggesting he gave it to me without my knowledge?”
“He seems to keep so many secrets these days, there’s no telling anymore what he would do.
“I couldn’t begin to count how many times he given me envelopes, and packages, and instructed me to send them out as necessary, or put them away for safe keeping. As you yourself have done. Handling mail and packages, and making sure they’re sent out on time is part of my job. You know that. And I’ve never noticed or sensed anything out of the ordinary.”
“I’m sorry.” Dale said, running his hand through his hair. “I guess I’d be pretty hard pressed to prove he gave it to you without you knowing. And as astute as you are. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“I understand.” Ronda said, trying to remember every time Professor Bierce had come to the office. The times he had taken the privilege of going over files and records on her computer. “It could easily be hidden in my desk.” she thought. She remembered how everything was turned inside out when Maynard’s men went on their searching spree. Everything short of the desk itself was turned over. “One thing is certain,” she told herself, “Dale was right about the focus being her safety. And she sensed now there was more to it than a promise the Professor made her father years ago.
“I don’t know what it’s going to take to stop Maynard,” Dale said, interrupting Ronda’s thoughts. “Eventually the police will have to be notified, whether they want it or not.”
“How will that implicate your father” she asked.
“I’m not sure, he hasn’t really done anything wrong, as far as I know. It’s his own research. Yet there’s a reason he doesn’t want the police involved, and I have every intention of finding out just what that reason is.”
Ronda began shivering as the air grew colder.
“The temperature’s dropping fast. Lets head back, I’ll get a fire started.”
Reaching for Ronda’s hand he pulled her to her feet, wrapping his arm around her as they walked back to the beach house. Ronda had become quiet as they walked. For the past few days she would become quiet and withdrawn off and on. Dale reasoned she was homesick, realizing that as much as she loved the beach house, naturally she wanted her life to return to normal.
When they returned to the beach house, Dale prepared drinks after lighting a fire as Ronda made herself comfortable on some pillows strewn on the floor while she watched the fire crackle and spark, then settle into an even flame.
“So you must be missing the city by now.” Dale said. “And when this ordeal with Maynard is past us, you’ll be relieved when things return to normal the way they were.” He handed her a drink and sat down on the floor facing her. Ronda stared at him with confusion.
“What?” she asked, surprised by his words. “My life will never return to the way it was. And I’m glad for that. I’d rather be here, than back there, or anywhere, as long as long as I’m with you. That’s what matters to me now.”
“You can’t imagine how relieved I am to hear you say that,“ Dale said, with a laugh. “Because at this point, I’m not willing to let you go. In fact, I want you with me till you get good and tired of me and no sooner.”
“I can’t imagine that I’ll ever get tired of you.”
“You say that now, give us some more time together and we’ll see if your not leaving for the nearest exit.” he said jokingly. Deep down she gathered his words stemmed from a fear of having lost those he loved.
“But I’ll never leave you. Even if I died tomorrow I wouldn’t leave you. I think I might just stick around and haunt you. And you’ll know it’s me, because you’ll hear me, and feel me with you.” .
“To be honest, I for one have never heard a ghost. And much less seen one.”
Ronda laughed. “But I won’t be a ghost.”
“Okay, now you got me! Though I hate the thought, unless you’re a ghost, which I don’t believe in by the way, how can anyone supposedly, “hear or see” one who is “ahem” dead and six feet under?”
“Well it’s not at all what you would think.”
He pulled her closer and breathed in the scent of her hair, citrus and floral’s, and sighed. “Don’t you see—even if you did haunt me, I could never feel your lips against mine again. Or take in the scent of your hair, or touch the feel of your skin.”
She twisted her body a little and leaned her back against him, her head resting on his chest, and his chin resting gently on her head. And with his arms wrapped around her, together they stared at the fire, as it flickered, and bounced. And except for the crackling and popping of the wood, it was quiet.
“You know,” Ronda said, “not long after I arrived in New York, I was invited to go on a retreat with a friend. I had never been to one before so didn’t know what to expect. It was a spiritual retreat. Have you ever been?”
“No, I can’t say that I have.”
“Well, it so happened, that among the speakers was an old Native American man, of the Lakota tribe. One hundred and three to be exact. And surprisingly when he spoke, he was very clear. He was a healer of sorts. Supposedly he held ancient secrets passed down for centuries regarding universal laws. Secrets of nature, and the animal kingdom, and of our connection to plant life. Along with a whole gamut of supposed knowledge.”
“Mmm, that must have been an interesting two hours.” Dale said.
“More like two weeks. It was a two week retreat and he spoke on different occasions on the different topics. Although there were a few who got up and left after the first hour or so of sitting and listening to him. And I suppose I might have done the same.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“My ride wanted to stay, so I didn’t really have a choice.”
“So how was it?”
“It turned out to be very relaxing actually, and informative. What intrigued me most, was when he spoke of life and death. He explained that the mind and the soul are synonymous. Then he talked at length about Consciousness, not cognitive, but in his words, one absolute Consciousness, that continues even after the death of the body. In his words— eternal. He explained, it’s by virtue of the body that Consciousness is capable of experience. And to the degree that Consciousness is the reality behind experience, functioning through the reflecting medium of the mind, or soul, everything that appears real in our experience and awareness, is really an illusion. But real to the extent that being a reflection of itself, nothing really exist separate from it, so ultimately everything is that “one” Consciousness. He said that, by the confusion of the reflecting mind, when thoughts happen, it creat
es a mis identification, believing itself to be an individual soul, or mind, creating the illusion of separateness from the wholeness of one Consciousness. And so now this mis identification, or “ego” as we know it, believe’s the body or the brain to be the source of it’s existence. As in, the brain is the essence of who we are. Well now supposedly, because all beings are of the same source…”
“Exactly, …well ultimately there’s never a separation. That being said, everything is energy, and as we know energy doesn’t die it just transforms, right?
“So on the level of consciousness energy, the so called individual soul can move freely in and out of form. In this case the body.” Dale listened with amusement, and an open mind at the possibility of it. Finding it interesting, being that it was a different philosophy than his own. And he enjoyed listening to her speak about something she was obviously passionate about.
“Go on.” he urged.
“Well he went on to say that upon a bodies death,” she continued, “the soul can return and enter into the body of another soul entity ( body) providing the individual soul currently inhabiting the body agreed, and was ready to move on. Either to another body to do the same, or return to source. Now, he explained that the soul can be recognized in the body it now currently inhabits by loved ones. They recognize the individual mind or soul by the personality traits carried with it that belonged to the deceased. All of the character traits the loved one is familiar with in the diseased, will be recognized by them, if the heart is open to it. For instance, the way they speak, or certain gestures unique to the deceased. Even words spoken.
It would be like starting over wouldn’t it? Where you left off. And it’s said, that it’s a heart that aches with a missing, so indescribable that calls back the soul of the loved one that has passed and moved beyond this realm of illusion. He said “when one cries in his heart, is the beginning of understanding.” An old Lakota saying.”
“Wouldn’t reincarnation be easier? I mean for anyone who believes in that.
“Are you teasing?”
“Not at all. Think about it, without any memory of the life you lived before dying? Or of the loved ones? I mean I can see how loved ones might recognize the deceased in the form of another by familiarity. But the deceased, or soul, wouldn’t recognize the loved ones. All would be forgotten.”
“That’s true, but maybe only to an extent.”
“What do you mean?”
“Maybe we do remember. Or some do anyway. It could explain why sometimes when people meet for the first time, they have an instant familiarity even though they’ve never met.” Suddenly she thought of Jake. “Anyway, since the day I heard him speak of it, the very idea of it has fascinated me.”
“It’s fascinating for sure. But personally I don’t entertain such ideas. Simply being alive and dealing in the present moment is enough. And when I die, I die, and I accept that. When my brain no longer functions, and my senses are gone, that’s it. That’s how I see it.”
“I don’t know, I like to think we’re more than the workings of our brain, and our cognitive awareness. Personally I just can’t believe my brain is the source, and essence of who I am. It’s nothing more than neuro, electro chemicals. In my heart I know who, or what I truly am—this consciousness being, is beyond any function of the brain.”
“I’m inclined to want facts, and proofs.”
“Of course.” Ronda said, “Straight from the mouth of a scientists son. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree does it?” she joked. Well, Mr. facts and proofs, all I can say is, from my personal experience, the proof is in my experience and awareness itself. It’s self evident. As you and I both know, everything in this material world is dependent on something else to prove it exists. Including our brain. So what’s real? That which needs something else to prove it’s existence or that which is self evident? It’s this awareness, this Consciousness, that’s the essence of who I am.”
“Well since it can never be proven that it is, or that it isn’t, we can all believe whatever we choose.” he said, as pulled her close. “All I know for sure is I want you where I can see you, and feel you, essence and all. Not in the form of someone else. But you, it’s you that I love.”
“So your saying this is all I am. Your in love with an appearance.”
“Our physicality is a part of the whole of who we are isn’t it? You said so yourself.”
“Yes, relatively speaking. I’m talking beyond the physical body, which by the way changes over time and dies. Will your love change, as I change? And when we die, when the body dies does love die?”
He placed his finger on her mouth.
“Someone once said, “If it’s true love, it neither changes nor dies, it simply remains.” Or as I like to say, love just is. Or we could no longer call it love, anymore than if an apple had the taste of an orange, we couldn’t call it an apple could we. Therefore it can never change. It is what it is. A true and abiding love anyway.” Then he kissed her. Slowly at first, then with more fervor. She pulled back.
“Don’t you want to hear how we’re related to plant’s?” she said jokingly.
As he looked at her, the passion in his eyes was clear, “another time.” he said, as he pulled her close, and kissed her.
They made love, and afterwards they fell asleep in each others arms, as the the last ember burnt to a cinder and fell to ash. And for a time, when they were in each others arms everything was right with the world. There was nothing, that could disturb the peace they found in each others arms.
Dale opened his eyes, shaking himself as the phone continued ringing.
“Who is it?” Ronda asked, sleepy eyed, as Dale reached for the phone.
“It’s my father!” he said anxiously.
“Father, what is it, are you okay?” he asked as he sat up.
“I’m fine Dale, I’m fine.” he repeated, “Has Jake returned to the house?”
“No, its been a few days since I’ve spoken to him, and I have to say, I don’t like it.”
“Same here. The last time I spoke with him he was to contact me within twenty four hours. And it’s been much longer.”
“What! Why didn’t you contact me sooner.”
“Well, it’s not unusual for him to disappear for a while. But more than enough time has passed I think. And to be quite honest, I wouldn’t be worried about it if Maynard wasn’t a concern. But as it is, I’m certain Maynard’s behind it, I have no doubt about it.”
“Why do you suspect Maynard? It was Cummings he went after.”
“I have good reason to believe he may have gone after Maynard himself. And if I’m right, his life may be in serious danger.”
“I’ve heard all I need to know. We’ve got to call the police!”
“No! Trust me son, not yet.”
“Whats going on father, why all this secrecy?”
“Dale, there are things you don’t understand, but now’s not the time to explain. I need you here. The sooner you can get here the sooner we find out what happened to Jake”
Dale looked at his watch.
“It’s seven thirty now, we can leave in the next half hour, and be there well before noon.”
“No Dale, it’s better if you come alone. Ronda will be safer there.”
“Alright, Dale answered, I suppose your right.”
“It’s best” his father said.
“Okay then, expect me before noon.”
“I’ll be waiting, his father replied.
Dale looked at Ronda, who had been watching him, now waiting for him to speak.
“It seems Jake has gone missing, and father needs me there asap”
“Yes, according to my father it looks as though Jake may have gone after Maynard.”
“What!” Ronda exclaimed, “Why, why would he do that?” she asked.
“I don’t know, but I’m sure I’m about to find out. And
when I get there…”
“When you get there?” she interrupted.
“Yes, Father thinks it’ll be safer for you here, and I agree. But I’ll call you as soon as I get there. And I’ll keep you updated. I won’t be gone for more than a couple of days I promise. Listen, he said, his voice serious, as he placed his hands gently on her shoulders, “I’d feel more comfortable if you didn’t go out till I return. But if you do, stay close.”
“I will, I promise. But as it is I don’t plan on leaving the house.”
After he showered and dressed, Ronda walked him to the car. The air was cool and the sky was clear, but for a few scattered clouds.
“It’s a good morning for long drive.” she said, as they stood next to the car.“Good luck, and stay safe.”
“And you do the same.” he said, hugging her close, breathing in the scent of her, to hold in his memory.
She watched as he drove away. Her arms crossed in front of her, in the manner one does in an effort to stay warm when it’s cold out. As if to cover the emptiness she was feeling now that he was gone. She continued to watch as he drove out of sight. Suddenly, a dreadful feeling of doom washed over her. Something was about to happen. She shivered at the thought, then looked up to the sky, shielding her eyes with her hand from the sun, as a seagull flew past above her. Spike, she muttered softly. Then she looked around her. All was quiet but for the sound of the ocean and seagulls flying in the distance. She turned and walked back into the house. Alone.
Feeling anxious about leaving her, Dale worried. And though tempted to turn back and bring her with him, he knew the beach house was the safest place for now. He had never loved a women the way he loved Ronda. But then, there was no one like her. With her, life seemed to have more meaning. And he wondered how he ever kept himself from approaching her sooner, when he first knew he had feelings for her. When he first laid eyes on her. And now, he couldn’t fathom ever having lived without her
Ronda Page 9