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Shot in the Dark

Page 12

by Tracy Solheim

  As he left the range, he yanked off the noise-canceling earmuffs and shoved them in his jacket pocket.

  “Nice shooting there, boss,” one of his CAT teammates called. “I’m curious though, was the elephant porn you witnessed yesterday more of a turn-on than those ten perfect kill shots you just fired?”

  The rest of the wiseasses on the range broke out in a chorus of laughter.

  Adam dipped his sunglasses down on his nose to level a glare at their ringleader. “I suggest you forget the stand-up routine and work on your marksmanship,” he warned. “Or you’ll find yourself telling jokes while on foot patrol outside the Crown. We’ll see who’s laughing then.”

  The threat had the desired effect. The agents scrambled in multiple directions, most of them heading back to the range to shoot. Shoving his glasses back into place, he stalked toward the locker room, only to halt in his tracks when he came face-to-face with the woman he’d been trying to get out of his mind all morning. Adam whipped off his sunglasses, but it was no use, she was still there.

  Dressed in houndstooth trousers, a tailored white blouse with a leather biker jacket over top and kickass high-heeled boots, Josslyn looked every bit as out of place at the shooting range as she was. She eyed the rifle in his hand with disdain. “As much as it pains me to admit it, you totally are a badass with that thing.”

  Adam didn’t appreciate the compliment any more than he appreciated her sudden appearance in his sanctuary. “What the hell are you doing here?” he growled. He glanced over Josslyn’s shoulder at a smirking Agent Groesch. “Have you lost your mind, Christine?”

  The other agent shrugged. “We were driving by and she wanted to see the place.”

  “And you should have told her no.”

  “It’s not our job to tell a protectee where they can and cannot go,” Christine replied. “Unless there’s a safety issue.”

  Adam opened his mouth to claim just that but Josslyn cut him off.

  “Don’t make a fool of yourself arguing that I’m not safe here surrounded by dozens of highly-skilled Secret Service agents.”

  She had him by the balls and damn it if both women didn’t know it. Still, he’d take it up with Christine later. He shot the other agent a look that said just that, but she only smiled smugly in response. The sound of dogs growling and barking immediately caught Josslyn’s attention.

  “Oh, the K-9s are trained here, too.” She was already headed in the direction of the kennels. “I’ve always wanted to see how they do that.”

  A saner man would have let her trounce off toward the K-9 center, her BFF, Agent Groesch, tagging along behind her. But Adam clearly wasn’t sane. At least not where this woman was concerned.

  “You can’t just waltz in there while they are teaching dogs to take down an intruder,” he said as he charged after her.

  “Surely they are behind a fence or something.” But her voice trailed off as her attention veered in yet another direction. “What is that?”

  Adam groaned as he followed her wide-eyed gaze to the shell of the airplane resting on a makeshift airstrip in the middle of a field. “Air Force One and a Half.”

  “No way!” She changed direction heading toward the hollowed-out replica of the presidential aircraft the Secret Service used for training exercises. “Can we go inside?”

  Adam wrapped his fingers around her arm pulling her to a stop. “No.”

  “It’s not like I haven’t seen the real thing,” she argued.

  “Then you’re not missing much.” He tugged her over to a more secluded area on the path. Christine had committed a significant breach of security by disappearing somewhere between the shooting range and their present location, but Adam was glad for the opportunity to question Josslyn privately because no way had she just dropped into the training center on a whim.

  “Let’s cut the bullshit and tell me exactly what you’re doing here,” he demanded.

  Josslyn shook his hand off. “Or what? You’ll shoot me with that big powerful rifle of yours?”

  Damn it. Adam was still carrying his SR-16. He didn’t dare hand it off to anyone else. Snipers were a bit possessive about their tools of the trade. She smiled slyly as if she knew exactly how the mind of a sharpshooter worked.

  “Fine,” he relented. “Have your fun. Agent Groesch can take you on the grand tour, for all I care. I’ve got other things to do.” Like get his head examined. “I’ll see you at the zoo this afternoon.”

  “Wait!” This time it was her hand on his arm. “I came to tell you I’m not going to the zoo today.”

  Her words stopped Adam in his tracks. She’d been insistent to the point of belligerence that she be allowed to continue her work in person at the zoo each day. What had happened this morning to change that?

  He shifted his rifle between their bodies forcing her to take a step back. “Let me guess, your coffee with a colleague wasn’t to discuss the mating habits of elephants,” he said.

  Annoyance flashed in her gray eyes. Evidently, she didn’t appreciate the way he could read her. “Dr. Young works with us at the GWC.”

  Adam’s temples pounded. “Then whatever it is you’re planning, let Dr. Young handle it.” He turned to walk away.

  “He’s a fifty-two-year-old Taiwanese professor who is tone deaf and doesn’t care for opera.”

  He took the bait. “What does opera have to do with saving animals?”

  An appreciative smile played at the corners of her mouth. She enjoyed toying with him. Adam nearly scoffed at her, but he suspected her story was about to take a turn he wasn’t going to like.

  “The opera is at the Kennedy Center this evening and there’s a very exclusive cocktail party beforehand hosted by the ambassador from Zimbabwe. And you and I are invited.”

  Adam’s aching head constricted at the thought of spending the evening in a dark, crowded concert hall listening to men and women wail.

  “Not happening. Until we find out why Mandla was targeting you, you’re only allowed to mix with the general population for work purposes.”

  Her smile all but disappeared. “The director has already agreed. Both Agent Shaw and the FBI said I’m no longer under any threat. And I want to go to the Kennedy Center tonight. And I need you to go as my date.”

  “Shaw and the FBI can’t guarantee anything.” He maneuvered them behind a giant oak tree. “You’d be a fool to go.”

  Adam probably should have taken a minute to think his response through because his words were like oil to fire. Josslyn was far from a fool. Her posture grew rigid as she jabbed a finger into his chest. “As Agent Groesch has already pointed out, you can’t tell me where I can and cannot go. I’ve agreed to allow the director to order a sweep of the area beforehand, but I am going to this opera tonight. If you’d rather not pose as my date, then I’ll find another agent.”

  The headache that had been threatening squeezed his brain like a boa constrictor. Like hell was he allowing anyone else to act as her date. She’d likely slip off to do God knew what at the first opportunity with the poor idiot none the wiser. He backed her up against the tree trunk before placing his rifle next to them. Adam needed both hands free to strangle her. Instead, his fingers gently cupped her chin.

  “You need me to act as your date because Tseng will be there,” he accused. “Isn’t that right?”

  Josslyn swallowed roughly against his thumbs, but her eyes met his in challenge. “Yes. Given how serious we played things the other night, he’ll wonder why I’m with someone else.”

  Adam rested his aching temple against the tree trunk just above her shoulder, trying unsuccessfully to suppress the potent want this woman seemed to dredge up within him. He inhaled the scent of her coconut shampoo before a strand of her hair got tangled in the stubble of his day-old beard. Her hands found their way beneath his jacket, warming a path up his chest.

  “You could have explained all this at the White House later.”

  “I know,” she murmured against his neck.
“But you’ve been working long hours, pushing yourself when you’re still not 100 percent. I wanted to give you time to rest before tonight.”

  Her intuitiveness surprised him. Her concern cut him to the quick. Adam jerked his head back to glare at her. “That’s not how this works, Josslyn. My job is to keep you safe for however many hours it takes in a day. You, on the other hand, have no responsibilities for me. Our relationship only goes one way.”

  The biting response he expected never came. Instead, her face softened and her hands wrapped around his neck. “You’re such a silly man,” she whispered as she reeled him in closer.

  And, like a lamb to slaughter, he went.

  A low growl escaped the back of his throat when her lips met his. With the merest brush of a kiss, she’d completely short-circuited his brain, making Adam lose all sense of propriety. The sounds of the shooting range, the dogs barking, and the cars practicing pit maneuvers on the track a mile away receded into the background until all that was left was the pounding of their hearts and their breathy moans. Josslyn’s fingers dug into his scalp while her tongue darted in and out of his mouth. He could taste her need, her want, and it was a heady feeling. Adam responded by cupping her ass, bringing her into contact with the part of him that wanted to dart in and out inside of her. She reacted by playfully nipping at his lip before smoothing over it with her tongue. His entire body ached at the wicked thoughts of where he wanted her tongue to go next.

  His pulse pounding, Adam left her mouth to trace the smooth column of her neck with his lips. “Siren,” he breathed. “That’s going to be your code name because you make me crazy.” He dragged his teeth along the tender skin along her collarbone. He’d meant to punish her but the lusty sound of her sigh was hurting him more.

  Her fingers had somehow left his skull to slide into the waistband of his pants where she was tracing lazy circles against his skin. “This wouldn’t be so crazy if we were somewhere private.”

  Reluctantly, Adam reined in his runaway libido, lifting his lips from her neck and his hands from her sweet ass. He took a step back before pulling her fingers from his body. She had the decency not to protest, but the sexy pout of her kiss-swollen lips said it all.

  “I told you last night. There isn’t going to be anything more between us.”

  “And, yet, here you are kissing me,” she pointed out.

  “Because you started it. Again.” He grabbed his rifle and gestured with his chin for her to head back down the path in front of him. “Don’t expect a repeat performance tonight.”

  She glanced back over her shoulder at him but wisely kept that luscious mouth of hers shut. Likely she was going through all the tricks in her arsenal to ensure there was no truth to his last statement. He’d be ready for her, though. Adam only hoped his will was stronger than the She-Devil’s.


  Dressed in a long, sequined Vera Wang gown she’d worn to one of her brother-in-law’s inaugural events, Josslyn tried to appear casual as she and Adam strolled beneath the flags hanging high above the Kennedy Center’s Hall of Nations. She did her best to ignore the murmurs among the guests, treating them all to the fake smile she’d perfected while on the campaign trail. One of the perks to her brother-in-law being president was that she could crash these diplomatic events on a whim. The First Lady’s chief of staff didn’t even bat an eyelash when Josslyn requested she secure an invite for her on such short notice. Judging by the stir within the crowd already, the other operagoers weren’t as indifferent, however.

  As she suspected, Dr. Young had no difficulty translating the note this morning. Unfortunately, the scribbles on the Post-it were random and didn’t seem to form a cohesive missive. The date and time for the gala were included along with a shopping list of some sort. And then there was Christian Sumner’s name in bold black letters. Josslyn’s stomach rolled at the thought he could be using his position to aid animal traffickers. As much as she disliked the little jerk, she had difficulty picturing him abusing his power in such a way. But she couldn’t know for sure without following up, which meant tonight’s foray into the Washington DC social scene couldn’t be helped.

  Josslyn hated all things politics. Christian, on the other hand, would be in his element as the highest-ranking diplomat invited to sit in the presidential box. As a de facto member of the First Family, she was rungs above him on the social ladder, however. He wouldn’t appreciate sharing the spotlight with her. And he would appreciate it less when she showed up with the Tower of Testosterone as her date. That thought was enough to make her smile genuine.

  Many of the women they passed were casting covetous glances at the man on her arm. She had to agree Adam looked delicious decked out in a tuxedo. His transition from Jason Bourne to James Bond allowed him to blend in with the crowd effortlessly. Still, judging by the way the other women were checking him out, the clothes he wore did nothing to diminish his potent sex appeal. The hint of a five-o’clock shadow he’d left along his jaw added a little danger to his evening clothes. Except for the tightness around his mouth, he appeared to be oblivious to his admirers.

  Josslyn nodded and smiled in greeting to those attempting to catch her attention, but she didn’t stop to engage anyone in conversation. These people were her sister’s contemporaries, not hers. She was only here to figure out the connection between Tseng and Christian. Josslyn was as much an imposter tonight as Adam.

  “Are we in a race for our seats?” Adam’s low voice rumbled next to her ear. “Because I’m pretty sure there’s plenty of room in the presidential box.”

  He was right. Nerves had her racing like a gazelle through the lushly carpeted Grand Foyer where the cocktail party was being held. Slowing her gait, she guided him past the eight-foot-tall bronze bust of John F. Kennedy. Josslyn snared a flute of champagne from a passing waiter, downing half its contents in one gulp.

  “Did you know that this statue almost got dumped into the bottom of the ocean?” she babbled.

  Adam arched an eyebrow at her.

  “It’s true. When the sculptor was bringing it to the Kennedy Center, the plane carrying it across the Atlantic had mechanical trouble. It was during a thunderstorm. Lightning struck the nose of the plane. But, as you can see, it made it safe and sound.” The words poured out of her mouth breathlessly. Her heart was racing as though she were in that plane.

  “And so will you,” Adam said softly. “That’s why I’m here. Now breathe.”

  Following his instructions, she exhaled a deep cleansing breath. “I’m not comfortable at these types of events,” she admitted.

  Adam shot her an amused look. “You don’t say?” He led her over to a quiet spot in front of the windows overlooking the Potomac.

  “I tend to say the wrong things, which leads to embarrassing my family.” She guzzled the rest of the glass.

  “In that case, champagne might not be such a wise idea.” He took the empty flute from her hand and placed it on a table behind them.

  Josslyn blew out another steadying breath. “Serving on the president’s detail, you’re used to these types of events. I’ve only been in this building on one other occasion and that was when my dad was surgeon general. I’m sure you’ve been here hundreds of times.”

  “Only if you count the basement and the rooftop,” he noted mildly. “You forget this isn’t my regular gig either.”

  “That’s right.” She smiled up at him, some of the tension easing from her shoulders.

  “But in those instances, it was my job to keep the bad guys away. I was successful because I knew what I was looking for ahead of time.” He moved a few inches closer so no one could overhear their conversation. “It would be helpful—not mention less stressful—if you told me what you are up to tonight.”

  As much as she wanted to confide in someone, Josslyn deliberately hadn’t mentioned the sticky note to anyone yet. She wanted to know for herself just how far up this ring had influence. She suspected her brother-in-law would not be happy to learn so
meone in his administration could be involved. Especially if it were Christian Sumner, one of his trusted campaign coordinators. “Would it ease your stress level if I told you I was just following a hunch?”

  Adam groaned quietly. “In my experience, your hunches tend to lead to military rescue.”

  She was about to object, but they were interrupted by none other than Christian Sumner himself.

  “Josslyn, what a surprise.”

  Christian’s tone conveyed he was not surprised at all. She was correct in thinking he would be annoyed she was stealing his thunder. He leaned in to kiss her on the cheek—a show for the crowd, no doubt. Adam tensed at her back.

  “I see you’re no longer grounded after your little incident in Zimbabwe earlier this week. Or did you sneak out of the White House now that Conrad and Harriett are away?”

  She wasn’t sure which delighted Christian more, his accidentally on purpose letting it slip that she’d once again involved herself in an “incident,” or his letting the crowd know he was on a first-name basis with the president and First Lady. Too bad neither delighted Josslyn.

  Adam slipped his arm through hers. “Darling, aren’t you going to introduce us?”

  Pleasure surged through her at the look on Christian’s face. Not only that, but her good parts were doing somersaults at the possessive way Adam drawled the word “darling.”

  “Um, of course,” she stammered. “This is Christian Sumner, the Undersecretary of State for Africa. Christian this is—”

  “Adam, her father’s nurse,” Adam interjected before extending his hand with what felt like a dare.

  Christian eyed Adam carefully before finally shaking his hand. Josslyn made a mental note to call her sister and fill her in before Christian began to ask questions. As it was, the little turd was already drawing false conclusions.

  “Worming your way into all aspects of the First Family’s life, I see,” he said to Adam, his voice laced with disgust. “Don’t get too used to it though. Josslyn is quite fickle where men are concerned.”


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