by Boyle, Mark
climate change, 4, 8, 9, 16, 92, 106, 108, 148, 152, 185, 193, 198;
and flooding, 98–9;
and food waste, 139
clothes, 161, 174
cockroaches, 120
communal-sufficiency, 189–90
communications, 44–5, 48–9
compost toilet, 31–2, 67, 76, 77, 182
condoms, 142
consumerism, and disconnection, 3–5
consumption habits, 26–8
cooking, 34–6
coppicing, 107, 108
Couchsurfing, 152, 154
credit cards, 7
credit crunch, 10
cuttlefish bones, 68
cycling, 43–4, 73–4, 92–3, 96, 132–3
Daily Mirror, 63–4, 68
Daily Telegraph, 80
Death Cap mushrooms, 158
debt, 6–7;
and competition, 7–8
Details, 127
diapers, 169–70
Diaper-free baby, 170
Dig for Victory, 195
Drennan, Fergus, 40, 47, 49–51, 55, 58, 59, 60, 68, 73, 100–1, 142, 158, 171, 173–5, 176
Dryad’s Saddle fungus, 102–3
dumpster-diving, 40–1, 137–39, 141–4, 171, 173–4
Dunbar Number, 190
Dunbar, Robin, 190
Earthlings, 175
earthships, 123–4, 182
Easterlin, Richard, 149
Eat the Change, 34
economics, 9, 11–12
electricity, 33, 37–8
Elimination Communication, 170
email, 48, 68
energy, 33–9, 100–4
entertainment, 72–3, 140–1, 175
environment, 76–7
Essential, 172
Esso, 95
Fareshares, 172
fennel, 68
festivals, 144–53, 168–77
field mushrooms, 158
firewood, 107–9
flooding, 98–9
food, 39–42, 66–7, 171–2;
and carbon footprint, 139;
Christmas, 89–90;
growing, 97–100;
organic, 4, 34, 41;
sell-by dates, 137–8;
spring, 106;
waste, 59;
see also foraging
Food for Free Freeconomy Feast, 46–7, 57–61
food poisoning, 116
foraging, 40, 99;
autumn, 157–60;
summer, 135–39, 141–44;
tea, 112–14
fossil fuels see no new fossil fuels, law of
Free Shop, 161
Freeconomy Community: long-term vision, 180–3;
‘the real’, 178–9;
web based, 14–15, 34, 59, 107, 118, 152–4, 165
Freeconomy Feastival 2009, 168–77
Freecycle, 30, 154, 161
freegans, 138, 143, 174
Freegle, 30, 154
Freelender, 144–5
Freeskilling, 34, 69, 78, 153, 181
fungi, 102–3, 158
Gandhi, Mahatma, 4, 32–3, 63, 197
Gibran, Kahlil, The Prophet, 70
gift economy, 145
giving: and receiving, 191–3;
and selling, 13;
unconditional, 20–1
Global Freeloaders, 152
Goldman, Emma, 140
Good News Show, 141
green capitalism, 151
Greenpeace, 33
Guardian, 165
Guardian online, 143, 164–5
Gumtree, 141
Hamilton, Andy, 40, 61, 134, 173
Hamilton, Dave, 40, 142
Hartley, Dorothy, 158
hay fever, 117–19
hazelnuts, 158–9
health, 114–19;
alternative practitioners, 175
Henley, Jon, 143
Hesse, Hermann: Siddhartha, 163
Hicks, Bill, 185
hitchhiking, 22, 82–4, 85–8, 92
honey, 117–18
Hopkins, Rob, 10, 150
Hospitality Club, 152
Howard, Russell: Good News Show, 141
humanure, 31–2
hungry gap, the, 66, 97–100
i105-i107fm, 53, 54
ink: from mushrooms, 103
insurance companies, 9
internet, 15, 45, 64, 126;
see also blogs; email
Irish Times, 50
It’s not Easy being Green (BBC), 169
Ivory Funnels, 158
Jew’s ears, 66–7, 77
John Lame Deer, 129, 15
kale, 99
Kingsnorth, Paul, 165
laptops, 19, 34, 37, 48, 63, 68, 104, 150, 153, 165
Lasn, Kalle, 12
laundry, 74–6
LETS, 14
Liftshare, 92, 152, 154
Linux, 49, 68, 153
local currencies, 189
Mabey, Richard: Food for Free, 99
McKibben, Bill: Deep Economy, 70
media interest, 63–5, 143, 164–61
mice, 120–3
Midwest FM, 53
Monbiot, George, 10, 165
Money as Debt, 175
Money Saving Expert, 141
mooncups, 179–80
mountain biking, 132–3
movie nights, 140–1
movies, 140–1, 175
mushrooms, 66–7, 77, 158;
ink and paper from, 100, 102–3
Nature Crunch, 10
New Year’s Eve, 93–4
Newman, Rob: The History of Oil, 175
Newstalk, 51
no-money, law of, 18
no new fossil fuels, law of, 22–3
no pre-payment of bills, law of, 23
normality, law of, 19–20
off-grid living, 19, 22, 23, 33–9, 63, 100, 123;
festivals, 148–9, 175
oil, 22, 28, 110, 119
Open Mike nights, 141
OpenOffice, 49
Osborn, Tim, 98–9
paper: from mushrooms, 101, 102–3;
for writing, 75
Paradox, 145–7
pay-it-forward, 20–1
peak oil, 9, 10–11, 16, 148, 193, 198
Peck, M. Scott: The Road Less Traveled, 186
pens, 101
Permaculture, 27, 54, 150, 180
Phantom FM, 53
plantain hay fever remedy, 118
polytunnels, 98
poverty, 24–5
puffball mushrooms, 158
Rabeder, Karl, 149
Radford Mill Farm, 31, 69
Ramblers Association, 93
raspberries, 159
rats, 120
ReaditSwapit, 75
receiving: and giving, 191–3
relationships, 109–12;
and support, 187–8
resourcefulness, 194–5
resources, local, 193–4
respect, law of, 22
Reynolds, Michael, 123
Roadkill Chef see Drennan, Fergus
rocket stove, 34–6, 67, 69, 75
roundhouses, 124
RTE, 52, 82, 95
RTE Radio 1, 53
Schwermer, Heidemarie: Living without Money, 126–7
Scotch Bonnets, 158
security, 9, 14
Seize the Day, 145, 150
Self-Sufficient-ish Bible, The (Hamilton and Hamilton), 40, 99
Seoige, 53, 81–2, 88, 94–5
Seoige, Gráinne, 81–2, 94–5
sharing, 15
Shell, 95
shelter, 29–33, 123–5, 182;
festival season, 151–2
silence, week of, 160–4
Simon, Theo, 150–1
skills, essential, 190–1
Sky News, 51
Sky News Radio, 52
Skype, 48
smoothie bike, 175
soapwort, 65
solar power, 37–8, 74, 100, 101, 104
solar shower, 68, 90
South West news, 51
squats, 37
Story of Stuff, The, 175
straw bale homes, 124
Strawbridge, Brigit, 169
street parties, 140
Streets Alive, 140
Suelo, Daniel, 127–9
Sukhdev, Pavan, 10
Sunrise Off-grid festival, 148–9
supermarkets, 41, 137-8, 141–2, 172, 173, 195
swallows, 156
Swaparama Razzmatazz, 161
Swishing, 161
Tauschring, 127
tea, 112–14
teepees, 125
teeth cleaning, 68
text messaging, 48–9
The Independent, 51
Thoreau, Henry David: Walden, 70
time management, 63, 74–9
Timebanks, 14
Tolle, Rolf, 9
Toolshare scheme, 107
Trade-it, 67
trailers, 29, 125
Transition Movie, The, 175
Transition Towns, 73, 174
transportation, 43–4, 81–2, 92–3;
Bristol to Donegal, 80–8;
Donegal to Bristol, 95–6
Trisha Goddard Show, 64
tryptophan, 119
underground houses, 124
urban foraging see foraging
value of things, 195–6
Vaughan, Adam, 164, 165
veganism, 68, 91, 116, 117–18, 122
vegetarianism, 116
Vestas Wind Turbine factory, 150–1
walking, 43, 92–3
Wall Street Journal, 61
Wallace, Danny, 52
walnuts, 159
washing, 38, 65–6, 90–2;
clothes, 74–6
water, 32, 38, 77, 85, 98–9, 182
Waters, Roger, 91
Whitefield, Patrick, 150
wholesalers, 172, 99
wind power, 37–8
wind-up power, 37
women: sanitary products, 179–80
wood burning stoves, 37, 69, 76
writing materials, 101–4
Yahoo, 51, 59
yurts, 125