Ours: Book Six in The Everett Gaming Series

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Ours: Book Six in The Everett Gaming Series Page 5

by Drew Sera

  The three of us showered together and ate breakfast. I was nervous as I glanced at my watch to see how close it was to the time I needed to leave to see Matt. Colin had been messing around on his phone while we made breakfast and as I set down the plate of toast, he swore.

  “What?” I asked him.

  He set his phone down and apologized, then kissed Sydney. He looked up at me while he filled his plate. I kept it simple with toast for my meal.

  “I was trying to get a meeting that I have at 8:30 this morning moved to this afternoon, but it's not feasible,” he said while looking at me.

  “So?” I didn't know why he was making such a big deal out of it. Really, if Colin wanted a meeting moved, it’d get moved. He was the boss, and everyone respected him. I figured it might have been regarding the Cheng deal. Those meetings were more difficult to move as we had to play with a huge time difference. But with everything else, Colin could move walls.

  “I wanted to be able to go with you this morning.”

  I swallowed hard and then coughed. Fuck, he really didn't need to do that, and as I started to protest, he cut me off.

  “Anth, we wouldn't let Sydney go alone.”

  “It's different. She's our girl. Really, Col, it's fine. Besides…” I glanced down to butter my toast and decided whether or not to continue. I decided to finish what I was going to say. “Matt will fill you in before I even get to my car.” Colin and I both knew that the second I leave, Matt will be on the phone with him. I tried to follow up with something he’d find positive. “But, we do need to schedule a time with Chris. Maybe tonight we'll figure that out.”

  He nodded and seemed happy with that plan. I could tell he was trying not to say or do something to set me off, but he could relax. I was going to try not to run and hide anymore and would work on accepting their help, even though I just told him I could go see Matt on my own. He knew I was dead on accurate when I said that Matt would fill him in.

  Colin headed to the office, and I told him that I'd be in after the appointment. Sydney assured me before I left that she would be alright. Today would be the first day of us leaving Sydney alone. Gina was going to come over, and the girls would spend the day together. But still, Colin and I were nervous and would keep in touch with her during the day. I was nervous about that on top of my appointment with Matt.

  I drove more cautious and slower than I usually drive. I guess I was still prolonging my visit with Matt. I was stressed, worried and afraid about what Matt would talk to me about or do. Sydney was brave to deal with shit from her recent past, so I could man up and deal with this. After all, it was Matt. I parked and looked at my watch. 8:45 a.m. No need to go in too early. I glanced around the busy parking lot and spotted Matt's Mercedes. I flipped through some pictures on my phone and found one of Sydney and I the evening she bid on my rope night. Our brave girl. I could do this.

  CE: Anth, don't worry about coming into the office afterward. Some extra rest might help you get over your cold.

  AG: I need to be at work, Col. I've been gone too long.

  Was that running or avoiding help? Fuck, I think I did stuff like that all of the time, and maybe I wasn’t even aware when I was running. I flipped the phone over to silent and got out of my car. The waiting room was busy, and I felt guilty for taking up his time when he had other clients to see. I waited for an older woman to sign a sheet and then move off to the side with a clipboard.

  “Good morning, last name?” the woman behind the desk asked me.

  “Graves. Anthony Graves.”

  “Hmm, what time was your appointment for?”

  I started to open my mouth, but then another lady came over and told the girl that I was Matt's friend and was to be seen at nine.

  “Listen, if he's booked up, I can schedule another time.”

  “No, no. No worries, Mr. Graves. Dr. Reid spoke to me this morning. Please have a seat, and we'll be with you shortly.”

  I nodded and sat down. My knee started bouncing. What the fuck was I so nervous over? Oh yeah, Victor issues. I would have been fine if I knew it was just going to be seeing him for a cold. Fuck. What kind of pussy am I? A fucking cold.

  “Mr. Graves?” A nurse poked her head out of a doorway and glanced around. I nodded and stood to follow her down the hall when out of the corner of my eye I saw the front office door open and Colin walked in. What the fuck?

  He came over to the nurse and me and followed us down the hall to an exam room. I went along with it though. I can't keep pushing them away. Colin took a seat as I sat on the exam table while the nurse wrote some things down in my file.

  “Alright, go ahead and take off your suit jacket, shirt and tie and hop up on the scale please.”

  I did as she asked and was left in my undershirt and suit pants. I stood on the scale and watched her slide the bar back and forth before finally settling on a number and then returned to the counter where she scribbled some info. She took my temperature and blood pressure and returned to the counter.

  “Dr. Reid will be right with you.”

  She smiled and left the room.

  “What the fuck are you doing here, Col? You had a meeting.”

  “I did. We had the meeting, and I drove like a bat out of fucking hell. You wouldn't have recognized me on the road.”

  “Col, I told you that you didn't need to come. It's just a fucking cold or the start of a cold.”

  “I don't care. The three of us support one another. You've been sick, man. That antibiotic in California didn’t help. Don’t make me feel bad for being concerned.”

  I nodded and decided to drop it.

  Fuck, here I was. I was like a sitting duck for Matt. While I was talking to Colin about planning an escape route, there was a knock on the door, and then Matt entered. Why do doctors knock on the door before they enter? I mean seriously, do they think they might catch you doing something you shouldn’t be doing? You won’t be unexpected, just fucking come in.

  “Hey, guys. How are you feeling today, Anth?”

  I was actually doing fine aside from being here. I wanted to say that but didn't dare.

  “Fine. I just can't shake the coughing.”

  I watched him look over my file and no doubt the info the nurse scribbled down. He read over it and then opened an iPad and poked around.

  “I've got your file here from the hospital and was just glancing at a few things.”

  Ah, wonderful. I urged myself to calm down. I reminded myself that I was here of my own free will and just wanted to get rid of this fucking cough. I didn't want Sydney to catch a cold from me.

  “Anth, your weight is down. You used to weigh about what, 215?” I nodded at his guess. “You’re below 200 now. 197 to be exact. That’s almost twenty pounds in a month and a half.”

  What was I supposed to say? I had a rough time since Sydney was taken and haven't rebounded yet.

  “Yeah, I know.” I looked down at the tiled floor and could hear him sit down on his wheeled stool. This was Matt and Colin. What the fuck was I so scared about? I could admit things to them. They knew the worst parts of my life. “Since Sydney was taken, I just haven't been hungry.”

  “She's back though, Anth.”

  “Yeah, it's just, my stomach...and the medicine. The medicine has been rough.”

  I could feel his eyes on me but willed myself not to get bent out of shape. He finally nodded, stood and came towards me with the stethoscope ready.

  “Alright, take some deep breaths.”

  He moved the stethoscope over my undershirt around my chest and sides while I took deep breaths. Many of them caused me to cough. He placed the stethoscope around on my lower back and urged me to continue to take deep breaths. He looked in my throat and ears and then made an interesting comment.

  “I'm going to feel around your glands and push on your face some, okay?” He said calmly.

  I just eyed him. Why would he even bother telling me? Did Colin say something to him? Matt didn't warn me about l
ooking in my throat or ears. I nodded so he wouldn't think anything was up.

  “I think you've got a respiratory infection and I’m going to give you a shot. But I'm also going to meet you later on at the hospital to get some chest x-rays. I want to see the lungs. Maybe get Alex’s opinion.” I nodded. I'd take the shot over more medicine. “Tell me about the stomach issues again. Are you just getting sick each time you take medicine?”

  “Just about.”

  “You were getting sick before I wrote that prescription while you were in California.”

  Fucking hell. And here we were again. I started to cut him off but then I stopped. I promised Colin and Sydney that I wouldn't fight or run anymore. I took a deep breath and then coughed. Grow some balls, I told myself. I looked up at Matt and nodded at his statement.

  “I know the medicine was rough on you while you were in the hospital but the one you had while in California shouldn't have been that rough on your stomach. You were getting sick to your stomach while Sydney was gone.” I nodded but kept my eyes focused on the tiled floor again. “It seems your stomach issues started after Victor.” I nodded again and clenched my jaw shut.

  “Matt,” Colin said. I looked up at Colin and then over at Matt. Colin was glaring at Matt warning him to not push at me. I knew Colin was concerned and was here to make sure Matt didn't argue with me. Just like when he took Sydney and me away from all the pressures going on to protect us, he was doing it now, too.

  Matt was right and knew it. After the biggest mistake of my life, I've had stomach issues. Cramping, sharp shooting pains on top of little or no appetite and nausea. Getting shot and the collapsed lung forced medicine into me, which made me sick. Just man up, I told myself. If nothing else, Colin deserved it.

  “You're right, Matt.” He seemed shocked at my declaration. “I get cramps in my abdomen. While Sydney was gone, they were the worst. Sometimes I'd just curl up to ease some of the pain.” I felt guilty for having kept a lot of this from Colin. But at the time, he didn't need any of that shit. I looked up at him and told him that I was sorry I kept that from him. He didn't look too surprised but looked sad.

  “Anth, would you be okay if I felt your abdomen some? Please, I'm not looking to hurt you or cause you more pain or discomfort. But fuck, you need to let someone look you over.”

  Colin spoke up and told Matt to ease up. I was tired. So fucking tired of this. Matt and Colin didn't need to be at odds and Colin didn't need to feel like he had to protect me.

  “Stop guys. Do whatever the fuck you want, Matt.”

  “I'm concerned and just want to make sure you're okay.” He pulled out one of those pathetic tissue paper gowns and set it next to me. Fuck me. “You can leave your underwear on.” He said and backed up to the counter.

  “That's for fucking sure. You said you just wanted to feel my stomach. That's all you're doing. I have your word?”

  “Yes, I'm just going to feel your abdomen.”

  As I pulled my shoes and pants off, I advised Matt that I haven't had any sharp shooting pain in a while and that the cramps seem to be lessening. I sat back down on the exam table in my boxer briefs and tossed the shitty paper gown back at Matt. As I lay down, I noticed that Colin stood up. What the ever loving fuck was that for? Did he think I was in some danger up here with Matt? I could hold my own with Matt if ever really needed to.

  “Ow! Fuck, Matt!” I jerked away from him and automatically curled up. Then I was catapulted to when Colin and I stood over Sydney back in October when I remembered her doing this.

  Colin had put his arm outward towards Matt almost as a gesture that he'd prevent him from touching me. I had no warning and couldn't even steel myself. I had been thinking about him bringing Victor to the house, and then he fucking pushed on me.

  “Thanks for the fucking warning.”

  “I'm sorry. Can I continue?”

  What the fuck else did he need to do? I just nodded, but I asked him not to push too hard. I kept my head clear and eyes focused on him. The few additional places he pushed or felt didn't cause any pain but then he went back to the first spot he touched and lightly palpitated the skin. He pushed again causing a sharp pain to radiate in my body. I felt it in my balls and knocked his hand away. I was breathing hard and started coughing.

  “Here, sit up, Anth.” Matt held his hand towards me, but I managed to sit up without his assistance.

  I noticed his demeanor had changed and that he was gentler, and the possible reason for that was making me nervous. Matt left the room to get the medicine for my shot. I was trying to keep calm but was starting to get agitated. I started to get off the table, and Colin stood in front of me. Why was I getting upset? I was nearly in a state of panic and didn't have a fucking clue as to why.

  Colin must have sensed it; maybe it's that V power bond or something. But he knew I was getting antsy, and he tried to calm me down. I didn't want Matt to touch me to give me the shot anymore. I had totally gone out of my mind panicking, and I felt ice cold.

  “Hey, calm down, Anth,” Colin said as calmly as possible.

  I didn't have much time to argue because Matt came in with a syringe. He set it down next to me and put gloves on and then looked me in the eye. I maintained eye contact with him and moved my shoulder toward him. When he shook his head at me, I realized he was telling me he wasn't giving it to me in my arm. Fuck me.

  “It needs to be in your hip.”

  “Fuck, Matt. Just say my ass. What the fuck do you mean my hip? My hip is right here.” I pointed to my hip bones as I jumped off the exam table and turned my back to Matt. I leaned on the exam table and pulled my boxer briefs down. “Have at it,” I murmured. I held my body rigid and braced myself. I felt him swipe a cotton ball over my skin and then my senses filled with the scent of rubbing alcohol. He placed a hand on my lower back, and his fingers wrapped molded to the curve of my side. I felt sick to my stomach as I thought of Victor’s fingerprints that were on my side for days. I felt the pinch and knew Matt was injecting the medicine. I nearly begged him to get his hand off of me, but I kept my jaw tightly closed. I saw a wrapped bandage sitting on the exam table next to my hand and decided that wasn't going on. “Don't put the bandage on.”

  “Anthony,” he said with the hint of annoyance.

  “No, Matt. Don’t."

  “Matt,” Colin said, and I could hear Matt let out an exasperated sigh.

  I quickly pulled my boxer briefs up. I needed out now. I turned around and moved to begin quickly dressing. My movements must have displayed that my patience was thin.

  “Anth,” Colin said. I was trying to keep calm, but I was losing that fight. Colin and Matt were both looking at me sympathetically when I did up my belt. Fucking hands were shaking, and now I was angry. I was angry that I was shaking and for letting Matt see me like this. I was seeing blurry, and I didn't fucking understand it. I coughed and couldn't even talk to make an excuse. Colin called my name again, and I shook my head. What the hell was wrong? Fucking pull it together!

  “Anthony,” Matt said as he calmly walked towards me. My only defense was to get jerky.

  “What?” I held my hand up as he began advancing toward me. Fuck, this had been a bad idea. Such a fucking bad idea to come to him for a fucking cough. I was afraid he was going to try to hug me, and I didn't want that right now. My emotions were screwing with me and I could barely see Matt through watery eyes.

  “Anthony, I'm going to refer you to a friend of mine. He's a gastroenterologist. I want you to have a colonoscopy.”

  I just stared at him. Well, partially stared because I couldn't see clearly. I put my hand over my stomach because I was hit with a wave of nausea. I kept my mouth shut tightly to keep from throwing up or from saying anything I'd regret.

  Matt wrote some info down and held a piece of paper out towards me. I finally took it and glanced at it. It was the referral. This wasn't happening.

  “Matt, I…” I shook my head and decided to stop arguing. I put the referral i
n my suit pocket and thanked him for the shot in my hip. Colin and Matt both laughed at my hip jab.

  “What time do you want to meet for the x-rays?” Matt asked while we walked down the hall.

  I noticed how tender my abdomen felt as we walked towards the front. I had no fucking clue what time to meet him. I looked at my watch and ran my hand through my hair. We decided on 1:30 this afternoon. The three of us stood in the hallway, and I knew all eyes were on me.

  “Well, thanks again for seeing me this morning. I'll get going so you and Colin can have your talk that I know you're dying to have and I'll see you at 1:30.”

  I turned and headed toward the door and was surprised when Colin stayed beside me and hadn't stayed back to talk to Matt. I didn't say anything to Colin and walked to my car with him on my heels.

  “Anth, wait.”

  “I need to get to the office, Col. Lots to do before 1:30.”

  “Please, wait a minute.”


  He grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him.

  “Yes, you can.”

  I pulled out of his grip and leaned against my car. Fuck, I was running again. I exhaled loudly and looked at him and apologized.

  “Let’s go get an early lunch. Vito’s?” he suggested. I nodded and told him I'd meet him there. I called Sydney from my car and talked to her the entire way to Vito’s restaurant. Hearing her voice put a lot into perspective for me. I had Sydney to think about. I told her I loved her and would see her this evening.

  Colin and I sat out on the patio that overlooked the Strip. It was actually relaxing though I wasn't really hungry. I had a lot on my mind. We talked about Sydney and how we thought the trip to California had been good for her. I enjoyed the trip, too, but was glad to be home. Colin and I also talked about the idea of just him and I talking with Chris for a while. It’d be better that way; Sydney didn’t need to hear this.

  When we got to work, Colin and I each went into our offices. I shut my door though. I just needed some time to myself and to ease back into work without people coming in and out to see how I was feeling.


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