Ours: Book Six in The Everett Gaming Series

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Ours: Book Six in The Everett Gaming Series Page 17

by Drew Sera

Monday, March 10th


  Colin was on the phone talking to Mitch about something while I sat outside on the lounger with my notebook. I used to think his backyard was so quiet, but our time in California made me realize that there is nothing as calming or serene as his beach house. I missed it there and loved sitting outside by the water.

  I returned my focus to my page that had a few lines already on it and continued adding to them. I had been writing for a few minutes when my cell phone made a noise of a car revving its engine. Anthony. He assigned his cell phone number a tone of an engine revving. I smiled and reached for my phone.

  AG: Hey, sunshine ;)

  His winking face always melted my heart.

  SB: ;) Hi, Sir

  AG: Remember how I told you that when I was ready, I’d talk to you about some stuff?

  I sat up straighter and pushed my notebook off my lap. I wasn’t expecting a message like this.

  SB: Yes, I remember.

  My heart thudded in my chest as I held my phone, waiting for his reply. I could see the little dots at the bottom, so I knew he was typing. Suddenly, the dots disappeared, and I shook my phone out of frustration.

  “Dammit,” I whispered.

  I looked over my shoulder and saw Colin was still on the phone with Mitch and was pacing around on the patio. I glanced back down at my phone, and the dots were back. Yes!

  AG: I think I’m ready.

  He’s ready! I quickly began to type back to him.

  SB: Ok, I am always here for you.

  AG: I can’t promise anything. I may be able to start and then need to stop. We’re going to do this my way, ok?

  SB: I understand.

  I watched Colin walking around the patio table talking on the phone. Tonight was the first dinner event with the international hotel clients. Everything had to be perfect for tonight.

  SB: Does Colin know that you’re ready?

  Dots indicating that he was texting appeared, then disappeared, then appeared again.

  AG: No.

  My heart fell. Colin cares so much about Anthony. I quickly looked down when the revving engine broke through my thoughts.

  AG: He knows some of the stuff on my mind, but he doesn’t know that I’m ready to talk to you about some things. Don’t worry, sunshine. I will tell him that you and I are going to start having some talks.

  SB: Ok. But I don’t want to push you into anything you’re not ready to do.

  AG: ;) Sunshine, you can’t push me. I weigh nearly double what you do, plus little subs can’t push their Dom into anything. Unless you’re topping from the bottom and we’re NOT going to start that.

  I laughed and smiled at the phone.

  AG: I love you, sweetheart. I need to work a bit, and then I’ll be home. What’s Colin doing?

  SB: He’s on the phone with Mitch.

  AG: Go to him. Take your clothes off and get into the present pose. Part your legs so he can see that pretty, bare pussy.

  My cheeks got warm. How does he do that in a text to me?

  SB: Ok, I will. See you in a bit. I love you.


  Monday, March 10th


  I glanced at my watch and then turned my head to face the sound of feet on the stairs. Sydney walked down ahead of Anthony wearing a stunning black dress that fell just above her knees. My eyes wandered up and down her body, settling on her collar for a moment just before locking onto her eyes.

  “Sydney, you look amazing, baby.”

  Her smile warmed my heart, and I bent to kiss her. Her neckline, upper chest, arms and lower legs still showed hints of Paul’s damage. As she dressed this evening, she asked Anthony and me several times if we were sure about her dress. I understand that it’s hard to feel sexy and confident when the first thing she sees is the marks, but that’s where Anthony and I need to step it up.

  Speaking of him, I don’t know what happened to him at work today. I never made it into the office but took care of what I needed to from home. I spoke to Mitch this afternoon, and he asked me if I knew if Anthony was talking to a counselor after the incident in the woods with Paul. Of course, I couldn’t let on too much. Certainly, not to the point of saying that I’m keeping a close eye on him. Sydney went to grab her clutch, so I finally had a moment to talk to him.

  “Are you okay? You’ve been pre-occupied ever since you got home.”

  “I’m okay, but I need to talk to you about something,” he said in a quiet tone and looked toward the stairs.

  I wanted to shake him for dropping that kind of phrase on me moments before we needed to leave. He gave me a “not now” comment but promised we’d speak this evening. As soon as Sydney appeared, we were on our way.

  Tonight’s events included dinner at the Wynn followed by drinks and a social gathering in one of the upscale bars. Taking hold of Sydney’s hand as she got out of the backseat, I gave her a smile. I’ve been to tons of dinner and social events like these before, but this one was so very different. This time it was for my company’s largest contract, and because I had Sydney by my side.

  Anthony walked to my left, rather than on the other side of Sydney. I knew it wasn’t because he didn’t want to; it was just safer for him. As we approached the restaurant, I lowered my head to remind her about her distance with Anthony, though I hated having to do so.


  “I know. I won’t forget.”

  Since our dinner party was so large, they had set up a private room for us. I scanned the room as I walked in and noticed some of Cheng’s team were here, but not Cheng yet. It didn’t take long for his employees to recognize me and a flurry of them were making their way over to me. I felt Sydney’s hand jerk in mine, and I tightened my hold on her.

  “Relax, baby,” I whispered.

  I glanced at her face, and I could tell she was nervous and my heart squeezed for her. Cheng’s right-hand man was there and handled all of the introductions. I let go of Sydney’s hand but guided her to cross in front of me and to return to my side. Now she was standing between Anthony and me, and I thought if nothing else, she’d feel better in this spot. Cheng showed up moments later and came right over.

  “Mr. Everett, it is so good to see you! Thank you kindly for hosting my team and me this week.” Cheng reached out and shook my hand.

  “My pleasure, and welcome to Las Vegas,” I said.

  He kept looking over at Sydney, standing between Anthony and I as we made brief small talk.

  “Mr. Cheng, I’d like to introduce you to my girlfriend, Sydney.”

  I wrapped my arm protectively around her shoulders as Cheng warmly took hold of her hand and greeted her. Cheng held a conversation with Anthony, Mitch and me until we took our seats for dinner. The dinner conversation was geared toward hotels, and what he loved about the Wynn.

  Anthony was all business during dinner; meaning he was charming and engaging in all of the conversations going on. And much to my disgust, all of the women at the table were eyeing him. Without argument, Anthony was the best-looking man at the table, and he had the charisma to accompany it.

  The dinner went well and was like many of the other business dinners I’ve attended, which led me to believe the social hour in the bar afterward would also be just like all the others. The bar event after the dinners is usually where the clients let loose a bit. Alcohol flows, women are everywhere and some of the best, and worst, deals are made.

  Anthony walked ahead of Sydney, Cheng, his wife, and me on our way to the bar. He was the best at business socializing and honestly, Anthony was a huge part in locking up this international contract.

  We made our way towards the floor to ceiling window and continued our conversation about hotels and customer draws and incentives with slot giveaways. Sydney remained by my side the entire time. For the most part, she was quiet, but every now and then Cheng would ask her what her thoughts were on slot giveaways and what would draw her to play.

  “Would you prefer t
o play slots for a chance to win a bigger cash prize, or another prize, such as an automobile or vacation?” he asked her directly.

  “I would rather play for a chance at a larger cash prize. I could do more with a cash prize versus a car or a vacation.”

  “Don’t you think people would love a new car or vacation?” he asked her.

  I could tell he was genuinely interested in her response and I squeezed Sydney’s hand to show my support and encouragement.

  “I do think many people would love a new car or a vacation. But generally speaking, everyone has a different situation. You could have a patron struggling to make ends meet, or are living paycheck to paycheck. Maybe they take a gamble with funds that are already tight and play a slot. A chance at a larger cash prize would possibly end their financial woes, whereas a car, they’d have to insure it and register it, which they may not have the funds to do. If they won a vacation, they simply might not have the time necessary to take off work.”

  All while Sydney spoke, Cheng listened to her and nodded in agreement to her thoughts regarding cash prizes. I wanted to pick her up and kiss the hell out of her. She made me so fucking proud. I did notice that Cheng seemed to look at her arms a lot. I’m sure he was noticing her bruises but hoped that Sydney didn’t see him looking too much. His wife finally spoke up, addressing Sydney.

  “Sydney, let’s go get these gentlemen a few drinks,” she suggested with a smile.

  I glanced around the room and found Anthony laughing and surrounded by a group of guys and some women near the bar. His back was to me, and I couldn’t get his attention. Fuck, this was starting to look weird. They just didn’t understand.

  “Sure,” Sydney spoke up and let go of my hand.

  Before she walked away, I stopped her and kissed her ear.

  “I won’t take my eyes off you, baby,” I whispered in her ear.

  She nodded, and then walked away with Cheng’s wife. I stood beside Cheng and watched Sydney move toward the bar and noticed a few of Cheng’s employees watched her as she passed them.

  “Beautiful young woman you have there, Mr. Everett.”

  “Thank you. She’s incredible.”

  Cheng’s wife was purposely walking slow, thinking she was polite by letting her husband talk with me in private. And typically, that’s perfectly acceptable etiquette. But not where Sydney is involved.

  “Forgive my asking, but she is much younger, yes?”

  “She’s younger than I am, yes.”

  I wasn’t going to volunteer the exact age difference of nineteen years. Come on! Hurry up and get to the bar! I yelled in my head.

  Cheng began shifting his focus now directly to the grand opening of his hotel next month. Thankfully, I was able to keep my eyes on Sydney, but my head focused on the conversation.

  The ladies were being served at the bar, and I could have cared less with what Sydney brought back for me; I just would feel better with her next to me. Suddenly, Anthony appeared at the bar beside Sydney, and my racing heart slowed. He ordered something while chatting with the ladies and leaned his back against the bar, piercing me with his stare. I knew he was pissed to have looked up and realized she wasn’t beside me. It’s a behavior that we need to calm down about, but I knew it would take time.

  Anthony said something and Cheng’s wife burst out laughing and reached for her chest as if whatever he had said was the funniest thing she had ever heard. Sydney stood beside the man she loved with all her heart and smiled beautifully as Anthony was in full business socialization mode. She looked incredible next to him.

  Sydney and Cheng’s wife each carried two glasses in their hands, and Anthony carried one too. What did he have in his glass? I knew he probably wouldn’t actually let the glass touch his lips because he hated alcohol. And unfortunately, when he drinks, less than pleasant things happen. Victor quickly made an appearance in my mind.

  “Thank you, Sydney,” I said as I took the glass from her outstretched hand. I also leaned over and kissed her cheek. “What did you get me?” I asked her as I put the glass to my lips.

  “I asked for some good scotch. He said they had Johnnie Walker Blue. So, I think that’s what it is.”

  “Very good, baby. What did you get?”

  This was possibly the first time I’ve seen a glass of alcohol in her hands, so I was very curious as to what she picked out for herself. I smiled broadly when I discovered it wasn’t alcohol, but was Coke. Anthony’s glass was a similar size to mine, but his was clear.

  Soon, Mitch and his wife joined us, and we chatted for what seemed like forever, and I never once saw Anthony sip from his glass. Eventually, the crowd died down, and people began heading to their hotel rooms.

  “We’re golfing tomorrow, right?” I said to Cheng as we stood outside the bar, confirming the plans for tomorrow.

  “Yes, we’re looking forward to it,” he said while shaking my hand.

  We separated for the night, and I got into the elevator alone with Sydney and Anthony. I stood in the back corner and pulled Sydney to stand in front of me. With my arms wrapped around her waist, I bent down and kissed her cheek.

  Once the elevator doors closed, Anthony stood in front of Sydney, facing her. Taking hold of the hand rails on either side of Sydney and me, he lowered his head and claimed Sydney’s mouth. My hands slid up her chest, and I cupped each of her breasts in my hands and held her in place. Anthony didn’t let the kiss last too long since we were in the elevator.

  “I’ve wanted to do that all fucking night. You’re so fucking beautiful, Sydney.”

  He closed his eyes and let his forehead rest against her for a brief moment until the slowing elevator forced him to stand upright.

  “Fuck,” Anthony muttered.

  I knew he was on fire from not being able to touch Sydney at all tonight, aside from the elevator kiss. We had about a thirty-minute drive home, which was going to seem like an eternity.

  Before I even shut the car door, Anthony told Sydney to take her panties off and hand them to him. So, that’s how the car ride was going to go.

  Sydney was sitting in the seat behind me, so if I glanced in the rear-view mirror, I could see her a little bit. When she handed Anthony her panties, he quickly put them up to his face and inhaled and turned to face her.

  “Pull your dress up and part your legs, let me see your pussy…Good girl. So pretty. Put your finger in your mouth…now lightly touch your clit…fuck, Sydney. You look so goddamn hot.”

  I had to try and tune him out so I could concentrate on the road, but shit, it was hard. At a stop light, I glanced in the mirror at her. Sydney’s head was leaning back on the head rest, and her eyes were fixated on Anthony. He was turned in his seat facing her, and he continued to give her instructions on how to touch herself.

  “I want you to slowly finger fuck yourself, Sydney…That’s a good girl…Imagine it’s my cock, which it will be in about ten minutes.”

  I welcomed the sight of the gates opening to the neighborhood because I was hard as a rock. Anthony and I need to fuck her. As I drove up the driveway, my car made a beeping noise. Anthony unbuckled his seatbelt while the car was still in motion. He was obviously very needy. In the garage, I pushed the button to lower the garage door as Anthony jumped out. I barely was out of the car as Anthony had Sydney’s hand in his. He led her to the front of my car and quickly pulled Sydney’s dress off, tossing it to the side. Anthony undid his belt, shoved his pants and boxer briefs down and pulled Sydney to him. He spat on his hand and gave his cock a few strokes to moisten it. Sitting on the hood of my BMW, he picked Sydney up and lowered her onto his hard cock.

  “Hang onto me, sunshine. This is going to be quick.”

  Sydney moaned out as Anthony pushed all the way into her pussy in one move. Gripping her sides, he began flexing upward with his hips.

  “Come on, Colin. Fill her ass.”

  With my pants around my ankles, I licked my middle finger, pulled her ass cheek apart and rimmed the puckered ho
le I desperately wanted. I wasn’t a big fan of using my spit as lubricant, but I wasn’t going to fuck her ass without some moisture on my cock. And I’ll admit, there was something so hot, sexy and raw about this in the garage. Sydney cried out as I eased my cock in. I knew it was a cry of being filled, rather than her being in actual pain. But still, I slowed my movements. I wasn’t going to fuck her ass because it would become painful for her since I had no lube. My cock up her ass would be enough.

  Anthony kept readjusting his grip on Sydney as he made out with her. It was an awkward position, and I was worried he might be gripping her too tightly. I wrapped an arm around Sydney’s waist and weaved my other arm under her breast, resting my forearm against her sternum and holding my hand on her shoulder. There. I had her secured.

  “Anth, lie back. I’ve got her.”

  He broke from her lips and leaned all the way down on the hood, which naturally pulled Sydney forward a little more and caused me to lean over her. Sydney’s knees were on the other side of Anthony’s hips, and her hands were plastered to his chest, grabbing little tufts of his chest hair. I had her weight secured so that she wouldn’t press down on him, or accidentally trigger him not being able to breathe or get a deep breath of air. Anthony stretched his arms above his head and grabbed the part of the hood closest to the wiper blades.

  “Fuck, Sydney!” Anthony moaned.

  I held myself still in Sydney while Anthony fucked her pussy rapidly. The garage was filled mostly by Anthony’s grunts and swearing, but I could also hear Sydney’s whimpers of desperation to be tipped over the edge.

  “Fuck! Sydney…I’m…coming!” Anthony yelled out while he pumped in and out of her.


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