Love Unbound: A Valentine's Day Romance Anthology

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Love Unbound: A Valentine's Day Romance Anthology Page 11

by Dee, Cassandra

  I had to work during the day so this was precious quality time with Ryan. I don’t see him as much as I want because it’s hard to be a single parent with a full time job. There are so many responsibilities and difficult trade-offs.

  But I do the best I can. And besides, day care wasn’t so bad. It wasn’t like the workers were mean or anything, but sometimes I just felt incredibly guilty leaving Ryan at that place. There were so many kids tumbling and crawling everywhere. How could my sweet boy get the attention he needed?

  But unfortunately, it wasn’t a choice. I had to put food on the table. I had to put a roof over our heads. That was our fate in life. So Ryan went to day care, and I went to work at a local pet store nearby. Frankly, I was lucky to get this job because when they asked for references, I’d stumbled.

  “Oh sorry,” was my mumble. “I don’t have any.”

  The eagle-eyed woman looked me up and down.

  “No references?” she asked sharply.

  “No ma’am,” was my mumble. “Sorry about that again.”

  But the woman sighed dramatically and then scribbled something.

  “Well you’re lucky we’re short on help,” she grunted. “We need someone so bad that I’m gonna overlook this. Can you start tomorrow?”

  Actually, I couldn’t. I was new to the town, a pregnant girl just starting to show. But I nodded, swallowing.

  “Yes, ma’am. I’ll be here nine sharp tomorrow morning.”

  And that was that. So here I am at Doggies R Us, working as a sales associate once more. But it’s a dead end job this time. There’s no way I can go to school while holding down a full time position and raising a child. So those dreams of being a veterinarian? On hold for now. Maybe even forever, frankly.

  But it’s okay. Because the reason I’m doing this is for my baby. Ryan’s the light of my life, a little boy with dark hair and a cherubic expression. He looks just like a miniature version of his father, down to the dimple in his right cheek.

  Oh god.


  I haven’t seen the billionaire in two years. What is he up to? What is he doing? Probably CEO of Lincoln Conglomerate by now, ruling it with an iron fist. I wouldn’t be surprised if Evan ousted his dad, taking one hundred percent control as soon as possible.

  He’s an asshole, completely ruthless.

  Once I was no longer needed, the diamond was off the table. I got glass, not the real thing.

  So why do I miss him?

  Why do I miss someone who’s ruthless and cold, using me like a puppet?

  But it didn’t matter. That was old history now. It was time to move on. So here I was with my son, playing with the bunnies and trying hard not to think about the past. I’m definitely not thinking about the man who spurted heavenly jizz between my thighs, making me scream with ecstasy.

  I’m not thinking about the man who could make me laugh at the drop of a hat.

  The man with a devilish sense of humor, amusement gleaming in those eyes.

  I sniffled and ruffled the bunny’s fur, the pink nose twitching inquisitively.

  “Goo-ga!” Ryan gurgled happily, small hands flailing this way and that. One of the rabbits hopped onto Ryan’s leg, making my baby squeal again with glee. His big blue eyes sparkled, just like his dad’s.

  But that was wishful thinking.

  No, worse than that.

  It was stupid thinking.

  Because my love hadn’t been enough for Evan and me. Passion has to go two ways, and mine wasn’t enough to sustain the relationship. It takes two, that was the long and the short of it.

  But at least now I had this amazing baby, this little boy who was my life. And for Ryan, I’d do it all over again.

  “Yes, I would, my sweet boy,” came my soft murmur.

  Tears plopped from my eyes and dropped onto the fur of one of rabbits hopping around.

  Oh god! No matter how much I wanted to be a stronger person, sometimes I’d start bawling for no reason. The tears would begin to fall at the most inopportune times, in front of customers or even worse, in front of my boss.

  At least I’d been able to excuse myself each time, blaming allergies.

  But now in the darkened pet store, the tears fell unchecked. A pair of bunnies hopped over and stared up at me with innocent faces and unknowing eyes, whiskers trembling.

  “Mama?” Ryan patted clumsily at my wet cheek. “Mama?” His eyes were bright blue and full of love and caring, reminding me of his father all over again.

  It just made me cry harder, my heart shattering.

  God, when would this end?

  It’d been two years and I was still a mess.

  I had to get myself together.

  Suddenly, there was a banging at the door.

  What in the world? Looking around, I wiped furiously at my cheeks. It was dark outside. Any sane person could see the store was closed and locked up. Who could be out there so late?

  Ryan cooed again and then rolled to his knees, heading for one of the bunnies. I scooped the baby up, wriggling and chubby in my arms.

  “Let’s go see who’s at the door, hmmm?” I settled him on my hip as he grabbed a fistful of my blouse, burbling and cute. Baby teeth flashed as he agreed.


  But the banging at the door grew louder. Whoever was out there was getting more and more crazy with the knocking, insistent and loud.

  What on earth?

  I had half a mind to ignore them, but the pounding was a racket.

  So wiping my cheeks again, I carried Ryan over to the door. My little boy’s heavy now, but it’s okay. I love the solid weight and the sweet baby smell from the backs of his ears.

  But ten feet from the door, my breath stopped. The air seized in my lungs, making it impossible to breathe. Because through the clear glass was a tall man with wide shoulders that seemed as broad as a tank. It was dark outside but I would recognize that strong figure and striking profile anywhere.


  Shamefully, my first instinct was to turn and run. But the alpha had already caught my image through the glass, so instead, I pushed the entrance open slowly.

  “What are you doing here?” was my breathless gasp.

  But the billionaire stared at me with his eyes narrowed and his mouth open. That handsome face was thinner than before, with a heavy five o’ clock shadow on those razor-sharp cheeks. Even in the dark, I could see his eyes flickering from Ryan to me, and then back again. It was a long time before he spoke.

  “Is that my child?” were the harsh words.

  I never thought this day would come. I’d taken every precaution to leave no trace of my past. But I wasn’t prepared to lie either. So instead, the words came slowly.

  “Yes. This is your son. Evan meet Ryan. Ryan, this is your daddy.”

  My words seemed to free the billionaire from whatever spell he was under. Cursing, he stormed into the store and slammed the door behind us.

  “What the fuck, Maggie?”

  His voice was loud and intimidating as always. It rumbled deep like an earthquake through every inch of my soul, making me shiver. But I wasn’t scared. Even after all this time, I knew Evan. He’d never hurt me or his child.

  The alpha’s blue eyes flashed in the darkness.

  “You had my baby and never told me?” he growled menacingly.

  Mentally, I gathered my thoughts.

  “It’s fine Evan,” were my soothing words. “I know you didn’t want this child. I know that what we had was fake. So I kept things to myself, for obvious reasons. Ryan doesn’t need any illusions in his life. I want my son to start with a clean slate, happy and positive. So please, respect me and my choices and respect the life we’ve made for ourselves,” were my firm words.

  Evan stared at me, a muscle in his cheek pulsing.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” he bit out, angry and harsh.

  I stared right back at him before beginning.

  “I was your fake fiancée,” c
ame my slow words. “Remember? We had a transaction. Twenty thousand dollars in return for a song and dance so you could get control of your family’s company. But our deal was done in a month. That’s what I mean. Don’t you remember?”

  Evan stared at me again.

  “I remember. Trust me, I remember only too well,” he rasped.

  Emboldened I continued.

  “Plus, you gave me a fake diamond at the end. I get it. I’m not worth the real thing. No harm done, no hard feelings,” I managed stiffly, rebalancing Ryan on my hip. “But it was time for me to move on, and if you’re not happy with the results, I can give you your check back. I never spent the twenty thousand dollars, Mr. Lincoln.”

  But unfortunately, my brave words were undermined by the tears that began to fall. Because my Wonder Woman act wasn’t going so well. I wanted to be strong and positive, but the real Maggie just kept popping up.

  And to make it worse, my baby could sense my deteriorating heart.

  “Mama,” Ryan patted my cheek again, his own face scrunched up like he was ready to cry too. I couldn’t upset my child so I tried to keep it under control, but that only made things worse. Swallowing back the last of my sobs, I hugged my little boy tight.

  “You don’t have to do anything for us, Evan,” I managed in a choked voice. “Please go. Just go now.”

  But the billionaire wasn’t gonna listen. He reached out for me, one big hand warm and flat.

  “Maggie,” he said roughly. “Please don’t cry. You have no idea what it does to me. There’s no need for this.”

  His big hands seized my upper arms, hard and firm. But this wasn’t right. I’d already suffered for two years, delivering a child on my own. It was too much, and I shied away.

  But he wasn’t deterred, blue eyes warm.

  “You’re beautiful, Maggie. My perfect girl. I want you. I’ve always wanted only you,” came that hard growl.

  That did it.

  “Don’t lie to me!” was my anguished cry. My sobs broke loose and baby Ryan started bawling too, our wails twining around one another. “You-you don’t have to pretend anymore,” I stammered as tears poured down my face. “There’s no one here to see, there’s no reason to do this make-believe.”

  The store was dark around us but those bright blue eyes pierced my soul, intense yet warm.



  My error. I’d fallen down the rabbit hole once, and there was no way I was going to make the same mistake twice.

  But Evan wouldn’t give up.

  “Baby, listen to me,” he growled. Then shockingly, the big man dropped down on one knee right there in the pet store. I gaped at him, astonished, still clasping my baby tight.

  “Wh-what are you doing?” I stammered, holding Ryan close. “What? Get up, get up please!”

  But Mr. Lincoln was on a mission.

  “All this started off as fake but it became real fast. And it stayed real,” he rumbled, blue eyes intense. And then came the hammer. “Marry me, Maggie. I want you as my wife.”

  My heart beat a million miles a minute, trying to process what was happening. Frantic, I rubbed Ryan’s back, trying to calm him down.

  “No, stop,” I said, the air in my lungs on fire. “Please don’t do this. You don’t know what you’re saying. It’s been two years.”

  Evan shook his head, low growl coming again.

  “I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life,” were his urgent words. And reaching into his pocket, he opened a velvet box, revealing a giant sparkler. Even in the low lights, it was obvious what this was. The real thing. No glass or plastic facsimiles. The original six carat pink diamond was here once again.

  Voice hoarse, he looked at me, heart in his eyes.

  “Maggie, say yes,” came that growl. “Tell me yes.”

  I looked down at the broad form on one knee, barely able to breathe. Ryan squalled again, small fists tugging at my hair.

  “Why are you doing this Evan?” I asked, my voice breaking into a million fragile pieces. “What is this? Why?”

  His words came fast.

  “Because I love you. I don’t care about the company anymore. I don’t care about owning it or controlling it. All I care about is you.” He looked away from my face to Ryan, chubby and round. “I care about our son.”

  My heart banged like a taiko drum in my chest, head light. But Evan continued, the expression on his face tortured.

  “I spent the last two years looking for you, Maggie. You have no idea how it feels to finally find you after all this time.”

  I gasped.

  “Bu-but what about your dad? What about Lincoln Conglomerate and the future you had planned? I live here now,” were my helpless words. “So much has happened in these past two years.”

  He looked away from me for a moment, eyes going dark. I could hardly believe that the billionaire was here, in Doggies R Us, still on bended knee. But this those blue eyes captured mine once again, intense and magnetic.

  “Henry was never going to give me control,” growled Evan. “That whole thing about me getting married was just a way to jerk my chain like a dog. Henry will never let go, sweetheart, he’s going to have to be carried out feet first.”

  Somehow, I wasn’t surprised. Mr. Lincoln was no pussy, that had been evident from our first meeting. But there was nothing I could do about it. These issues were between Evan and his father, me only a tangential component.

  “So even though you’re not getting control of the company, you still want me? Even though you’re not CEO of Lincoln Conglomerate?” I asked, voice trembling. “Even though I have a child now?”

  Those blue eyes flashed before going dark, burning me up from the inside.

  “Yes, baby. You, me and Ryan. Together no matter what happens with my family’s company.”

  My legs got weak and I stumbled against Evan. But effortlessly, the alpha caught me in one fell swoop as he stood, cradling me against his chest as I held our son.

  “Always,” he promised into the top of my head, tucking me under his chin. “Always, my sweet Margaret.”

  I started crying again, Niagara Falls pouring from my eyes. Ryan looked at me alarmed once more, blue eyes wide.

  “Ga-ga? Mama?”

  But Evan held the two of us close, kissing the baby on his head.

  “Hi little guy,” he rasped hotly, taking in Ryan’s chubby cheeks and small, curling fingers. “I’m your daddy.”

  But I had to get this under control. There were still too many unanswered questions.

  “What about the glass ring?” came my heartfelt whisper, a lump in my throat. “Why did Lozano’s send me a trashy fake?”

  The fire in Evan’s eyes grew harsh and searing.

  “Those fuckers. I told them to hold the delivery because I wanted to propose in person but they’re incompetents who screwed the whole thing up. Sweetheart,” he rasped, turning to me. “The day you disappeared, I went over to your place with the real diamond in my pocket. I was going to propose to you, to get on one knee and do the whole she-bang. But you were already gone.”

  I shook my head again, dazed and confused.

  “So this was all a mistake?” I whispered, voice trembling and soft. “Just a mistake?”

  Evan’s face got dark.

  “More than a mistake. Someone there fucked up big time,” he growled. “Someone there saw the old order and figured that there was a delivery to be made. So they packed up the glass display model and shipped it to you. I had that person fired,” he ground out, blue eyes harsh. “With no notice, no severance, no nothing.”

  I bit my lip then, turning to him with eyes filled with love.

  Because this was the answer to my heartbroken dreams.

  Even back then, the billionaire wanted to propose.

  The glass ring was nothing but a mistake.

  But there was still one last question, niggling my heart.

  “How did you find me?” I asked softly, brows drawn. “No on
e knows where I am. I made sure of it.”

  “No one,” agreed Evan, “except the government. Sweetheart, did you just get put on payroll at this place? Because after two years, suddenly your social popped up in government databases.”

  And realization dawned on me then.

  “Yes, at first they paid me in cash,” I admitted. “It was just six dollars an hour, below minimum wage. But I accepted the offer because I didn’t have anything else. I was grateful for the job. It was only recently that Doggies R Us put me on the real payroll with benefits and all.”

  Evan’s eyes gleamed as his finger trailed my cheek.

  “Then that’s how,” he rasped hoarsely. “You were missing for two years. I checked everywhere sweetheart. Hospitals, shelters, even calling your dad. But no one knew, it was like you vanished into thin air. And then lo and behold, you popped back onto the grid yesterday. I’ve been waiting for so long, sweetheart,” he added in a ragged voice.

  My eyes closed and finally, I melted into the man who’d stolen my heart the moment we met.

  “Yes, Evan,” I murmured, our little family bound together in a circle of love. “Yes, we’re together now.”

  But Mr. Lincoln pulled back as his eyes burned fiercely.

  “Will you, Margaret Lake? Tell me now,” he rasped. “Tell me, because I can’t wait any longer.”

  Eyes brimming with tears, I clutched my baby tight while staring into the handsome face of his father.

  “Yes Mr. Lincoln. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  And finally, the Cinderella tale came true. Because my prince had found me, pink diamond in hand. It’d been a wild goose chase for two years, the result of mixed signals, a transaction gone wrong, and heartfelt emotion thwarted by ambition, power, and money.

  But love always wins … and at last, my fairy tale was here.



  Two years later …

  I walked into our condo not knowing what to expect.


  Big body tingling with anticipation, the door shut quietly as I dropped my briefcase on the ground. Because even after two years, Maggie sends shivers down my spine, every sense alert. The sweet girl and I tied the knot two years ago, and yet it’s still like the first day we met.


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