Forever Careless

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Forever Careless Page 4

by Brittany Butler

  Adrian and Olivia keep me company for the next hour outside of the locker room. As I take in the girls and families I’m thankful that they waited with me. I glance at my watch one more time wondering when he will be out. On cue the door opens and out walks Kellen. Perfect as ever with his hair damp from a shower and slight stubble on his square jaw, in jeans and a grey tee. His eyes find mine and he gives me a huge smile.

  "Did you enjoy the game?" He walks directly over to pull me in a hug. I steady my trembling knees at the slightest touch from him.

  "You were amazing. Thank you for the seats." I smile up at him resisting the urge to touch him. He grabs my hands and leads me to the parking garage to start my mystery surprise evening.

  He opens the passenger door for and helps me in before going to his side. I see a few of his teammates walking to their cars, some with their girlfriends and wives. It’s all surreal. Kellen pulls out of the parking garage and into the street where two guards attempt to keep yelling fans back.

  “Oh my god,” I say as my eyes dart through the crowd. There are children and guys holding baseballs, wanting an autograph. And then, there are the girls, the never ending supply of disposable girls that throw themselves at baseball players hoping for one night with them. “Is it like this after every game?” I ask before I can stop myself.

  “Yeah, I barely notice anymore.” I’m sure you do.

  “Do you ever stop for autographs?”

  “Yeah, if I see a lot of kids I have to stop. I used to do the same thing when I was their age,” he chuckles. “But I have a hot date tonight. I’m not stopping for anyone.” I roll my eyes at him.

  I glance out the window as Kellen pulls out from the lot and I make eye contact with a girl who’s standing on the sidewalk. If looks could kill, I would be dead. If I fall for Kellen will I be able to deal with this kind of attention? I now know that he has a crowd of groupies waiting for him to leave every single night. The thought of that drives me crazy and we barely know each other. What will happen to me if we start dating?

  Chapter five

  "Welcome to my house."

  Kellen pulls into the driveway of an immaculate sky blue, two-story beach house. He leads me by the hand and opens the door to his house. We walk into a large, two story foyer and a simple black stair case leading upstairs. The living room is the first room off the foyer. The back wall is made of glass allowing me to look out into the beautiful California Ocean. Bright lighting from the full moon allows me to gaze far out into the water and along the beach.

  I walk around each wall taking in each photo and decoration hanging up on the walls. I’m in awe of how clean this bachelor pad is. He must have someone clean every day. He has a typical huge flat screen mounted to the wall above the fireplace in front of his massive couch. The built in shelves on each side of his fireplace are packed with DVDs and games.

  Two picture frames in the built in shelves catch my attention. The first is in a black iron frame with a couple smiling at the camera. I look closer into the photo and realize I’m looking at almost an exact replica of Kellen’s face on an older man. Could these be Kellen’s parents? The woman in the photo is blonde and looks to be in her forties but she is just as gorgeous as the man.

  The other photo is of Kellen with a girl. They are dressed up and appear to be at a party. Kellen’s arm is draped over her shoulders and she’s grinning from ear to ear. She’s absolutely gorgeous and she has the same hair color as the lady in the other photo. I see many similarities between the two ladies but Kellen is an only child so this girl remains a mystery.

  Kellen walks into his white designer kitchen and brings back champagne along with two glasses. He grabs a blanket from his couch and opens the French door leading out to the ocean. He must entertain a lot; I feel a pang of jealousy when I think about how many girls have experienced this with him.

  “Let’s walk out to the beach." He nods his head in the direction with a small smile towards me.

  "How do you leave this place? It's amazing Kellen." I say breathlessly as I take in my surroundings. There is a nice breeze on this September evening, making this the perfect night. He spreads the blanket and pours our champagne. He seems off and nervous, maybe.

  "I wanted to have a quiet night with you." He pulls me on the blanket to sit facing him. "I've never invited another girl here, Audrey." I cock my eyebrow waiting for him to laugh or make a joke out of what he just said.

  "Admit it Kellen. You've had plenty of company here." I tease him.

  "I would agree with you, but then we would both be wrong." He laughs and pulls me in for a kiss before I can react. The slightest brush of his full lips make my heart beat faster. Each time he touches me I silently beg for more. I've only known him for such a short time that my overwhelming feelings for him terrify me.

  "I want more from you, Audrey." He blurts out. He stands up and rubs his hand through his hair. I stand up with him to look at him closely.

  "I know I barely know you but I actually want to get to know you. I don't want to forget your face tomorrow, Audrey; you make me want more than that." He looks down at me for a brief moment. I can see uncertainty in his blue eyes.

  "I don't want to rush things because I know I'm going to fuck up." He admits while he looks off in the distance not wanting to face me. "I just want to know that you'll be mine, and you’ll be patient with me." He finally looks to me for reassurance. I take everything he just said in. Olivia warned me of what a player he is and I can't believe what he's telling me now. All of my insecurities get the best of me in this moment.

  "Kellen, I am expected to move to New York when I graduate to run my company. I don't think I can add any extra to my load now." I leave out that I’m telling my mother I’m not moving back. I don't know him well enough and I have too much going on. I can't add jealousy and uncertainty to my life now.

  "Unbelievable." He mutters and starts to walk off. "I finally ask a girl out and I get that as an excuse."

  Kellen laid his feelings out in front me tonight and I know I can't resist for very long. I could fight this longer but I know I will cave into him eventually. Neither one of us has experience with this but I'm willing to make the leap with him.

  Warm tears begin to sting my eyes when I look at his troubled face. He's working his jaw deep in thought and once again looking out into the ocean. I stalk over to him and pull his shirt into my fist and pull him down to kiss me. He's shocked at first when my mouth slammed into his but he allows my tongue entrance. All of my fears of being with him melt away as soon as I'm in his arms. Being with him just makes sense. I will keep my guard up and go slow I remind myself.

  "I can't do anything serious now." I mumble the words and lower my head. I know if I look at pleading eyes I won't be able to say no.

  "What do you want?" He asked in an annoyed tone.

  "Let's just see where this goes. No rush." He pinches the bridge of his nose as if I'm giving him a headache and shakes his head.

  "I just asked you to date me. You would think I just asked for you to marry me by the way you're acting." He says in a lighter tone. At least he's laughing now. He catches me by the wrist and looks me in the eye. His demeanor is completely serious now. “Just so I'm clear about one thing. I don’t share." I nod. How can one demand from him make me lose my thoughts? He has a major affect on me and I'm not sure how I feel about that.

  "How many guys have you dated?" He asks snapping me out of my thoughts. I suddenly get nervous on confessing my inexperience to him.

  "One, three years ago, and it was nothing serious." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I know where this conversation is going. "What about you?" I ask him already knowing the answer.

  "I've never dated a man. I'm offended you would even ask that." I throw him my best go-to-hell glare. "I've never dated anyone." He says trying not to laugh, jerk. "Is he the only one you've had sex with?" I knew this question was coming since I have witnessed his jealous side.

I've never been with anyone," I whisper almost hoping he didn't hear me and will never bring it up again. One can dream.

  He shifts uncomfortably but doesn't say anything. It feels like an eternity since I've told him my secret but he hasn't said anything. Maybe he changed his mind and wants someone more experienced, I wonder silently.

  "Are you hungry?" He finally breaks the silence. We are avoiding the topic all together. As humiliating as this is for me I want to know what he's thinking.

  "I ate before your game." He stands up and grabs my hand to help me. He interlaced our hands and we walk back to his house. He goes to the kitchen and starts going through the refrigerator. Finally satisfied with something he turns back to me as he shoves his sandwich in his mouth. I laugh at his sloppiness.

  "What do you have planned for us tonight?" I ask him while he finished his sandwich.

  "My plans changed a few minutes ago, actually," he says behind his signature smart ass smirk. Oh. I blush and look at him in surprise. He starts laughing and walks over to throw his arm around me. I’m reminded he's nine inches taller than me when he stands next to me without shoes.

  "I brought out my collection of original horror movies." He says walking me into his living room. "Pick one."

  "You know me well." There are hundreds of DVD's here he has to have every horror movie ever made. The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre catches my eye and I toss it at him.

  "Good choice." He says amused with me. He walks over to put the movie in and turns on his seventy inch TV with surround sound. This is how a horror movie should be watched.

  He walks down the hallway and immediately comes back with only a pair of athletic shorts on. I can make out his long and lean torso in the dim lighting. His muscles are defined from hours of dedication to the sport he loves. He has a slight tan from living on the beach enhancing his sculpted body. I won't be paying attention to the movie; I will be focusing on making it out of here as a virgin tonight. I start laughing at this thought and Kellen looks at me amused.

  "Penny for your thoughts," he watches me intently.

  "You never responded when I told you I've never been with anyone," I blurt out before I can stop myself. I hear him sigh.

  "I'm not good enough for you, Audrey, but I'm going to try."

  "I don't believe that." I frown at him for being negative.

  "Let's start the movie." He pulls me over to his side and kisses my hair. Whatever this is that I have with Kellen might be tougher than I thought.

  "Where did you grow up, Kellen?" I ask him. I barely know him and if we are going to try this I need a lot of answers.

  "Austin, Texas." He replies still watching the TV.

  "Do you visit often?" I ask, carefully digging into his life.

  "My aunt and uncle are still there with my younger cousin. Chloe is a senior in high school. She's like a sister to me. I visit them when I can." He's still watching the TV and not interested in getting into his past yet. He knows I grew up on Long Island, New York and that I'm an only child who has one parent left. It's only fair I know something about him. “I chose this college to be close but I had no control over where I was drafted, thankfully it was in San Francisco,” he continues. The movie continues to play but I can’t pay attention. After the first half, I lay my head in his lap and drift into a peaceful sleep.

  I wake up in an odd place. I look around the light blue room, I'm in a king size bed, and the wall in front of me is made of windows that overlook the ocean. The clock reads three forty am. I sneak out of bed and into the hall to find Kellen. I hear a sound coming from a room behind the kitchen. I walk over to the door and press my ear against it. It's a guitar. I quietly open the door and peek in to see Kellen's back facing me while his hands strum the guitar.

  "I see your reflection in the mirror." He says in a raspy voice as I jump in surprise.

  "You scared me." I cross the room to sit in front of him.

  "You sneak up on me and I scared you?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

  "What are you doing up?" I ask wondering why I woke up alone.

  "You're snoring is keeping the whole neighborhood up." He says with a smirk.

  "I didn't know you play." I ignore his comment and nod to the guitar.

  "I’m not very good. I just do it sometimes," he says with a shrug. "What are you doing up?"

  "I woke up and forgot where I was. And then I came to find you." He stands up and sets the guitar down.

  "Come on. Let's go to bed." He grabs my hand and leads me down the hallway into his bedroom. We both lay down in the bed and he cups my face and kisses me tenderly.

  "Goodnight sweetheart." He whispers to me. I grin when he wraps his arms around me and his breathing evens out. I lay in bed enjoying this feeling and listening to the faint sound of the waves crashing.

  I awake tangled in Kellen Reeves sheets with a huge grin on my face. I reach over and find an empty bed. After I take advantage of his bathroom I walk into the hallway to find him. The smell of bacon hits me as soon as I open the door.

  "Something smells good." I say cheerfully as I near the kitchen. Kellen is finishing chocolate chip pancakes when I walk in.

  "Good morning. I'm making pancakes and bacon," he says grinning at me.

  "What are your plans for the day?" He says sitting our breakfast on the bar for us to eat.

  "Eating this, thank you," I sit down beside him at the table. "Will you run me home when we finish?" I ask him.

  "Sure, no problem, I have a game tonight. Can I take you out tomorrow night? Don’t forget that I leave the next day for four days.” He throws his schedule at me once more. I hadn't realized how busy he is and how consuming this sport is.

  "I would love to go out with you tomorrow night." I grin at him. It's strange to admit I'm going to miss him, and I don't like the thought of him being gone all of the time.

  "Do you want tickets for the game today?" He asks.

  "I need to study tonight but I'll watch it on TV," I lie. I can't be around him constantly, I need to have my own life and not get too involved right now. He shrugs and grabs the keys to the range rover and leads me outside.

  "If you ever want to come to a game just let me know." He opens my door and walks over to the driver’s side to take me home. The drive home consists of him playing with the radio and singing along, poorly, to every song. I'm giggling the entire time.

  "Thank you for the tickets and the perfect evening." I tell him as we pull into my driveway. His phone starts to ring, and he pulls it out and answers.

  "Hey Chloe," he says with a smile in his voice. Chloe is his cousin, right?

  "Yeah, we are playing them all weekend." He starts laughing at something she said. "I emailed you the confirmation number to the plane tickets for all of you to come out for Thanksgiving. You got them? Good!" I can hear her small voice talking his ear off and he's smiling.

  "No you didn't interrupt anything I'm at my girlfriend’s house." Girlfriend, he has a huge dimpled grin as he said that. He's laughing at something she said again. "You heard me right. You'll meet her soon. Okay, bye Chloe."

  "Girlfriend?" My eyebrows shoot up in a shocked expression.

  "Yup I told you that you were last night," he says in a matter of fact tone. "I'll walk you inside." We walk hand in hand to the front door.

  "Is Olivia here?"He asked me.

  "I don't see her car." I look around and shrug.

  "Does she leave you home by yourself a lot?"

  "Err yeah. We kind of leave each other a lot." I give him a confused look to match my thoughts. Did he forget that I stayed the night at his house and left her alone here?

  "You shouldn't stay here at night by yourself, Audrey." I start laughing thinking it's a joke. He's still not laughing. Oh, he's serious.

  "It's a safe neighborhood. I'm fine." I grin and walk inside with him following close behind. I walk into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water while Kellen walks through the house looking in rooms.

  "What the h
ell are you doing?" I finally ask him.

  "I'm about go home to start getting ready for my game tonight. I'm just making sure everything is safe over here before I leave." He says while still going through the house.

  "It's fine. I'm fine. You can go now." I tease. He stalks over to me and slams his mouth into mine. His tongue caresses mine and he gently nips at my bottom lip

  "I checked through the entire house. You're safe now." He's smirking at me now. "I will see you tomorrow night.” He gives me a quick peck and heads out of my door.

  I'm mentally adding one extra thing I know about Kellen to my list. He's overprotective. I hear the front door open and close and I hear heels clicking through the house.

  "I just passed Kellen, you skank, spill it." She says while laying down her purse and bags on the gray marble counter.

  "Nothing happened, Liv." I glare at her. "I stayed the night and we just talked and watched a movie." I smile thinking back on my night.

  "I stayed home alone and had more action than you did." She laughs at me while she puts the few groceries she bought in their place.

  "He did call me his girlfriend," I say just remembering his conversation with Chloe.

  "You are his girlfriend?" She looks at me with wide eyes.

  "Yeah we had a talk last night and he said that to his cousin this morning."

  "He's never dated anyone, Audrey. This is huge! Did he try anything?" She gives me an unreadable look but it’s replaced with a smile before I can analyze it too much. “I’ve heard a lot of stories about him from Adrian.”

  "No he didn't. I told him I've never been with anyone." I’m already tired of explaining myself.

  “How did he take it?”

  “He didn’t respond,” I admit.

  “Good, tell me if he tries anything before you’re ready!” She narrows her eyes at me.

  “Yes, mother.” I roll my eyes.

  "Adrian and I are going to his frat party tonight. Want to come?" She quickly changes the subject. I told Kellen I need to study but I only did that to get space from him. A night out with Olivia will be fun.


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