A Viking's Lost Soul

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A Viking's Lost Soul Page 9

by T. M. Grinsley

  “What brings you to Alta?” Yes, I ask the stupid question, but only to help get my mind off jumping his bones. You would too, with the way he is looking at me. Clouded eyes, sexy smirk, hands crossed over his arms, with the light of the fire kissing his skin, yum!

  “An old friend told me I would finally meet the girl who has been on my mind. The girl who haunts my dreams with her smile, her laugh.” With each word Finn speaks, he takes a step closer to me. “The fire in her eyes that tells me there is more to her than meets the eyes. Her fight for life.”

  By this time, my cup of hot cocoa is long forgotten as his arms are pinned on each side of me, with our lips just a few inches apart.

  “She never cowers in fear but embraces it. Her fire and determination for life are fucking sexy as hell. But what I like about her the most…” His lips softly graze my cheek, causing a slight tremor to wrack my body. All my senses are attuned to what he is doing, not daring to move, hoping this isn't a dream.

  “What's that?” I ask, breathless as his lips barely touch mine.

  “Her ridiculous obsession with Xena and her love for her family.” His breath kisses my lips, but all too soon, he pushes back and walks off.

  Hold up, did he say ridiculous obsession with Xena? “Yo, meathead! Just who the hell do you think you are, insinuating I have a ridiculous-”

  Finn's lips slam onto mine, stopping any attempts at kicking his ass. His mouth is relentless as he kisses me. His tongue traces my lips, waiting to be invited in. A soft moan escapes my lips as my hands travel up his arms and wrap around his neck. Opening my mouth, our tongues clash, and I turn into a pile of goo. My body melts against his, as butterflies erupt in my stomach. Fireworks explode all around us, all in my head, of course. Just as the kiss becomes passionate, he pulls away, leaving me breathless.

  “Three seconds. Not bad.” He smirks but never lets me go.

  My mouth hangs open, knowing full well what he just did.

  “Don’t insult Xena, or I will shove my foot so far up your ass, you will sing her name to the high heavens.” I try to act tuff, but a smile betrays me.

  “I have waited a long time for you.” Finn’s gloved hand cups my cheek, as my body molds into his touch.

  “About fucking time, lovebirds. Took y’all twenty years to finally pull your heads out of your asses.” Etienne says behind me.

  And then it hits me. My father did set up this trip, but why in the world would we start it in the middle of nowhere, in a place with no real historical background? My mom loved this place and grew up with these people, but per his letter, I would be seeing ancient tombs, artifacts, and markings that are worth dying to see. Don’t get me wrong. I love sightseeing, but my dad promised me a Viking adventure, not worrying about my tit’s falling off and vagina freezing shut.

  That’s when it hits me. Etienne has his own agenda.

  “ETIENNE! You have some esplainin’ to do!” I wave my finger in the air like Ricky Ricardo and plan on kicking his ass. My own freaking brother is trying to play matchmaker.

  Chapter 13

  ~ Finn ~

  My arms are firmly wrapped around Stephanie’s waist as she tries, but fails miserably, to wiggle out of my embrace, attempting to get Etienne. I never intended to kiss her this soon, but seeing that look in her eyes when she remembered who I was, made my cock strain against my zipper. If it weren't for the dozens of people that surrounded us, I would have taken her right here and now.

  I planned to court her, be the man she deserves, and not the killer that I am. The man who thrives for the kill and forsakes all else will never win the heart of someone like her. She is not meant for this kind of world. My enemies will kill her without blinking an eye and will move on to the next target.

  It seems like the plan I had was tossed out the window, the moment I laid eyes on her. Hrothgier gave me my orders to never touch her, but something keeps telling me to go against everything I am, for her.

  Stephanie bites her bottom lip as she remembers that time long ago. I have envisioned what those lips might taste like for years, and the time for waiting is over. Etienne warned me to go slow and be cautious, but the beast inside me is done waiting. Being cautious is for fucking pussies, who need their cocks stroked by a fucking prude.

  Stephanie deserves a man who will take her to levels she never even dreamed of. Each night, I have dreamt of her and woken up leaking, with no way to release myself. I have dreams of claiming her as my own, her fighting beside me as I rid this world of the men who wish to destroy it.

  She has the blood of the strongest warriors running through her blood. My gut tells me when she tastes what I have to offer, she will be addicted.

  Going back on my word with Etienne, I decide to change things up a bit. Fuck, he may threaten to kill me later and make it so no one knows I existed. But when it comes to the fiery brunette who has him wrapped around her little finger, he would never go through with it.

  Of course, he will never admit to being wrapped around his sister’s finger. But he has vowed to do everything in his power to make sure Steph is always smiling and never again feels the pain she did when her mother passed.

  And what did my smartass self-do? I do the one thing that will rile her up in a heartbeat, and she will never see it coming. I make fun of Xena.

  “Get your Superman loving, sarcastic, pain in the ass back here! My father never set this trip up, did he?” Stephanie pushes my arm aside and runs after Etienne. Everyone that is outside The Wandering Bear is witnessing this insane outburst, and not a single person tries to keep their laughter at bay.

  Her passion for a fictional character has me raising an eyebrow but intrigues me even more. One minute, I think I have her figured out, and the next she does a complete one-eighty and surprises the shit out of me.

  “Better get your girl, before she slips on ice and cracks her head open, like before.” Liam places a hand on my shoulder and shakes his head as he sits down in the chair next to me.

  Natalia is at the main door to the bar, watching with rapt intrigue.

  Laughing at this ridiculous scene, I sit in the chair and watch. Stephanie and Etienne are on their third lap around the building, and somehow, she managed to grab a stick along the way.

  A warrior cry flies from her lips, as she attempts to hit Etienne. She looks utterly ridiculous with her banshee warrior cry, but I can't stop the grin from cracking. She has this way about her that breaks through my walls and penetrates my heart. Yeah, we aren't dating, but that doesn't mean she can’t make a cold-hearted, selfish ass like myself smile and forget about the evil shit in this world for a moment.

  As she continues to try and hit Etienne, he weaves back and forth, toying with her. His laughter echoes all around as he taunts her. You’d think she’s trying to kill him, but the smile on Etienne’s face and the concentration on Steph’s is comical. This must be a normal thing for them.

  “I tell you things in private, and you fucking have me travel to another goddamn continent to get my vagina pounded by some massive Viking sex god! That is what Ragnar is for! Stop running and let me kick your ass.” Stephanie hollers from somewhere around the other side of the building.

  Who the fuck is Ragnar? And why the hell don’t I know about this pompous ass?

  Clenching my jaw, I feel my anger begin to boil, thinking about another man touching her. She may not be mine, yet, but no man will ever come near her until the day I ascend with my brothers and sisters in Valhalla. Fuck, why didn’t Etienne tell me?

  “I warned you not to do that,” Liam says as he drinks from his beer bottle, and stares into the fire.

  “Who knew she would go unhinged?” I shrug as Etienne and Stephanie disappear once again. Liam grins, knowing full well I knew what I was doing.

  Placing his bottle on the ground next to his chair, he turns to face me. “Did Etienne ever tell you why she is obsessed and extremely passionate about Xena?”

  Putting my elbows against my knees, I shake my
head no.

  Heaving a heavy sigh, he rubs his hands on the back of his head. “Cameron told me after they moved to the US, she was a shy, timid, little girl. Now, we both know that doesn’t sound like our girl, Stephanie. But it was. She turned into this girl that Cameron was unable to recognize. Until one day, he turned on the TV and Xena Warrior Princess was kicking ass. Stephanie heard the war cry and looked up from whatever she was doing, and for the first time in years, she smiled. Every night, they would watch this show, and he told me stories about how she idolized this woman.

  “She would dress up and do the signature battle cry all throughout the house. She laughed and was turning back into the little girl we all knew. Her father even bought her a toy replica of the chakrum so she could pretend to fight the bad guys. At night, he would sneak into her room to check on her and see her clutching the chakrum to her chest. Soon, the nightmares started to dissipate, and after a few months, they went away entirely, and she was a normal kid again. But what he didn't tell me, was that every night, they would watch an episode before she went to bed, until just a few years ago. Apparently, she met Lucy Lawless in Europe and almost had a heart attack.”

  I nod my head as I imagine Stephanie running through the house like a crazy person. Liam’s tone changes while he tells the story, and there starts to be a hint of sadness to it. I know he wishes he could have been around for Stephanie when she was growing up, but it was too dangerous.

  “Anyway, what I am trying to say is, everyone needs something to anchor them to this world, so they don't lose themselves. For our firecracker, hers is Xena. The fates have a sick sense of humor when it comes to life lessons, but it seems Xena saved her. When Etienne gives her shit, she fights like hell to defend her hero.” Liam shrugs, picking up his beer.

  Liam’s words circle throughout my head as the seriousness of what he said hits me. No wonder he told me the other night about the chakrum. A rare smile appears on my face, thinking about the gift I have for Stephanie. I have to give it to her when the time is right, and not a moment sooner.

  “I don’t know what Stephanie did to you, but I don’t want you to go back to who you were. You barely know the girl, and yet she somehow flipped a switch, and you are no longer a man I wish to kill in his sleep anymore.” His deadpan expression told me he wasn't joking.

  I contemplate telling Liam what happened so long ago, knowing he would understand and see things in a different light. I start to open my mouth to tell him when a loud scream pierces the air and causes both of us to jump into action.

  “Fuck.” I hear Etienne say. Leaping to my feet, I see Liam continue to sip his beer as I run to the other side of the building. Rounding the corner of the bar, my feet skid to a halt when I see Stephanie, head first in a pile of snow. Etienne is trying to pull her out, but her flailing legs are making that impossible.

  Muffled words can be heard from Stephanie, as she struggles to get out of the snow bank, but she doesn't budge. She pushes her hands against the snow to push herself out, but nothing happens.

  “Finn, care to lend a hand,” Etienne asks with a massive grin on his face. I can tell he’s having a hard time keeping a straight face. Stephanie’s legs flail wildly as she uses her arms to push her way out. Her short stubby legs can’t touch the ground, which makes this entire situation that much worse. Biting my tongue, I shake my head and wonder what the hell I did to have a girl like this in my life.

  “U oter ukin sole. Et e u of er!”

  Each of us grabs a leg and pulls Stephanie out. With one fluid motion, Stephanie pops out of the snow pile with large flakes of snow in her hair and chunks of snow inside her coat. Unzipping her jacket, while flipping us off at the same time, she proceeds to remove snow chunks out of her blouse. Removing a few pieces of clothing, I stand in front of her to give her some privacy from the prying eyes behind us.

  “Care to turn around and let a girl strip in private?” She snaps as she removes another shirt. Jesus, how many fucking layers does this woman have on?

  “Not a chance,” I smirk. She huffs at my response, and I watch as her hands shake, trying to get another layer off. Four shirts down and she finally stops. With trembling hands, she digs into her bra to remove the last chunks of snow.

  Taking a step closer to her, I remove my gloves, and I gently remove her hands from taking snow out of her bra. Putting her shivering hands together, I place both my massive hands over hers and blow. Her hands tremble violently, but I have a feeling it may not just be from me blowing hot air onto them. Lust pools in her eyes, as she stares at my lips.

  Leaning forward, my lips graze her fingers, causing her to gasp. Fuck, what the hell is this woman doing to me?

  Time to end this, or I will end up shoving her pants down her legs and fucking her against the wall, not giving a shit who can see us.

  “Care to lift your shirt and let a man warm up your tits?”

  Stephanie's eyes bug out of her head, and she rips her hands from my grasps. “No. Thank. You. You are just like the rest of them. And to think, I was willing to let you fuck me tonight. It looks like that is off the table. Ugh, my tits are frozen! And no, they are not turned on by the likes of you, just for your information.” Stephanie says as she stalks off towards the vehicles. Holding three shirts in her hand, she clutches her jacket to her chest, trying to get warm. She slips several times on her way to the cars, which sets us off once again.

  Taking a deep breath, I rub my hands over my eyes. This woman is going to be the death of me.

  “What was that about?” Etienne asks as he leans against the wall.

  Ignoring the look on his face, I reach down and re-adjust myself. That is a good fucking question, but not even I have an answer.

  “I have no fucking idea. But is she always like this?” I ask, trying to figure out when she was this bad of a klutz, or why the hell I can’t seem to think straight around her.

  “Worse. You should have seen Steph before we left. Ripped jeans and earring issues. Fucking priceless. But she isn't like one of the whores you used to fuck and toss out. She is unlike anyone I know. Don’t fuck this up.”

  Picking up a shirt that Stephanie dropped, I throw it over my shoulder as I motion for Etienne to head to the cars. Ignoring his jab, I shrug my shoulders. My brothers have my best interest at heart, but there is one thing they seem to forget. It's not her heart that I am worried about, it’s mine.

  “I think seeing you here, has thrown her off,” Etienne says out of nowhere.

  Stopping several feet from the cars, I stop Etienne mid-step. Stephanie has reached Liam’s SUV unharmed but looks over her shoulder before stepping in. Her eyes meet mine, and a mischievous grin starts to form. Her eyebrows wiggle a few times before she blows me a kiss and hops inside.

  Is this chick demented? “What do you mean?”

  “You are the first guy to see her for who she really is. She runs around giving me shit, and you laugh your ass off, but never ran. Any other guy would have seen that and thought she was a psycho. Well, in reality, she may be, but who cares? At the funeral, you never showed her pity; you looked at her with pride in your eyes. Since she was a girl, she’s told me about these blue eyes she keeps seeing in her dreams, and when I saw you at the funeral, I put two and two together.”

  All this time, she remembered me? For twenty years, she never forgot that day.

  Etienne turns to make his way to the car but stops before opening the door. “But Finn?”


  “Heed my warning.”

  “On my honor, bróðir. By the way, who the hell is this Ragnar?” I ask, which only makes Etienne laugh even harder. He shakes his head, ignoring my comment and opens the door and slides in.

  Tomorrow, my plan will go into motion. Tomorrow, Steph will never see me coming.

  Chapter 14

  ~ Stephanie ~

  Last night was a complete and utter disaster. I got kissed by a man who is way out of my league. Then, I end up chasing Etienne around t
he damn building because he thinks I need to get fucked by a real person and not my trusty vibrator, which has tended to my needs just fine lately. Thank you very much.

  Then, I end up slipping on a patch of ice, and going head first into a pile of snow. Yeah, only me. It was a night that would, for sure, chase Finn away so he will never want to see me again.

  Oh God, and he heard my warrior cry. Fuck. Me.

  I lay awake in bed, with Luna snuggled between my breasts. Her soft purrs soothe my nerves as I think about seeing him again. Will he think I am a complete psycho and not worth his time?

  Tracing my bottom lip with my fingers, my mind goes back to that mind-blowing kiss that made my toes curl. That kiss was intoxicating, soul-shattering, and… damn, I need to get laid.

  “Knock, knock,” Etienne says from the other side of the door.

  “Come in,” I reply, refusing to move from my comfortable spot.

  Before Etienne opens the door, I put one arm behind my head and the other on Luna’s back. As the door begins to open, Luna lifts her head to watch Etienne walk into the room. She looks at me before falling back asleep as I continue to rub the top of her head, not wanting her purrs to stop.

  “How's your head?” Etienne asks, trying to keep a straight face.

  “I’ll live. What do we have planned for today?”

  Etienne sits next to me on the bed, as he scratches Luna’s back. “We’re headed to the town to sight-see. Finn and Liam are going to tag along since this is their hometown.”

  Throwing my hands over my face, I groan loudly. How the hell am I going to face Finn after last night?

  Strong fingers wrap around my wrists, and as they pull them apart, brown eyes stare down at me. “Stop being overdramatic, and get your ass dressed.”

  Kicking him off my bed and getting hissed at by Luna for moving, I head to the closet to get dressed. What should I wear after humiliating myself and realizing there is no chance in hell that Finn will be into me. And add to that fact, it’s a beautiful six degrees, with a small chance of snow and no sun in sight.


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