A Viking's Lost Soul

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A Viking's Lost Soul Page 26

by T. M. Grinsley

  I feel my body slip into Christian’s arms, but I sense Etienne is fighting everything inside him to allow what I asked. When my body slides into Christian’s arms, I let the tears fall.

  “Steph?” Etienne’s defeated tone makes the tears fall harder.

  I ignore Etienne and let my eyes drift shut. I am done fighting. I just want the darkness to take me and let this nightmare end.

  Chapter 37

  ~ Finn ~

  Blood litters the floor from our fallen enemies. Hearing what Eira said was my breaking point. I don’t care what happened, all I care about is finding her.

  Jumping into action, I fall through the ceiling and let my instincts take over. Several bombs go off during our attack, but we take minimal hits. A few of our men are hit, but there are no casualties.

  A few of Bjarne’s, or Eira’s, fuck, whoever’s men they are, kneel before me, begging for mercy. Men cowering before me makes me sick to my stomach. This is not the man I am anymore. “Get these assholes out of here. Lock them up to await trial.”

  Ian and Darren drag the men out of here while I walk around the room, looking for the only thing keeping my heart beating. Each body I turn, makes my heart beat faster. Where the fuck is she?

  “Finn!” Karl calls out from the other side of the room. Running as fast as my legs can carry me, I leap over dead bodies and nearly stumble to a stop. Christian is carrying Steph’s lifeless body in his arms.

  Etienne walks behind him with his head hung low, and there are tears in his eyes.

  “No.” My knees almost buckle with each step I take towards her. With each step, everything around me starts to crumble. I want to rewind time and stop this from ever happening. She shouldn’t have been the casualty. She deserves to smile, laugh, and live. Fuck, don’t leave me, baby. I can’t lose you.

  Her hair swings with each step Christian takes, and her arm is hung over his. A blood soaked wrap is tightly bound around her left leg, and a small flash of light brings my eyes to the broken knife still lodged in her shoulder.

  Breathing becomes harder the closer I get to her. Several cuts and bruises mark her beautiful skin. A single tear slides down my cheek, and I feel myself breaking.

  Barely touching her cheek, I couldn’t give a shit less if my brothers see me like this. “Steph.”

  “Finn. She is alive, but barely. We have to get her to a hospital.” Christian says as I feel him slide her into my arms, causing a small whimper to emerge from her lips. “You should be the one to hold her. We have to get her out of here. Daniel is outside in the car waiting. Hurry.”

  Securing her in my arms, all of us take off outside the building. The door to the SUV stays open while Iyrik motions us in. We are thirty minutes from the nearest hospital, but knowing Daniel, we will be there in ten.

  As my brother’s pile into the SUV, Daniel puts the car in gear and slams on the gas. I hear Ian on the phone with the local PD, while Dimitri is talking to the hospital. In less than ten minutes of reckless and insane driving, we are outside the hospital with several doctors waiting in the entryway with a gurney.

  Laying her fragile body on the bed, I follow the doctors inside. We run down several halls, and I watch as the nurses get her body set. Steph mutters my name a few times, causing me to have a death grip on her hand.

  When the doctors take a left turn, I feel security holding me back. “You need to wait in the lobby. Only authorized personnel past this point.” Officer Craig tells me with sorrow and regret in his eyes. He knows I could kick his ass in two seconds flat and raise hell in this place. But Steph needs all the attention on her right now.

  “Make sure not a fucking soul gets to her. You hear me.” I snap and walk towards my brothers, who are already waiting in the lobby with bloodstained gear. A few of us sport several cuts on our faces and chunks of the people we just killed.

  Etienne slumps into the chair next to me and the rest soon follow. For hours, we sit and wait for any news about Steph. Several doctors and nurses come by with food, but we all decline. We are too worried about Steph to eat anything right now.

  Night starts to descend outside, and my gut starts to fear the worst outcome possible. If someone is in surgery this long, shit isn’t good. I have banged on the door several times, only to have Craig attempt to threaten me with jail time. Like that will fucking hold me from seeing my girl.

  Resting my elbows on my knees, I run my hands through my hair, trying to think about anything but her dying. I need to hear her voice, see her smile, and fuck, anything at this point.

  I hear a familiar voice start screaming at some of the doctors for answers, and a small smile tugs at my lips. Sam is at the nurse’s station with a petrified Luna in her shirt. Damn cat is a spoiled shit.

  “Sam, over here!” I wave her over and a sigh of relief flashes in her eyes. Her eyes are stained red, and her cheeks look flushed. Wrapping my arms around her shoulders, she starts to sob against my chest. I hear a small meow and Luna leaps onto my shoulders and starts to curl up in a ball.

  “Please tell me you know something.”

  “We are still waiting on news from the doctors. I have a few guys outside the door keeping an eye on her. I swear-”

  “Did you kill him?” Sam’s eyes cut to mine, knowing the hell we have all been through. I called her the night Steph walked out on us and told her everything. She cursed me out and called me a complete idiot, but she knew why I did it.

  Running a hand through my hair, I sigh loudly and cuddle Luna to my chest. Motioning for Sam to take a seat, I tell her everything that has happened. Her expression never wavers. Her eyes turn to pure hatred as she hears about Eira. The look on her face says she wants revenge, but the bitch is already dead. Etienne played her executioner.

  “What about Bjarne?”

  My world flashes back to the man who took everything from me. I shot him in both kneecaps and made it, so he will never walk again. But I stopped before I ended his life like the killer he wanted me to be. I saw the desperation in his eyes for me to end his life, but the sapphire eyed beauty flashed in my eyes before I became just like him. This is for me. “Blew his brains out.”

  “And Kari?”

  “She’s alive. Karl tackled her to the ground when the bomb went off. Darren is rounding up all the elders and putting an end to this. Guess they never saw the executioner coming for them one day.” Darren all but begged me to give him that job. Our own elders tucked tails and turned to the dark side. Only seems right they join them.

  The doors to the authorized personnel area swing open, and Craig emerges with the doctor who took Steph back. “I presume you are all Steph’s family?” He asks, knowing the truth but doesn’t say anything about it. We have donated and helped this hospital more times than they can count. They owe us.

  “Yes.” We all say at the same time.

  The doctor sighs loudly, causing my heart to stop, and Sam’s grip on my arm becomes painful. “She will live, but she is in for a long recovery. She underwent major reconstructive surgery on her right shoulder, we repaired her left leg, and the cut on the back of her neck. She was minutes from dying from blood loss. She suffered major bruising on her back and has a severe concussion, but she will live.”

  “Can we see her?” Sam asks with tears streaming down her face. Etienne wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her towards him. Sam molds into him, needing his touch to keep her afloat.

  “She is being moved to her room now. The nurses will walk you upstairs to wait for her.” The doctor shakes everyone’s hands before leaving us to follow the nurse.

  I feel my brothers slap my back and I can breathe for the first time since she walked out. She is alive.

  Chapter 38

  ~ Stephanie ~

  Darkness welcomes me with open arms. Every movement causes me to want to scream and cry in agony. I feel something heavy on my right side, and my left leg isn’t budging. I try to think about what happened, but my memory is foggy.

  I try to
go through the files in my brain to see if I can think of anything, but nothing comes to mind. Dammit.

  I hear footsteps walking towards to me, and they stop shortly before I feel something small touch my hand. Luna? Tiny whiskers tickle my knuckle, but nothing happens. Open your eyes, Steph!

  “Why isn’t she waking up?” Sam, or Athena, or whatever her name is, asks and it sounds like she is holding back tears.

  “She was tortured and found out her entire family wanted her dead. I don’t blame her for wanting to shut the world out. Ouch!” Christian curses a few times, then nothing.

  I hear hushed voices, but I can’t make out a single word. I feel small paws walk over my right leg and start to make their way up my stomach and soon, she nestles her body in the crook of my neck on the left side.

  “Meow.” Her meow sounds so sad, I feel a tear form in my left eye and roll down my cheek. I miss you too, baby girl. What I wouldn’t do to hold you again.

  “Look,” Sam says, and I feel strong hands that feel all too familiar grab my left hand. The familiar warmth spreads through my skin and takes hold of my heart. The darkness that has its arms wrapped around me starts to slowly let me go. Seconds tick by, and I feel control of my body start to come back.

  My eyes start to flutter open, and I see the blue eyes that I love staring back at me. “I-”

  “STEPH!” Sam screeches and shoves him out of the way. Her hands hover over my body for several seconds, before grabbing my hand and placing a kiss on my cheek. “Don’t ever do that to me again. You hear me?”

  “MREOW! Hiss.” Luna lashes out at Sam and then nestles back under my chin. I chuckle softly, but soon regret it when my shoulder shoots a sharp pain down my side. I groan quietly, waiting for the pain to subside, but I see all the guys dash out the room, demanding to see a nurse.

  “Have they-”

  “Worse. I had to call the local PD, just to get them out of here to change. They were covered in blood, and other things I would rather not talk about. I figured it wasn’t something you wanted to see when you first woke up. Thought it was the least I could do. I am so sorry. Just say the word, and I will make them suffer. They never should have done that.”

  I open my mouth to ask what happened, but she cuts me off and answers all the questions I have. “You have been asleep for almost two days, you are going to be transported back to Finn’s home, and all the guys are staying until you fully recover. And I will be staying as well. There is a lot of stuff that needs to be done, but their first priority is you.”

  I scoff and roll my eyes, regretting that. The guys couldn’t give a shit less about me.

  Luna shuffles under my chin, and I feel a small vibration coming from her. “Looks like someone missed me.” I joke, trying to lighten the tension in the air.

  Both of us start to chuckle, and the men return with a really irritated nurse in tow. Sending daggers their way, her face softens when she walks towards me. “How are you feeling?”

  She presses several buttons and starts to mess with my IV bag. I tell her what’s going on and she gives me another dose of meds. We go over the process of treatment and what needs to be done when I get home. I am told I’ll be in a wheelchair for about a month, to let my leg heal, and in the shoulder brace for a couple months. I will need physical therapy for about a year. Normally I would groan, but right now I am just glad to be alive.

  “Your paperwork and insurance have all been taken care of. There will be a nurse here shortly to help you dress and take you down to the car.” She writes a few things on my chart and walks out of the room.

  “What does she mean, my insurance was taken care of?”

  Sam gets up to start packing and cleaning my room. “Finn paid off all your bills and is arranging for a nurse to live with you.” She shrugs like it’s no big deal.

  I open and close my mouth several times, but nothing comes out. Could be the fact that I feel the drug starting to flow through my system and everything feels lighter than air. Damn, this is some good stuff.

  “How is she?” Finn asks as he enters the room. My body becomes attuned to him and aches for his touch. His eyes swerve to mine and a sad smile forms. Damn, I hate it when he looks like that.

  “She will be ready soon, we just need to change her clothes and then we can leave.” Sam looks at me, giving me the look that tells me she will be right outside the door making sure I am okay. I nod once, telling her it’s okay and she leaves without a word.

  When the door shuts behind him, he walks towards my left side and leans against the bed. “Steph-”

  “Kiss me.” The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them. I was mad at him for countless reasons, but right now, I need him. I need to feel safe and loved. Fuck the argument and the shit he told me. The look on his face tells me everything I need to know. Sometimes words aren’t what a girl needs to hear.

  He hesitates for a minute before his lips land on mine greedily. My lips part, welcoming him in. The kiss starts off desperate and needy. We pour our emotions into our kiss, but soon it softens. He grazes his soft lips all over my face and my nose. A small giggle escapes when I feel Luna lick my chin and fall back asleep.

  “I love you, Steph. I nearly lost it when I saw you at headquarters. When I heard what Eira said, something snapped, and I couldn’t stop myself. I killed without remorse, and my only thought was getting to you. The killer thirsted for blood and demanded revenge for everything they have done to us. I knew what you told me the other day was true, but I didn’t…. fuck. I didn’t want to believe it. I didn’t want to believe I was just a pawn in a sick game, to use and toss away when I wasn’t needed anymore. If I could go back in time and take away that night, I would. I would give my own life to save yours if I could. You are my everything. You are my heart and soul. The light to my darkness. The one who has the power to crush a killer’s heart and heal the evil that took over when he was just a boy.” Finn’s hand traces circles on my cheek as he pours out his soul to me.

  “I know there is nothing I can say that will change anything, but I make a vow to try every day, to show you how much you mean to me. I just hope one day, you can forgive a killer’s heart.” His voice is heartbreaking. He is that kid who watched his family being murdered and stacked to the cross. He has fought for so long for someone to love him and right now, he is baring it all.

  “I already have.” Placing a small kiss on the inside of his wrist, I watch several emotions flash across his face. Seeing him crash through the ceiling and staring death in the face, put things into perspective. No one is perfect, but the family I have here, they are perfect for me. A little rough around the edges, but they have shown me what life is worth living for. I am still pissed at the guys for what they said, but I have a feeling I will get back at them sooner or later.

  Pulling me towards another kiss, I feel Finn claiming my heart and soul. Before it turns into something more, I feel him pull away. “Come on, let’s get you home.”

  A massive smile forms on my face when he says the word, home.

  Chapter 39

  ~ Finn ~

  Two months later…

  “When you sacrificed yourself for others, you were hers. But when you kicked ass, you were mine. I love you, Xena.”

  “NO!” Steph cries. Her good arm is thrown in the air, and she has tears in her eyes. Nestled between Christian and Ian on the sofa, I snicker when I see those two assholes have unshed tears as well. Steph has seen this series at least a hundred times, but she cries every time when her idol dies.

  Darren, Karl, and Daniel are sprawled out on the floor with absolute horror on their faces. They never knew her obsession with Xena until we got back from the hospital. Etienne tried to warn them, but they never took the hint.

  Since we got Steph settled in from being in the hospital, the guys have been wrapped around her finger. She says jump, and they will. Each day, they do anything to beg for her forgiveness. Yes, I said beg. We fucked up on an epic proportion, and now we
need to dig ourselves out of the hole.

  They would do anything under the sun if she asks, but all she ever wants is for them to watch Xena and geek out on other shows. I guess she never had anyone else besides Sam and Etienne to bask in the glory of Xena with her.

  Christ, now I am quoting her. I need to get out of here and go shoot something.

  Every night, the guys would argue over the fight scenes or obscure missions that would take place, and Steph would argue with epic finesse. I don’t even try anymore, that girl is relentless.

  Etienne and Sam would just watch the guys try, and fail, to convince her the show is ridiculous. But I know deep down they love the show, but they will never admit it.

  In the beginning, I thought the guys would plot my demise for making them do this but after a while, they would just show up with food and watch Xena without question. At times, Steph would be wide awake at night from her surgery or one of the nightmares that have plagued her, and the guys would wake up to comfort her when I was away.

  For the past two months, we have been trying to rebuild Hrothgier and get it back on its feet. Steph dismissed most of the elders, the ones who didn’t have their brains splattered on the wall, and put us on the council. The last of the remaining elders fought tooth and nail, but when we showed them the documents of her birth, and what her father wrote before his death, they shut up immediately. She is the next in line and is going to change everything as we know it. Granting us roles as elders was a bit extreme, but we’re the only ones she trusts.

  “You are telling me a god killer dies at the very end of the series? What the hell kind of shit is this?” Karl throws a pillow at Steph on the sofa, and she squeals when it barely hits her.

  “Oh, come on. Xena and Gabrielle are the hottest gay couple in the entire world. She messes with cock to get what she wants, but the taco owns her heart and soul.” She shrugs.


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