Bitch Heiress X Samurai Butler

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Bitch Heiress X Samurai Butler Page 2

by KuroKoneko Kamen

  This was a world where yokai and humans now lived side by side...but even though things like yokai slavery were illegal that didn’t stop it. Spell-Collared yokai slaves were a popular forbidden luxury for those who could afford it or had enough political power to get away with it – i.e. business tycoons and the yakuza (mafia).

  Ranmaru had been sold countless times but never before in such bad shape...would he even manage to get a buyer? And if he couldn’t find one would he be put down?

  No...anything but that... Ranmaru thought. I rather have another sadistic bastard for a Master than to be ‘put down’ like a common animal. Like a dog. Let me please die in battle…like a true samurai. His pride demanded it. Or was his pride already broken?

  To Ranmaru the entire proceedings of the slave auction went by as something like a blur due to his dazed mind and awful condition. He could barely see - one eye was completely swollen shut.

  He could hear muddled words...

  “Next up we have a Spell-Collared fox yokai slave...”


  Ah, that had to have been the auctioneer. Ranmaru thought. At least someone finally got it right. Heh.

  “Bodyguard skills... Samurai Butler...” The auctioneer continued ticking off highlights about Ranmaru from a list that Yoshimaru had probably come up with.

  Ranmaru felt himself being kicked and then dragged into position up on the display stage, yanked by the chain around his neck and then he was pushed down to his knees... A hush seemed to fall over the gathered crowd of potential buyers before one man snorted and broke out laughing with everyone in the crowd following suit.

  Someone just shoot me.

  “Bodyguard? That pathetic yokai can barely stand! What could he be expected to protect? Ha! Is this some kind of joke?

  Well, it isn’t very funny and you’re wasting our valuable time.”

  The man sneered.

  “Samurai Butler my ass...just look at him - he’s half dead!

  He couldn’t even be made to wash dishes! He’d probably fall over in a faint like a princess!”

  “Medic! Medic! Anyone have a cellphone? Hahahaha!”

  “Is there a doctor in the house?”

  Ouch. If pride had been a word hanging over Ranmaru’s head it would have crumbled to pieces.

  The gathered crowd of people continued to laugh and crack jokes at Ranmaru’s expense.

  “Now, don’t be like that... minna-san...ladies and gentlemen.” The auctioneer put out his hands in a placating gesture. “Don’t I have any offers? How about we start the bidding at 50,000,000 yen? A fine deal neh? Once he’s bathed, fed, and rested I’m sure he’ll be as good as new!”

  This suggestion was only followed by more laughter, until-“100,000,000 yen!”


  The auctioneer coughed, “Um, excuse me, Sir, did I hear you correctly?”

  “I think so young man, unless you have wax in your ears. I want to buy that slave for 100,000,000 yen. Is that a problem?”

  Ranmaru gathered what little strength he had left in order Bitch 15

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  to raise his head and see who on earth it was that had decided to purchase him and for such a large sum of money. He painfully opened one eye and saw an old man, probably in his seventies, in an immaculate and rather flashy, all-white suit. There was a pair of black rectangular sunglasses perched on his nose. Short, snowy white hair framed his face and he had a well-trimmed white beard, which he was currently stroking. There was a shiny gold Rolex on his wrist and a gold chain around his neck. He wore a mischievous smirk on his face and as he waited for the auctioneer's response he carelessly picked wax out of his ear and flicked it off into the crowd, who flinched back and away from this ‘crazy old man’. He merely grinned at them revealing a few sparkling gold teeth.

  Ranmaru couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow. THIS was who had decided to buy him? Some eccentric old man? But what use would an old man like him have for a Samurai Butler like Ranmaru? He couldn’t help but wonder.

  “N-no sir! Sold! For 100,000,000 yen!” The auctioneer declared.

  Ranmaru patiently waited outside the room where his former Master and the auctioneer directed the old man to fill out all the necessary paperwork for his new acquisition. Ranmaru was quite familiar with the process having been present several times before for the ‘transfer of ownership.’ Muddled words again came to Ranmaru’s sharp ears-“Oh, no I won’t be signing the contract nor doing the Blood Pact...Ohohohoho.” The old man chuckled heartily, “I bought this yokai slave for someone else, you see...” The old man continued to laugh as if something were extremely funny about all this - some inside joke perhaps.

  The auctioneer and his Master both seemed equally surprised if their silence was anything to go by but they both seemed to pull themselves together and apparently by the sounds of agreement that Ranmaru heard from within were not disagreeable to the terms.

  “Just make sure the Blood Pact is carried out as soon as 16

  possible. It could be dangerous for you otherwise to be left alone with him without being able to use the word of subjugation on him...”

  Again the old man laughed, “Dangerous? Have you taken a good look at your yokai lately? That poor pup couldn’t hurt a fly - not in his current condition anyways. Seems like someone forgot to feed him properly. Poor boy...” The old man must have been shaking his head, he then continued. “Besides, he won’t hurt me. After all, I just saved him from you.” The old man seemed to pause again before continuing. “Now, where is his sword?”

  There was a pause and a seemingly reluctant Yoshimaru handed the sword to the old man. “I wouldn’t give it to him...not until the contract is signed...the Blood Pact made...” Yoshimaru sniveled.

  The old man just chuckled. “You’re not as dumb as you look. You realize instinctively that he’s powerful. Hohohoho~ Or at least he used to be-” The old man’s voice was thoughtful.

  “Anyhoo, it’s really none of your business - at least not anymore. And I can do whatever I want to my slave. That’s the deal after all. Good day, gentlemen.” The old man walked out and then moved to face Ranmaru. “Here.” He handed Ranmaru his sword, which Ranmaru took gingerly into his hands, a surprised look on his face.

  He couldn’t believe the old man had just given him his sword back...without the contract being signed or Blood Pact made there was absolutely nothing stopping Ranmaru from cutting the old man’s head off if he wanted to - and yet. Ranmaru looked at the old man - he showed no fear. Just who was this old man - really?

  The old man gave Ranmaru an assessing look, and seemed to pick up on Ranmaru’s train of thought. And he still remained calm even then, a slight smile tugging on the old man’s lips as if to say ‘Try me, yokai’.

  There was certainly more than meets the eye to this old man, Ranmaru decided feeling unexpected respect towards the man.

  “Do try and keep up.” The old man said before turning and taking off with Ranmaru struggling to keep up behind his new Master.

  Bitch 17

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  Ranmaru’s hand wrapped around his sword and he felt at peace. A piece of him had been returned to him. And he felt whole again. Just for that...Ranmaru felt indebted to the old man but also knew he couldn’t trust him quite yet. People tended to act one way in public and a completely different way behind closed doors. Ranmaru knew this from past experience. He shivered.

  The old man seemed to notice and gave Ranmaru another piercing stare. “Don’t worry, my boy, we’ll get you a nice warm bath and some proper clothes soon. After all - you stink! And I doubt she would let you stay five seconds in her presence looking like that! Ha!” Again, the old man seemed to be laughing at some sort of inside joke.

  ‘She’? His new Mistress perhaps? Ranmaru suddenly felt queasy...

  They reached a long white stretch limo - a uniformed driver got out to open the door for them and the old man stepped inside. The driver gave Ranmaru a surp
rised look before schooling his face into an expressionless mask. Funny, and here Ranmaru thought he was good at hiding his emotions. Ranmaru then followed the old man inside the limo.

  They were then driven to the old man’s estate. They were admitted past an iron gate, and to a long drive, which wound its way through an expansive forested area. Ranmaru was surprised by how much land there was considering that this estate actually lay in the heart of Tokyo. Just who was this old man anyways?

  Or had they somehow ended up somewhere else?

  At the end of the drive a large expanse of land had been cleared and there in the center was a mansion. It was a modern mansion done in the manor style. The walls had been done in white stucco. What was with the old man and white? There was a coldness and intimidating aura about the place. There was also very little ornamentation on the outside of the mansion house. The place spoke of class, high society. His savior was definitely a rich man. Ranmaru wondered how big his crate would be this time.


  “The Kimamura Estate” The old man said loftily, “By the way, you can call me Kimamura- san.”

  Ranmaru nodded and that’s when he smelled a creature or rather several creatures. His eyes widened, surprised to be picking up on the scents of several yokai animals on the property. He followed the scents with his nose and noticed a strange looking structure. It was a large glass-domed building that appeared to be some kind of menagerie or zoological garden, but was larger than any Ranmaru had ever seen before. He could just barely see through the glass that there were full-grown trees inside that reached the ceiling. It must have been some kind of enclosed environment. Did this mean he was going to be someone’s pet? How humiliating...

  Ranmaru noticed that several of the dangerous yokai

  ‘pets’ were simply wandering around the estate grounds. Just who were these people...? Ranmaru recognized a yokai panther, yokai dog, and was that a giant python? Among some of the animals. Most humans would have been scared out of their wits to come across these sorts of animals so this doubly surprised him that Kimamura- san didn’t seem at all ill at ease at the sight of such dangerous animals.

  The old man seemed to notice Ranmaru’s disquiet, “Ah, you can smell them can’t you? That’s my granddaughter’s menagerie - she likes to collect rare, endangered, or magical creatures including yokai. Some of the creatures are rather dangerous but my granddaughter likes to think of them as being misunderstood. She thinks they’re cute, you see. Ha! Well, she’s always had strange tastes.”

  Menagerie? Granddaughter? Oh my god. Ranmaru put two and two together. He was going to be Kimamura- san’s granddaughter’s new pet! How humiliating... someone please just shoot me? He noticed that the yokai panther had on an expensive looking diamond collar, and a large pink bow on its head along with two pairs of bright pink booties. Ranmaru’s eye twitched. Pink...booties...Would the so-called granddaughter put him in pink booties too? Oh the horror!

  Though Ranmaru was going through some inner turmoil his outer expression remained stoic and cool. Ranmaru expected the limo to take him to the menagerie Bitch 19

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  and wondered again how big his crate or perhaps cage would be this time? He was surprised when the limo continued to drive up the main drive and towards the main mansion house. A maid answered the door before they even had a chance to knock. She was an interesting looking maid with a short, redhaired bob, a pair of overly large, round spectacles on her face and a black maid’s outfit with a frilly white apron along with a lacy, white maid’s cap upon her head. Judging from the smile lines around her lips she was probably in her late twenties early thirties. “Ah, Kimamura- san and-” The maid turned her bland expression on him next. “AHHHH!!!!” She screamed loudly, and covered her mouth with a shaky hand as she then pointed at Ranmaru. “What is that?”

  That? Ranmaru bristled slightly.

  “A present for my darling granddaughter, of course.” The old man grinned, showing off his golden teeth.

  “You must be joking. You’re not serious are you Kimamura- san? She’ll have a fit. And...” The maid pinched the bridge of her nose. “He stinks! We can’t let Kusanagi see him this way if you’re actually serious about this.” She shook her head. “And knowing you, you actually are serious about this. Crazy old-” The maid seemed to catch herself. “I think I know what you’re thinking, Kimamura- san. But I believe it’s still too soon.”

  “Daijoubu. It will be alright. You always were a keen one, Roze- san. Not many girls can brag about having both beauty and brains.” Kimamura- san’s hand had strayed towards her buttocks-


  Ranmaru made a mental note. Kimamura- san wasn’t just some old man. He was a dirty old man. Kimamura- san was left on the ground moaning in pain as Ranmaru felt himself being dragged away by the scary maid to god knows where.

  Ranmaru was then shoved unceremoniously into a room. The maid was still pinching her nose with a disgusted look on her 20

  face. “Now, you stink, so take a bath and get dressed. Appropriate clothes can be found in the dresser and the armoire. Make haste - I’m sure Kimamura- san intends to introduce you to Kusanagi right away. And first impressions are key. Though I don’t know what good that will really do anyways.” Roze sighed as she looked Ranmaru over once more, “This is never going to work...” She muttered before turning on her heels and slamming the door behind her, leaving a rather stunned Ranmaru alone inside of the room.

  He turned to appraise the room - it was needlessly spacious and nicely decorated with what appeared to be European antiques. There was a comfortable looking four-poster bed with red silken sheets, a mahogany table and two chairs, a mahogany dresser, a small desk and chair off to one side, and an elaborately carved armoire.

  I wonder who’s room this is... Ranmaru let himself into the bathroom and had to shield his eyes. Mabushi! Too bright!

  Everything was sparkling white - so white that as he trekked across the floor he left dirty footprints behind him. Ranmaru then caught sight of his reflection in the bathroom mirror. Egad! He was hideous! He looked like some kind of hairy wonder the maid had screamed when she had first laid eyes upon him.

  Ranmaru tried to be careful not to dirty the immaculate bathroom further as he prepared himself a hot bath with extra liquid bath soap so that suds began filling up the tub. He lowered himself slowly into the tub and began to scrub himself down vigorously with a loofa until his skin was pink and raw but at least dirt free. He could feel the dirt just pouring off of him. He washed his hair three times and used the entire bottle of conditioner to get the horrible knots out of it before it felt clean again. His hair had actually returned to its original copper color when he had finished and he was proud his efforts had paid off. He allowed himself to soak in the tub for a little while longer - feeling warm, content and relaxed for the first time in…he didn’t know how long. But he knew good things don’t last forever...a lot of his Masters had oftentimes done the same - lured Ranmaru into a false sense of security before showing their true colors and delighting in Ranmaru’s surprise, horror, pain and Bitch 21

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  betrayal afterwards.

  He almost felt guilty for enjoying the bath so much and his eyes stung - from the soap. Yea. But he knew he couldn’t lounge around in the tub all day however since he had to meet his new Mistress soon. Great, just great.

  He quickly got out of the bath and dried himself off - careful not to look at his reflection - it was too depressing. He wrapped a robe around his too-skinny body and made his way back into the bedroom. He found suitable underwear in the dresser drawers and went over to the armoire next. He opened it and was surprised to see several newly pressed, butler uniforms. Wasn’t he going to be Lady Kusanagi’s latest pet? What need then did he have for a butler uniform? But Roze had said he could find suitable clothing in the armoire so had to have meant for him to wear the uniform. Once again, feeling guilty Ranmaru chose a but
ler’s uniform and put it on finding that it fit perfectly – though a tad loose in places. He wondered whose clothes these were. And wondered if whomever they truly belonged to would mind that he was borrowing them.

  He finished dressing and combed and tied back his long hair and not a moment too soon. Roze burst through the door and then her eyes landed on him making her stop dead in her tracks, eyes widening - then she quickly schooled her expression back to blandness. “Hmm~ Well, that’s a hell of an improvement. Perhaps, Kusanagi- sama won’t have so much of a fit...after all. Now, come along...” She spun around and took off. Ranmaru obediently trailed along behind her. Roze looked back at Ranmaru and gave him a pensive look. “Hmmm~ you’re a quiet one aren’t you? The complete opposite of our Mistress I’m afraid. Say goodbye to your peace and tranquility.”

  Ranmaru was led down several long hallways and to a large wooden door. The door was opened and Ranmaru found himself being led inside of a study. Kimamura- san was seated at a desk; the papers of slave ownership and transfer were resting 22

  innocently on top of it.

  Kimamura- san looked up and did a double take, “Well, don’t you clean up well my boy - that may help smooth matters along since my adorable, little granddaughter is after all incredibly stubborn. Now, my boy, have a seat.”

  Roze had snorted at Kimamura’s phrase ‘adorable little granddaughter’. But had quickly schooled her features back into passiveness when Kimamura had glared in her direction. Still feeling out of place and a bit awkward Ranmaru obeyed and sat down.

  “There are a few things you should know before she gets here. As you’ve probably already guessed I am not going to be your Master. I bought you for my granddaughter Kusanagi. She will be your Master...”

  Ranmaru nodded, “I understand sir - though I don’t understand why I will be needing this uniform then.”

  Kimamura- san raised an eyebrow, “Excuse me?”


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