Bitch Heiress X Samurai Butler

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Bitch Heiress X Samurai Butler Page 5

by KuroKoneko Kamen

  Kusanagi grinned evilly, and cracked her knuckles. “Ah ah, you’re not getting away.” She rushed at him and balled up her fist before then letting it fly right at his face dead center –

  smashing his nose in and breaking a few of his teeth with her deadly punch. Ow. Blood was dripping down the boy’s chin. But she didn’t stop there and as he was falling backwards Kusanagi grabbed the front of his shirt to pull him forward and delivered another punch, and then another until the boy had two black eyes. She was cackling almost evilly as she beat the crap out of the boy who had tried to cop a feel off the cat girl. She really seemed to be enjoying it a little too much. Ranmaru shivered at the sadistic look on her face, cruel smile on her lips. Gulp. Maybe Ranmaru had been wrong about his Mistress being kind after all...

  Adorable little granddaughter…my ass.

  Ranmaru was still too stunned to react to the situation properly. He had been ready to step in and come to Kusanagi’s aid if needed but as quickly became apparent – she didn’t need saving.

  But then, Kusanagi frowned suddenly and pulled off one of her gloves and inspected one of her perfectly manicured nails. Her expression turned murderous. “Kuso! Damn! I broke a nail. YOU made me break a nail! You’ll pay!” Kusanagi glared angrily at the boy she had just been punching. The boy backed away fearfully, blood dripping down his chin, and cowing under that angry emerald green stare of hers, “II’m sorry...”

  “This is ALL your fault, asshole! You made me break a 42

  nail! And I just got these done too! Argh!” She began to spaz out, sparks coming off of an angry aura that seemed to surround her. The boy who had been kneed in the groin spoke up hesitantly, “But you broke a nail because you punched him in the mouth…”

  Kusanagi sent a death glare his way.

  The boy cowered. “I’ll shut up now.”

  Kusanagi smiled and nodded. Good boy. She then spun and sent a sidekick into the stomach of the boy whose teeth she had knocked out. No longer wanting to risk using her hands.

  “You guys are too pathetic to dirty my beautiful hands on anyways.” Kusanagi declared.

  The boy fell back and lay unmoving, dizzy-eyed. Yep, Kusanagi Kimamura could be scary.

  Kusanagi wiped her hands off, “Bunch of perverts!” She glared down at the boys deciding she was done with them. “No means no – understand? Wakarimas ka? ” She said the last word slowly and menacingly, a tinge of sarcasm to her voice.

  “Y-yes mam! We’re really sorry! We understand!” All three boys simultaneously answered getting on their knees and bowing before Kusanagi repeatedly.

  “Keh, whatever.” Kusanagi shook her head and turned her attention to the cat girl. “Let’s go…you. We’re going to be late for class.” She flipped her hair in a careless gesture and with that she stalked off without a backwards glance.

  The yokai cat girl looked after Kusanagi with a somewhat starry-eyed expression on her face. She quickly wiped her remaining tears from her eyes and smiled brightly. “Oi! Wait up!

  And it’s Katsumi by the way, like totally!” She declared as she took off after Kusanagi.

  The three male students watched them go sullenly.

  “Keh, that bitch why did she have to go and get involved?

  Everyone knows that Katsumi girl is a whore...I mean look at how she wears her uniform - it’s totally indecent!” One boy complained as he nursed his aching jaw.

  “That bitch is always poking her nose into other people’s business.”

  “The cursed whore...” One of the boys spit off to the side, there was blood in his spit.

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  Heiress X Samurai Butler may have been true but Ranmaru’s fists were clenching angrily at his sides. How dare they call his Mistress a bitch! Especially, after she had given him breakfast that morning!

  The boys were about to leave the alleyway that was between two school buildings but Ranmaru stood in their way, cracking his knuckles.

  “I dare you to say that again.” His voice was dull, emotionless.

  The boys all squeaked at the sight of Ranmaru all dressed in black with his glowing golden eyes. He looked the part of a suspicious character indeed. “Dude...say what again?” “Please don’t hurt us...” “Man, I think I just pissed myself...”

  “You called my Master a Bitch.” He grabbed one boy by the front of his shirt, nose to nose, his golden eyes flashing.

  “K-k-kusanagi? Dude...everyone calls her that. A bitch I mean. It’s...practically normal.”

  Ranmaru blinked, confused - what? This was disturbing information.

  “Well, ever since people started to die around her...”

  “Die?” Ranmaru gripped the boy’s shirt tighter, “Tell me more.”

  “Some say she’s cursed...”

  “It’s true. Anyone who gets close to her ends up dead. She used to tell people’s fortunes using tarot cards - you know for fun. But then she started to predict people’s deaths and then when they actually happened it wasn’t so fun anymore.”

  “It was only people around her though that ended up dead. Some say-” The boy looked shifty-eyed for a moment, looking around to make sure there were no teachers eavesdropping, “She killed them herself.”

  “That’s why everyone calls her a bitch at this school. Her grandfather donates a LOT of money to the school though so there’s not much we can do about it - except call her a bitch behind her back. But we all know the truth about what she really is - a murderer.”


  Ranmaru let go of the boy, who looked relieved. A bitch huh? Was Kusanagi really murdering people...for fun?

  For...kicks? Did she enjoy hurting people? She had looked awfully happy when she had been beating up the schoolboys. And had been laughing quite gleefully while doing it too. As farfetched as it sounded, Kusanagi could be a murderer. Ranmaru had known people like that after all, people like HER. Hmm~

  Ranmaru intended to find out. “But that still doesn’t explain your behavior towards the cat girl...” Ranmaru turned his attention back to the boys.

  “That slut-”

  Ranmaru’s evil glare cut him short, “What makes you say she’s a slut?”

  “Well, you saw her - did you see the size of those hooters?”

  “Or how they were like popping out of her school uniform?”

  Ranmaru sighed. “You boys really are idiots. I think maybe Kusanagi went too easy on you. Maybe I can beat some sense into those thick skulls of yours. Wow since when am I a sadist?” Ranmaru shook his head ruefully and shrugged. “You boys sure do know how to bring out the worst in people, huh? Oh well, sucks to be you.” Ranmaru said cracking his knuckles and starting forward.

  The boys backed away in fright and before long (about 20

  seconds later to be exact), the boys were beaten up again until their bumps had bumps and their bruises had bruises. Once Ranmaru finished with the boys he continued to follow Kusanagi around the school for the entire school day, while keeping to the shadows. Once or twice he was sure Kusanagi had spotted him or sensed him somehow when she had suddenly turned to look his way, but then she seemed to just shrug it off and continue on.

  Ranmaru sighed; he found school to be rather boring. Though it was filled with some intrigue perhaps. He began to notice how the other students tended to keep their distance from Kusanagi and then how when she passed they all began to whisper (some none too quietly) behind their hands about her. And some went so far as to call her a bitch. Ranmaru had the Bitch 45

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  urge to beat up about half the student body but decided he could always do that later and besides he didn’t want to get Kusanagi into any trouble on his account. He was determined to be a superb Samurai Butler.

  Ranmaru continued to follow Kusanagi around and found that not all things in school were tedious. There was the Kendo Club (swordsmanship club). He got to watch Kusanagi kick some serious ass from one of the windows of the Kend
o Club building with her bokken aka wooden sword. He noted that her sensei (teacher) was a wolf yokai and that that didn’t seem to bother Kusanagi. Hadn’t Kimamura- san said Kusanagi feared yokai?

  Hmm. And if that were true then why did she save Katsumi? Or was she just having fun beating up those boys...?

  Something became obvious to Ranmaru as he continued to observe his new Mistress. This chick was no delicate flower –

  that was for sure. He was also beginning to understand where the rumors about her and her reputation for being a juvenile delinquent and murderer had stemmed from by continuing to watch her unpredictable and volatile behavior throughout the day. Whatever the case, Ranmaru knew one thing for sure. His Mistress, the Lady Kusanagi, was definitely not boring.

  His heart was beating rapidly inside of his chest as he gazed upon her, almost as if he was expecting something. But what? He’d never found himself so interested or held in suspense by anyone in the last four hundred years or so. A smile tugged at the side of his lips and he almost smiled.

  This was going to be interesting.



  Weird company is better than no company. Nani?!

  The school day went by in a whirl, much like it normally did for Kusanagi. The only thing that made school even bearable was her kendo fencing class. There she was able to take out all her anger and frustrations with the world - out on other people i.e. her fellow kendo club members. Heh. Sucked to be them. That day, her teacher, Kurenai- sensei, designated different pairs during their class so that they could spar. In seconds, Kusanagi had defeated her opponent and sent them flying using her bamboo practice sword. Kusanagi almost felt sorry for her fellow sparing partners - she would so kick their ass. And she was in a particularly bad mood that day having eaten nothing for breakfast and so was taking it out on everyone, showing no mercy. And even though they were forced to practice with bamboo swords she was still able to do quite a bit of damage to her opponents as she literally sent them flying. She currently happened to be number one in Japan for the female kendo division after all. And had won past tournaments while representing the Academy.

  Kurenai- sensei happened to be a wolf yokai. With a wild mane of brown hair and golden colored eyes. She had always complimented Kusanagi saying that for a normal human she had incredible strength - not only of body but also of will. Having a yokai for a teacher was not unusual at Akai Bara Academy - at Bitch 47

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  least not in the world Kusanagi lived in. Some of Kusanagi’s classmates happened to be yokai.

  Yokai...Humans...after the Demon-Human War centuries ago, both the humans and yokai had come to a truce of sorts and this was how Kusanagi found herself living in a world where humans and yokai co-existed. Although there were still those humans who considered yokai to be a lesser race and these humans had given rise to the popularity of owning ‘ yokai slaves’. Though yokai slavery was illegal those with money found ways around this. It was perhaps the demon’s price to pay for getting to live in the human world. Nothing in life was ever perfect. Kusanagi knew this well. Also because yokai now lived alongside humans they brought things along with them that had never before existed in the human world including maho, magic... Magic that normal humans had quickly learned and then used to enslave some of the yokai population - these victims became known as Spell-Collared yokai.

  “Well done, Kusanagi.” Kurenai was clapping. Usually, Kurenai would stay in her human form as most yokai did living in the human world but occasionally if Kurenai got excited or happy her tail or ears would pop out unexpectedly, reminding Kusanagi that her teacher wasn’t human...

  Kusanagi bowed a genuine smile on her face - a rare occurrence indeed. “Thank you, sensei.”

  Kusanagi was in a surprisingly good mood when she left the dojo to go home, however, her good mood was suddenly spoiled when some girl randomly called out to her-“Kusanagi- chan! ”

  Kusanagi groaned, “Oh no...not her...” She sped up a bit.

  “Hey, girlfriend.” The cat girl from earlier with her bright pink hair, sparkling blue eyes, bouncing breasts, perky attitude, and cat ears perched atop her head, skipped up next to Kusanagi and began to mimic her friend’s fast pace, “Just got out of kendo practice?”

  “No duh.” Kusanagi said through gritted teeth. Why me...?

  “Oh! That is just like so cool!” Katsumi began in her


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  peppy manner, “I wish I could do kendo but I’m like totally clumsy, and I’m just so pathetic. Totally not like you, Kusanagi chan!”


  “Hey, would you like to go and see a movie?” Katsumi asked, quirking her head at Kusanagi.

  Kusanagi turned to glare at the girl, “A movie? What makes you think I’d want to see a movie with the likes of you?”

  Katsumi stopped in shock, her lower lip trembling, ears pressed against her head. Kusanagi thought she looked pathetic and cute and if she had been anyone else but The Bitch she probably would have caved in. “I’m sorry...I just thought...”

  Was that a stab of guilt Kusanagi felt? Naw. “You thought what exactly?” Her emerald green eyes narrowed at the girl coldly.

  “That we’re friends.” Katsumi sniffled.

  Kusanagi blinked at her in disbelief, “And what pray tell ever gave you that idea?”

  Katsumi’s eyes suddenly began to sparkle. “You saved me.” She took on a dreamy tone.

  “Huh? ” Kusanagi really had no idea what this poor, demented girl was talking about.

  “This morning when those guys had me cornered and you beat them up for me...” Katsumi began to explain excitedly. Kusanagi blinked and then she remembered. Ah. Katsumi had been cornered by a trio of perverts and she had fun beating them into a pulp. It was just what she had been hoping for - a little action and some exercise. Those boys had come in handy in burning off a few hundred calories. “That wasn’t for you. It was for me. I was having a bad day and needed to let off some steam. I simply enjoyed beating up those loser perverts that’s all. They were just getting what they deserved and I got to use them as punching bags. Don’t be a baka; I could care less about you. Hmph!” Kusanagi flipped her hair and turned to walk away.

  Tears fell from Katsumi’s eyes, “I-I just be your friend...”


  Kusanagi felt a stab of guilt - she quickly stifled it. “I don’t want friends.” She spat. I’m sorry...I can’t have friends. Katsumi wiped her tears stubbornly with the back of her hand, “You’re wrong. Everyone needs a friend. Aren’t you...lonely?”

  Kusanagi frowned. “Lonely? Ha! I enjoy my solitude thank you very much. I don’t need friends and I don’t need anyone. Hmph!” She stalked away. Kusanagi’s heart clenched painfully in her chest filled with lingering hope and regret. Katsumi yelled out after her - “Usotsuki! Liar!”


  Smart girl. Kusanagi’s inner voice piped up. You should have said yes.

  Huh? And let that airhead be our friend? Ha! We don’t need friends like her . She’s trash. She seemed genuinely nice...obviously not too bright but she wasn’t fake. Not like the others.


  And I know you’re lonely...


  You can’t lie to me. I’m you after all.

  Kusanagi sighed. You know why we can’t have friends. Why we can’t let anyone get close...ever again. Kusanagi pulled her sleeves down unconsciously over her wrists. We made a vow remember? We need no one. And I’m going to make sure we keep that vow.

  I know but we can’t be alone forever. We need someone...someone who can help us...

  Kusanagi laughed bitterly, “No one can help us...I’m all alone...”

  Now, in a particularly bad mood Kusanagi decided she didn’t want to go back home to the mansion just yet and face her nosy maid, Roze, who always seemed to know if something was bothering her, so she i
nstead decided she’d like to go for a walk and be alone for a bit.

  All day long Kusanagi had sensed this shadow trailing after her...a hired assassin maybe? It wouldn’t be the first time that her greedy relatives had hired one to go after her, the bastards. Or was it just her over active imagination? She Bitch 51

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  absentmindedly rubbed the back of her neck; the hair there was standing on end.

  And there it was again - that feeling that someone was watching her. Kusanagi looked around - There! She was sure of it! Kusanagi aimed and threw her bokken into a nearby tree’s leafy branches.

  “Ow!” Came a slightly muffled cry of pain as someone grunted and fell out of the tree to land on the grassy ground below with a thud.

  Kusanagi blinked, a suspicious looking character indeed, dressed all in black with a strange handkerchief tied around his face. “So I was right - an assassin! Prepare to die!” Kusanagi declared as she charged forward with her bokken raised before her in a two-handed grip.

  Ranmaru swiftly stood and removed his mask revealing that it was him, “Oi.” He said by way of greeting. Kusanagi didn’t stop and instead hit Ranmaru hard over the head before she then blinked at Ranmaru, “You! What the hell are you doing here? Have you been following me? You-you-you stalker pervert!”

  Ranmaru frowned at the word ‘pervert’, a small bump forming on his head. “I’m here as your Samurai Butler and bodyguard.” He said as if that explained everything. Kusanagi merely glared at him, “Keh! I didn’t ask for a babysitter, damn jiji, old man. Go home Ranmaru. I seriously need some time alone right now.” I’m seriously not having a good day. I need some space. Maybe I should have just stayed in bed...

  “But-” Ranmaru started to resist.


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