Bitch Heiress X Samurai Butler

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Bitch Heiress X Samurai Butler Page 30

by KuroKoneko Kamen

  Well, I’m making it my business. The way you treat Ranmaru is awful. I know Ranmaru would never want to stay with a Master like you. In fact, I just know Ranmaru would love to have a nice, kind Master like me, wouldn’t you Ranmaru?”

  Ranmaru got up and dusted himself off. His expression however was still emotionless, stoic.

  Kusanagi looked over at him worriedly, wondering what he was thinking. Had he really said something like that?

  Orihime smiled a cat’s paw smile. “I would be the perfect Master to you Ranmaru. I would forgive anything you did and I would never punish you. Not like Kusanagi.”

  The words hit Kusanagi hard because they rang true. Why would Ranmaru want her as a Master when he could have someone like Orihime - both beautiful and kind?

  “You...don’t know what you’re saying. Ranmaru isn’t normal.” Kusanagi began, that’s right! Orihime didn’t even know 284

  that Ranmaru was a Spell-Collared yokai slave. There was no way she’d want him after knowing that. Right?

  “If you’re talking about the fact that he’s a Spell-Collared yokai slave. I already know.” Orihime informed her, moving her foot up and down through the air.

  Katsumi and Shinichi both gasped at this new news. Kusanagi’s jaw dropped. She knows? Since when?

  “And I also know all about his debt. Your grandfather paid 100,000,000 yen to buy Ranmaru at the Yokai Slave Auction didn’t he? Well, I’m willing to pay you double the amount of 100,000,000 yen for him since you obviously don’t want him. And I’ll take good care of him. Much better than you, obviously. I for one wouldn’t hit him, or punish him. I would treat him like a human being.”

  Kusanagi looked at Ranmaru, “Is this...what you truly want Ranmaru?” Her eyes began to burn. How could he not want this? Wasn’t this the solution to her problem?

  “What do you want, Oujo-sama?” Ranmaru asked her instead, a serious expression on his face, his golden eyes boring into her.

  “What do I want?” Kusanagi seemed taken aback by the question.

  Ranmaru nodded. Because whatever she wants is what I want too.

  “What...I...want...?” Kusanagi bit down on her lower lip. Would it be selfish to say...what I want is you? And what about what Ranmaru really wants? Wouldn’t he be happier with someone like Orihime? Argh! I can’t believe I thought that!

  What’s wrong with me? It’s almost as if I lo-lo-no way in hell! I don’t even like the guy, right? Kusanagi’s mind was about to have another implosion. “I-I-I...”

  Her mask was beginning to crack and Ranmaru saw through it. She wanted him by her side after all. Ranmaru smirked to himself becoming amused by Kusanagi’s hesitation. Really, was it so hard for her to say? Ranmaru’s expression turned both pleased and smug.

  However, Kusanagi’s eyes shuttered and she recomposed herself. “I’ll have to think about your offer Orihime. After all, 200,000,000 yen is a lot of money to pass up.”

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  Orihime smiled knowingly. “Good, you do that.”

  Katsumi looked outraged, “Kusanagi!”

  But before Kusanagi could respond to Katsumi’s outburst-Takumi, the famous fashion designer, suddenly burst through the door to the dressing room. “Taihen! Oh it’s awful!

  There’s trouble! My beautiful!” He declared as he literally twirled and spun into the room. Kusanagi’s eyes widened as she looked Takumi over. This total fruitcake was famous? He had sky-blue hair, obviously dyed, a black beret on the side of his head, rectangular-shaped, black sunglasses on his face, was wearing a black and white striped, form fitting shirt, and a pair of black, skintight leggings - yes leggings. He also had a pair of frickin ballet slippers on his feet and that wasn’t the worst of it. On his back were two giant, blue, sparkly (yes sparkly) butterfly wings. How can that guy go out in public dressed like that?

  Kusanagi wondered in awe.

  “Trouble?” Orihime questioned, a serious expression crossing her face.

  Takumi nodded vigorously, wringing his hands together, and pouting, “There have been three more murders!”

  A heavy silence settled over the group, until-“Three more. I see. Then I’m the only one left.” Orihime said darkly, a somewhat resigned expression coming to her face.

  “Whoa, wait a second here. Three more murders? Who was killed?” Shinichi butt in.

  “Why three more of my models of course! Who else would it be? Now, Akane, Achiko and Akira have all been killed.” Takumi moaned despairingly. “Whatever shall we do?”

  “Models?” Shinichi repeated, “You mean this serial killer that’s been going around targeting beautiful girls recently has just been targeting models?”

  Takumi nodded distractedly, “Yes, but what are we going to do now, Orihime- chan? The show is in less that an hour. And I’m short three models!”

  Kusanagi’s anger, which had been building as Takumi 286

  continued to spout his frivolous nonsense, finally exploded.

  “What the hell? Three innocent people have just been murdered, killed! Death came for them! And all you can think about is some stupid fashion show?” She grabbed Takumi by the front of his stripped shirt and began to shake him violently. Takumi looked afraid of Kusanagi at first but that was until he had his attention solely focused on her. His expression turned from one of fear to sudden interest, and he blinked back at her as if seeing her for the first time. He looked over her outfit from head to toe: her black tank top, beige cargo pants, long black leather jacket, the combat boots, and her signature military hat. His expression turned calculating and then oddly enough he smiled. It was such a creepy smile that Kusanagi suddenly let him go. Takumi rushed off and came back with a measuring tape, which he used to immediately begin taking Kusanagi’s measurements. “Hmm, perfect~ perfect~” He continued to take her measurements and wrapped the measuring tape around Kusanagi’s chest area. “Hmm, a little small but they’ll have to do.”

  Kusanagi kicked Takumi where it hurts, cheeks pink,

  “What was that hentai? Pervert!”

  Takumi grasped his crotch and moaned as he crumpled onto the floor. “I’m sorry, please forgive me. I didn’t meant to offend you. I only meant that you’d be a perfect replacement for one of the models I’m missing.”

  Kusanagi’s jaw dropped. “Model? Me?” Maybe she had kicked him a bit too hard.

  Katsumi however was nodding knowingly. “I always thought Kusanagi had that perfect ‘angry, starved model’ look about her.”

  Kusanagi turned towards Katsumi and began to crack her knuckles, “You what?”

  “Epp. ” Katsumi squeaked and began to back away. Takumi seemed to resurrect once he caught sight of Katsumi and rushed over to her and began taking her measurements with his measuring tape next while nodding approvingly. “Ooo~ You’ve got a perfect figure.”

  Katsumi blushed as he began to take her chest measurements and seemed to freeze up.

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  “Impressive.” Takumi was saying to himself while nodding, “D cup.”

  Kusanagi quickly hit him hard over the head with her fist for that one. “Perv.”

  “Sometimes I get bored when Kusanagi does my job for me.” Ranmaru complained to no one in particular. If he wasn’t going to get to beat up the bad guys what was he even really doing here?

  “I hear ya, bro.” Shinichi patted Ranmaru’s back consolingly.

  Ranmaru had managed to draw the attention of Takumi, who immediately eyed him up and down, a playful smirk forming on his face. “Ooo~ Now how did I miss you, handsome?” He immediately rushed over to Ranmaru on tiptoe and began to take Ranmaru’s measurements as well. Ranmaru’s eye-twitched.

  “Subarashii! Splendid! Se magnific! You are one gorgeous specimen of a man, did you know? I don’t think I’ve ever met a man as impressive as you are. You’re practically…” Takumi began to run a hand up Ranmaru’s leg appreciatively. “Perfect.”
r />   Ranmaru shivered and wondered if Kusanagi would get mad at him if he hit this guy. “Wherever did you find him?”

  “Slave market.” Orihime deadpanned.

  Kusanagi slapped a hand over Orihime’s mouth and began to laugh nervously at Takumi, who was now giving them a piercing stare. “Don’t listen to her, she’s a blonde you know.”

  “Slave market?” Takumi frowned and then shrugged carelessly, “A pity I hadn’t been there.” He gave Ranmaru a teasing smile and a wink. “Now.” He clapped his hands together.

  “Chop, chop, we have a show to put on! Hair! Make-up come!”

  Just then several artsy looking people all dressed in black suddenly appeared ready to perform hair and make-up for Kusanagi and the others. But as Kusanagi was being dragged over to the make-up counter she was having none of this. “Whoa, hang on. What makes you think we’re going to be your models?”

  Takumi smiled and jerked his thumb towards Ranmaru,

  “You know, slavery is illegal these days. Or at least so I’ve 288


  Kusanagi frowned, shit. Kusanagi sighed heavily realizing she really had no choice now but to model for Takumi if she didn’t want him to have Ranmaru taken away from her. So she allowed herself to be led away to have her hair and make-up done along with the others.

  Kusanagi sat down to get her make-up done next to Orihime. “You knew all along didn’t you? That the serial killer was targeting only models. Models that were going to be used for today’s show. And that the serial killer was also targeting you. And yet you still came to do the show today. You must have known the risk you were taking. So...why?”

  “I’m a model.” Orihime began as the make-up artist started to apply lip-gloss to Orihime’s lips. “It’s what I do. I won’t run away just because someone’s trying to kill me. I’ve already made up my mind to do this. I have my pride as a model after all. And I’m a pro. And I will be until the very end.”

  “Your pride may end up being the death of you.”

  Kusanagi said cryptically. Unless I can find someway to stop the Grim Reaper from coming for her...someway to save her. All day today, I kept thinking I saw the Grim Reaper stalking her in the shadows. But he’s right there isn’t he? Kusanagi looked at the Grim Reaper’s shadow that was behind Orihime. So then who was…?

  Orihime nodded. “I know. But I’m already mentally prepared for this – for my final show. I knew the serial killer would try and take my life today because he gave me this...”

  Orihime took out a red envelope. She handed it to Kusanagi, who opened the envelope and pulled out the letter to read it. The words had been written in red ink. Kusanagi didn’t even want to think what that ink might be. The letter read: Today is the day I come for your life, my beautiful flower. Today is the day I will paint you in the most beautiful color there is. No other color suits you, my dear. You should never have worn any other color than the color I chose for you. I want you to always remember that you look loveliest in red…

  Red? Kusanagi blinked as the pieces of the puzzle finally began to fall into place. “You mean to tell me that the serial killer is Akai Shimasaki?”

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  Orihime nodded. “Yes, and this is all my fault. Everyone is dead because of me. Akai warned me about what he would do if I stopped wearing red and stopped being his exclusive model. But I didn’t believe him. I was foolish, naïve, overconfident. He told me I was his model and no one else’s. And that today for the fashion show, which he was so sure he would win, that he would make me the most beautiful red dress to wear.”

  “A dress?” Kusanagi’s interest was piqued.

  Orihime nodded, “Yes, he sent it to me already actually.”

  Orihime stood up and went over to a storage cabinet and pulled out a dress bag. She removed the dress bag to reveal the dress, which was a stunning, red evening gown. It had a sleeveless top, which decorative swirls had been embroidered into with golden thread, and flowing, silken, bell skirts reached the floor that resembled the petals of an upside down camellia flower. Shimmering red stones had also been sewn into the silk fabric, which made the entire dress sparkle and that Kusanagi realized were actually small rubies. The dress really was breathtaking. And the color red that he had used was…unique. Akai really was a genius - even if he was insane.

  The dress took Kusanagi’s breath away. “That color...that color red. I’ve never seen anything like it before. It’s beautiful.”

  She breathed.

  “It’s blood.” Orihime informed her in a low voice.

  “Blood?” Kusanagi croaked.

  Orihime nodded grimly, “It’s been dyed red in the blood of his victims. Soon after he lost the Fashion Competition Akai warned me that I was still his model and that I was only to wear red. And that tonight I had to wear his ultimate creation – or else.” Orihime laughed, a cracking sort of laugh, as if she were on the verge of tears. “I didn’t believe him...I didn’t really think he would kill everyone just because I disobeyed him. But now - I’m the only one left. Tonight he’s going to kill me.”

  Kusanagi seemed surprised by how certain Orihime seemed with her last statement. Orihime knew that Death was coming for her and was ready to face him. This surprised 290

  Kusanagi who for some reason was feeling a new grudging respect for Orihime. Orihime was a brave girl. A girl who was also so certain that she was alone. Kusanagi raised an eyebrow at her. “You don’t plan to wear his dress then?”

  Orihime shook her head, a steely look in her golden eyes,

  “No. I already told you. I’m a pro. Tonight is Takumi’s show. I’m going to wear his clothes tonight because...I love Takumi’s clothes. They’re really beautiful and not limited to one color. He creates clothes in all colors. He’s a true genius.”

  “A genius huh?” Kusanagi turned to see Takumi fawning over Ranmaru and sighed heavily, her eye twitching, “Riiight.”

  She shook her head and her expression turned serious. “You’re wrong about one thing though, Orihime. You’re not alone.”

  Orihime turned and looked at Kusanagi in surprise.


  Kusanagi looked behind her and at the looming shadow of the Grim Reaper that was behind Orihime, and at its smile, which was wide and leering; it was laughing at Kusanagi and she knew this. “And you’re not going to die.” Kusanagi declared, challenging the spirit of Death behind her. Not if I can help it. I won’t let you win, Death.

  Orihime just looked at Kusanagi in surprise, speechless. Kusanagi and the other girls then began to try on the dresses that Takumi had designed, but that was when she noticed that Takumi was still in the room with them. She immediately began to spaz out. “Ack! What the hell are you still doing in here? You pervert!” She quickly hit him over the head.

  “Ow!” Takumi moaned, tears in his eyes, “That hurt. And I don’t see what the harm is, sweetie. We’re all girls here after all.”

  “Girls?” Kusanagi glared at him, “I don’t see any girl. Hmph! Now get out of here and give us some privacy. You too Ranmaru! Mou! Geez! I’m surrounded by boneheads!” Kusanagi shoved both of the men into a separate room and closed the door behind them. She then dusted her hands off.

  Orihime wore an amused expression on her face as she watched Kusanagi’s antics, “Hmm, are you sure that was such a good idea? Sticking Ranmaru and Takumi in a room alone like that?” Orihime began pulling up a pair of stockings. Bitch 291

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  Kusanagi was slipping into a pair of high-heeled shoes.

  “What do you mean?”

  Orihime slapped a hand to her forehead, “You really are dense when it comes to these kinds of things aren’t you? Takumi likes Ranmaru. And Ranmaru tends to act very naive about these sorts of things. Perhaps, even more so than you. Which means Ranmaru could be in danger.”

  Kusanagi’s eyes widened to the size of saucers. “Oh my god! That pervert! He’s go
ing to corrupt Ranmaru!”

  Kusanagi had been so preoccupied with worrying about Ranmaru’s innocence, err, life that she had rushed into the spare dressing room that Ranmaru and Takumi were inside of while wearing nothing but a bra, panties, and a pair of high-heeled shoes. As she stomped her way carelessly inside Ranmaru turned to face her. Kusanagi’s jaw dropped.

  Ranmaru was now fully dressed in one of Takumi’s creations. Ranmaru’s coppery hair had been tied back into his usual ponytail, but this time a black, silk ribbon had been tied into a bow at the nape of his neck. He was wearing a slick, floorlength, black jacket that had the design of a fierce, golden dragon on the back. On the jacket’s sleeves that belled out slightly at the ends, and on the very bottom of the fitted, black, silk pants that Ranmaru was also wearing - a smaller version of the dragon design had been embroidered into the material. The golden thread brought out the gold in Ranmaru’s eyes. And with his trusty katana strapped to Ranmaru’s waist Kusanagi thought that he looked like some kind of futuristic, samurai prince. Kusanagi stopped dead in her tracks and was frozen to the spot.

  I think I’m in love~ Kusanagi’s inner voice piped up. Wow, he looks totally hot. Ack, I so did not just think that!

  Kusanagi gripped her head. Kusanagi shook her head and pulled herself together, wiping a bit of drool from her chin with the back of her hand before frowning at the sight before her. Takumi was stroking Ranmaru’s arm while pretending to examine the fit of the jacket while his other hand was running 292

  down Ranmaru’s spine and towards his ass.

  “You pervert!” Kusanagi declared as she rushed at Takumi and sent a flying sidekick his way. He was flung backwards but Kusanagi wasn’t through just yet in punishing the pervert. Kusanagi leapt on him, like a cat, and straddling him began to punch his face repeatedly. However, since she was half naked and in only a bra and panties, Ranmaru saw fit to point this out to her.

  A slight blush had come to Ranmaru’s cheeks as a result. Cough. “Lady...Kusanagi?”


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