Loving A Firefighter (Loving Series)

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Loving A Firefighter (Loving Series) Page 9

by Susan Leigh Carlton

  Her mother was working. “Have them page me if you learn anything.”

  “Okay, Mom. See you later.”

  She drove to the hospital and was fortunate to find a space near the entrance. She went up to the cardiac floor and Chip’s room where she found Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds and Laurie. She said “Hi” and quickly walked to the bed. “You are scaring me to death. Are you sure you haven’t been feeling anything since you’ve been home?” She turned to the others and said “Would you listen to me? I sound like a wife. Turning back, she said, “I’m sorry honey. I’m beside myself with worry about you. Mom said your surgeon is the best in the city and maybe the state. She’s downstairs and will probably up here later.” With eyes brimming over, she brushed away the tears and said, “It seems as if I’m crying half the time now. I’m turning into a big baby.” She leaned over as far as she could to kiss Chip. The flow of tears increased and cascaded down her cheeks. “I’m sorry, honey. I can’t help it.”

  “To answer the question you asked, just a little short of breath but that was probably just being out of shape.”

  “Oh, darling, you don’t just suppose something when it involves your heart. You get it checked. Don’t you realize you could have died?” The tears came again.

  Laurie came over and put her arm over Carrie’s shoulder and said, “Come on and sit down.”

  She pulled out a handkerchief but Carrie said, “I have one Laurie. Thank you. I’m so glad you guys are here.”

  Carrie went back to the bedside and demanded, “Kiss me properly now.”

  He complied.

  “What time are you scheduled in the morning?”


  “I’ll be here at six then. I want to see you before they take you back.”

  “You don’t have to do that, honey. Mom and Laurie will be here.”

  “I know I don’t have to but I’ll be here because this is where I belong. I want to be here.

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “Carrie, I saw you on TV. You were at an accident scene. You looked and sounded great,” said Laurie.

  “That was on the LBJ. One car cut another off and then got into an adjacent lane and hit another car. It shut down two lanes for quite a while right at the start of rush hour. I haven’t caught a fatality yet, but it’s just a matter of time. I don’t look forward to it.”

  “Chip, Laurie and I are going home. We’ll be here in the morning before they take you back. They’ll probably give you something to make you rest. Carrie, we’ll see you in the morning. Thanks for coming tonight.”

  “Okay, Mrs. Reynolds, drive carefully, and I’ll be here at six. Good night.”

  As they walked down the hall, Mrs. Reynolds said to Laurie, “I really do like Carrie. I think Chip picked a winner. I just hope the surgery goes well and he’s here to enjoy his good fortune.”

  “I do too.”

  After they left, Chip lowered his bed so Carrie could sit on it. She lay by him on the bed. He put his arm out so she could snuggle close to him. Neither said anything. Carrie sat up. “You do know I wasn’t really chastising you? I grew up hearing about medical crises and am tuned in to them. Since the shooting, I have paid attention to every feeling, I look in the mirror to see if my skin is yellowing or any little thing. I’m not a hypochondriac but I am aware of my body.”

  “I’m aware of your body too. I think it is perfect. I’d like to start at the top of your head and kiss you all of the way to your toes.”

  “Well, you just get through this surgery and we’ll make your wish come true.” She looked straight into his eyes. I promised my dad I would not have sex until I was married. She showed him the promise ring. I want you to be the first, and we don’t have to wait until our wedding night. I’m yours all the way, anytime you want me.”

  He looked at the serious expression on her face and realized what she had just told him. He pulled her to him and kissed the top of her head, then the bridge of her nose. He moved down to the warm sweetness of her mouth, her lips parted, letting him inside. He eagerly took advantage of her open lips that tasted so sweet and soft. He traced the outline of her lips with his tongue, then moved inside. A shudder ran through her body.

  He moved his hand inside her sweater and onto her cut away bra. When his fingers touched the bare skin of the breast she could feel the electricity of his touch. As moved his fingers slowly around the mound that was her breast, he cupped her it in his hand and began massaging the nipple, she moaned softly. A warm moisture spread in her core. Breathless, she removed his hand and sat up. It was none too soon, because the nurse came in. Her cheeks flushed. She saw that Chip was blushing also. The nurse would have been an idiot not to notice.

  The nurse left the room. Carrie said, “We need to be careful about that. We could easily be carried away.” She blushed again. “I know it’s hard to believe in this day and age but I just never enjoyed this before. I don’t know why, I just didn’t. I guess seeing all the girls that got pregnant in high school scared me.”

  “You’re right. I want you to have your wish too. I’ll just have to control myself.”

  “That’s going to be difficult if we continue this heavy kissing. It really gets my engine revved up. I’m going to go now and I’ll be here in the morning.” She stood, and then put her hand on the bed. “I’m so weak in the knees, I’m not sure I can walk to the car. It’s a new feeling for me.”

  Chapter 16

  6:00AM The following morning

  Carrie walked into Chip’s room on the cardiac floor of Parkland Hospital. He was awake and looking at the circular swirl pattern on the ceiling. “Hey, you,” she said and was rewarded with a big smile. She smiled back and walked over, bent down and kissed him on the lips. “Are you ready for this?”

  “I don’t know whether I am or not. Frankly, I’m a bit nervous about it. A lot can happen in there and most of it wouldn’t be good. The first time I wasn’t aware of what was going on. This time I’ve had all night to think about it and it scares me.”

  “It scares me too honey and I’ll be there in spirit with you. It scares me to death. I’ll be praying for you the whole time. When you go in, know that and know you have every prayer I have to offer. She was holding his hand and rubbing her thumb across it, feeling the fine hairs atop the tanned skin. The other hand was moving across his palm, feeling the roughness from handling charged fire hoses.

  His nose was buried in her soft hair smelling the summery scent of her shampoo. Her dark hair fell, shimmering in the light from the ceiling fixture.

  He lifted her chin and lightly brushed his finger tips across her lips. She looked at him with sad eyes that reflected her concern for him. “This is an unbelievable woman and she loves me. I am one lucky man to have such a woman care for me,” he thought.

  His mom, dad and sister walked into the room. “Good morning son. How do you feel this morning?” his mother asked.

  Carrie quickly stood and moved back so his family could come close to the bed.

  “I feel fine Mom. I had a restless night but I think that was nerves. I’m okay. Good morning, Dad, good morning Laurie. I appreciate you guys being here. Carrie needs your support, as do I but I’ll be out of it.”

  “Good morning, Carrie,” Laurie and went to her for a hug, followed by her mother. Mr. Reynolds came over and took her into his strong arms. She wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders.

  “I’m glad you guys are here. Having family around helps and you are such a nice family. I envy you that. My family was always Mom, Jonathan and me. Chip is so lucky to have you in his corner.”

  Just then, Carrie’s mother walked in, wearing her nurse’s uniform. “I was able to get somebody to cover for me after all. Good morning Chip, Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds. Turning her head slightly, she said, “You must be Laurie. Carrie told me how pretty you were but she didn’t do you justice.” Turning to Carrie, “How are you holding up, honey?”

  Carrie rushed into her mother’s waiting arms. �
�Oh Mom…I’m so glad you made it. I was hoping you could get a cover. I really need you with me.”

  A nurse and an orderly came in. both wearing scrubs. “It’s time to go. After we get him ready, two of you can come back to pre-op and stay until he goes into the OR. I’ll come get you. Can you move to the stretcher or do you need help?”

  Chip said, “I can do it, but first I want to kiss my girl good bye.” He kissed Laurie with a soft lingering kiss. Then he turned and hugged his family and Mrs. Evans. They rolled him down the hall toward the swinging doors that led to the pre-op space.

  Carrie hugged her mother tightly. “Mom, I’m so scared, Mom. I couldn’t stand it if anything went wrong.”

  “I know sugar, but he’s in good hands. They don’t come any better than Dr. Walters.”

  Ten minutes later, the nurse came back. “It’s pretty quiet back there. All of you can come with me. She led them through the swinging doors and to an area with twenty stretchers separated by curtains that could be drawn around the bed for privacy. Chip was dressed in one of the revealing hospital gowns; his clothes were now in a clear plastic bag and were under the bed. There was an IV in a vein in his left hand, dripping a saline solution.

  “Stand up. I want to see your gown in back,” said Laurie.

  “In your dreams, sis.”

  Carrie went to the other side of the bed and was held his hand, slowly massaging it.

  The anesthesiologist came and explained the procedure to Chip, “I will give you a shot to relax you and it will probably make you a bit sleepy. In the OR, you will be transferred to the operating table. A mask will be put over your nose and mouth to put you to sleep. You’ll wake up in the recovery room and it will all be over.”

  Dr. Walters came in and greeted everyone. Are you ready for this? We’re going to be using the da Vinci Robot with a Robo snake. It sounds weird but it is really very effective. You’ll only have one incision in the chest so your recovery will be fairly rapid. I’ll see you in the OR and we’ll get you all fixed up.”

  “He makes it sound like a walk in the park doesn’t he?” said Carrie.

  “He certainly sounded confident about it., came from Mrs. Reynolds.

  Carrie’s mother said, “He should be. He usually does several of these each weak. He’s very competent and an outstanding surgeon. We’re really lucky to have him here on staff.”

  An OR orderly came for Chip and rolled him to the operating suite, leaving behind a worried family and fiancé.

  They moved to the Cardiac Surgical Waiting Room and sat, not knowing how long the wait would be. There was a small amount of conversation, all were worried and were reluctant to discuss openly the extent of their concern.

  A report was given each hour by a nurse from the OR. The first two reports carried no real information. The surgery was proceeding; the patient is doing fine and so on. The third report indicated the patient was on cardio pulmonary by-pass, the robotic penetration had been achieved. The doctor was proceeding with the capture of the foreign object. The fourth report was more of the same, the doctor was proceeding. The next report said capture was achieved and the robosnake would pull the bullet out and da Vinci would remove it. The sixth report said everything was complete. The doctor would be out to talk with them as soon as monitoring of the heart performance indicated stability.

  It was another hour before Doctor Walters came out. Chip’s mother and dad were to go in with the doctor, but they asked if Carrie could come in also. Dr. Walters said, “Chip had tolerated the procedure well. He should be taken to recovery fairly soon. They would be able to see him as before in CICU, two at a time. The prognosis was optimistic for full recovery.

  Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds thanked him; Carrie asked if she could hug him. He held his arms and she hugged him tightly. “Thank you doctor. This is twice you have saved his life and mine at the same time.”

  He said, “It will be a minimum of an hour before he goes to ICU, so I’d suggest you get something to eat and unwind.” Thanks came from all and he left the room. The much relieved family and Carrie returned to the waiting area to relate what the doctor had told them.

  They left word with the desk they would be in the cafeteria. Mrs. Evans identified herself as a nurse from the ER and gave her pager number so she could be paged if anything of consequence came up.

  The relieved group got on the elevator to go to the cafeteria. The conversation was more animated and excited than prior to the surgery. It was as if a big gray elephant had been removed from her shoulders. As they left the elevator, her mother placed her arm on her shoulders and said, “I’m so happy for you baby. Maybe your life can return to some semblance of normal.”

  “Thanks Mom and thanks again for being here. It helped me tolerate the procedure too.” They both laughed.

  Chapter 17

  After eating, the group made their way back to the waiting area and informed the attendant they were back in the area.

  Ninety minutes after they had talked with the doctor, they were informed that Chip was in the CICU and two of them would be able to see him. As he had previously, Mr. Reynolds deferred to Carrie and his wife. After they left for the CICU, Carrie’s mother sat next to Chip’s dad and said, “That is most unselfish of you to allow Carrie to go in. It means a lot to her and I know she appreciates your offer. Thank you for it.”

  Laurie said, “He’s always been that way. He never thinks of himself first. Chip is a lot like Dad in that respect.

  “You’re a lucky girl to have such a dad. I wish Carrie had.”

  Carrie and Mrs. Reynolds were prepared for what they would see when they were gowned, gloved and led to the bedside. There were not nearly as many tubes and lines as the first surgery. They had known the robotic surgery only required a single incision and provided for quick healing and significantly less risk of infection.

  They approached the bed, where Chip lay dozing. Carrie took a hand in her gloved hand and began massaging it. His eyes came open and looked around. Carrie smiled and said “You came through all right, darling. It’s all over.” She squeezed his hand and received a return squeeze. “Your mother is on the other side.”

  He rolled his eyes in his mother’s direction and said a raspy “Hi Mom.”

  She answered with a great deal of emotion in her voice, “Hello son.” She took his other hand, carefully avoiding the IV and clasped it in both her hands. “You did great, son. Your dad and sister are outside and both are so relieved. We were all worried.”

  She made a motion with her head as a signal to Carrie to talk with him. Carrie smiled her thanks and said, “All through it I could feel myself in the room with you. I knew you were all right and were coming back to me.”

  He smiled and squeezed her hand. His eyes drifted shut. They left the room to wait their next visiting opportunity.

  * * *

  “Mrs. Reynolds, I’m going to check in the morning, and if he is still doing well, I think I’ll go back to work.”

  “That sounds fine, dear. Listen, we have to come up with something else for you to call me. Mrs. Reynolds sounds so formal. Would you call me Ellie?”

  “If you like but I’d prefer something that shows more respect. How about Miss Ellie.”

  “You never saw Dallas did you?”

  “Oh, you mean the TV show. If I did, I don’t remember it.”

  “JR’s mother was called Miss Ellie.”

  “How about Mrs. R?”

  “That will work. It also solves what you should call Tom.”

  “Hey how about that? Now, what’s our next obstacle?”

  “Are you sure you still want to have anything to do with this star-crossed family?”

  “More than ever.”

  “You’re going to fit right in. We like to tease and I’ve seen evidence that you are the same way.”

  “Yes ma’am, sometimes my mouth gets me in trouble. Some of the things pop out with my even thinking about it. Mom’s not good at it. She doesn’t know if I’m s
erious or joking.”

  “Mom’s not good at what?”

  “You shouldn’t sneak up on people like that. You’re not good at teasing.”

  “I have to admit to that. Sometimes, I have no idea what you are talking about.”

  “Mom, if Chip is okay in the morning, I’m going back to work. Mrs. Tomkins told me to take as long as I need, but if he’s okay, I’d just as soon get back at it. You or Mrs. R can let me know if everything is okay.”

  “Carrie! You shouldn’t call her that. I’m ashamed of you.”

  “Don’t be”, said Mrs. Reynolds. We just agreed on that. She wanted to call me Miss Ellie.”

  “Carrie, you didn’t.”

  “Yes I did, I didn’t see anything wrong with it until she told me about Dallas and JR.”

  “I’m glad you ruled that out, Ellie.”

  “Chip and Tom would have gotten a laugh out of it. They both watched Dallas.”

  Tom and Laurie came back in from their ten minute visit. “Was he awake?” Ellie asked.

  “Off and on,” Laurie said. The nurse told us he would probably move to a regular room tomorrow unless something unexpected happens. She said da Vinci patients that have heart surgery usually are dismissed in four to seven days. That’s incredible.”

  Cheryl Evans said, “Since there was only one incision and they didn’t have to crack the chest, recovery is much faster. If they had done open heart, it would have been three to six weeks with a long healing time. The surgeons really like da Vinci. They’ve been using it for by-passes for some time now.”

  “We really live in marvelous times,” Laurie said.

  “That we do,” replied Tom.

  * * *

  At seven the next morning, Carrie called the CICU. She identified herself as Cheryl Evans’s daughter and Chip’s fiancé said, “I left last night about nine. How is he doing this morning?.”

  “Just a minute, sugar, I’ll check.” A pause followed.

  “He had a good night. The anesthetic hasn’t fully worn off, so he is still sleeping most of the time. His signs are good.


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