Loving Ranger

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Loving Ranger Page 10

by J. C. Wilder

  “Bein’ mouthy I guess,” she mumbled.

  The E.M.T. crouched beside her and laughed. “If that’s illegal you should’ve been arrested years ago.” She whipped out a small flashlight and started her exam.

  Sissy dutifully answered all of the questions she was asked though she fussed when Connie insisted upon putting her in a neck brace. By the time they had her secured to the gurney and wrapped in a cotton blanket, she was more than ready to wheel herself out if she had to.

  Once they left the room the voices were louder. Cops lined the hallway with a few suit guys sprinkled in for good measure. A number of familiar faces crowded around her, and she felt several people touch her on the leg or shoulder as she was wheeled past. They were halfway through the building before she heard Jace’s voice.

  “How the hell would I know, Ryan? I learned about it the same time you did.”

  He knew.

  Despair washed over her. Lying flat on her back she couldn’t see anything other than the ceiling unless someone stepped in close the gurney. Tears burned her eyes.

  “Is the kid yours, Detective Diver?” She recognized Agent No-Neck’s voice. “According to the rumors, she’s a very popular girl. Chances are good she doesn’t know who knocked her up.”

  The air left her body in a rush, and a dull roar filled her ears. Connie leaned over looking concerned, and Sissy felt the weight of numerous gazes fixed on her. The E.M.T. was shouting and waving her arms as the overhead lights passed more quickly. She caught a quick glimpse of Jace’s face, and the only thing that registered was his anger. Over and over she heard her mother’s voice playing in her head.

  Women like us don’t have a chance at happily ever after, kid, you’d best get over that idea now.

  He was going to be a father.

  Jace stroked his thumb over Sissy’s knuckles. She was sleeping now, and her color was much better than it had been. As long as he lived he’d never forget the horrible emptiness in her eyes as she was whisked down the hall. Her forehead was bruised, and a small white bandage covered the three stitches she’d received. The doctors had assured him both she and the baby would be fine.

  No thanks to Nobs. He scowled. That kid better hope he had nine lives because Jace planned on beating at least five out of him. Ryan let it slip that he’d probably lose his job over this. The city attorneys went ballistic when they heard a pregnant woman had been shot with a Taser.

  As for himself, the best case scenario would be a suspension without pay and mandatory anger management classes. If things didn’t go his way he could possibly lose his jobInternal Affairs was already looking into the incident, and he’d find out soon enough. Being a cop was more than just a job to him, it was his identity, his passion. He’d never wanted to do anything else. His training had turned him into a predator and for the first time in his career, he’d almost taken a life with his bare hands.

  You’re beautiful, every inch of you.

  He smiled. Sissy did have a way with words.

  At least his family was still behind him. Cowboy accidently locked Sanders and Riker in the staging area of the sally port. He swore he didn’t know how the audio and video feeds came unplugged, leaving them stranded for several hours. Johnny mentioned calling the exterminators because he’d seen a few mice scurrying around just that morning.

  Jace couldn’t help but wonder if those same mice were wearing police uniforms.

  Over the past couple of hours his initial anger had faded. Other than Jorge’s late night visit, everything Riker dug up had happened years ago when Sissy was only seventeen years old. Yeah, she’d made some pretty serious mistakes, but she was a stronger woman for them. He smiled. Besides, having someone around who knew how to treat a knife wound could be pretty handy.

  “Are ya laughin’ at me?”

  He jerked and his gaze met hers. Circles marred the pale skin beneath her eyes and there was a wariness in her beautiful cat’s eyes. “You’re awake. How are you feeling?”

  “F-fine.” And just like that she was in tears.

  Growing up with Josie and Gem, he was used to the hormonal ups and downs of women but he’d never seen one dissolve into tears quite as fast as Sissy did. He lowered the side rails on the bed then gently scooted her over to make room for himself. When she threw herself into his arms she almost pushed him off the side of the bed.

  “Easy, Sis.” He cradled her against his chest. “It’s going to be okay, I promise.”

  As he stroked her back she started talking. With her face buried against his chest he couldn’t understand most of what she was saying, but he didn’t care as he was content to hold her. It wasn’t until he heard her say she was stupid that he decided enough was enough. He caught her chin and forced her head back until he could see her face.

  “I don’t ever want to hear you say that again, do you hear me?”

  “But I was stupid to—”

  “Hey, what did I just say?” He waited until she looked him in the eyes. “There is nothing stupid or foolish about you, Sissy. You were a young girl stuck in a bad situation and you did what you thought was right.”


  “No buts.” He shook his head. “Everyone makes mistakes that they regret.”

  She sniffed. “Yeah but not everyone becomes a s-stripper.”

  “And for that I am truly thankful.” He laughed. “Can you image Maude Partridge working the pole, wearing her support hose?”

  Sissy fought not to smile and he laughed even harder when she lost the battle.

  “Jason Diver, you’re a very bad man.”

  “That I am.” Even with red eyes and a runny nose she was still beautiful to him.

  “But, I want to explain somethin’. I paid Jorge back—”

  “I already know, Sis. LT showed me some photocopies of the cancelled checks.” He kissed her soft lips. “You don’t owe me any explanations.”

  “Oh, Ranger,” she whispered. Fresh tears began to fall.

  “Hey now, what’s that about? Why are you crying again?” He kissed them away.

  “I wanted to be the one to tell ya about the baby. I’m so sorry ya found out the way ya did. And ya have every right to be mad at me.”

  “Yeah, that was a shock,” he admitted. “I wish you’d told me when you found out, but I understand why.” Jace gently tucked her hair behind her ear. “I think the best thing we can do is to start with a clean slate from right here in this luxurious bed at Haven General Hospital. You and I have made some pretty serious mistakes, and it’s not good for us to keep beating ourselves up over them.”

  “Agreed.” She snuggled close, and he laid his cheek against the crown of her head. “So, you’re not mad that I’m pregnant and all?”

  “Sissy, will you quit?”

  She laughed. “Okay, okay. I’ve been thinking of names, ya know.”

  “Oh, yeah? Come up with anything you like?”

  “How do ya feel about Henrietta?”

  He snorted. “As in hippo?”

  “No.” She poked him in the stomach. “I like that name.”

  “Uh uh, no way. We are not naming our daughter after a big, gray animal from a children’s show.”

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake,” she huffed. “How about Penelope?”

  He made a game-show buzzer sound. “Another cartoon character.”

  “Well, smarty, come up with one to throw in the mix.”


  “Carrie? Ain’t she the one that went crazy at the prom and killed everybody?” She made a rude sound. “Next.”

  “Had a girlfriend named Monica—”

  “I’m not namin’ my child after your ex-girlfriend, Ranger.” She shoved out of his arms to glare at him. “So ya just get that idea right outta your head.”


  “Her neither.” Sissy swung her legs over the side of the bed. “I can see I’m gonna have to do this one myself. Namin’ a baby after an old girlfriend, well, I never…ah.”

  Jace hauled her back into his arms and gently tickled her until she was laughing. “Sissy Kolchek, have I ever mentioned how much I love you?”

  Her gray eyes softened. “No, as a matter of fact, ya haven’t.”

  “Mmm, you’ll have to remind me later—” His words were cut off when she shoved the pillow in his face. He pushed it away. “What was that for?”

  “’Cause you’re talkin’ when ya should be kissin’.”

  “Now that’s an idea I agree with.”

  Sissy could care less if people didn’t like her outspoken personality because she’d found everything she’d ever need in Ranger’s arms.


  Ahna Hart fingered the heavy white envelope. It had arrived via Fed Ex two days ago though she’d yet to open it. Her half-sister, Pip, forwarded it to her rather than give the lawyer her mailing address. She was grateful for that as the less people knew about her the safer she’d be. Of course the million-dollar question was, why was a lawyer from Haven, Ohio looking for her?

  It wasn’t like she’d ever lived there. Her biological mother and half-siblings still resided in the small town, but she had limited contact with Pip, one of her half-sisters. If it weren’t for her grandmother’s photos, Ahna would’ve thought she’d never been there before. But Granny Hart had been a meticulous woman. She’d recorded the dates and locations on the back of each one along with the identities of the subjects. Those faded images evoked no more emotion in Ahna than a random picture in a magazine.

  She had been in Haven, several times in fact, but she had no memory of it. Then again, whole chunks of her life were missing. Somewhere, locked in the depths of her broken mind, thirteen years of memories were hidden. Images came back to her in her dreams, and they’d only served to convince her that those years were not worth remembering.

  Intellectually, she knew what had gone on during that time but her relationship to those years was no more real to her than a movie she’d once watched. Ahna knew she’d much rather have a black hole in her mind than to recall the nightmare she’d lived. Her therapist called it retrograde amnesia though Ahna had another name for it.


  About the Author

  To learn more about J.C. Wilder, please visit www.jcwilder.com. Send an email to J.C. at [email protected] or join her newsletter list by sending a blank email to [email protected].

  Look for these titles by J.C. Wilder

  Now Available:

  Winter’s Daughter

  In the Gloaming

  Thief of Hearts

  Stone Hearts, Paradox III

  Deep Waters, Paradox II

  Sacrifice, Paradox I

  Shadow Dwellers: Tempt Not the Cat

  Shadow Dwellers: Reckoning

  Men of SWAT: Kissing Cowboy

  Their first kiss melted her resistance, their second one melted his heart.

  Kissing Cowboy

  © 2010 J.C. Wilder

  She’s a woman with a plan…

  From childhood, Payton ‘Pip’ Whittier has loved Jeff ‘Cowboy’ Diver. Even after he publicly humiliated her and forced her to leave town, he’s the one man she can’t erase from her heart.

  Nine years have passed and Pip has returned to the scene of the crime, her hometown of Haven, Ohio. This time, she’s determined to rid her system of Cowboy, once and for all. He’s a man determined to thwart her every move…

  When Cowboy sees Pip at the local bar, he’s floored by the changes in his one-time best friend. The shy, sweet girl has been replaced with a sexy-as-hell woman in red stilettos. Years ago they’d shared a tender moment, one that changed irrevocably their lives.

  This is his one chance to convince her to give him one more—even if it means his heart could be crushed under her lethal high heels.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Kissing Cowboy:

  Police Officer Suffocated by Mini Skirt.

  Not exactly the way he wanted to end his career.

  His gaze traced the length of her long, shapely legs. Wincing, Jeff shifted in his chair trying to find a more comfortable position. Payton Whittier aroused quite a few feelings in him, and none of them was remotely brotherly.

  Forcing himself to look away, he stifled a groan. If her tiny skirt wasn’t up to finishing him off, he’d just discovered what would.

  Cherry red.

  Four-inch high.

  Fuck-me heels.

  Death by Stiletto, what a way to go...

  Jace jerked him back to reality by punching him in the arm. “You’re doing it again.”

  “Damn it, bro.” Frustrated, Jeff ran his hand through his hair. “I have no business looking at Pip that way.”

  “Why not? She’s smoking hot.”

  “She’s practically our little sister, and it just isn—”

  “Who are you trying to fool, Cowboy?” Jace gave him a cutting look. “You were the one who got caught playing doctor with her.” He shrugged. “We’re grown up now and, let’s face it, she’s a hottie with a naughty body.”

  “Watch it.”

  Jace grinned, totally unrepentant. “What can I say? I like the ladies.”

  “Well, you just watch which lady you’re going to like next,” Jeff growled. “If I catch you looking at the wrong one I’ll kick your ass.”

  Feeling someone’s gaze on him, he looked up to see it was Ryan. Having spent the first nine years of his life on a reservation with his shaman grandfather, Ryan had a high level of spook factor. Jeff was pretty sure he could read minds, or at least it felt like it sometimes.

  “What, Ry?”

  Something dark flashed in Ryan’s black eyes then it was gone. Without a word, he rose and stalked away.

  “What was that about?” Jace spoke to no one in particular.

  The sound of Pip’s laughter sent a blaze of heat straight to his groin. Kent was practically wrapped around her again, staring at her breasts as if they were on the menu. Pushing him away, more forcefully this time, she spun around on one slender heel. Watching that damned skirt lift then resettle again, he exhaled. He could only hope she was wearing underwear.

  His cock grew harder.

  Great big, full-coverage granny panties.

  Were his jeans shrinking?

  Industrial grade, white with no trim.

  Frustrated, he rubbed his jaw. His cock didn’t care if she wore ballistic undergarments. Putting Pip and underwear in the same sentence was enough to kick-start his libido. He glared at his crotch.

  Damned fine time for you decide to come out and play.

  With his crotch on fire and the overwhelming urge to punch every guy who’d spoken to her, he realized that he might have picked the wrong Whittier after all.

  Cowboy was still watching her.

  Picking up her cocktail, Pip drained the glass. Four years of college and five years working her way up the food chain in Chicago had done nothing to kill her unrequited lust for him. Not that she’d let him know that.

  Picking up her cue, she moved into position. Miranda mentioned he seemed to have a thing for her legs. Whatever body part it was, she definitely had his attention so she might as well use it to her advantage. Pretending to concentrate on the table, she reached for the cue ball on the opposite side. Holding her breath, she prayed her skirt didn’t give up the ghost and expose her ass. Her goal accomplished, she turned away and felt a faint rumble beneath her feet.

  Hopefully it was his jaw.

  Moving to the head of the table, she noticed Cowboy was now standing. Damn, he seemed so much bigger…upright. Her palms grew damp. He’d always been a good-looking kid but, as a man, he was sex on a stick. With his broad shoulders and heavily muscled chest, she couldn’t help but wonder what he’d look like naked. Did he have a six-pack? Twelve-pack?

  Your sister would know in spades.

  Pip winced. Hell, even her inner monologue was against her.

  Their gazes clashed, and she felt it all the way down to her toes. Th
ose pale blue eyes of his, so startling against his dark skin, pierced her flesh. She experienced the oddest sensation of him stripping her bare, exposing every little secret she struggled to keep hidden from the world.

  She looked away, then almost immediately looked back. What she would give to know what was going on behind those unearthly eyes of his. Licking her lips, the light shifted and his eyes darkened to a fierce, stormy blue. While she’d never seen that particular look directed at her before, her body recognized its meaning.


  The muscles in her lower body loosened, lengthened, and the flesh between her thighs grew damp. Struck by the inexorable urge to go to him, Pip flexed her hand and dug her nails into her palm. The sharp little pain jerked her out of the spell he’d cast upon her. Turning away, feminine power, unlike anything she’d ever experienced, exploded in her gut.

  Had a man ever watched her with such naked hunger?

  Not even close.

  With shaky hands she could barely focus on the layout of the table. She heard Kent say something behind her, but she didn’t care what it was. The jerk was probably looking at her ass again. She’d never liked him when he and her brother, Rand, had hung out together in school, and she liked him even less as an adult.

  With a satisfying crack, the cue ball struck its target sending it into the corner pocket. Talk about luck. With Jeff watching her she couldn’t concentrate let alone play a proper game.

  Coming around the table to stand directly in front of Cowboy, her body vibrated with tension. Pretending to consider the best plan of attack, she bent slightly and her rear end came into contact with something warm, hard and definitely male. She didn’t have to look to know it was him. She recognized his scent. Soap, warm skin and something musky tugged at her senses.

  Turning, she noted the tightness of his jaw and his hooded gaze. With his arms crossed over his chest, he literally towered over her. Up close his eyes were darker and they burned with a heat that sent shivers straight to the apex of her thighs.


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