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RockYourSoul Page 5

by Sara Brooks

  She nodded.

  He’d had a few subs before who hadn’t liked Master, mostly because it walked too close to the Master-slave line they weren’t willing to cross. Even he had his own hard limits and wasn’t completely inflexible. Undoubtedly, her former Dom had simply demanded to be called Master because he felt as if he had the right.


  He reached out and skimmed his fingers over the curve of her jaw again. His other hand lifted, threading through her hair as he felt her body tremble, then relax. The conditioning touch seemed to ground her so he decided to continue to employ it. He’d used the technique before on a few skittish subs.

  It would be a perfect complement to her training.

  The sound system made a faint whirring noise before the playlist he’d queued up started to play. Hard driving music filled the space and he breathed deep, knowing he had the wherewithal to be the steady-handed Dom she needed him to be.

  Just another day in the office.


  “Yes Sir.”

  Chapter Five

  Music throbbed from all sides, pulsing against her body. It felt so comforting after the moment of panic she’d experienced. She should have realized a Dom of Ryan’s caliber would have devices she’d have to confront again. The cold hard callousness of the metal wasn’t something she’d been prepared for. Talk about having the wind taken from your sails.

  She shouldn’t have been surprised—he didn’t seem like the type to skimp.

  The fact he had a cage meant he had a lot of experience. The level of commitment to his craft was exactly what she needed. What she was looking for. She wasn’t opposed to heavy-duty equipment. Her familiarity simply hadn’t been the greatest because of her choice in Masters. She’d known she would face this when she’d decided to step back into this world, so she had no right to feel so off kilter about the fact the cage was there.

  “The room is soundproofed. So you can make as much noise as you like.”

  She immediately blushed as Ryan circled around her. “I’m not usually…I mean, I don’t usually make much sound during sex. Ethan didn’t like to hear anything unless he specifically demanded it of me. Usually only when he watched someone else with me.” She couldn’t remember the last time she’d vocalized her pleasure during a scene, much less during sex.

  “Really? Shame. I’ll take that as a personal challenge to show you just how fun being loud can be.” He stopped in front of her, his thumb tracing the inside of her wrist just above the leather cuff. The movement caused her to focus as he started to lift the hem of her shirt.

  She exhaled slowly, a ripple of pleasure spearing through her when he made contact with her abdomen. Her brain seemed to be at war with her pussy. Part of her wanted him to strip off her clothes just to get this whole thing over with, but the other part wanted him to be slow and seductive.

  He seemed to find a balance between the two as he unhurriedly stripped her shirt away. Those skilled hands of his traced over the lines of her chest, pausing to draw a circle around each of her nipples as he pulled away her bra. “Have you ever worn a rope harness?”

  “No. Ethan preferred less forgiving means of restraint.” Heavy, thick chains had haunted her dreams for a few months after she’d left. She’d worn his marks for days after one of their scenes because of his affinity for such heavy implements.

  Before him, she’d always wondered what it would be like to wear the mark of her Dom. After she’d discovered the answer, she’d found the thought disgusted her because of the unspoken implication. Ethan’s marks meant he owned her—not just in mind but also in body. Everyone had known she was his. The pain and discomfort of his marks also left her with the sense of being possessed. A feeling she hated.

  Except now.

  For a reason she knew she would have to examine later, she welcomed the thought of Ryan leaving his mark on her. It seemed totally in contradiction about what she’d thought of herself after everything she’d been through. To the long-healed wounds still marking her body.

  Maybe she really was a sadist.

  “If I tie you up will it be another trigger?”

  “No. I’m fine.” Something inside her wanted to please him. His stern look forced her to genuinely smile. “Really.”

  He nodded, accepting her assurance. His calloused palms skimmed over her hips as he moved her jeans down and away. Her pussy won the war finally because she suddenly wanted to know how it would feel to have those workman’s fingers thrusting inside her. She even wondered what it would be like to drench those fingers as she came.

  A gentle pinch brought her back to here and now. The thin line his lips formed signaled he wasn’t pleased. “Sorry, Sir.”

  “I’d prefer to make you get carried away, not have you do it yourself.” He leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to the outside of her hip. She blinked, surprised at the intimacy of the act. “Your ink is gorgeous. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such impeccable work.”

  His hand fanned out over the tattoo marking her entire left side from arm to hip. The warmth of his fingers tracing the intricate pattern of gears and rusted metal done in shades of brown caused her to exhale slowly to control her racing heart. “Whoever did this work is a genius. They’ve made it look as if your skin is peeled back at the edges to show all of this. As if you’re giving a peek at what makes you tick.”

  “Thank you. My grandfather paid for it as my graduation present. I was on a steampunk kick at the time. Well before anyone knew what the hell steampunk even was.”

  “Well, I have no idea what it is either, but you obviously did, so that’s what matters.” His warm lips pressed against the center of the area before he stood again, moving around behind her. “Not to mention it draws the eyes away from these.” The tips of his fingers traced over the knots of damaged skin lacing her back.

  She swallowed, fighting the urge clenching at her stomach to step away from his touch. The memory of how she’d earned the marks caused bile to rise, the acidic taste burning her throat.

  Surely he wouldn’t want to continue now. Not after seeing how her skin was marred with such an ugly disfiguration. Permanent marks, which couldn’t be erased no matter how hard she tried.

  Horror rolled through her as his palms pressed against her lower back where the damage had been the worst. Her shoulders hunched, the muscles of her calves tightening as she prepared to run as far away as she could. His hands rested lightly against her skin, the warmth radiating between their bodies. Terror expanded to the farthest points of her body despite her best efforts to keep the fear at bay.

  I can do this, dammit. He is not going to control the rest of my life. I deserve to enjoy this again.

  “Yes, Beth, you do deserve to enjoy this.” The pressure of Ryan’s hands increased, her breath hitching as she cringed with the realization she’d spoken out loud. “But unless you relax, I can’t admire the rest of this gorgeous body you’ve presented me with.”

  What the…had he just complimented her during a scene?

  His thumbs moved slowly against the worst of her scars and she managed to pull in a breath. Another. And another. Her heart rate finally began to settle, her lungs no longer burning from her panic. One of his abrasive fingers traced the longest of her scars, a reminder from Ethan about what happened when she dared talk back.

  She heard the soft slide of leather against metal and automatically jerked her wrist away from his probing hands. Those weren’t scars she was willing to share, no matter how complimentary Ryan was being. “I don’t take them off.”

  “Did he give you these?”

  “No.” When his eyebrows lifted, she turned her wrist so the buckles faced away from him. A signal she didn’t want to talk about the bracelets.

  “All right. You can keep these on. For now.” Her chilly skin began to warm as he patiently stroked his fingers over the other scars marking her flesh. The intimate touch was pleasant, rousing an unexpected tingle that bounced around between
his touch and her pussy. Her blood heated, melting her apprehension he would push the issue about the cuffs hiding the skin underneath.

  He moved around in front of her, his fingers slowly traveling up her body. His thumb and forefinger closed around her nipple, pinching gently as he rolled it between his fingers. Heat sparked hot, her clit twitching at the thought of how it would feel to have his fingers pressing there.

  “Close your eyes, Beth.”

  Her heart hitched, but she complied, wanting more. As she started to wonder what he planned, his firm lips brushed against hers. His tongue caressed her lips, his contact growing more insistent until she finally parted to open for him.

  He nipped at her bottom lip, the sting of his teeth a delicious agony that caused a tingle to flare to life low in her abdomen. He seemed to know the effect he had on her body, exploiting her slowly building arousal by kissing her as if he had no plans for anything more.

  Her world narrowed to where he made contact with her mouth and nipples.

  His tongue stroked leisurely into her mouth, the soft hair on his face tickling her cheeks, chin and lips. Each unhurried stroke of both his tongue and fingers awakened her body in a way she’d never experienced before.

  His mouth was pure fucking magic.

  Her lips burned as he pulled away, her body reaching for him as her clit began to painfully throb from the lack of attention. She blinked in astonishment at the foreign sensation of her body aching for more. She thought she’d wanted him before, but holy hell her clit was thumping in time with her heartbeat. This heady neediness in the lower half of her body was entirely foreign to her.

  For the first time in her life she felt…wanted.

  The corners of his mouth turned up. “Be right back.”

  He left her standing there, legs wobbling as he went to a small wooden chest and knelt. Curious about what secrets the chest held, she watched as he lifted out a stack of neatly bundled nylon ropes. As he grouped the bundles together, the pristine white a sharp contrast to the dark-wood flooring, her stomach tied in knots. Despite her anxiety, she found it almost impossible to keep her gaze off the cording as he picked up the pile.

  Kneeling before her again, he looked up. “Spread your legs a little for me.”

  He began looping one long length, folding the rope over itself to form a knot. Kneeling, he caressed the inside of her ankle with his thumb and gently lifted her foot to slide the loops around her skin. The circle tightened to fit around her ankle before he measured off the length he wanted, tapping his finger on the inside of her opposite leg to widen her stance. He formed another set of loops, tied them off and secured them around her other ankle.

  She found herself fascinated as she watched him work. His face was relaxed, smoothing out the lines at the corners of his eyes. He seemed to take extreme pride in his careful work. A thrill of anticipation shuddered through her.

  Arriving at the end of the length of rope, he reached for another piece and tied it off before looping it around her leg. Her body seemed to come alive with each knot he made. Had she known this was what it felt like to be tied up by someone who had your best interests in mind, she may have sought out someone to do this sooner.

  Then again, if she had, she wouldn’t have the opportunity to experience Ryan’s mastery.

  Ryan worked quietly, brushing her leg or positioning her where he wanted as he continued to loop and tie off the knots. His eyes seemed to glaze over as he continued to work. A calming sensation washed over her as she realized she’d heard about this in quiet rumblings around the club.


  Ryan’s hand brushed against her face, snapping her back from her own warm, hazy state. His eyes had cleared and he even wore a bit of a smile as his thumb brushed over her cheek. He’d woven the rope in a decorative style around her body, including lifting and separating her breasts. The rope caused her skin to become so hypersensitive every time she shifted, she felt rope slide against her naked skin.

  As Ryan stepped back to admire his handiwork, Beth realized she liked seeing the particular look in his eyes. The hunger in his gaze trumped anything Ethan had ever forced on her. That look enforced the feeling of safety and security with Ryan. Maybe it even explained why she wanted things from him she’d never wanted before. He made her want to push on boundaries she thought were completely off limits because of Ethan and his friends.

  He tugged on a cord hanging from the ceiling and two long strips of vivid blue fabric dropped, the extra length pooling on the ground. As the shiny fabric unfurled, she wondered what he could possibly have planned for the strips.

  Her answer came a few seconds later when he stepped closer. He stopped when she was about an arm’s length away, pushing one of the panels behind him. His hand closed around each of her wrists, lifting her arms so they were parallel to her body. He began to wrap the fabric around her wrists, right over her cuffs, using some of the same techniques he’d used with the rope. He also layered the fabric a few inches each time he circled her forearm, continuing the process until her arm from wrist to elbow was completely encased in the fabric.

  The dark blue complemented the tan she’d gotten from an extended trip to her grandparents’ home in southern Florida. He wrapped her other arm in the same fashion, the luxurious texture of the fabric caressing her skin, which caused her to sigh softly in pleasure.

  “Well, finally some noise. That’s a start, at least.”

  She felt her cheeks heat. “Sorry.”

  His fingers curled under her chin. “Don’t apologize for liking something. Ever. Understood? I meant what I said earlier. A personal challenge.” He winked as his lips twitched.

  “Yes Sir.”

  He backed away, gesturing. “Now, bend forward and let the drapes take your weight.” She did as instructed, bracing against the cloth wrapped around her forearms. The fabric tightened, but only enough to take her weight, just as he’d said. The knots he’d tied distributed the force so she felt nothing but the silky fabric. The smooth texture caressed her skin, gliding against her sensitive flesh to heighten her awareness of her own body.

  It layered on the sensations he’d already created with the rope.

  Ryan moved around her, adjusting and moving the rope and fabric to his satisfaction. He slid his finger under the strands around her thigh, tugging and pulling. When he stood, she realized he added another piece of rope to tie her in place and now she couldn’t stand.

  In fact, she couldn’t move at all.

  A thrill of pleasure shot through her at the thought. Even though she hadn’t much liked Ethan’s version of restraining her, it was more about his execution. Even after all she’d been through, she’d never dismissed the fact she enjoyed the sensation of being bound. She seemed to enjoy it even more now that Ryan had secured her in place.

  Her skin grew hot and flushed as he circled her, continually adjusting the bindings to make sure she was most comfortable. When she heard him settle in a chair behind her, she realized how she must look bent over for him. She was spread open and exposed. Vulnerable. Helpless.

  The thought was brought to a sharp end when his hand skimmed over her ass. His thumb brushed over the bare skin between her legs, an overwhelming wash of pleasure shooting up her spine to tingle at the base of her skull.

  “Pity you’ve already taken care of the work here. I like the first taste of freshly shaved pussy as much as I like shaving a submissive.” His fingers cupped her bare flesh. In her shock, she tried to stand, forgetting she was tightly bound in place. The intricate weave of ropes kept her right where he wanted, completely at his mercy.

  He tugged on the ropes between her legs, rubbing the rough texture against her clit. She gasped when everything seemed to roar to life at once. Yes.

  In a matter of minutes, he’d shown her what had been missing during the years she’d been in the lifestyle. The care, the comfort, the utter decadence of someone who actually cared and knew they alone were responsible for what the other per
son was experiencing.

  The blunt edge of his knuckle pushed against her clit and she tried to wiggle for firmer contact. She caught the faint sound of his displeasure and immediately stopped moving.

  Ryan released the ropes, dipping a finger through the wet, swollen lips of her pussy again. She bit back a moan as his fingers teased her opening, circling and tormenting every inch of flesh between her legs. Just when she thought he was going to slide a finger inside her wet heat to give her even some relief, he moved away and denied her.

  Saying Ryan was a master at this was an understatement.

  This time she didn’t hold back the noise, unleashing a groan of protest. If only she could close her legs, maybe the pressure would help the tension curling through her. But he’d restrained her in such a way to prevent any kind of movement.

  Fabric rustled behind her. He was moving, but she didn’t care. She just wanted him to do something to take the edge off the pressure that was starting to become unbearable.

  Ryan’s hand slid over her thighs, stroking in a slow pattern. His thumbs tugged on the rope, pushing them against her folds to create a delicious burn. The pain added a nice layer to the pleasure he built inside her. Her skin felt so tight, as if her body couldn’t contain the blood zinging around her body as he teased the sensitive flesh on either side of her clit. He stroked and stroked, building the pressure so a blaze of need streaked through her.

  Her eyes closed, plunging her into darkness as her entire body froze. She waited for the moment of decadence that would come when he touched her. She was rewarded a few seconds later when the tip of his tongue touched her clit.

  Already oversensitive, the tight bundle of nerves couldn’t process the sensation. Her body didn’t know what to do. Frustrated, she tried to shift to find something more, but her only reward was Ryan denying her completely of his touch.

  Despite the fact she wanted more from him, he sensed she wasn’t ready. She expected him to give her an orgasm and their time together would be over for the night. He wasn’t interested in giving what she wanted. Not yet anyway. She was trying too hard. She needed something to put her focus elsewhere.


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