hostile environment, 112
mission-critical systems, 95
powering down, 65
preventing modification to, 67–92
recording cryptographic hashes, 92
remote collections, 112–122
remote investigations, 99–112
removing drives from, 65
unverifiable images, 93–94
swap files, 194
SWGDE (Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence), 54
SWGDE Validation guidelines, 54
symmetric key encryption, 206–209
system downtime, 95
accounting, 427, 484–485
binary number, 20–22
dtSearch, 233–234
hardware, 51–52
suspect. See suspect systems
tape backup drives, 32–35
tape robots, 226–227
tapes, 226–231
commercial tools for, 229–231
formats, 226
identifying, 227
imaging, 229–230
preserving, 229
raw, 227–229
reading, 227
write protect tab, 227
TASK toolkit, 167
tcsh shell, 171
TCT (The Coroner’s Toolkit), 172–173
technology theft, 378–380
temperature control, 48
temporary files, 463
Terminal Services Client, 328–329
deposition, 363
trial, 364
Text Searcher, 234
The Coroner’s Toolkit (TCT), 172–173
of customer data, 374–375
source code/program, 378–381
of technology, 378–380
of trade secrets, 6–7, 381–384
thumb drives. See USB thumb drives
tracking systems, 58
tracks, 30
trademarks, 381–384
trade secrets, 6–7, 381–384
transcription, 363
Transend Migrator, 237–238, 241–243
transistors, 21, 22
trees, 184
trial phase, 364
trial testimony, 364
Ubuntu Linux, 169
unallocated data, 142–148
unallocated space
finding data in, 218
keyword searching, 218
Linux, 172–173
Mac systems, 189–191
parsing, 148
recovering data in, 216–217
Windows systems, 142–148
wiping, 216–217
unanimous written consents (UWCs), 451
undo information, 277–280
uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs), 48
UNIX file command, 199
UNIX systems
accessing raw tapes, 228–229
e-mail, 256–257
Windows emulation, 228
UPSs (uninterruptible power supplies), 48
URLs, 283
USB drives, 88–92
files copied to, 387–388
IP theft and, 386–388
malware on, 462, 481
matching up, 388
USB flash drives, 38
USB storage devices, 154–155
USBSTOR key, 154–155
USB thumb drives
copying to, 386–388
identifying, 154–155
investment fraud and, 485
overview, 38
remote investigations, 125–126
searching for evidence on, 424–425
US Department of Defense. See DOD
US Department of Justice (DOJ), 418
user activity, 273–302. See also UserAssist entries
considerations, 222
Microsoft Office forensics, 274–283
tracking web usage, 283–298
UserAssist feature, 298–302
overview, 159–160, 298
tips for, 302
working with, 299–302
UserAssist keys, 159, 298, 299
UserAssist logs, 213–214, 402, 464
activities of. See user activity
cookies, 288–290, 293
logging in/out, 157
suspects, 66
tracking via e-mail, 275–277
undo information, 277–280
US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), 381
USPTO (US Patent and Trademark Office), 381
UWCs (unanimous written consents), 451
Verity, 234
VFAT (Virtual File Allocation Table), 132
Virtual File Allocation Table (VFAT), 132
virtual memory, 152, 194
virus scanner logs, 459
voice mail, 431
volatile memory, 22–24
volume header, 184–185
volumes, encrypted, 122–125
Web. See Internet
web-based e-mail
determining when opened, 448–449
Hotmail, 265
Hushmail, 265–267
obtaining from online sources, 241–243
overview, 240, 261–262
Yahoo! e-mail, 262–265
web browsers, 262, 334. See also Internet cache; specific browsers
Webglimpse package, 233
web history, 284–288
Web sites
cookies, 283, 288–290, 293
phishing, 478–480
whistleblowers, 421
windows, 46
Windows-based devices
acquisition of, 311–314
analysis of, 314–317
password-protected, 331–332
vs. Palm devices, 319–320
Windows CE. See Windows-based devices
Windows Installer registry, 402
Windows operating system, 59–60
Windows systems, 131–160
accessing raw tapes, 227–228
artifacts, 150–160
collecting live data from, 231
crashes, 158–159
determining programs run, 159
downtime and, 95
drive-wiping, 149–150
error handlers, 158–159
file systems, 132–138
fragmentation, 140, 146–148
FTK Imager, 88–92
memory dumps, 158, 159
Office document metadata, 157–158
printer spools, 152–153
recovering deleted files, 138–150
Recycle Bin, 150–151
removable storage devices, 154–155
shutdown time, 156–157
unallocated space, 142–148
UserAssist. See UserAssist feature
user login/logout, 157
versions, 155–156
vs. Linux systems, 59–60
wiping drives, 68–71
WinHex, 54
wiping, 212–215
disks, 217
slack space, 215
tools for, 149–150
unallocated space, 216–217
employees as, 343–344
expert. See expert witnesses
testimony, 363–364
Word 97 MAC address, 280–282
Word documents, 158
workplace privacy, 98–99
write-blockers, 54, 78–81
write heads, 27
XXCopy tool, 231
Yahoo!, 271
Yahoo! e-mail, 262–265
zip disks, 26
zombies, 455–456
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