My Ranger Weekend

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My Ranger Weekend Page 2

by Lowrance, J. D.

  By the time they came up for air, Ryan’s free arm was above her head and she was dancing in her chair to the beat of the song. The last line they shouted at each other, clanked their beers, shouted cheers, and gulped the rest down. That was pretty cool. These chicks were different than the girls Romeo and I were normally picking up. They were special. She’s special.

  A few hoots and hollers followed their little performance. Reggie waved her fingers to the table behind me as both Romeo and I turned around to the jarheads vying for their attention. Hell no. “Hell no,” Romeo muttered under his breath as we turned back around.

  “Friends of yours?” asked Reggie, looking from Romeo to me.

  “Not exactly,” Romeo answered as more shouts sounded from behind me.

  Completely ignoring the ass wipes I looked at Ryan and said, “You like this song?”

  “Yep,” she answered. “One of my favorites.”

  Reggie’s laugh drew my attention away from Ryan as she said, “One of her favorites. This song by Mike Posner was all we listened to for a straight year.”

  “Oh stop being dramatic!”

  “I have never heard it.” I looked to Romeo who seemed as lost as I was.

  “Cooler than Me” is a pop song from a few years ago,” Reggie explained, “and it describes a friend of ours to a tee.”

  “Who?” Romeo and I both asked at the same time.

  “Garrett,” Reggie answered at the same time as Ryan said, “It doesn’t matter.” I could see her cheeks flame as her eyes had a silent conversation with Reggie’s.

  Right as I was about to ask who he was to Ryan Jerry stumbled back to our table, draping his arms on the two ladies.

  “I seeee you gots muchhhh better company fellaaas,” he slurred as the bartender came over with a tray of shots. “Lash one beeefore I head out.”

  “Rangers lead the way,” Romeo said in his serious voice, reciting the Ranger motto as he clanked his shot glass with mine before downing it.

  “Oorah,” Jerry said before we all gulped down the piss yellow whiskey. Fuck. Tequila with no chaser? Nice Jerry. We all shuddered from that one.

  “Ladies, I would looove to staaay but it’ssss my bed timeeee.” He gave both Romeo and I a nod, placed a wet kiss on both of the girls’ cheeks and left.

  “Bye Gary.” Both girls called out.

  “Damn Dakota,” Romeo said as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand as he winced again, “you said his name was Jerry.” Both ladies burst out laughing.

  “Poor Gary,” laughed Reggie.

  “We talked with him for a while when we first got here. He was pretty cool,” Romeo stated.

  “That was really sweet of you guys,” Ryan said to both of us but her eyes were only on mine. Something deep in my chest stirred as our eye contact lingered. She leaned into me and said, “His wife died about five months ago and he comes in a lot.”

  “And how do you know that?” I quietly asked.

  “This is our favorite bar in town,” she said, smiling and wiggling her eyebrows at me.

  If she kept looking at me like that I would not be responsible for my actions. I wanted to touch her, to have her body against mine; the sooner, the better. “Wanna dance?”

  “Sounds fun,” she answered, pushing her chair back to stand. I stood as well, holding my hand out for her to take. She stared at it for one . . . two beats before taking it and giving me a breath-stealing smile. The moment she touched me a jolt of lust ran straight through me making my jeans tighter. As we zigzagged around the tables hand-in-hand it took everything in me not to lead her straight out the back door. For now, I had to settle for just getting her into my arms. Where she belongs. Where the hell did that thought come from? Whatever. I just needed to slow down and enjoy this moment with her.

  As if on cue, the band started a new song with one of my favorites, “Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond.

  “I love this song,” Ryan shouted over the band. We danced around each other never really touching but invading each other’s space until I could not take it anymore. On her next turn, I reached out and pulled her back to my front. She leaned back into me, rubbing against me in all the right places. I returned the favor by pushing my thickening cock into her backside. Ryan felt so good in my arms grinding against me, that I eliminated all the space between us. I chased a hint of perfume as I buried my nose right behind her ear. Her sweet scent enveloped me as I cooed the lyrics into her ear. “Hands, touchin’ hands, reachin’ out. Touchin’ me, touchin’ you.”

  A shiver ran through her body as goose bumps erupted across her neck. I sang “Sweet Caroline,” as she followed with “Oh, oh, oh.” My hands came to rest on her hips keeping her firmly against me.

  “Good times never seemed so good,” I chanted as she finished, “so good, so good.” Her hands covered mine as she put equal pressure against me telling me that she wanted to be here in my arms as much as I wanted her there.

  “I’ve been inclined.”

  “Oh oh oh,” she sang as she turned to face to me, bringing her arms around my neck as we continued to sway.

  “To believe they never would,” I serenaded. Her pink tongue peeked out as she licked her lips never breaking eye contact with me.

  “Oh no, no.” She sang back. I leaned forwarded resting my forehead against hers as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

  “Sweet Caroline,” I whispered across her lips. “Oh oh. . .” She never got the last “oh” out as I pressed my lips to hers. Her lips were soft and yielding as I parted them with my tongue. Ryan tasted of the beer we drank and red licorice. Mmmm, I love red licorice. I dove deeper, exploring her mouth, her taste. Her body molded to mine as my right hand lowered over her butt giving a small squeeze. I swallowed her squeal as she pushed into me trying to escape my wandering hand. My smile broke our kiss and she leaned back in my hands. She tried to appear upset but I could see happiness and a mischievous glint in her eyes.

  “Hands to yourself Ranger,” Ryan said as she playfully slapped my chest.

  “Sorry,” I murmured, pulling her chest back to mine, “I couldn’t help it.” She threw her head back and laughed. I dipped down placing a chaste kiss on her neck.

  “Woohoo,” I yelped as she pinched my backside. “That’s what I’m talking about,” I said as I tickled her. Her laughter was contagious and before I knew it we were both out of breath and smiling at one another. The next song started and I was in heaven when the opening notes of “Best Day of My Life” by American Authors started. I grabbed her hips and followed the rhythm as I joined in with the band. “I had a dream so big and loud. I jumped so high I touched the clouds. Wo-oah-oah-oah-oah-o.”


  When Flint grabbed hold of me and starting singing the lyrics to my new favorite song I could not stop staring at him. The look of pure joy on his face would forever be cemented in my mind’s eye. As if he knew what I wanted, Flint kept the rhythm as he pulled me into his swaying hips. Not able to resist, I wrapped my arms around his neck allowing him to move my body against his as he sung every last word to me.

  “Oo-o-o-o-oo. This is gonna be the best day of my life. My li-i-i-i-i-ife. Oo-o-o-o-oo. This is gonna be the best day of my life. My li-i-i-i-i-ife.” I was so lost in him that I did not notice that Romeo and Reggie had joined us until I heard her laughter to my right. I peeked over at them and saw them getting as cozy as I imagine Flint and I looked at this very moment. I pulled him closer, breathing in his scent and marveled at how good his hard body felt against mine. The move caused his thigh to press intimately to my core rubbing me just right. A sigh I did not know I was holding rushed out of me as I let go of everything and enjoyed this moment in his arms. The song changed to a slow tune and we did not move from our positions, just slowed our pace to match the music. His mouth found my ear as he hummed along to the song drawing me even tighter in his arms. He had a beautiful voice and I felt the rumble of it in my chest. I wanted the song to last forever as I never felt this good in
someone else’s arms. It was an eye-opener to everything I had been missing with other men, especially Garrett.

  As the song came to the end, I felt Flint take a large breath before placing a soft kiss right below my ear lobe. He laid his hands on my shoulders and looked like he was about to say something. His darkened gaze held a hint of wonder and hunger as we stared at one another. An emotion I could not identify floated across his eyes before he shook it off. “Beer?” he croaked as he took a step back. I nodded, unable to speak at the moment, too affected by what I thought I saw.

  “Hey,” Reggie interrupted, “bathroom?” I nodded but never took my eyes off of Flint’s. “Go, I will get the beers and meet you back at the table,” he said as he turned away and strode to the bar with Romeo in tow.

  “Wow,” Reggie said when the bathroom door closed. “Just wow!”

  “Right?!” I exclaimed as I walked over to the sink and turned on the cold water. I grabbed some paper towels and wet them before pressing them to my cheeks, forehead. “You two looked pretty happy,” I said making eye contact with Reggie in the mirror.

  “He is so flipping hot.” Reggie fanned herself as she blew out a big breath. “His body is so freaking hard it was like touching warm, smooth granite. I think his arms are as big as my head.”

  “Just the right height too,” I teased.

  “Oh shut up Miss For-freaking-ever Legs,” she teased back. “Not everyone can be five eight and pull off hooker heels.” She paused to reapply lip stick. “What I lack in vertical prowess I make up for in beauty and wits.” Reggie then winked at me before turning and walking into a stall.

  “Touché my friend,” I said as I walked into a different stall. “Touché.”

  When we were washing our hands, Reggie looked at me in the mirror and said, “Are they coming home with us?” Still looking at her, I shrugged because I really did not know. Half of me said yes and the other half no.

  “Ryan you need this. With everything that is going on with you right now. With your parents pressing you about Garrett, law school, your course load, and the design contest.” She paused letting the words sink in. “You need a night, hell a weekend of pure fun. And unattached sex with a Ranger would definitely help in that. And who is hotter than that piece out there drooling all over you. But it’s up to you. I will follow your lead on this.”

  “Thanks Reg,” I said as we hugged. “I do . . . kind-of want . . . to see where tonight leads.”

  “Damn straight. You are 22 years old. A senior in college for goodness sake. Let loose and have some fun already. This weekend could be epic.”


  “Yes. Some college kids go on road trips or spring break. Us, we invite two hot ass Rangers back to my parents’ house for the weekend to let loose and have fun.”

  “We’ll see,” was all I said because I still had not decided if I could actually bring a guy home with me.

  As we exited the bathroom Reggie abruptly stopped causing me to run into the back of her. “Ouch,” she cried out as she bent down to rub her heel that I just kicked with my boots. When she did I got the disturbing view that caused all this trouble in the first place. Flint and Romeo were joined by two of the bitchiest, card-carrying VIP members of sluts-r-us who were former high school classmates of ours and none of us were ever friends. These two were notorious for harassing Reggie. When she stood back up all of her early happiness had fled her face and was replaced by disappointment. She shook her head as if to clear her thoughts and put in place the mask she wore whenever those assholes were around.

  “Let’s just go,” I offered, hoping she would take me up on it, but Reggie was too stubborn to ever let them see how much they affected her.

  “No,” she said, “let’s just go to the bar.

  Once we were at the bar I chanced a glance at Flint who was tracking our every move. He cocked his head to the side giving me a questioning look. I shrugged my shoulders and stepped up to the bar with Reggie.

  “What can I get you?” The bartender called over the music that was playing while the band took a break.

  “Two shots of Wild Turkey Honey and two Captain and Diet Cokes,” Reggie called back.

  “I guess we are strapping one on tonight?” I questioned as I turned to see a miserable looking Reggie staring straight ahead.

  “Mise well,” she retorted, pulling in a big breath and letting it out slowly. Somebody is pissed!

  She said her last name as the bartender set down the two shots. She handed me one as we turned to face each other.

  “To men and horses, and the sluts that ride them,” Reggie said as we tapped our shot glasses, then double tapped them on the bar before downing the honey happy juice, as my mother liked to call it.

  “Woohoo,” I hollered as I exchanged the shot glass for the Captain and Diet. After a long sip I saw Reggie look behind me and fake smile.

  “Well aren’t you ladies a sight for sore eyes.” I turned to find two of the guys from the rowdy table next to ours.

  “Same here solider,” Reggie said in a sugar sweet tone. Yuck! So this was how she was going to play it. I looked in between the guys to see both Flint and Romeo staring at our little group.

  “Wanna dance?” The one closest to me asked.

  “I’m okay for now,” I responded as I took a sip from my drink giving Reggie the “what the hell” look. She completely ignored me as she ran her hand down the other guy’s arm.

  “So . . .” she started but was cut off by a deep voice behind me that asked, “Are you double fisting now?” I knew who it was without looking. The hair on the back of my neck stood up as his baritone voice traveled through me causing goose bumps to erupt all over my body as I turned to face him.

  “Not exactly,” I corrected him as I held up my drink and gave him a wink.

  “Oh really,” he responded as he lifted up the two beers he was holding.

  “Actually, it looks like you are,” I teased, earning me a panty-melting grin which melted mine on the spot. He took a step closer as he lowered the beers. “Hey,” he whisper shouted over the music.

  “Hey Ranger,” I said as I stepped into him.

  “We were kind of ambushed when we got back to the table.” The truth of his words shone through his eyes.

  “No worries,” I mumbled as I shrugged to show it did not bother me. Yeah right. I took a drink through the little red mixing straw. I heard Reggie still talking to the other two guys.

  “God, I hate these things,” complained Reggie, drawing our attention to her. “I need a big girl straw.” And in true Reggie style she stood up on her tip toes as she reached across the bar and grabbed two normal, clear, plastic straws. She put one in hers and the other in mine. “Much better,” she said after taking a large swallow. Reggie then looked up at us grinning like a kid in a candy shop. We all burst out laughing at her antics. “Hilarious,” Flint laughed as he draped an arm around my shoulder pulling me into his side and away from our other company. Reggie gave me a wink and a smile. I knew my face mirrored hers as the butterflies took full flight in my stomach leaving room for a want I never felt before to take root.

  The bar’s stereo system started with “DUM-DE-DE-DUM, DE-DE-DUM-DE-DE-DUM, DE-DAA-DAAAAA. DUM-DE-DE-DUM, DE-DE-DUM-DE-DE-DUM, DE-DAA-DAA-DAA-DAA-DAAAA! to “Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy” by Big and Rich.

  “How appropriate!” shouted Reggie and she set her drink down and grabbed my hand. “Let’s dance.” I quickly handed Flint my drink as Reggie half dragged, half carried me onto the dance floor. I laughed as she turned to face me. “He’s hot,” was all Reggie said as we started to bump and grind on each other. Throughout the whole song we used our fists as microphones belting out the chorus every time. When the song ended, our little performance was met with some hooting and hollering from several tables. In true Reggie fashion she curtsied her way back to the bar.

  “That looked like fun,” laughed Flint handing me my drink. Romeo had joined him at the bar while the other two guys wer
e back at their table.

  “It was,” we said in unison. “Jinx,” we shouted.

  “Your turn,” Reggie said as she pointed to the bar.

  “Ok,” I agreed, “but this is our last shot of the night.”


  I flagged down the bartender right as Romeo came to stand next to Reggie. I felt Reggie tense next to me as I ordered four buttery nipples shots. I turned to see Romeo whispering in her ear as he put his arm around her shoulders. Even in the darkened bar I could see a blush flood her cheeks as she giggled. She turned into his embrace resting her face in the crook of his neck. Romeo made eye contact with me and nodded. I returned the gesture as the bartender set down the four shot glasses. Those dirty birds had nothing on Reggie and I was glad Romeo came to his senses.

  “So lovely, what did you get?” Flint whispered in my ear.

  “Buttery nipples,” I answered.

  “Did you get those or do you have those?” He teased.

  “Maybe both,” I teased back. I wiggled my backside into his groin feeling his semi-hard cock against me. I hated to admit it but I loved that I affected him so much. It was definitely mutual and it felt nice to have someone return that level of wanting.

  “You should stop while you are ahead there Ms. Ryan Wethers.”

  “Maybe I don’t want to stop.” I knew I was provoking him but I wanted to see his tight mask of control slip. Flint was holding back and I was willing to play dirty for him to let go. He grabbed my hips, circling his groin into my backside as a wicked chuckle sounded in my ear causing my core to tighten and my panties to dampen.

  “Are the shots ready?” The question from Romeo pulled us out of our intense exchange as Flint reached around and handed one shot, then another to Romeo. We formed a small circle with the shot in one hand.


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