Demon Gate: Beyond the 9th Circle: The Rapture Was Just The Beginning.

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Demon Gate: Beyond the 9th Circle: The Rapture Was Just The Beginning. Page 10

by Heath, Joel

  but that didn’t mean there was no edible food.

  The water and soda might be flat and warm but

  still be good. There might be crackers and

  assorted junk food loaded with preservatives

  which would get them by until they could find a

  stock of MRE’s or other food. He realized that if

  they actually made it through, he would also have

  to keep some seeds ready so they could sustain

  themselves over the long haul.

  Spencer managed to grab a small amount

  of food and water before a loud gunshot ripped

  through the air shattering half the windows in the


  “Holy crap!” Spencer exclaimed as half

  the food and water he gathered clattered to the

  ground when he jerked in surprise at the

  unexpected noise. Spencer raised his P-90 and

  charged out of the store to see what was going

  on. A handful of demons had approached from

  the west.

  “They must have followed us,” Vince

  shouted when Spencer emerged from the gas


  “Who cares where they came from; we

  have to get out of here.” Gretchen interjected. “How much longer until the fuel tank is

  full?” Spencer asked.

  “It should be full any second!” Vince


  “We can’t wait any longer, we have to

  leave now!” Gretchen objected as she repelled a

  pair of demons with an M-16 and climbed into

  the cab of the Hummer.

  Spencer and Vince climbed in and

  Gretchen started the engine. Pulling out onto the

  street, Gretchen noticed a few hundred demons to

  the west so she turned and headed east. They

  made it a block and a half before a pile of demon

  corpses were found outside a wall, most of the

  gates into the fortified citadel were closed and

  barricaded but one gate was open. A shape ran

  away from the gate towards a building with an

  elongated dome serving as its roof.

  “Gretchen, stop, there’s something in

  there.” Vince urged.

  “I saw it.” Gretchen said steering the

  Hummer toward the open gate, bouncing past the

  curb and turning to allow access to the open gate.

  The gate was two full feet too small to allow

  passage to the larger vehicle.

  “Inside! Let’s go.” Gretchen shouted and

  all three survivors exited the Hummer and then

  noticed the demons were nowhere to be seen. Gretchen and Spencer lead the way into

  the open gate over the corpses of at least a dozen demons, one of which was a type of demon they had not yet seen. It was blacker than black and looked like a flying silver back gorilla. It had a pair of charcoal black wings extending twelve to fifteen feet from the hairy back. His skin was like armor, scales covered his back, neck, arms and most of his chest, the scales were the color of


  Spencer stopped to look while Vince and

  Gretchen rushed through the gate. The demon

  seemed to still be alive, but suffering. Spencer

  gasped in fright and backed into the enclosure

  raising his weapon as the demon slowly got up

  and looked at him.

  Gretchen and Vince returned to see the

  demon try to move past its fallen comrades and

  enter the enclosure only to react in pain and

  terror like a vampire to sunlight. Finally, the

  demon fled on its thick legs and went toward a

  large building on the north side of the street and

  disappeared around the east side. A wing dragged

  behind it as it ran.

  “You idiot, you let it get away!” A

  woman who stood just under six feet tall was

  inside the gate; she wore an olive green tank top

  and Levi shorts. She was scowling and holding a

  rather large gun.

  “I’ve been looking for that thing for three

  days!” The woman shouted.

  “What the hell was that?” Spencer asked. “That was a Fiend Lord,” The woman


  “A what?” Spencer asked.

  “They’re Prince class. These things are

  nasty as hell, and damn tricky. Rumor has it if

  you kill one you gain some kind of power.” “What kind of power?” Spencer asked. “If I knew I wouldn’t have said some kind

  of power, would I?” the woman sarcastically


  “So, what happened here?” Vince asked

  pointing at the gate where the demon corpses

  were rotting.

  “Beats the hell out of me. I’ve been holed

  up in this place since they showed up. I came out

  a few days ago and found them there,” The

  woman explained. “It might be because of the

  religious nature of this place.”

  “So hallowed ground weakens them?”

  Gretchen asked.

  “No, it kills them,” The woman replied.

  “Well except for the Fiend Lords, come on let’s

  get to the shelter.” The woman lead the way to

  the south east corner to a building designated

  ‘south visitors center’ pulling the door open she

  lead the way inside and to the east end where a

  promenade looked up at the massive multi-spired

  building across the courtyard. Patrolling the area

  were another half dozen people with guns. “This is our little band of survivors. This

  is Halley, Dan, and Jared from Los Angeles,

  Brittany and Justin from Las Vegas, you

  probably missed them by a couple of days,

  Rodney here is from Ogden,” The woman began. “And I’m Jessie; I’ve lived in Salt Lake all my life.” Five of the other six remained at their post,

  but the one introduced as Brittany approached. “Where did they come from?” Brittany

  asked suspiciously.

  “We just got here from the ruins of Las

  Vegas.” Spencer said.

  “How did you survive?” Brittany


  “With guns, big ones,” Vince replied

  offering a glance to Spencer.

  “Well we’ve introduced ourselves, who

  are you?” Jessie requested.

  “I’m Spencer from Newark; this is

  Gretchen from Belfast, and Vince from…”

  Spencer paused; he had no idea.

  “Eugene,” Vince replied.

  “How long have you been here?”

  Gretchen asked.

  “I was here when a gate from Hell opened

  up at the city capital building,” Jessie explained. Spencer paused, lost in thought. “I want

  to get a look at it,” Spencer said as he headed out

  the same door they entered from, trying to find a

  tall enough building to offer a decent vantage

  point. There was a building almost thirty floors

  tall to the east, by this time Vince had caught up

  with Spencer.

  “What are you thinking?” Vince asked. “We’ll need the sniper rifles we got in

  Vegas,” Spencer said, briefly hinting at his plan.

  Spencer sped across the open courtyard to the north entrance that opened to North Temple Street. Spencer poked his head out over the rotting demon cadavers to see if the street was clear. There was no movement on the street, only

  a faint roar in the distance.

  Spencer leapt over the bodies and ran the

sp; short distance to the Hummer to collect the pair

  of rifles and ammunition.

  Spencer thought the way was clear, and

  what happened next he never expected. And it

  lasted for less then twenty seconds.

  “Spencer, behind you!” Vince shouted. Spencer wheeled around to see the Fiend

  Lord staring him in the eye at a distance of less

  than ten feet and quickly closing. Spencer

  dropped the munitions and reached for the sword

  he had claimed from the fight on the tower and

  swung, missing the Fiend Lord by a great margin.

  The massive demon grabbed Spencer by the neck

  and lifted him high before grabbing Spencer’s

  free arm and beginning to pull.

  The Fiend Lord released his grip on

  Spencer’s neck when the sharp point of the

  queen’s sword pierced the lord’s shoulder

  between two scales. Spencer retracted the sword

  and swung down hard on the only thing

  connecting him to the Fiend Lord. The arm was

  not severed, but it was badly wounded, the

  wound stopped at the scales on his arm. The

  Fiend Lord threw Spencer aside causing the

  sword to clatter to the ground. The huge demon turned and fled across the street, around the

  southeast corner of the building and disappeared. Vince ran to Spencer. “Are you alright?”

  Vince asked.

  “I think so.” Spencer responded. “We should let Jessie know where this

  thing is hiding,” Vince admonished.

  Spencer still wanted to get a look at the


  “You go,” Spencer said trying to catch his

  breath and then pointed at the building to the

  east. “I’ll be on top of that building.”

  “You’re going alone? That’s crazy.”

  Vince chided.

  “Then come with me.,” Spencer said,

  strapping the sword and scabbard to his back. “Fine,” Vince agreed. “I must be out of

  my mind.”

  Spencer bent over and grabbed the 50

  caliber sniper rifles and the ammunition before

  Vince headed back into the courtyard to reach the

  building by a safer route. But Spencer just stood

  there. There was something about the building

  across the street. It almost exuded evil, corrupted

  by the demons of hell. He had one of those

  feelings again.

  Vince returned to call for Spencer.

  “Spencer,” Vince called, “Are you coming?” “Yeah,” Spencer said still studying the

  building to the north. “I’m coming.”

  Spencer and Vince headed through the

  courtyard and emerged just over three hundred feet from the huge building. Reaching the front door, Spencer pulled it open and Vince followed

  Spencer in.

  “The power is down here, like

  everywhere, so we’ll have to take the stairs.”

  Vince surmised.

  “Here,” Spencer said pointing at a door

  marked emergency stairs. Spencer pulled the

  door open and they began climbing.

  The twenty eight floors went by one at a

  time until the door in front of them read roof.

  Vince and Spencer glanced at each other before

  they each raised a foot and kicked the door open

  to a vista overlooking Salt Lake City. Spencer

  and Vince moved to the northwest corner of the

  roof, set up their sniper rifles, and looked to see

  what they could see.

  Spencer first saw a dark purplish black

  vortex, sitting in the middle of the capital

  building’s courtyard. Surrounding the vortex

  there were a dozen or so demons, and a single


  “What do you think?” Vince asked. Tension filled the air as Spencer started to

  pull back on the trigger, but stopped before the

  bullet exited the chamber.

  The portal began to ungulate, and a figure

  approached, it was a man he looked attractive

  and charming. He turned to the queen, they were

  talking. The queen walked away and the man

  turned and for a brief second his gaze met

  Spencer’s. The man smiled.

  “Who, or what is that?” Vince asked

  turning to Spencer, “Do you think he…” “I think he did.” Spencer confirmed. Spencer stepped away from the scope. “Where the hell is the Fiend Lord?” “Wait. Do you remember which way he

  ran?” Vince asked.

  Vince pointed the sniper rifle towards the

  building across the street which was twenty-eight

  floor down and saw debris littering the ground

  and a great gaping hole in the east side of the


  Spencer lowered his sniper rifle and

  walked toward the door. “I think it’s time we

  reported to Jessie.”

  Spencer headed through the door to the

  stairwell and led the way down the stairs to the

  open plaza at the base of the building. From there

  it was a short walk to Jessie’s survivor camp in

  the south visitor center.

  “What did you find?” Jessie asked as

  Spencer and Vince walked back in.

  “There is a queen at the capitol building

  to the north, and your Fiend Lord is across the

  street.” Spencer revealed.

  “He’s across the street?” Jessie asked.

  “Are you sure?”

  “As sure as I can be.” Spencer replied. Jessie nodded before heading to a

  neighboring room and soon emerged with a

  heavy duty assault rifle.

  “Then we’re going after him.” Jessie


  “Are you insane?” Dan shouted, “We

  don’t even know if we can kill it.”

  “The queens can be killed; I don’t see

  why a Fiend Lord can’t be,” Gretchen retorted. “I know they can but it’s damn hard to

  do,” Dan retorted.

  “Then you can stay here. I’ll bring his

  head back,” Jessie remarked as she headed for

  the door. She stopped at the door and turned back

  to her band of survivors. “Who’s with me?” “Jessie,” Vince began, “these things are

  more active and more of a threat during the night,

  which is what? Less than two hours away? We

  should wait for morning to attack.”

  “He might be right.” Halley chimed in. Spencer could see that Jessie didn’t want

  to leave until the Fiend Lord was dead.

  “If he’s trying to kill you, then you can

  bet he’ll still be here in the morning.” Spencer


  “Fine, but I’m leaving at first light,

  whoever wants to join me, be at the north gate by

  eight in the morning.” Jessie ordered before

  pointing Spencer, Vince and Gretchen to a small


  “Rest here tonight,” Jessie said before

  heading for her corner.

  Night soon fell and the night was filled

  with the horrible sounds of demonic screams, as

  through Hell itself was replacing Earth in an epic struggle. When Spencer fell asleep all he could see was Salt Lake City, the skies were overcast and blocked out any surrounding countryside. But then, the clouds opened and a terrible beam reached out from the skies and stuck the ground. When the dust settled the city was gone, nothing


cer woke up in a cold sweat. What

  had he seen, was it just a dream? Spencer looked

  out the window towards the north and found the

  sun was coming up, Spencer guessed that it was

  around six thirty so he got up and armed himself.

  The fight loomed ahead.

  Spencer met with Jessie just outside. The

  rain had stopped in the night leaving the ground


  “Are you ready to fight?” Jessie asked. “I just hope it’s not only the two of us.”

  Spencer confessed.

  Over the next hour members of the group

  stepped up and volunteered. Gretchen was about

  to volunteer when Spencer stepped closer. “Gretchen, I want you to stay here.”

  Spencer plead, his heart was beginning to pound,

  he put as much emphasis as he could into his


  “Why, Are you planning on ditching me

  again?” Gretchen shot back.

  Spencer grimaced at the disturbing

  memory and the pain he suffered outside

  Albuquerque. “I…” Spencer stopped himself, he

  was at a loss. “I ran like a coward. But I would have wanted you to do the same thing in my

  place,” Spencer said.

  “You didn’t have to hear your father

  being torn apart!” Gretchen shouted.

  “No,” Spencer agreed. “I didn’t.” Spencer

  defended, “I was forced to believe that somebody

  else that I care about was dead,” Spencer started

  to explain before pausing.

  “But had I stayed I would have been killed and I

  wouldn’t be able to tell you…” Spencer stopped

  again, choked up by guilt and regret. Slowly

  something bubbled to the surface. “I want you to

  be here, if…” Spencer wanted to come back to

  Gretchen. “…when I come back.” Spencer


  He disappeared before he saw the smile on Gretchen’s face, a smile that disguised the subtly of her confusion. Her heart began to race as she watched Spencer walk away. An uneasy feeling that something was about to go horribly wrong settled in her stomach, a feeling that the man she had barely decided to give her heart to might not come back.

  Chapter 4 – The Counter Attack…

  Spencer, Vince, Jessie, Dan, Justin, Jared and Rodney stood in front of the large building that looked more and more like a ziggurat to them as they had approached. Down the middle of the building’s face was a channel where water once flowed from the roof to the ground. The building was clean and immaculate, a testament to its once sacred nature. There were a series of stairs that switched back up the face of the building like a trail into the mountains.

  Out of the corner of his eye Spencer saw a shape move from its hiding place behind the southeast corner of the building. Turning, Spencer saw nothing, it was gone.


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