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Night Beat, WABD-TV interview of Seymour Berkson by host Mike Wallace, Thursday, February 14, 1957, 11:00 p.m. Courtesy of the Paley Center for Media.
Year End Review 1957, WRCA-TV, host Bill Ryan, December 29, 1957. Courtesy of the Paley Center for Media.
Transcript of Interrogation of George Metesky, 17 4th Street, Waterbury, Connecticut, at Police Headquarters, January 22, 1957. Contained in files of New York County Supreme Court, The People of the State of New York against George P. Metesky, a/k/a George Milauskas, indictment no. 321/1957. Courtesy of NYC Department of Records/Municipal Archives.
Transcript of Court Appearance, The People of the State of New York vs. George Metesky, City Magistrates’ Court of the City of New York Felony Court, Borough of Manhattan, Docket No. 1226. January 22, 1957. Courtesy of NYC Department of Records/Municipal Archives.
Memorandum of Interview with Detective Michael Lynch, Badge #866, with Assistant District Attorney Howard Blank dated April 15, 1957. Contained in files of New York County Supreme Court, The People of the State of New York against George P. Metesky, a/k/a George Milauskas, Indictment No. 321/1957. Courtesy of NYC Department of Records/Municipal Archives.
Memorandum of Opinion from Detective William Schmitt, Shield #909, Bomb Squad concerning List of Items Found at 17 Fourth Street, Waterbury, Connecticut. January 24, 1957. Contained in files of New York County Supreme Court, The People of the State of New York against George P. Metesky, a/k/a George Milauskas, Indictment No. 321/1957. Courtesy of NYC Department of Records/Municipal Archives.
Psychiatric notes contained in files of New York County Supreme Court, The People of the State of New York against George P. Metesky, a/k/a George Milauskas, Indictment No. 321/1957. Courtesy of NYC Department of Records/Municipal Archives.
Testimony of James B. Leggett, Chief of Detectives, Police Department of the City of New York, on March 27, 1957, during a Section 662a Hearing before Judge Samuel S. Leibowitz, Kings County Court, The People of New York vs. George Metesky, Indictment No. 269/1957.
Testimony of Dr. Albert A. LaVerne, on March 27, 1957, during a Section 662a Hearing before Judge Samuel S. Leibowitz, Kings County Court, The People of New York vs. George Metesky, Indictment No. 269/1957.
Testimony of Dr. Albert A. LaVerne, on April 10, 1957, during a Section 662a Hearing before Judge Samuel S. Leibowitz, Kings County Court, The People of New York vs. George Metesky, Indictment No. 269/1957.
Transcript of entire Section 662a Hearing held on April 10, 1957 before Judge Samuel S. Leibowitz, Kings County Court, The People of New York vs. George Metesky, Indictment No. 269/1957.
Transcript of entire Section 662a Hearing held on April 15, 1957 before Judge Samuel S. Leibowitz, Kings County Court, The People of New York vs. George Metesky, Indictment No. 269/1957.
Transcript of a Section 662a decision delivered on April 18, 1957 by Judge Samuel S. Leibowitz, Kings County Court, The People of New York vs. George Metesky, Indictment No. 269/1957.
Indictment. The People of the State of New York against George Metesky, alias George Milauskas, Court of General Sessions County of New York, Indictment No. 321-57.
Letter of George Metesky dated November 24, 1963, to District Attorney Frank Hogan, contained in files of New York County Supreme Court, The People of the State of New York against George P. Metesky, a/k/a George Milauskas, Indictment No. 321/1957.
Opinion of Judge Joseph F. Hawkins, George Metesky v. Director of Matteawan State Hospital, Supreme Court of the State of New York Dutchess County, Index No. 217/1964.
Transcript of hearing dated December 15, 1966, George Metesky v. Dr. W. C. Johnston, Superintendent Matteawan State Hospital, Supreme Court of the State of New York Dutchess County.
Petition for Dismissal of Indictment dated November 16, 1970, George Metesky v District Attorney Frank Hogan, Supreme Court Borough of Manhattan, Indictment No. 321/57.
#1 Supplement to Petition for Dismissal of Indictment dated December 5, 1970, George Metesky v District Attorney Frank Hogan, Supreme Court Borough of Manhattan, Indictment No. 321/57.
Response to Application for Order of Detention, dated January 12, 1972, George Metesky v District Attorney Frank Hogan, Supreme Court Kings County, Indictment No. 269/57.
Memorandum on Behalf of George P. Metesky, Defendant, The People of the State of New York v. George P. Metesky, Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of Kings, Indictment No. 269/1957.
Memorandum of Decision dated September 20, 1973, The People of the State of New York v. George P. Metesky, Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of Kings, Indictment No. 269/1957.
Report of Psychiatric Examination in the case of George Metesky alias George Milauskas. March 1, 1957. Contained in files of New York County Supreme Court, The People of the State of New York against George P. Metesky, a/k/a George Milauskas, Indictment No. 321/1957. Courtesy of NYC Department of Records/Municipal Archives.
“Series of ‘Pipe Bombs’” Notations of the New York City Police Department contained in files of New York County Supreme Court, The People of the State of New York against George P. Metesky, a/k/a George Milauskas, Indictment No. 321/1957. Courtesy of NYC Department of Records/Municipal Archives.
Application for Employment with the United Electric Light and Power Co., George Peter Metesky applicant. December 12, 1929. Contained in files of New York County Supreme Court, The People of the State of New York against George P. Metesky, a/k/a George Milauskas, Indictment No. 321/1957. Courtesy of NYC Department of Records/ Municipal Archives.
Report of Medical Examiner, the United Electric and Power Company. Contained in files of New York County Supreme Court, The People of the State of New York against George P. Metesky, a/k/a George Milauskas, Indictment No. 321/1957. Courtesy of NYC Department of Records/Municipal Archives.
The Association of Employees of the United Electric Light and Power Company, Sick Benefit Payroll. Contained in files of New York County Supreme Court, The People of the State of New York against George P. Metesky, a/k/a George Milauskas, Indictment No. 321/1957. Courtesy of NYC Department of Records/Municipal Archives.
Telephone interview of New York City Bomb Squad detective William F. Schmitt (Retired), December 10, 2009.
Telephone interview of Horatio Tedesco, assistant manager of Brooklyn Paramount Theatre. June 23, 2009.
Telephone interview of John Israel, James A. Brussel’s stepson. May 29, 2009.
Telephone interview of Judith Gutmann, James A. Brussel’s stepdaughter. June 5, 2009.
Telephone interview of Franklyn Engel, Metesky’s lawyer. February 9, 2010.
Telephone interview of Gene Ann Condon, Metesky’s lawyer. February 9, 2010.
Telephone interview of Kristin Booth Glen, Metesky’s lawyer. February 9, 2010.
Telephone interview of Terence F. O’Rourke, great-grandson of Bart J. O’Rourke. June 19, 2009.
Telephone interview of Dr. Arthur Zitrin, former director of psychiatric services at Bellevue Hospital. June 24, 2009.
Telephone interview with Bill Berkson, son of Seymour Berkson. December 15, 2009.
Email from Howard Teten to author dated July 8, 2009.
Email from Howard Teten to author dated July 9, 2009.
WEBSITES, accessed September 2, 2009., accessed September 2, 2009.
Preliminary Guide to Mental Health Documentary Sources in New York State, recguide_dmh.shtml, accessed October 9, 2009., accessed September 16, 2009.
Michael Greenburg is a practicing
attorney and former member and editor of the Pepperdine Law Review. He is the author of the nonfiction book, Peaches and Daddy, A Story of the Roaring 20s, the Birth of Tabloid Media, and the Courtship that Captured the Heart and Imagination of the American Public. He lives in suburban Boston with his wife, Donna, and two boys, Corey and Jeffrey.
The Mad Bomber of New York Page 31