The Whisperers: A Three Book Box Set

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The Whisperers: A Three Book Box Set Page 8

by Stone, Ciana

  It might be too soon to try and ride him but now that she’d committed she was determined to see it through.

  Squaring her shoulders, she headed for the stable.

  Jed saw Mik disappear into the stable room a moment before Jake rounded the corner. “What’s up?” Jake asked.

  “Mik’s got a burr up her butt to ride Thrasher.”

  “Whoa. Now? I thought…”

  “You thought what?” Jed asked when Jake trailed off.

  “I thought she was going to work with him more before she gave it a try.”

  “She’s been working with him?”

  “Yeah. Got him to accept a bridle and sacked him out. Even got him saddled.”

  Jed stopped dead in his tracks. Sacking out a horse was an old cowboy term. It essentially meant desensitizing the animal. People went about it in different ways, from using a blanket to a rope, getting the animal accustomed to having it touch him or having it moved around, swung, tossed or snapped around him.

  Horses could be quite mistrustful and spooked easily. Sacking was a way to get them accustomed to sounds and touch that might scare them.

  “Still,” Jed said, trying not to be impressed that she’d managed to not only sack out the beast, but get a saddle on him. “He’s a long way from being ready to accept a rider.”

  “Maybe. I guess we’re getting ready to find out.”

  Jed’s heart felt like it did a sudden leap into his throat as he saw Mik lead Thrasher from the stable. He started after her but Jake grabbed his arm. “Jed, hold on.”

  “That damn beast will kill her.”

  “You don’t know that. Jed, listen to me. Mik’s … different. Like us. She can talk to them Jed and damn if I don’t think she understands them better than we do. It’s … it’s amazing to be honest but she has this thing with them. If she thinks she can do it, I’d be willing to bet she can.”

  “Well, you might be willing to risk her life on that bet but I’m not.”

  The moment the words were out of his mouth shock set in. And was registered on two faces. His and Jake’s. “Shit on a stick,” Jake breathed. “You’re in love with Mik.”

  Jed opened his mouth to deny it but the words wouldn’t come. A growled “shit” was all he could manage.

  And in the time the exchange took, Mik had led Thrasher into the corral. Jed and Jake took off at a dead run. By the time they reached the fence half the ranch was lined up watching and Mik had her foot in the stirrup, ready to mount.

  “Mik, stop!” Jed climbed up on the fence, loathe to enter the corral. Thrasher could easily spook and throw Mik.

  “It’s okay,” she replied softly, seeming to speak more to the horse than to him. “We’re fine.”

  At least she hoped they were. Talking softly to Thrasher, she eased her weight onto the stirrup. He shifted but settled quickly. Mik hoisted her free leg over the saddle and settled into it.

  Thrasher shifted then pranced. She rubbed one hand along his neck. “It’s okay, buddy. Easy does it. We’re just going to have a little walk.”

  There was dead silence as she walked Thrasher across the corral and turned him. At the turn, he pranced and danced sideways, tossing his head. She didn’t try to control him, and continued talking soothingly to him. It took him a minute but he settled down and she started back across the corral.

  A sudden whoop from the fence had Thrasher erupting. He bucked twice, reared up on his hind legs and whinnied long and loud.

  “Oh, hell.” Mik knew then she had a world of trouble on her hands. She could feel the tension vibrating through Thrasher’s body; feel the fear pouring off him in waves. There was nothing she could do but ride out the fear and hope she didn’t end up mangled.

  Jed heard the whoop and a second later the sound of his own heartbeat pounding in his head as the horse reared.

  “Oh, shit.” The muttered curse from beside him registered as his brother Jesse’s voice. The same voice that’d delivered the whoop. Of all the times for Jesse to make an appearance.

  “Shit is right,” Jake said at the same moment Jed barked at one of the hands. “Saddle Apache. Now!

  His eyes never left Mik. She looked so small on Thrasher. But she was holding her own, moving in concert with the horse instead of fighting him.

  “He’s gonna bolt,” Jesse said two seconds before Thrasher’s front legs landed and the horse launched himself in the direction of the opposite fence.

  Jed held his breath as the stallion pounded to the fence and catapulted himself into the air.

  His breath whooshed out as the horse made the jump and Mik stayed in the saddle. The ranch hand appeared with Jed’s horse Apache. Jed was in the saddle and Apache was in motion before anyone had time to ask what he was doing.

  He wasn’t sure about that himself. Aside from chasing Mik down. Thrasher was big and fast and there was no guarantee Jed could catch them considering the lead they had. Not unless Mik could slow the horse down.

  What he’d do if he caught up with them was anyone’s guess.

  Mik knew Thrasher wasn’t trained enough to try and rein him in. The best she could hope for was that he’d run himself out and not toss her in the process. She kept talking to him, trying to breech that thick wall of fear that had him out of control.

  On and on he ran, his hooves churning up the ground. Thank god the pasture was huge and he was accustomed to it. With luck, he wouldn’t try and jump the fence at the far end. If she could nudge him into a turn maybe she could steer him back toward the corral.

  It became clear very fast that he wasn’t about to let her have any control. She was there for the ride only.

  The first glimmer of fear had her gritting her teeth. She couldn’t panic. She had to keep a clear head. But the damn animal was headed straight for the wire fence. Beyond was heavily wooded land riddled with deep gullies and hills. She’d be ripped to shreds by limbs and branches even if she managed to hang on.

  The sound of pounding behind her had her braving a look. A rider was coming up fast, leaning low over the horse’s neck. Hope swelled as she recognized the rider. Jed. He was coming for her.

  But he wouldn’t reach her in time. Thrasher was too fast and there was too much distance between them. Unless she could slow Thrasher down. “Come on buddy,” she pleaded. “Work with me here.”

  Jed saw Mik trying to slow Thrasher and the way the horse was fighting her. But she was making some headway. Apache’s hooves were eating up the distance separating them. He urged Apache for more speed, keeping his eyes locked on Mik.

  Twenty yards was her guess. Twenty yards to the fence. “Come on, Thrasher,” she coaxed, pulling on the reins. “Come on, buddy. It’s okay. It’s okay.”

  Then Jed was there, on the left side of Thrasher, extending his hand. It was crazy. No way he’d be able to pull her onto the horse with him at this speed. She shook her head.

  “Trust me,” he yelled.

  Without giving herself time to think she released the reins, gripping tight to the saddle with her knees and reached across her body with her right hand for him, locking her hand around his wrist as he did the same. Suddenly she was airborne, swinging toward Jed’s mount.

  Mik felt like her arm was about to pop loose from the shoulder socket. She slammed into the side of the horse, the impact knocking the wind out of her. Jed was already reining in the horse and he held her, dangling against its side.

  No sooner had the horse come to a stop, he was off, holding her crushed against him. Mik couldn’t find the will to do more than lean limply against him, her chest still heaving to try and fill with air.

  “Can’t breathe,” she gasped.

  Jed loosened his hold enough to draw back and look down at her. “You okay?”

  She nodded, drawing in a deep breath. “Thank you.”

  Suddenly his hands were on her shoulders and he was shaking her, his face suffused with blood and his eyes blazing. “I should stomp the shit outta you. That was a damn stupid thing to d
o, Mik. You could’ve been killed.”

  His rage had her pulling back in alarm then immediately tensing as her own anger set in. “I’d have been just fine if some fool hadn’t spooked him. Besides what difference does it make? You can find another trainer. And another fuck buddy.”

  Jed suddenly released her and she stumbled, still not quite feeling steady. “You want to run that by me again?”

  “You heard me.” She slammed her hands on her hips and met his flinty eyes.

  “That’s what this is about? You pull some crazy stunt because you think I see you like a—a fuck buddy?”

  “Well that’s the truth isn’t it?”

  “Hell no. I told you, Mikayla. I’ve never fucked you.” His voice rose to a near shout.

  “Then what do you call it?” she yelled right back.

  “I call it love, you dip shit.”

  Suddenly the world went totally silent. Oceans emptied, mountains crumbled and stars fell from the sky. Or so it seemed. It was cataclysmic and took not only the wind out of her sails, but the strength out of her legs. She buckled at the knees and Jed caught her.

  “Love?” she asked, hating the tremble in her voice.

  “Love,” he echoed and pulled her to him, wrapping her securely in his arms. “Damn you, Mik. I didn’t want to and probably still don’t because I’m scared it’s doomed to end bad for both of us but I do love you.”

  There was nothing she could do in that moment but hold onto him, burying her face against his broad chest, and fighting the tears that threatened. It was all she wished for and all she feared and here it was. Jed loved her.

  At length she pulled back and looked up into his eyes. “I love you. And I’m willing to take the risk.”

  “You might regret that one day.”

  “Maybe. One day. But not today. So tell me again.”

  He rolled his eyes and complied. “I love you, Mik. And I swear on everything holy that if you ever pull a stunt like that again I’m going to take you across my knee and wear your ass out.”

  “Hmmm, I might like that,” she teased.

  Jed fought a smile. “You’re a wicked woman, Mikayla Morgan. Wicked.”

  “But you love me,” she said with a mischievous smile.

  Jed sighed. “I’m afraid so.”

  “Well, then there’s just one thing to do.”


  “Take him home,” she pointed behind Jed.

  He turned to find Thrasher standing there. “You’re definitely more trouble that you’re worth,” he said without conviction and ran his hand over the horse’s head.

  “What say we ride him home?” Mik asked.

  “After what just happened you want to climb back on this beast?”

  “Yeah. He’s amazing, Jed. I mean amazing. Come on. He’s over his scare. He’ll be fine.”

  “I need to have my head examined,” he complained.

  “We’ll schedule you an appointment. “

  Jed gave her a quick whack on the rear and they both laughed as Thrasher blew out his breath and shook his head. Jed adjusted the stirrups and gave Thrasher a rub. “Okay, big guy, let’s see if the lady’s right about you.”

  Thrasher tossed his head, but didn’t shy away as Jed eased into the saddle. “See?” Mik said with a grin. “Now give me a hand, stud.”

  Jed pulled her up into the saddle in front of him. “Hmmm,” she cooed, wiggling her rear against his groin. “Nice.”

  “Stop that. I’m not showing up with a prize winning boner, you witch.”

  “Always complaining,” she teased and clucked her tongue at Apache. “Come on, hero. Let’s go home and get you a treat.”

  Apache fell in step as Jed turned Thrasher and started back across the pasture. “Come on, buddy,” Mik leaned over Thrasher’s neck and coaxed him. “Show Jed your stuff.”

  Thrasher threw back his head, whinnied, and bolted forward. Someone had opened the gate from the pasture for them and it looked like the entire ranch staff was waiting when Jed reined Thrasher to a stop.

  Jake jumped down from his perch on the fence and gave Mik a high-five. “That was so bad ass.”

  “Until some jackass yelled and spooked Thrasher,” she replied. “Who the hell’s dumb enough to do that anyway?”

  “That would be me.”

  Mik looked at the tall, drop-dead handsome man in worn jeans, a button up white work shirt and cowboy hat who stepped up beside Jake. “Jesse Nash, ma’am.”

  Mik felt her face grow hot with embarrassment. “Oops, guess I stuck my foot in it, eh?”

  “Nope, just said it like it is. I apologize. I didn’t realize this was the first time he’d had a rider on his back. Just thought you looked fine as hell perched up there on him.”

  Mik looked in Jesse’s eyes and saw a kindred spirit. “Well, hell, when you put it like that. Nice to meet you Jesse. I’m Mik. Morgan.”

  “The Mik Morgan? Two time National barrel racing champ is the new trainer? I’m impressed.”

  “That’s something coming from someone with as much gold as you, Jesse.”

  “Ah so you still follow the circuit, do you?”

  “Well, you know how it goes. You may leave the rodeo but it never leaves you.”

  “Amen sister,” he gave her a high five. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mik. And I’d love to make it up to you for spooking your horse. How about dinner?”

  “How about I bust your chops and send you packing?” Jed spoke up for the first time.

  Jesse laughed and looked at Jake. “Well, I’ll be damn. You’re right.” He then looked at Jed. “You saying the lady’s spoken for, brother?”

  “That I am,” Jed said firmly.

  “Well hell, this calls for a celebration,” Jesse proclaimed. “Beer’s on Jed.”

  Jed just stood there for a few seconds then smiled and drew his brother into a hug. “Good to have you home Jesse.”

  “Good to be home,” Jesse replied as Jed released him. “And the beer’s still on you.”

  Jed chuckled and pulled Mik up against his side. “Yep, I guess it is.”

  Chapter Ten

  Mik grinned as Jesse spun her around. Boy could the man dance. Right now there were at least a dozen set of envious eyes on them from the women in the country-western club. Mik had no doubt that if he chose, he could go home with any woman in the place.

  Well, any but her. Which turned her to scanning the crowd for Jed.

  Heat flooded her face when her eyes landed on him. With one elbow on the bar, he held a long-necked beer in his free hand and smiled at one of the four women crowded around him.

  “Hold on there, beautiful,” Jesse grabbed her arm as she pulled free and started in the direction of the bar. “He’s just talking.”

  “They’re not.” She pulled him along.

  They made their way through the crowd and came up behind Jed just in time to hear an exchange between him and one of the women.

  “Yu wanna drop by my place later?”

  The redhead who asked the question was giving Jed a look that said she’d like to smear honey on him and take a long time licking it off. Mik wanted to rip her hair out but held her tongue.

  At least until Jed responded with, “Well, sugar, what would I be dropping by for?”

  She barely heard the “oh shit!” Jesse muttered beside her. Jealously wasn’t something she was experienced in but it had a good solid grip on her and reason had fled.

  Just as the redhead put her hand on Jed’s chest and leaned in like she was going to kiss him, Mik bounded in between them. “You might want to rethink that,” she warned.

  “Or what?”

  “Or you and I are going to have a problem.”

  The redhead laughed and shoved Mik to the side, moving in on Jed. Mik cut a look at Jesse. “You saw that. She fired first.” That left Mik free to do what she wanted to do in the first place. She grabbed a handful of red hair and yanked.

  The redhead hit the floor with a solid
thunk and a scream. Her friends squeaked but crowded in on Mik. ”You little bitch!” The largest of the three, a busty blonde, took a swipe at Mik. A long-nailed swipe like a cat.

  “Oh hell, no.” Mik batted away the swipe with her left hand and followed with a solid right cross that caught the woman in the side of her face. The blow whipped the woman’s head to the side and her body followed. She tripped over the redhead who was climbing to her feet and they both went down.

  “You want some?” Mik challenged the final two of the quartet, two brunettes who topped her by a good foot. “Bring it.”

  One of them, the brunette smirked and shoved Mik. She staggered back a couple of steps then got her footing and dove at the woman, taking them both down on top of the two women already on the floor.

  From that point she didn’t know who she was hitting, she just punched whatever got close. When arms wrapped around her, pulling her up, she swung an elbow, connecting with a solid whack that had a grunt sounding in her ear.

  “Simmer down!” Jed barked, hanging onto her as she struggled.

  Mik elbowed again and he released her. She whirled around, her right fist shooting up and meeting the point of his chin.

  Jed’s head snapped back but that’s about all the effect the punch had. Before Mik could swing again, he had hold of her, slinging her over his shoulder.

  She kicked and beat at his back but couldn’t break away. When they were outside by the truck, he plunked her to the ground and pinned her against the side of his truck.

  “What the hell was that?”

  “You tell me!” Mik knew she’d made a jackass out of herself but she wasn’t ready to admit it. What she’d seen hadn’t just made her mad, it had hurt.

  Just hours earlier he’d professed to love her. So why did he say what he did to that woman? That wasn’t the response of a man in love, but a man ripe for a quick roll in the hay.

  Jed’s eyes went dark and flinty, a sure sign that his anger was building. At the moment, she didn’t care. He’d made a fool of her, made her believe that he loved her, that what she longed for was possible.


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