Wings of the Walker: The Complete Walker Series

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Wings of the Walker: The Complete Walker Series Page 75

by Coralee June

  Kemper smiled before giving me a side hug. “That’s my girl. Always so smart.” Cyler caught my excited expression and excused himself from the group of men eagerly taking orders.

  “What put that smile on your face? Got some good news for me, Babe?” he asked with a little half smile before crossing his arms over his chest.

  “The numbers Mia told me? It’s a code to the Stonewell safe. If we could make it to Stonewell Manor, I bet it’ll lead us to Payne.” This had to be it. Mistress Stonewell always made a big deal about not touching the safe. I wasn’t even allowed to clean it. It was a mystery I’d long ago forgotten about.

  “When can we leave?” I asked eagerly. If I had my way, I’d already be in a transport headed to Galla. Between finding this underground city of people and this clue, it felt like I could finally breathe in fresh air. I started tapping my foot, contemplating pacing. The moment I knew what this meant, my body wanted to start running. It was like the safe at Stonewell Manor was a magnet pulling me towards it.

  "Patrick and Huxley are still looking for Tallis and Jules. Mia still needs to wake up, and I'm going to set up a few systems here so that people have a better chance of surviving." The moment those words escaped Cyler Black’s lips, I could feel my body slip into despair. We didn't have time. We needed to hurry up and find Payne so that we could find a cure.

  Cyler must've seen my obvious disappointment because he put a hand on my shoulder before speaking again. "Babe, two days is not going to end us. We have to be smart about this. There's still resistance groups in Galla, and we need to be settled before we can go. I know you're anxious to see Payne, but we need to trust that Mistress Stonewell is taking good care of him and that he is safe."

  That was the thing, I didn't trust that he was safe with Mistress Stonewell. She had no survival skills and no sense of loyalty to anyone but herself. She was selfish and ignorant to the world; the only quality of hers that could lend a hand to her survival was the fact that she was mean. Cruel. But that wasn't enough when you were in charge of safeguarding a little boy, especially when that little boy held the key to the cure.

  "One day," I argued. If anyone could make it happen, I knew that it was Cyler. He frowned before glancing at Mia, who was still in the corner with Maverick. He kept checking her pulse and feeding her water. Getting her rehydrated was at the top of the priority list. I hated that I was so callous to her illness now, but I was looking at the bigger picture. I trusted that Maverick would bring her back to health, just like I trusted that I needed to find Payne. I needed to save my men.

  Cyler let out a long and low sigh before answering me. "I'll try my best, Babe. But we have to be smart about this. What if we led some of the leftover guards to Payne? I'm not making any decisions until we find Jules and Tallis and all sit down and discuss this together." Frustration was bubbling up in my chest, and I knew that I had no right to feel the way that I felt. Cyler was being reasonable, he was being smart. But no matter what I tried, I still felt anxious and helpless. Now that I knew what it was like to act and do, I couldn't stand to sit around.

  Kemper was the one that spoke next, his tone gentler than my tough leader. "Why don't you go sit with Mia for a little bit? The sooner she's out of the woods, the sooner we will be able to leave."

  I bit my lip and struggled to find that compassion I knew was deep within me. I loved Mia. She was one of my first friends when I moved here to Dormas. I wanted to feel settled and help her, but death made me see the world differently. I saw Mia’s sacrifice as something that needed to be treasured. She fought for her life because she knew that she had a role to play in saving Payne. Her suffering would be for nothing if we didn't get to him in time.

  But I feared saying these thoughts out loud. The guys were already worried that I'd lost too much of myself to the violence of Cavil and Ethros. So instead, I nodded and shuffled my way over to Mia, where I knew there was nothing I could do but hold her hand.

  The moment I was by Maverick’s side at her bed, he grabbed my hand and lifted it up to place a tender kiss on my skin. I felt shockwaves of love and compassion flow through me, and I borrowed his selfless views of caring for others for a little bit. I did love Mia, I just loved humanity more. I was at war with myself, at war with wanting to save the world but also wanting to do things the right way. It made me feel naïve and foolish for feeling so brash about everything.

  "Her blood sugar is low, I'm afraid to give her too much water, and she's too weak to eat. They have no sugar here, or I would give her droplets of sugar water to at least stabilize her glucose levels," Maverick said before placing a hand on his chin as if considering all the options.

  I closed my eyes and decided to focus on one problem at a time. "On our way in, I saw an apple orchard. It's getting colder, but I bet there are a few apples left, assuming looters haven't taken them all. If I got some, we could make her some juice. Then maybe get some sugar in her system until she could eat?" I offered while staring at her frail frame.

  Maverick turned to look at me with appreciation. I liked that we could bond over this. I found myself wondering how Lilly was doing. The old woman that taught me medicine and about the human body was good to me. Maverick would've loved her.

  "I can also look for some beehives. They're popular in this area, some honey would do her good too." I reached over to feel her pulse and nearly gasped when I saw how slow it was. Mia quite literally would have starved to death in that cave. Anger flared within me, and the need for justice once again came to a head. Lenny deserved to die even though it wasn't my place to decide.

  "Do you think you could get some?" Maverick asked, his voice gaining enthusiasm with each word. I could feel him vibrating with the need to act, similar to the way I felt with the need to go rescue Payne. Looking at Mia now, I felt terrible for ever wanting to leave. Cyler was right, we needed to get her out of the woods first.

  "Yes. If I had some help." I looked over my shoulder at Kemper, remembering the time he and I went to an apple orchard outside of Dormas for a picnic. I remember the tension between us, the desire to act on our impulses. I remembered the thoughtfulness and care he put into our date. "I'll take Kemper with me, and we’ll be back as soon as possible."

  Maverick gave me a brief hug, and I noticed how he breathed in my scent as it grounded him. "You amaze me, Ash." His whisper over my skin felt like zaps of electricity.

  Chapter Ten

  Kemper and I were heading back from the apple orchard with barely enough bounty to make a difference, but it was still a welcomed distraction from everything. It felt good to feel useful. I found myself whispering over and over again the steps that would lead me to Payne.

  Find Tallis and Jules.

  Get Mia better.

  Go to Galla and open the Stonewell safe.

  I was compartmentalizing, breaking up the obstacles in our way into manageable bites that felt easier to swallow. We walked briskly back toward the entrance of the underground city, keeping an eye and ear out for anyone else. “Think this will be enough?” Kemper asked.

  “No. But it’s better than nothing. Once her glucose levels are up, she’ll be able to eat more,” I replied while thinking once again about Lilly. Was she with Payne, too? She loved the little boy; it wouldn’t surprise me if she put up with Linda Stonewell to keep him safe.

  I paused to breathe in the fresh air just outside where Cyler had everyone setting up camp. Kemper saw me stalling and moved up to stand beside me. “We’re so close,” I whispered while fixating on the cracked, sandy pavement at my feet. Happiness was a flighty emotion. It felt like fragile wings fluttering in my stomach. But Kemper was like a giant exhale, lifting those wings up and making me feel like I could fly with a big enough sigh.

  “We will get there in time, Ash. I know this is hard, but we can do it, I promise. Look at all those people still alive,” he said while gesturing off in the distance. “I was starting to wonder if anyone was left.”

  I followed his gaze and s
tared at the moving bodies in the distance. More tents had been set up. He was right. There were still survivors, still good people who would later go on to rebuild the empire. It was empowering.

  We started walking towards the city, and I had to smile at the significant change in conditions. Cyler Black and the other leaders of Dormas had been here three hours, and already the main walkway was cleared. People were shuffling about, happy to have direction and systems. “Cyler wastes no time,” I mused out loud as a young girl walked by holding tattered blankets with holes in the fabric.

  In the main room where Maverick was watching Mia, I made quick work of making juice. Huxley and Patrick weren’t back yet, and I was worried about them, Tallis, and Jules.

  “No word from the others?” I asked while stroking Mia’s hair. Despite it being hot underground, she felt cold to the touch.

  “Patrick returned an hour ago, but Huxley isn’t back yet. They split up to cover more ground,” Maverick answered.

  That residual, wing-clipping fear shot through me. It was slightly irrational to worry. Despite recent events, I knew in my gut that my men were more than capable of taking care of themselves. Huxley was like me, he needed to feel like he was doing something, and I had a feeling that he wouldn’t return until Jules and Tallis were reunited with Mia.

  Maverick held the cup up to Mia’s lips and put some of the sugar mixture in her mouth. I watched in appreciation as he handled her with care and compassion. It was one of the many things that I loved about Mav. And now that I had some experience working in a clinic, I realized more than ever the toll it had on a person to feel so responsible for and empathetic towards the world. It took a certain level of sacrifice to pour your soul into the survival of others, and the light in Maverick seemed to overflow from his fingers.

  “How’s her heart rate?” I asked in a low voice as more people fluttered by, carrying various supplies. Cyler was working on taking inventory of what everyone had and seeing what he needed to get.

  “Still slow, but it’s getting better. She’s got bruising I’m worried about, but I can’t do much for the pain. A woman told me she fought Lenny when he brought her in.” I gently slid closer to her and lifted up the tattered shirt that smelled like piss to inspect her bruising. Sure enough, deep purple spots littered her side and stomach. Anger like a fist balled up in my chest, and I wanted to let Huxley loose on Lenny once more. What was it with men thinking that, to save the majority, you had to sacrifice those you deemed unnecessary or less than?

  “Can you get me some sponges and warm water? I’m going to wash her and find some new clothes,” I said before reaching across the table for some scissors. Maverick paused at my instructions, then a small smile lifted the corner of his mouth.

  “Yeah, let me get that. And when this is done? I want to talk about everything you learned in the deadlands,” he said with warm pride. I glanced at him and noticed how his chest puffed out as he watched me. I’d be lying if I didn’t say that it made me feel good. He disappeared for a moment, and I made quick work of tying a piece of rope to the wall and putting a small blanket over it to give us a semblance of privacy. It had holes in the fabric and was so threadbare that it was practically see-through, but it seemed the most clean out everything available.

  Then I took a rusted pair of scissors and quickly cut her dress, knowing that the stained and tattered fabric wasn’t salvageable and it would hurt her too much to try and ease it over her shoulders. I was careful not to poke her with the dull blade as I struggled to slice through the ruffled shirt, but eventually, I got it off. I took a moment to look at more of her injuries and lightly pressed on her ribs. She’d need it wrapped, but I wasn’t sure if we had fabric available to bind her.

  Maverick returned with water and a bar of soap. He ripped the edge of his shirt as a rag. Then, I made quick work of cutting her pants off and taking note of the bruises on her thighs, like someone had…

  Oh my God. There were marks that looked like fingers digging into her thighs. Like someone had tried to pry them...apart. I choked on a sob, thankful for this selfless woman and her determination to help connect us with Payne. Maverick heard my cries and directed his eyes to what I was staring at. He didn’t say a word, but once I glanced back at him, I knew that we had come to the same conclusion.

  “I need to tell Cyler. Lenny has to die,” Maverick said in a cold voice. There was a time that he refused to end a life. He was once against Heat and sinking to the level of those that had wronged the empire, but not anymore.

  “Go. I’ll wash her,” I whispered before gently dipping the makeshift rag in soapy water and running it over her body. I moved slowly, careful not to press on her injuries. I also worked efficiently, not sure if she would wake up and be triggered by my touch. Once she was mostly clean, I watched her move, a slight moan escaping her lips. Maverick was still talking with Cyler, so the moment her brown eyes fluttered open I reached for the juice and held it to her lips.

  “Here, drink,” I offered while holding the cup to her lips. She noticed that she was naked and immediately moved to cover herself. “Shh,” I soothed, trying to ease the panic in her eyes. “It’s me, Agrio.”

  I watched her trembling fingers try and cover her body and quickly removed my own shirt to slip over her. I sat in nothing but a bra while easing the fabric over her narrow shoulders. The moment my shirt covered her body she sighed in relief. “Thanks,” she mumbled in that clipped accent I loved. She then tried to sit up, but I pressed on her shoulder lightly, keeping her in place.

  “You’re really bruised, nearly starved to death, and weak. Lie down. I’ll protect you.” Mia cracked a smile and grabbed my hand, lightly squeezing it before replying in a hoarse voice.

  “You’ve gotten strong, Agrio,” she said. While she held onto me, I wanted to ask her about the trauma, the pain. But all I could do was stare at her and feel guilty for wanting to leave her behind and find Payne. That was a version of myself that terrified me. Where had my empathy gone?

  “You’re stronger,” I whispered.

  “Not in the ways that count.” She closed her eyes for a moment before opening them again. “Please tell me you know what those numbers mean,” she pleaded with cold eyes and a frown.

  “Yes. I do. Once we get you back on your feet, we’re going,” I assured her with a smile. She clung to life for that message. I understood her need to make sure it meant something.

  “What the fuck are you waiting for?” Mia asked before clutching her side. I quickly took the blanket hanging in the room and cut strips of fabric.

  “We are going to spend the day regrouping then leave tomorrow,” I said with a huff as I tied the ends of each strip of the fabric together. Once it was ready, I went to Mia and eased her into a sitting position. It took us a moment. Mia struck me as the type to handle pain easily, so each grunt and whimper had me on high alert.

  “Regroup?” she scoffed through gritted teeth as I tied the fabric together. I could feel eyes on my naked back, but I didn’t care. “You need to go.”

  I smiled. She sounded like I did when I first figured out the code was to the safe. But Kemper's calming presence and this feeling useful had me thinking clearly.

  “We’ll leave in the morning, don’t you worry,” I answered her with a small smile. Mia’s determination and grit was admirable. She was all the things I wished I was. “Until then, why don’t you let me take care of you for a moment, huh?”

  “How is it that you have my woman out of her clothes?” a gruff voice asked from behind me, and I warmed when I recognized who it was. Huxley. Turning around, I bit back a grin as he reached behind his head to remove his shirt. Each dip and groove in his skin had both Mia and me appreciating the sight before us. He handed it to me with a smirk, knowing full well the effect he had on us.

  “I’m suddenly feeling better,” Mia coughed. And I quickly shoved the tan shirt that smelled like Huxley on before easing her back to lie down.

  “Hey now,” I jok
ed. “He’s mine now, Mia.” I didn’t feel jealous in the slightest, but this hint of normalcy—joking with a friend—was like a drug to me. I ate it up and enjoyed the buzz of feeling carefree, if just for a moment.

  “I know, I know. I’ve got my own man now to worry about. If he’s still alive,” she said in a dark tone before shaking away whatever thoughts were plaguing her. I remembered Aarav.

  “What happened to him?” I asked in a soft voice.

  Mia looked on the verge of tears, and I wondered if I shouldn’t press her. “He escaped when Lenny captured me. Told me he’d come to rescue me but never showed up. It’s the not knowing that kills me.”

  I placed my hand on hers and squeezed, feeling myself well up with tears at her confession. I knew all too well how it felt not to know. I lived that hell for months while Jacob, Maverick, and Cyler were gone.

  A shrill voice echoed from the entrance, and I turned around to see Jules bounding through the door. “Where is she?” Jules asked, drawing my attention there. She was stomping forward, covered in dust while scowling at anyone who dared to look at her the wrong way. A brooding Tallis was following close behind, but I didn’t see any sign of Bowden and Thurst. I didn’t blame them for not wanting to come back to the place that captured Hope.

  Jules practically shoved me aside and collapsed on the floor at Mia’s feet. “You crazy woman! How many times are you going to nearly die?” she asked while I stroked Mia’s hair. I watched as Tallis bent over to kiss his adopted sister on the forehead before straightening to look at me.

  “Is she okay?” he asked.

  “She can talk, you know,” Mia grunted as Jules placed a hand over her ribs that I had bandaged. “I’m fine. Starved to death and bruised to all hell.”

  I noted how she specifically didn’t mention the bruises on her inner thighs and the way she panicked when she realized she was naked. “And dehydrated,” Maverick added while walking up. He was carrying more water and gently handed it to Mia before turning to address Tallis. “Glad to see you’re back. You’re needed in the temporary prison quarters. Cyler and her capturer are there,” my loving doctor said in a dark tone while eyeing Mia with sympathy.


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