The Librarian and Her Beast

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The Librarian and Her Beast Page 2

by Laura Ann

  “That was some pretty impressive espionage,” Piper said through her laughter.

  He breathed on his fingernails, then rubbed them on his shirt front. “I pride myself on my ability to dodge bullets. Or scary people. Or whatever.”

  “So, did you simply head this way to outmaneuver Lady Long Legs? Or was there a method to her madness?”

  He quirked an eyebrow at her nickname, but his twitching mouth gave away his amusement. “I’m starting to feel sorry for her. Does she have any friends?” He walked up and leaned on the front desk.

  Piper snorted. “She’s got a couple of groupies who follow her every move. Mallory in particular is one to look out for. Sometimes it feels like high school all over again. Except our “mean girl” group is outnumbered, thank heavens, so she doesn’t ‘rule the school.’ The majority of the teachers are great.”

  “Yeah.” Christian cleared his throat. “I’ve, uh, noticed there are some pretty peop- I mean, pretty awesome people here.”

  “Pretty people?” Piper’s smile widened. “Hmmm...just who put that color in your cheeks, huh? Which lovely lady has struck your fancy?”

  “Struck my fancy? Are you serious? Guys don’t have fancies.” He scowled at her.

  “Oooh, this is going to be fun.” Piper rubbed her hands together. “I’ve always loved a good mystery.”

  “Pshaw. I don’t know what you’re talking about. There is no mystery here. Nope, nada, nothing.” He slowly started backing up, heading towards the door.

  “Don’t you dare take another step, mister,” Piper said, wagging a finger at him teasingly. “I want to figure this out.”

  Just as Christian was about to speak, the library door burst open, causing them both to jump. Looking towards the door, Piper gasped inwardly when she saw Nash in the doorway. Her heart sped up and butterflies took flight in her stomach. Freakin’ Fitzwilliam! Stop it!

  “Oh, hello Nash! How are you today?” Christian asked politely.

  Nash folded his arms, but didn’t reply.

  Oh my, look at his biceps... Her inner thoughts were interrupted when Christian spoke.

  “So, uh...” Christian rubbed his hand across the back of his neck and cleared his throat. “Guess I’ll just go, uh...yeah...” With a wary eye, he carefully walked past Nash and into the hallway, then turned left and darted out of sight.

  With Christian gone, Nash turned his full attention to Piper.

  Putting her hands on her hips, she asked, “Can I help you with something?”

  He continued to look at her. Moments ticked by and Piper felt a scream building when he finally spoke. “Dinner.”

  She raised her eyebrows and waited for him to say more. Waited, and waited, and waited...”Uh, dinner? Dinner is, I mean, I eat dinner. Yeah.” What in the name of Dante’s Inferno is he talking about?

  He nodded. “Six.” Then he turned and walked away.

  Wait...what? Did he just ask me to dinner? Or was he informing me that he eats dinner at six? Gah! This guy drives me nuts.

  She gripped her hair in frustration and growled. Glaring at the door, she caught sight of Miranda talking to Nash. He stood tall and stoic with his arms once again folded, while Lady Long Legs rested both hands on his bulging forearms.

  She’s leaning over so far that if he steps back she’ll probably fall. Piper snorted at the thought of Miranda crashing face first to the ground. Would serve her right, got her claws all over— She stopped herself. “All over who?” she muttered to herself. “It’s not like Nasah is mine. I don’t even like the guy! Okay, okay, I like him, but I don’t LIKE him. Right? I mean the guy is a total beast!” She groaned and laid her forehead down on the desk. “You are an idiot, Piper.”


  Her breathing was erratic as 6pm approached. Unsure if he was coming to take her to dinner or not, her mind whirled. He never asked for my address and he doesn’t have my phone number. Why am I worked up about this? She plopped herself on the sofa and grabbed the remote, trying to convince herself that Nash wasn’t coming. Taking deep breaths, she wiggled into a comfortable position and started flipping channels.


  “Eek!” Piper squealed. Jumping to her feet, she glanced at the clock. 6:00 on the dot. Cautiously she worked her way to the door of her apartment and squinted through the peephole.

  “Dashing Darcy, no man should look that good,” she mumbled. Slowly opening the door, she took in Nash’s whole appearance. Dressed in a black button-down shirt, sleeves rolled up to the elbow and a pair of fashionably worn jeans, he looked good enough to eat. His 5 o’clock shadow gave him a rough edge that matched his penetrating eyes. His hair looked wet, as if he had showered for the occasion. Mentally commanding her jaw to unhinge, she force out a breathy, “Hi!”

  Nodding his head in greeting, he turned sideways and swung his arm toward the parking lot.

  Piper’s heart sank. Really? Not even a grunt? This is going to be the most awkward dinner EVER!

  With a sigh, she grabbed her keys and purse, locking the door behind her. He walked beside her to his black truck and opened the passenger door for her.

  She glanced at the step. It was mid thigh and she was wearing a skirt. She contemplated her next move for a moment when, “Ahh!” She squeaked when a pair of hands grabbed her waist. Plunking her onto the bench seat, Nash glanced to make sure her feet were inside and then closed the door with a bang.

  She fumed in her seat while Nash climbed into his side and started the truck.

  “Italian.” Nash broke the silence with his gravelly voice.

  Piper stared.


  “Are those questions or comments?” Piper snapped.

  Nash’s eyes never left the road.

  Narrowing her eyes, she did her best to burn a hole into his brain. “Are you asking what I want to eat?”

  He nodded.

  “Okay...uh, I like Italian.”

  Another nod and he took a left turn, leading to a popular Italian cafe.

  Well, that was actually kind of nice. Maybe...sorta...still awkward...yeah... With a sigh, she resigned herself to an evening of one-sided conversation and internal ranting.

  Once at the restaurant, Nash walked around and lifted Piper to the ground.

  “Thank you,” she whispered. Her cheeks were flaming with embarrassment, but he only nodded and turned towards the restaurant.

  Nash sauntered up to the hostess podium and held up two fingers.

  The teenage girl stared up at him for a moment, before blinking rapidly and looking down at her tablet, her cheeks turning a cute shade of pink.

  Get in line. Piper inwardly rolled her eyes, but didn’t say anything to the young lady. Nash was impressive to look at. She got it.

  “Uh, yes, sir. We can seat you at table five. If you’ll just follow Tiffany.” She waved her arm toward another young woman.

  With a bright, white smile, Tiffany led them through a few other tables to a small table next to the front windows. “Will this do, sir?”

  Piper noticed that the girl didn’t even glance her way.

  After a firm nod from her date, he walked around, pulled out a chair, and held it.

  Her anger melted just a little bit and she smiled at him while taking the offered seat. Maybe he does have a manner or two. Now if I could just get him to speak.

  “So, uh, where were you before you moved to our thriving metropolis?” Piper asked after they had ordered their dinner selections. She was impressed by how well he avoided talking. Apparently, if you were a good-looking guy, just pointing was enough for any waitress.

  Following her lead, Nash sat back in his seat, then folded his arms. After a moment of staring at her intently, he finally said, “Colorado.”

  She waited for him to elaborate. When nothing more was forthcoming, she said, “Colorado, huh? Did you grow up there? Or were you going to school? Maybe working?” She knew she was rambling, but his silence was making her nervous.

nbsp; After another longer-than-polite pause, Nash said, “Work.”

  “So you were working in Colorado?”

  He nodded.

  “Okay, uh, where did you grow up then?” Looking down, she realized her napkin was in shreds. Oops. She raised her eyes when she heard Nash’s chair squeak. Looking into his chocolatey eyes, she saw a flash of some emotion she didn’t recognize. Narrowing her eyes, she tried to decipher what was going through his head. His blink broke her little trance and Nash turned his eyes to look out the window, refusing to answer her question.

  Getting a little irritated at his stoic demeanor, she tried again. “Nash? Where did you grow up?”

  His gaze never wavered as he continued to refuse her inquiry.

  Irritation flared into frustration and she folded her arms and huffed. “Okay, how about school. Where did you go to school?”

  His eyes left the window, burning into Piper’s. The intensity unsettled her, but she still didn’t speak.

  What is he hiding? Ugh! This guy is driving me nuts. I have to get over this attraction; this will never work. She could feel herself stepping into full blown anger. She attempted to calm herself by staring out the window and taking purposeful breaths.

  Right on cue, their plates arrived. Nash dug in with gusto, obviously hungry.

  She bit into her ravioli, enjoying its cheesiness. “Mmmm,” she said. “Mine is really yummy. Are you enjoying yours?”

  He looked up, stopped chewing, and gave a quick nod, immediately returning to his meal.

  Great. The food gets more attention than I do. This is ridiculous. He won’t speak and his dinner is obviously more important than I am.

  Piper set down her fork, her appetite lost as she felt the pangs of rejection hit her.

  “Nash, why are you doing this?” She knew her words were accusatory, but she couldn’t seem to help the tone.

  His brows puckered as he looked at her, confusion clouding his eyes.

  “Dinner, Nash. I mean dinner. It’s obvious you don’t really want me here. You won’t talk to me or answer any of my questions. Your food is obviously more important than me, or at least has received more attention. I can’t figure out why I’m here.”

  Carefully setting down his fork, Nash looked at the tablecloth, but didn’t say anything.

  Piper snorted. “Alrighty then, guess that answers that.” Reaching for her purse, she grabbed a twenty dollar bill and set it on the table. “Guess I’ll see you around school.” She stood and strode to the front door. Once outside, she started down the sidewalk. She considered calling a cab, but decided to walk off her anger instead. A crisp wind blew at her, helping calm the heat in her face.

  After about fifteen minutes, Piper started paying attention to her surroundings. Slowing down, she realized she was the only person on the sidewalk. Pulling her jacket closer around her frame, she started looking around.

  Dusk had fallen and the streets looked ominous. Rusty Rhett, I think I took a wrong turn. None of this looks familiar. Turning around, she headed back the way she had come. Behind her, she heard a bottle roll. Stopping, she looked back, but didn’t see anything. Please just be the wind. Facing forward again, she sped up, walking towards civilization as fast as she could, simultaneously trying to find her phone in her purse.

  “Well, hey now. What do we have here?” A dark, raspy voice slithered from the alleyway.

  Piper’s heart skipped a beat. Choosing to ignore the voice, she pushed her short legs as fast as they would go without flat-out running. She came to a sudden stop when a dark figure stepped in front of her.

  “I don’t think she liked your greeting, Jeb.” The nasally voice didn’t match the outline of his thick shoulders and broad chest.

  “Guess not,” the dark voice said with a chuckle. “That’s alright, it doesn’t really matter whether she liked it or not.”

  Chills travelled down her spine at their words. Her breathing was shallow and her heart beat frantically. “Please...just leave me alone.” Her voice was small and she winced internally. I sound like a wimp. I need to act strong, unafraid. She whipped her head from side to side trying to keep both of the approaching men in sight.

  “Aw, now that’s no fun. And I haven’t had any fun in a long time.” Jeb said, still slowly approaching.

  He was getting too close. Piper found herself backing away from the men, unsure of what to do.

  “I’ll scream if you come any closer.” Her voice was still shaky. So much for sounding stronger. She was surprised she had enough breath to speak. Her lungs didn’t seem to be working properly.She wasn’t even sure she could get out an actual scream. Fear stronger than she had ever known held her in a vice.

  “Ooh, a threat. I like this one, Eli. She’s got spunk. You go ahead and scream, sweetheart. Ain’t nobody gonna hear ya.”

  A nasally chuckle followed this announcement.

  Her head spun as she realized she had been backing into an alley in her attempt to put distance between her and the men. A cold sweat broke out on her forehead and the back of her neck. She could feel it drizzle between her shoulder blades and her thoughts whirled as she fought to keep her focus. Slowly, she slipped a hand inside her purse and threaded her keys through her knuckles. I’ve never hit anybody before. I hope I can do this.

  “You can have my wallet if you want. Promise to let me go and I’ll give it to you.”

  The men were now shoulder to shoulder, blocking the entrance to the alley. Piper could see they both had stringy, unkempt hair that reached their shoulders. Their clothes looked old, worn and very dirty, as if they hadn’t been washed in weeks. She was surrounded by a terrible stench, but it was impossible to tell if it was the men or the trash lying beneath her feet. Both men were tall and broad; at least compared to her. Either one looked more than capable of subduing the diminutive librarian.

  “Ah, shoot. We just might take that wallet, but only after we’ve gotten what we really want.” Jeb said, his lip curling into a leer.

  Eli rubbed his hands together, his smile revealing a mouthful of yellow teeth.

  Taking a deep breathe, she finally tried to put her lungs to good use. “HELP! ANYONE! PLEASE HELP!” Backing up two more steps brought her to the wall and she had nowhere else to go. Piper pulled her hand out of her purse, but her trembling fingers struggled to keep the keys in a locked position.

  Snickering, Jeb reached out to grab her upper arm, easily deflecting her key-filled swing. Knocking her hand against the wall, her keys fell to the pavement as she cried out at the abuse. A crash at the front of the alley brought both men up short. Glancing over their shoulders, they peered into the night. A dark shape was moving quickly in their direction.

  “What the—” Jeb was interrupted as his partner was tackled to the ground. Scuffling and grunting were the only sounds as the bodies rolled into the darkest part of the alley. Both Piper and Jeb stood still, shocked at the sudden intrusion. After a moment, the sounds of fighting stopped. Straining her eyes, Piper searched the shadows, praying the newcomer was the victor.

  She gasped when an extremely large silhouette moved towards them. “Nash,” she breathed, as his face became visible. Tears of relief began coursing down her face and she tried to take a step in his direction.

  Jeb, however, was not as happy as she was about the reunion. “Where’s Eli?” He shouted. With a sudden jerk, he pulled Piper in front of him, using her as a shield against the giant blocking his escape. His stubby hands were gripped around her upper arms as he held her in place.

  Nash narrowed his eyes, but remained silent.

  “I said, where’s Eli?” Spittle landed on the back of her neck as his shouting became more desperate.

  She began to wiggle against him, trying to break free, but his only reaction was to tighten his hold. A whimper escaped her in reaction to his punishing grip. There would be bruises in the morning.

  At the sound, Nash’s eyes darted to her and then to where Jeb’s hands gripped her. His nostrils fl
ared and Piper could tell his anger was quickly gaining ground. With a deep breath, he spoke in a dark, controlled voice. “Let. Her. Go.”

  Jeb’s hands remained locked on her arms, but she could feel his body begin to tremble. “Man...let’s just cool down, huh? This is all just a big misunderstanding. We was just having a little fun, is all. Ain’t that right, honey?” He squeezed even more, as if to get her to agree with his statement.

  “Ow!” She cried.

  Nash’s jaw tightened and his brows furrowed. A deep, growling sound came from his chest and throat.

  Jeb’s trembling turned to full-out shaking. “, just wait a minute...” he stammered.

  Taking advantage of his terrified state, Piper slammed her heel down the front of his shin. With a hiss of pain, he threw her to the ground. She gasped as the asphalt tore into the palms of her hands.

  A loud roar took her attention, as Nash charged her attacker. She could barely follow their movements in the shadows of the alley. It was over quickly and silence reigned.

  “Nash?” Piper’s voice was hoarse and trembling. She tried to stand up, but her legs wouldn’t support her. “Nash?” She managed to raise her volume a bit. She frantically searched the ground around her for the keys she had dropped earlier. Aha! Clutching them to her chest, she prepared to defend herself. After a few moments, she heard footsteps heading her direction. Whimpering and scrambling backwards on all fours, she found herself, once again, trapped against a wall.

  It didn’t take long for the footsteps to reveal the outline of a large man. When he squatted down, she was able to see his face clearly. “Nash!” She blurted in relief. Suddenly her legs found their purpose and she launched herself into his arms.

  With an ‘oof,’ he caught her and stumbled backwards a few steps. Keeping his arms around her, he slowly stood up and, shifting her to the side, he swept her legs into his other arm and held her like a child. She buried her face in his neck and sobbed, allowing the terror of the night to soak his shirt.


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