Cowboy Heat - Hell Yeah 1

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Cowboy Heat - Hell Yeah 1 Page 1

by Sable Hunter

  An Introduction to the

  Hell Yeah! Series

  Six brothers.

  One dynasty - TEBOW RANCH.

  Meet the McCoy brothers - Texas men who love as hard as they play.

  Texas Cowboys - nothing hotter.

  Hell Yeah!

  May you fall in love with with the Men of Tebow Ranch and enjoy reading these stories as much as I enjoyed writing them!

  Sable Hunter




  Thank You

  Lady Minx - for your technical expertise and invaluable help

  Jesse Garon - for just being you and for posing for the cover

  Mistress Katherine – for her eagle-eye and attention to the details

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  “Cowboy Heat”

  All rights reserved

  Copyright - 2010 – Sable Hunter


  Hungrily, she worked her lips down his cock.

  “Suck it cher, suck it hard.” Tristan held her head still with one hand, the other kept the door closed, even as the magistrate tried to break through.

  Danielle was eager to please him. She lovingly increased the pressure, using the tip of her tongue to tease the tiny slit on the end of his penis, mimicking the move that this instrument of delight would soon make into her empty, aching pussy.

  Libby licked her lips. Man, O man. Giving a guy a blowjob seemed like it would be a total turn-on. She squirmed where she lay. Boy, what she wouldn’t give for a cucumber to practice on some more. One day, she promised herself, one day she was going to need this skill.

  “Come up here, my dear.” Tristan pulled her to her feet. “It’s my turn to please you.” He pulled her bodice down roughly, latching his hot, greedy mouth onto her distended, eager nipple.

  “Oh, yes, Tris,” Danielle pushed against his face, relishing in the pain/pleasure of the scrape of his teeth on the tip end of her swollen breast.

  “How are you feeling, Libby?”

  “Cheez-n-Crackers!” Startled, Libby threw her romance novel high into the air. It landed square dab on the top of the doctor’s baldhead. “Sorry, doc. You scared me!” Libby held her chest, glad that her heart wasn’t the disease du jour.

  “Were you reading porn again, Libby?” Doc Mulligan loved to tease Libby Fontaine. She was as cute as she was sweet.

  “It’s not porn, doc. It’s romantic erotica; there’s a difference, you know.” She lay still as the physician checked her vital signs.

  He was listening to her heart, but it didn’t stop him from continuing his bantering. “Oh my, it must have been some good stuff; your blood pressure is slightly elevated.”

  Libby blushed and hid her head in the pillow. “It was pretty hot.”

  “Explain to me the difference between porn and erotica. I don’t believe I can live another day without understanding the variances in that particular genre.” Doc Mulligan managed to keep a completely straight face.

  Libby grinned; she liked when the doctor joked around. Due to the disease that she had battled for so long, opportunities to socially interact with people were few and far between. Usually, she had been too ill or fatigued to enjoy anyone’s company. Now, her blue eyes sparkled and a dimple came out to play, just past the corner of her top lip. “Not erotica, romantic erotica. Huge difference! “

  Doc Mulligan laughed. Libby was such a delight. Never a frown, never a down day – no matter how bad the diagnosis. “Excuse me, O ye hedonist extraordinaire.”

  “Whadjacallme?” Fits of giggles escaped as the doctor made a funny face at her.

  “A hedonist, my dear, is a person whose life is devoted to the pursuit of pleasure.” He made notes on his clipboard, all the while.

  “All right, that sounds like something I would be very interested in. Sign me up; I think I’d make an outstanding hedonist. Pleasure seems preferable over pain any old day.” Even though she smiled, Doc Mulligan knew that she was remembering all of the pain that she had endured through the years. Cancer could be a cruel disease.

  “I don’t blame you, my dear.” Refusing to be negative, he picked back up on their earlier conversation. “So, explain it to me; what‘s the difference between porn and romantic erotica?”

  “That’s easy.” She flipped over on her side, so he could listen to her breathing from the back. “Porn is explicit, graphic descriptions of sex. Romantic Erotica is explicit, graphic descriptions of sex; but the girl and boy love each other very much and there’s always a happy ending.”

  “Ah, a happy ending – that’s always good.” In his profession, he didn’t see nearly enough of those.

  “Yeah.” Libby grew quite. What she wouldn’t give for a happy ending.

  “So, Madame Hedonist, do you have vast experience - sex wise – of the explicit, graphic variety?” He knew that she didn’t, but perhaps he could persuade her to consider it. Not with him, of course. He was a grandpa!

  Libby snorted, laughing. “No, of course not. I’ve just read about it in books like the one I accidentally whacked you across the head with.” Straightening her hospital gown, she scootched around until she presented a prim and proper picture. “You, better than anyone, know that I haven’t had the opportunity or the strength for men or sex.” She sobered.

  Doc Mulligan took a small, soft hand in his. “Let’s talk, little one.”

  “That sounds ominous.” Libby stiffened, expecting the worst.

  “No, no,” he hastened to reassure her. “In fact, I have good news.”

  Her eyes got big and round with hope. “Good news?”

  “Libby, you’re in remission.”

  A glow of ecstatic happiness flushed her little, heart-shaped face. “Remission? Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” The old gentleman smiled and patted her hand. “For right now, you’re cancer free.”

  “For right now?” Libby waited for the other shoe to fall.

  “Yes.” He pulled his spectacles off and met her trusting gaze. “Libby, I won’t need to see you again for at least six weeks. We’ll do some more tests at that time. We’ll be able to tell by your blood count level whether or not the remission is a true one or just a temporary elevation due to the last blood transfusion. For now, however, I want you to get out of this bed and live life as hard as you can. I want you to travel and date and have sex and be as hedonistic as your little heart desires. Doctor‘s orders.”

  The possibilities skittering across her mind showed all over her face. “I’ve been working in the diner, and I have a little money saved. Doc, I could go camping and learn to ride a horse – maybe, I could even try starting my line of designer handbags…you know if I end up living, I’m going to have to find a way to support myself. I don’t want to be a short order cook for the rest of my life. And… and . . . . ” she blushed sweetly.

  “Meet a man and make some of those erotic, romantic fantasies come true, perhaps?” Libby was like a daughter to him. He had been treating her leukemia for over eight years.

  “I don’t know about that,” she shyly answered. “I wouldn’t even know where to start.”

  “Sure, you do.” He picked up the used, battered book off the floor. “You’ve been cramming for this exam a long time.”

  “Reading about something and doin’ it or two entirely different things.” She didn’t have much faith in herself. Nevertheless, this was an unexpected reprieve. “It would be fun to try.”

  “Yes, you need to en
joy yourself, Libby,” Doc Mulligan encouraged. “I want you to be happy.”

  Suddenly, Libby distinctly heard something else in his voice; a wistfulness. “You don’t think the remission is a permanent thing do you?” She said the words slowly, dreading to hear his answer.

  Determined not to lie to her, he took a deep breath. “With your specific type of cancer, it seldom is. There is only about a twenty percent chance that you’ll stay in remission longer than a couple of years. However, who knows? Miracles do happen. And we will get a good indication of how it’s going when you come back and visit me in a month and a half.” Picking up her hand and kissing it, he made her a promise. “We’ll pray for a miracle.”

  Libby squared her shoulders. “Two years is twenty-four months or seven hundred and thirty days. It’s not forever.” Wiping a happy tear from her eyes, she gave Doc Mulligan a heart-stopping smile. “But, I’ll take it.”

  ? Chapter One ¿

  “You can do this, Libby.” Bess assured her as she scurried around and finished packing the well-worn suitcase that appeared to be circa 1940. “I have complete faith in you. You are a wonderful cook, a good housekeeper; but most importantly, you have a kind heart. I wouldn’t abandon my boys to just anyone, you know. I’ve been taking care of them for six years.”

  “I’m going to do my dead-level best not to disappoint you, Miss Bess,” Libby carried the garment bag and followed the harried housekeeper of the Tebow Ranch to her red minivan. “What did you say Aron’s favorite dessert was?” She wanted to do her best by all of the McCoy brothers, but she especially wanted to please Aron.

  “He loves chocolate, anything chocolate. Oh, yeah and in the morning, he goes crazy over homemade cinnamon rolls and strong coffee. It helps him get going. He’s the one you need to pamper. After all, Aron stepped in and took on the responsibility for the entire ranch and all of his brothers when Sebastian and Sue were killed.” As she settled herself behind the steering wheel, she caught Libby’s hand and pulled her close. “If you need anything, talk to Jacob. He’s a rock. Remember, he knows about your condition. If things get too much for you, go to Jacob.”

  Libby pushed her heavy braid off of her shoulder and hugged Bess Morrison. “Jacob is my friend. He has been for a long time. He knows that I don’t want the rest of the family to know about the cancer. I feel great, and I’m tired of seeing pity in people’s eyes.” She grinned and winked at her mother’s best friend. “I want to be a normal twenty-five year old woman on the make.”

  “Well, you won’t have to look very far for prospects. Five of the McCoys are marrying age – and they‘re all as sexy as sin.” The older woman blushed at her own comment. “But Aron has taken himself off the market – or so he says.” As she pulled the car door to, she was rolling down the window. “You could change his mind if you tried. I know you want to, so don‘t try and tell me any different. Your Mama knew what was going on. She told me about that bronze you bought all of those years ago.” Bess looked at Libby Fontaine and saw a precious, beautiful girl who had never really had a chance to spread her wings and fly.

  Libby’s face flamed. Was she that transparent? Lord, she would have to be careful. Being the brunt of the McCoy boys’ amusement would be highly unpleasant. “Aron McCoy is a legend; he would never be interested in a girl like me. Besides, you know I can‘t marry anyone, my….my future is too uncertain” She looked over her shoulder to see if anyone was around. It would be just her luck to turn around and find her lifetime crush standing right behind her.

  “A girl like you?” Bess huffed in reproach. “Any man would be lucky to have a sweetheart like you. Besides, no one said anything about marrying, necessarily – just have a good time.” As she backed up, she gave Libby one more directive. “All the boys are special, but take extra special care of my baby Nathan. You’ll probably have to remind him to do his homework every day. Also, watch out for Isaac, he’ll pull the wool over your eyes, if you’ll let him. He thinks he’s a ladies’ man.” She put the brakes on, not able to let go of her boys without saying just a few more words. “Jacob is our dreamer, he loves everything about family life and nothing would make him happier than seeing the ranch like it used to be – full of family, fun and tradition. Joseph lives every day like it could be his last. He would walk a high wire, if the circus came to town. Listen to him; sometimes he just needs to talk. Noah tries to come across as all business, but he has feelings just like anyone else.” Grabbing Libby’s hand, she squeezed it. “And cut Aron some slack if he comes across as unfeeling, he’s still recovering from his short, unhappy marriage to that viper Sabrina Jones. He thought he was being ‘Mr. Responsibility’ by bringing a woman into the house; a surrogate mother for Nathan. Aron was trying to complete the package; do the right thing. But, it backfired on him – big time. Sabrina wasn’t wife material, and she certainly wasn’t maternal. She sapped all the joy out of Aron, and nearly tore up the family in the process.” Libby hadn’t ever heard the whole story, but she couldn’t stand the thought of anybody hurting Aron.

  “Don’t worry, Miss Bess I‘ll take good care of your boys.” Libby walked beside the van as she waved goodbye to the woman who had given her a great gift. While Bess was off to tend her granddaughter through a difficult pregnancy, Libby would be having the time of her life. Everything that she had been dreaming of was at her fingertips: a chance to live on a ranch, an opportunity to learn to ride a horse, acres of beautiful Texas ranchland to explore, and six good-looking men to spoil.


  Aron McCoy rode alongside his brother. “You know this Libby Fontaine?”

  “Yeah, I went to high school with her.” Jacob was determined to keep Libby’s secret. He intended to be deliberately vague. As long as Libby was able to do her job; her medical condition shouldn’t be a factor. After all, it was a temporary gig; Bess was only slated to be gone for three months. “She is an excellent cook. Bess said that she has worked at the Kerby Street Diner on Guadalupe in Austin off and on for several years. She was even featured on that television show with the guy with the wild white hair who wears his sunglasses backwards. You know the one that drives all over the country and features great diner‘s on his television show.”

  “I don’t know the show; but, I know Kerby.” Aron had played linebacker for the Texas Longhorns and knew the dining choices in Austin like the back of his hand. “They make great pumpkin pancakes.”

  “I’ll ask if she’ll whip us up a batch for breakfast one day soon. How’s that?” Jacob swung off his horse, an Appaloosa mare, and opened the gate to the stable.

  “Sounds good to me.” Aron dismounted and led his golden Palomino stallion, Sultan, into his stall. “Jacob, is Libby one of your women?” He knew that Jacob had been involved with half the eligible females in the county. At one time, Aron had been as popular with the women as his brothers, but his experience with Sabrina had taught him that loving a woman came with too high of a price tag - both financially and emotionally.

  “No,” Jacob hastened to put that idea to rest. “Libby’s a pretty girl, but she and I are just friends.” As Jacob removed Abigail’s saddle, he glanced over the wall to where his brother was cutting the wire off a couple bales of hay. “I think she has her eye on a particular guy already.” Libby had no idea that Jacob knew of her fascination with his older brother. If she did, she probably would have never agreed to help them out. Jacob longed for Aron to find someone to love, and to his notion, the perfect woman for the job was Libby Fontaine.


  “Something smells great!” Nathan yelled as he bounded through the mudroom door. Like the rest of his family, Nathan never met a stranger.

  “Hi, I’m Nathan.” He slid to a stop right in front of Libby. At thirteen, he was already as tall as she was.

  Libby laughed at the state of Nathan’s boots. “My name’s Libby. I see you’ve been in the barn – with the horses.” Wrinkling her nose, she pointed at the dirty, smelly f
ootprints that he had tracked across the kitchen floor – her freshly mopped kitchen floor. Libby had wasted no time getting into the job. Right now, she was feeling great. Her energy level was practically as high as her level of excitement.

  “Whoops. Sorry, Libby.” Nathan laughed with her. “Bess would whale the tar outta me for that.” He stopped where he was, pulled his boots off and headed to the back porch with them.

  “Clean them off while you’re back there, don’t just chunk them out in the yard.” At his laugh, she knew that leaving them dirty had been the original plan. “I won’t whale you, but if you’ll clean them up and bring me the mop, I’ll give you a surprise.” Libby knew how to make friends – with brownies. Libby’s brownies were a thing of beauty. She took a couple of plain boxes of brownie mix - substituted cream for water, butter for oil - added extra chocolate syrup, a ton of chocolate chips, and a couple of teaspoons of instant coffee – and – voila, she had a masterpiece.

  With a sugary incentive like brownies, it didn’t take Nathan long to get the horse poop off his shoes and return with the wet mop. “Bess said that you are really nice and that I would love the food you fix for us.” He hung his backpack off the back of one of the kitchen table chairs and plopped himself down to wait for his treat.

  “Let me clean this up and I’ll cut you a man-size brownie,” she promised him. Nathan was already a handsome young man. She could see the family resemblance strong in his features. All of the McCoy boys were incredibly good-looking – Aron especially. She was nervous about seeing him for the first time; not that he would know her from Adam. Libby had existed on the periphery of Aron McCoy’s world. She had been an eighth grader when he finished high school, but she had never missed one of his football games. The leukemia had struck her the next year, but she had still kept up with him when he had played college ball and rode the rodeo circuit. Finishing with the touch-up, Libby returned the mop to the back porch. “There, we’ve got that spic and span again.” Washing her hands in the sink, she proceeded to serve Nathan a huge slab of chocolate confection and a tall glass of milk.


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