Cowboy Heat - Hell Yeah 1

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Cowboy Heat - Hell Yeah 1 Page 11

by Sable Hunter

  “Thank you for saying I’m beautiful. Last night when I saw your ex-wife, I didn’t feel beautiful at all. She’s absolutely gorgeous.” She buried her face in his hand.

  “Sabrina can’t hold you a candle to run by.” Aron was emphatic. “She’s passable – you are gorgeous.”

  “You’re absolutely scrumdidlyumptious yourself.” She held her face up for his kiss.

  “Quit that,” he laughed. “You’re trying to evade the topic. Dreams, Libby-Lou – talk to me.”

  Start with something safe, she cautioned herself. “I’ve always wanted to make handmade designer handbags. I can sew and I have a knack of putting odds and ends together.” She sat up straighter, getting a little excited in her description. “I like to take scrap material that I find in the sale bins at the fabric store, cut it out and sew it up and decorate it with buttons or beads or tassles - whatever. It’s so much fun and each one is an original. A Libby – Boo Creation!” She smiled at him so sweetly, his heart rose to his throat.

  “A Libby Boo Creation?”

  “Oh, I just made that up, because the words sound cute coming out of your mouth.” He leaned over and kissed her.

  “I like it. Okay, purses are dream number one. What else?”

  “Well,” she ran one finger over the fine dusting of hair at the open vee of his black tight-fitting western shirt. Then, in a daring move - she began doing exactly as he had done before.

  I love you. I love you. I love you.

  He tensed at the feel of her finger, quickly looking down as if he could catch her at it. Their gazes fused and she picked her finger up and traced his lips. Aron trembled at her touch. “Tell me your dreams, Libby.”

  “I would love to go,” she stopped and turned in his lap, straddling him. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her up until her breasts were pressed luxuriously against the hard muscles of his chest. Repeating, she began to whisper in his ear.

  Aron was expecting to hear something totally outrageous. Instead, his throat muscles tensed as emotions battled for the upper hand. Adoration won – hands down. “I would love to go on a picnic – with you.”

  “A picnic? Baby, I’ll take you on a picnic anytime you say. How about we do that and we will go out on the town, to boot.”

  As soon as he finished the sentence, she hopped a little in his lap, which caused those stupendous breasts to bounce against him. Under her splayed femininity, his organ began to grow, seeking attention.

  “Really? You would like to go out with me – in public?” He was stunned at her inference. Did she think that he was ashamed of her? He didn’t get a chance to defend himself; she started chattering like a magpie. “You’ll have to take me to the bank so I can cash a check. I didn’t bring any of my dresses with me.” She didn’t say that her dresses had all been old and too small. There was no use sounding totally pitiful.

  “Sweetheart, when was the last time that a man took you to dinner or out on a date?” He wanted to know; he just didn’t want to know.

  Libby thought for a second, and then answered. “Kevin Tucker took me out for pizza and to the video arcade when I was 15.”

  “That was ten years ago, Libby. What have you been doing for the last ten years?”

  Shit! How was she supposed to answer that? Not truthfully, that’s for sure. Unless. Ah, the romantic approach. Truth, nonetheless. “Waiting for you.”

  “Libby . . . . .”

  “If you don’t have time to take me to the bank, maybe I can borrow the truck. I need to go grocery shopping, anyway.”

  “Why do you need to go to the bank?”

  “To get money to buy something pretty to wear.” Men were so dense.

  “Why don’t you have any money?”

  His question was put out there and then he was silent. She didn’t say anything, either. What could she say?

  “Hellfire and damnation, Libby!” he yelled, almost dumping her from his lap. “Why haven’t you said anything?” When she said nothing, he threw his hat clear across the room. “I haven’t given you one red cent for what you’ve done at Tebow.”

  “I don’t want anything.” She announced quickly.


  “It wouldn’t feel right.”


  “Because ...”


  “Because it makes me happy to take care of you.”

  “Hell, Libby.” Aron squeezed her tight. “I never expected you to come here and work yourself to death for nothing. You will accept the money, I won’t take no for an answer.”

  Libby grew still in his embrace.


  “I have an address you can send it to…”

  “What address?”

  “I have a debt I have to pay off.”

  Immediately, it crossed his mind that she might have debts like Sabrina ran up on him. “Credit card bills?” The tone in his voice sharpened.

  “No, it’s a student loan, sort of.” She didn’t mind him asking. Leaving his lap, she went and got her purse from the kitchen. Returning, she held up her bag. It was an attractive purse decorated with beads and leather. “See, I made this.” Not waiting for a comment, she pulled out her wallet and handed him a slip of paper. “Just send whatever you were going to give me to this address.”

  Aron felt like a heel. He took the paper and jammed it into his front pocket without reading it. “Libby, I’m sorry – about all of it.”

  “It’s all right, Aron. I don’t blame you. After what Sabrina did, you’ve got every right to be cautious.”

  “You’ve never given me any reason to doubt you in any capacity.” Aron was eating humble pie. “Do you feel like going to town now?”

  “Don’t I need to stay and fix lunch for everyone?” This was the first morning that she hadn’t prepared breakfast for them in weeks. The boys hadn’t known how to act when Aron had set out assorted cereals and milk. You’d have thought they hadn’t eaten in a week.

  “They can eat sandwiches.”

  “They won’t be very happy.”

  “Who cares?”


  Libby packed a knapsack that Aron had given her with a few belongings. She was going camping! Today had been tremendously exciting. Aron had taken her to town and escorted her from place to place. He had insisted that a trip to the bank wasn’t necessary and they had started their round of shopping at a little boutique. Aron had gone crazy and much to Libby’s chagrin he had bought her three complete outfits. She grumbled all the way down the street as he carried her packages.

  “Get used to it. I intend to spoil you rotten.”

  The grocery store had been an adventure. Libby learned a valuable lesson; never take a hungry man to the supermarket. They ended up with four over-loaded, piled-high carts. One would have thought that on a ranch as big as Tebow that they would butcher their own beef – but all of the cattle on the ranch were registered purebreds, and you don’t eat show cows. So two of the carts were meat exclusively. Libby loved to cook and Aron loved her cooking so he made sure she had every spice, herb and oil that her little heart desired.

  The longer the day went on, the more Libby realized what she would be missing if she walked away from Aron McCoy. He made everything fun and every moment a joy. Being with him on an ordinary day was better than an adventure any day.

  ? Chapter Six ¿

  “You wanted to ride a horse, so come on love, climb on.” Aron held out his hand.

  “Sultan is a really tall horse.” Libby marveled. The golden Palomino stood sixteen hands high and weighed almost twelve hundred pounds. She placed her foot in the stirrup and he picked her up easily. “We’re riding double?”

  “Oh, yeah. We’ve got about an hour ride to the camp-site and I intend to have a helluva time with you, love.” He sat her in front of him in the saddle. Aron was a big man, so the space between the saddle horn and his groin was snug.

  “I like this.” Her honesty warmed his heart
. She had put her hair into a loose braid and he pushed it to one side so he could kiss her neck.

  “So do I, pumpkin. So do I.”

  “We are going to be all alone, aren’t we? “ She didn’t want anyone interfering in their time together.

  “This is Tebow land, honey. There’ll be no one but us. I have a satellite phone in my saddlebag if we need help. We won’t see another living soul in the next two days.”

  “Maybe that’s a good thing, considering the way I’m dressed.” Libby didn’t understand, but Aron had asked her not to wear pants – or underwear. He had spread a finely woven blanket over the front of the saddle, thereby making her a nice soft nest to sit on.

  “You’re dressed perfectly.” She wore a red sundress that was now pulled up so high that her bare bottom was nestled in the cradle of his thighs. The trail that Aron headed Sultan down was dappled in shade. “Look over there, Sweetie.” Through a break in the copse of trees she could see a beautiful lake, and standing on the shores of the lake were hundreds of head of longhorns.

  “Wow, they’re magnificent animals.”

  “Yes, they are. Big John, our oldest bull has an eighty inch spread to his horns, tip to tip. We raise them for breeding only and recently I sold a cow to a rancher in New Mexico for one hundred seventy thousand dollars.”

  “Good Gracious!” She had no idea.

  “I’m not a poor man, Libby.” Aron didn’t brag about his means, but he wanted Libby to understand that he could take care of her.

  “I know you’re not, Aron.” Raising both arms to touch his neck, she shifted in his arms for a kiss. “But I’m more interested in your non-financial assets.”

  “Good answer, baby.” How non-Sabrina could you get? “Time to get this show on the road.” Without any warning, he pushed her elasticized sun dress down to her waist. Libby gasped in surprise and instant arousal. “Sultan knows the way.” He doubled the reins and laid them across the horse’s neck. “Lean back so I can have unhindered access to those beauties.”

  Gladly, Libby did as he asked. “I love the way your hands feel on my breasts. The little rough spots on your fingers make me want to wiggle. “

  “Good to know that my calluses are worth something to somebody.” Aron let his hands slide up until he had picked both of Libby’s tits up and lifted them until it would be possible to bring to life one of his sinful daydreams. “Lick them, Libby. Lick your pretty little nipples.”

  “Me? That’s your job?” Libby was perplexed, this she had never even read about.

  “They’re right there, honey. You are bountifully blessed; pleasure yourself for me.” With only a moment’s hesitation, Libby bent her head and darted out her tongue to taste the tip end of her own breast. Huh! The sensation was not an unpleasant one. “Now the other one.” She continued to follow his instructions. “Now, suck them for me baby.” Aron‘s arousal went from atomic to nuclear at the sight of Libby tugging on her own nipple.

  “Ummmmm,” Libby mumbled as she sucked at the pebbled peak. It was the oddest sensation. Zing! Good Gravy! This felt absolutely incredible. Tingles of pleasure were racing the two feet or so that separated her nipples from her clit. Without being told, she abandoned one nipple and latched on to the other one. Behind her, Aron chuckled.

  Libby turned loose long enough to mumble. “Wow. If I’d known how good this felt, I would have been doing it all the time.” At that revelation, Aron abruptly lowered her hands from her breasts.

  “Oh, no. Forget, I introduced you to that wicked little pleasure. I refuse to be replaced,” Aron laughed. Still slightly dazed, Libby didn’t realize what was happening until she felt herself being lifted and turned in the air. The next second, she found herself belly to belly with her baby.

  “Oh, goody!” She began to unbutton his shirt. She was eager for more tactile delights. His hands fumbled with his belt buckle and zipper. When his actions registered with her, she looked up at him quizzically. “Is this even possible? Or safe?”

  “I’ve never fell off a horse in my life, Libby. And I’m not about to start now. Trust me, Sultan and I will keep you safe.” He pulled his cock from his pants and then proceeded to delve between her thighs with eager fingers. “You’re already as slick and satiny as can be, love. Come here. Pull your legs up and put them around my waist.” With a minimum amount of contortion, Libby found herself maneuvered until she could gratefully slide down on his turgid cock.

  Aron was already leaking pre-cum and the tight fit of Libby‘s little pussy made him grunt with pleasure. “Now, this is an adventure, Libby-mine.” She couldn’t answer, all she could do was cling to his shoulders and coo with delight. In her position, and not wanting to spook the horse, the only movement that she dared make was internal, but her efforts did not go unnoticed. “Damn, baby, that feels unbelievable!” He buried his face in her neck and just wallowed in the wondrous rush of love that washed over him.

  “Aron, open your eyes and watch where we’re going. I can only see where we’ve been.” At her bossy little directive, Aron wiggled his cock deep inside her.

  “You’re not supposed to be able to process thoughts. Why aren’t you mindless with rapture?” Who would have ever thought that sex could be so joyous? What used to be a necessary bodily function was now a celebratory event.

  “I am mindless with rapture,” she assured him as she rubbed her nipples deep into his crisp chest hair. “God, that feels good.”

  At her audible euphoria, Aron’s level of arousal sky-rocketed. “Not going to last,” he vocalized through clenched teeth. Standing up in the stirrups, and holding her upright, he rammed into her with tremendous force. Her pubis was grinding against his pelvic ridge eliciting spurts of tremendous sensation. As she peaked, Libby reached out and bit Aron right at the point his neck met his shoulder.

  That was all it took, Aron roared with release. Bucking upward, he emptied himself within her, forever claiming her as conquered territory. Sultan pranced and sidestepped, but Aron did not falter or relinquish his hold on his beloved.

  Libby felt no fear, only an absolute and utter elation.

  Sinking back down, they cuddled and murmured little nonsensical phrases of praise and worship. The word love might not have been verbalized, but its presence was undeniable.

  Teasing, Libby observed, “Sultan is so well behaved. This wasn’t the first time that you performed this equestrian feat, was it?”

  “Actually, it was. Although, I will admit I have fantasized about it a time or two.” Planting a smacking kiss on her forehead, Aron deftly reversed her position.

  Sighing, she settled herself against him while he adjusted her clothes. “That was the most fun I’ve ever had on horseback, Libby-poo.” His manipulation of her name was becoming a precious oddity. She couldn’t wait to see what else he would come up with.

  “What is this, a Hilton resort?” Libby was shocked; she had expected a clearing and a campfire. Instead, there was a quaint, rustic cabin with mammoth rocking chairs on the front porch and a stone fireplace. There was even running water and a shower the size of a grotto. “Aron, this is tremendous!”

  “It’s the McCoy hunting cabin. Mom would go hunting with Dad and she didn’t like to rough it. Dad wanted her company so he spruced it up for her.”

  “Your dad must have loved your mother very much.” Libby didn’t realize that she sounded wistful.

  Aron wanted to reassure her that he loved her equally, but he also knew that she wasn’t ready to hear it. Something was holding her back. He suspected that she had interpreted his skin-calligraphy the day before – and if he weren’t certifiably insane, she had reciprocated. He fully intended to push the issue – sooner rather than later.

  There was a complete kitchen and three bedrooms. The bathroom was downright luxurious, but the piece de’ resistance was a king-size hammock that was professionally engineered and securely hung between four strategically placed trees. Libby suspected the trees had been planted for this specific purpose.
Walking up to the hammock, she began to have sensual visions. “Aron, after while . . . .could we. . . “

  “Make love in the hammock?”

  “Oh, yeah.” A nip on her butt caused Libby to levitate about eighteen inches. “Aron,” she squealed. He had squatted down behind her, totally captivated by the way she was pulling on the thin cotton sundress that she wore. Unconsciously, she had been fiddling with her dress, pulling it forward, leaving her bottom lovingly molded in thin see-through cotton. “Fooling around in this hammock is definitely on the agenda.”

  Aron had it all planned out. The fridge was stocked and he had changed the sheets on the bed. But, right now he had a couple of surprises up his sleeve. “Let’s go, precious.”

  “Where are we going?”


  “Do we have to use real live bait?” Libby pushed her bottom lip out in what was becoming his favorite expression – except for that dazed, rapturous look she got when she came apart in his arms, shivering in orgasmic ecstasy.

  “What did you expect to use?” There was no chance that he would lose his patience with her, she totally beguiled him.

  “A piece of wienie?” she looked hopeful.

  “Lucky for you that I brought some.” He loped back to the cabin and came back with a wiener for her. The picturesque little lake was no more than a hundred yards behind the cabin and there was a dock built out over the watery expanse. He loved the way she looked with her legs dangling in the water.

  He grinned, watching her push a piece of the meat-stick down over the hook. “You don’t mind if I use a minnow do you?”

  “No, but let me turn my head. I don’t want to see you skewer it on the hook.” She dutifully turned away while he baited his hook. Soon, both of their lines were in the water, their bobbers floating on the surface.

  Secure in his superior fishing capability, Aron announced. “The last one to catch a fish cooks supper.”


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