by Robyn Roze
Jake reached down to open Olivia’s door and gave her a penetrating look, as if he was trying to see what was circling in her head as she sat judging his home. “Miss Marshall.” He gestured chivalrously at her exit.
She found it a little disconcerting to have him opening doors for her everywhere they went. Olivia was not accustomed to that kind of care. After all, she was a big girl and was quite capable of opening her own doors. He was just trying to throw her off his trail with charm, she reasoned to herself. She looked up at him and muttered under her breath, “Thanks,” as she eased up and out of the FIAT.
Jake nodded and smiled at some of the people as he and Olivia made their way up to the front porch. He lightly held his right hand at her lower back as he reached ahead of her with his left hand to open the door for her.
“I really am capable of opening doors,” she quipped.
She suspected he knew it perturbed her and that was one reason he continued to do it. He grinned and replied, “It’s the least I can do.”
She rolled her eyes and entered the modest foyer that contained a closet to the right with bench seating under a window. Straight ahead, open railed stairs led to the second level. She surveyed the nine-foot ceilings as she stepped into the living room, which had a large fireplace at its center on the far wall. Its mass flanked by built-in bookshelves resting underneath leaded stained glass windows. As she continued to circle in place, she stopped and looked out the trio of large windows that opened over the eight-foot deep porch they had just passed through.
Everything looked very masculine, of course. Dark-wood trim and flooring all around, a large navy-hued sofa under the front windows with a well-worn leather ottoman in front of it and a beefy, mocha-colored leather chair near the fireplace. All perched completely or in part on a shaggy, maroon area rug. Her eyes trailed to the wide-cased opening that led to the dining room and kitchen. A chunky wood table anchored the dining room with mismatched chairs. To her right was a good-sized kitchen with a raised center island and above the sink was a bump out that housed three over-sized windows.
As Olivia inspected his living quarters, Jake unabashedly check out her assets. She moved with grace and fluidity and he savored watching her soaking in the details of where he lived. He hoped she would be spending a lot more time here in the future. Her tight, faded jeans transfixed him as they greedily hugged her backside and thighs before mercifully relenting at her knees into a soft flare that rested on running shoes. Her pale yellow t-shirt with a faded white smiley face on the front happily embraced her round, bouncy breasts and upturned nipples. I’d be smiling, too, he thought. Wait, was she not wearing a bra again? Jesus! He blinked and swallowed hard as his mouth went dry. She had tucked her hair behind her right ear while leaving her long bangs to drape seductively over her left eye. Her emerald pools washed over every detail as she switched between softly biting her lower crimson lip and licking it. Oh, how he wished he were the one doing that.
This was not what Olivia was expecting. It was definitely a bachelor pad with no evidence of any female influence, but there weren’t any posters of half-naked women taped up on the walls. Maybe they take those down before parties and dates, she decided ruefully. They probably piled them in a closet somewhere.
As she continued her inspection beyond the kitchen, she walked into a hallway with a closed interior door to her left and another to her right that opened to a powder room. Further back, she could see framed glass double doors that opened to a large patio and pergola draped in multicolored party lights. A portable docking station was setup outside with someone’s iPod already attached and blaring tunes. When Olivia turned around, she was startled to find Jake just inches from her. She hadn’t realized he was following her so closely.
He grinned knowingly at Olivia who was flustered by his proximity. “So what do you think of the place?”
His scent washed over her, baiting her closer to him. He smelled so masculine and strong. She breathed him in, committing his essence to long-term memory. She wanted to be able to retrieve that in the future for sure. Olivia quickly regained her composure and shrugged. “It’s okay for a bachelor pad, I guess.” She wasn’t about to let him know she was impressed.
Jake splayed his sizable hand against the closed door she had noticed earlier. “This is my bedroom,” he rasped deeply as he patted the door with his fingers, leaving his palm glued to it and never taking his eyes off hers.
Olivia arched her right brow and snorted, “Well, if you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all.” She smiled slyly.
Jake leveled a hard amorous gaze. “Oh, Miss Marshall, I promise you haven’t seen one like this before.” Jakes hooded eyes were starting to smolder, but the seductive repartee was interrupted when Steve came whistling and stomping through the back door.
“Oh, hey there, Jake, I could use a little help out back with the kegs…uh, when you get a chance,” he stuttered, apparently noticing the heated stare down between Jake and Olivia.
A few seconds elapsed before Jake tore his gaze from Olivia and acknowledged his roommate. “Steve, this is Olivia Marshall. Olivia, this is Steve Wilson, my roommate and old buddy from back home.” Jake looked between the two.
Steve smiled at Olivia. “So, you’re Olivia. Nice to meet you.” He nodded at her. “Jake’s talked about you.” She could just imagine what the two of them had talked about together.
Steve was a nice looking guy with short-cropped blond hair and hazel eyes, but he was quite a bit shorter than Jake and built more like a tank or a bulldog.
Steve glanced back to Jake and pointed with his head and thumb to the back yard and the waiting kegs. Olivia was starting to notice that more partygoers were arriving now.
Jake gave Olivia a conflicted look. “Go, go help.” She waved toward the back patio. “It’s your party. “I’m fine. I’ll be out in a little bit.” Jake eyed her a little longer before turning to go out back with Steve.
Olivia immediately crossed over to the powder room and shut the door. She flipped on the light and stared hard at her face in the mirror. There was a stern monologue unwinding in her head.
Just have fun tonight.
Do not add another notch to this guy’s bedpost.
No matter how freaking sexy, funny or cute he is tonight, you have to leave with your dignity intact.
This guy’s used to getting the girls he wants and you’re nothing special to him.
She was sure if she repeated it enough times, eventually she would be convinced.
As she exited the powder room, she headed toward the kitchen and heard an unfamiliar voice call her name.
“Olivia? Olivia Marshall, right?” A very nice Mediterranean-looking guy was standing in front of her near the center island. She wasn’t sure she recognized him, but he did seem familiar.
He noticed her hesitation. “We’re in Riggs’ Biomechanics class together,” he offered disappointedly. Oh, now she knew who he was. She had caught him staring at her a few times during class. “I’m Tony Capezi.”
Olivia raised her brows and gave him an open smile. “Oh, right. Hi, Tony. I’m sorry. I didn’t recognize you outside of class.” She wasn’t sure what to say next. “Um, so you must know Jake or Steve?” She looked around hoping that he brought a girlfriend.
He looked confused. “No. Uh, no. I just heard about the party from a friend of a friend.” He laughed nervously and took a couple of sips from his drink. “So, are you here alone, Olivia?” he questioned hopefully.
Just then, a large hand slid gently around her waist, pulling her into a warm embrace. She looked up at Jake who was staring murderously at Tony. “No, Tony, she’s not here alone.” Jake took a long drink of his beer never taking his eyes off the interloper.
Oh, for crying out loud, he was marking his territory like a damn dog, Olivia realized, but she had to admit, she liked having his arm around her. His fingers were delicately circling in a very distracting manner along her hip, and she was fee
ling warm and tingly in all the places that she didn’t want to right now. Tony attempted to hide his embarrassment before he apologized and headed straight out the front door.
Olivia cocked her head and glanced up at Jake. “Did you just mark your territory like a dog, Mr. McCloud?” She noticed the haze of an early beer buzz in his stunning, electric blue eyes.
His lids narrowed in a smile. “I am a dog, Miss Marshall. But you already know that don’t you?” He took another drink never taking his eyes off hers and waited for it. She delivered in spades.
She threw her head back and retorted, “Yes, I do, and that’s why I have no need for a dog. They indiscriminately piss on everything.”
Olivia was having a great time at the party and she hadn’t even had one drop of alcohol all night so that she could keep herself in check where Jake McCloud was concerned. People were inside, outside, upstairs, downstairs, playing quarters, playing cards, making out, having inebriated philosophical discussions and she was having a lot of fun just observing all of it. She hadn’t attended parties when she lived in Lake Abyss; Nick hadn’t allowed it, so this was all new. She mingled and meandered not feeling the need to be at Jake’s side the entire time.
Jake studied Olivia as she strayed from him again to float around the house. She had an independent streak that he definitely liked, but it did leave him feeling ambivalent at times. He wasn’t used to a girl who didn’t stake her claim on him – no matter how short-lived. Was she that confident or just not that interested? He quickly decided the only explanation was confidence. After the last few weeks, he was sure that she was interested, and he had made certain that there was no doubt of his attraction to her. He really did enjoy just being with her. Besides being funny, she didn’t play the games that other girls did.
Aside from really wanting her in his bed, he actually wanted to know more about her, too. For the first time, he was intrigued. He figured there must be many interesting layers to Olivia Marshall. He just hoped she would hang around long enough to let him peel some of them back. As he finished his drink, he decided she needed to spend more time with him tonight.
Olivia suddenly felt a large hand on her and then he pulled her up from the card game she had been following. Jake ordered, “Let’s dance.” Before she could even respond, he was leading her out back. Some innocuous dance song was playing and Jake carved a path onto the crowded patio, now a dance floor. She managed to drop his grasp and fall back against the bungalow’s exterior. He turned and gave her a dramatic disappointed look while she slowly shook her head no. She had never been comfortable dancing and had only gone to one school dance when she was thirteen.
Now she was watching Jake dance and thinking to herself that she shouldn’t feel so self-conscious, because he was a god-awful dancer. Had he just had too much to drink? She started giggling and it turned into an uncontrollable never-ending-bent-over-convulsing belly laugh. Then she noticed that he had stopped and was watching her reaction. He looked around to see if she was laughing at him or someone nearby. Once he realized he was the joke, a stern playful look flashed across his face as he determinedly pushed his way through the gyrating bodies toward her.
As he stood in front of her looking down into her laughing eyes with merriment in his own, he asked, “What’s so funny, Olivia?” He parked his hands on his lean hips and twisted his mouth to one side as if trying not to catch her infectious laughter.
Once she could get herself under some semblance of control, she cleared her throat a few times and attempted to stand straighter. God, her sides actually hurt. Okay, Olivia stop it she chastised herself. She peered up at him trying to be semi-serious. “Well, I was just thinking that I hope what I’ve heard isn’t true.” She looked up expectantly up at him.
He looked baffled and a little nervous. “What have you heard?”
She cleared her throat again and continued, “Well, I’ve heard stories that…well…you can tell what a guy will be like in bed by the way he dances…” She trailed off and bit her lips together trying to control the next round of hysterics bearing down on her.
Jake took a step back to contemplate her for a few seconds deciding how best to handle her. Oh, Miss Marshall, you naughty, naughty girl he growled to himself. Maligning my prowess now, hmmm? If people didn’t surround them right now, he would definitely tickle her within an inch of her life. Then oblige her with what he knew were his considerable talents. Oh, he really wanted to make her scream his name now.
He held her beautiful emerald pools in his gaze and took his time slowly sliding into her personal space until they were nose to nose. He noticed her breath hitch and he thought she might have even blushed. Good, Jake mused. She’s off balance for a change.
In a very husky voice he crooned, “So, Olivia, you’ve been standing over here imagining what I’d be like in bed?” He was close enough that he heard her swallow hard. She blinked slowly trying to regain composure, but he had no intention of letting up. He moved in even closer and turned his face just enough that his stubble gently grazed her cheek. He felt her shiver under him and could feel her hot breath on his neck. Oh, yeah, she wanted him.
Focus Olivia! Focus! She kept repeating the mantra in her head. “Not exactly.” She breathed heavily with eyes closed and swallowed. “I was imagining that your previous conquests have either lied about your dancing or…other things.” Again, she bit her lips together. Oh my, God, he smelled yummy. She wanted to know what his lips felt like while his strong muscled body crushed hers on top of a bed. STOP IT! STOP IT! Olivia screamed in her head.
Without warning, Jake’s body drove her with gentle force up against the house. He closed his eyes and breathed in the sweet heady scent of her hair. She was still trying to stay on top of her high horse. Oh, how he wanted to pull her off that horse and put her mouth to better use. He leaned in even closer tucking her hair behind her ear and skimming her cheek with his stubble. He felt her shudder and let out a faint moan.
He fixed his hands against the house next to her shoulders and whispered seductively, “I know what you think of me, Olivia. And you’re smart to be careful around me.” He very gently nuzzled her ear. “But I’m going to let you in on a little secret.” He could feel her chest rising and falling rapidly while she licked her sweet, crimson lips. “You’re different from any girl I’ve met. So I’m going to treat you differently.” Jake let his hot breath caress her neck and noticed the vein in her neck pulsating. He smiled. “You are going to have to make the next move, because I’m not. I’m not going to do what you expect.” His expression was smoldering when he repositioned his face in front of hers.
Olivia was sure that her panties had melted clean off her. She felt drenched from head to toe. My God, was there anything sexier than his rumbling voice whispering those words in her ear, his hot breath on her neck or that damn stubble electrifying her with charges every time he grazed her with it. She was in serious ass trouble. Get it together, Olivia, she demanded repeatedly in her head.
She composed her thoughts and locked his smoky eyes with hers. “That’s a big risk, Mr. McCloud. I think you’re bluffing.” She hoped he couldn’t feel her jack hammering heart.
Jake’s mouth curled at one corner. “Try me,” he teased with a glint in his eyes, grabbing her hands and pulling her to him for a slow dance. Bono was drifting from the speakers singing ”All I Want Is You” as Jake guided her hands up around his neck and then slid his hands back down her arms, shoulders, back and then pulled her close with his strapping hands flat against her lower back. He lowered his head so that it rested beside hers and began softly humming the song next to her ear.
Olivia pulled Jake’s broad shoulders and expansive chest closer, and he responded in kind gliding his strong hands across her back and squeezing her snugly in his powerful arms. She felt like he had swallowed her whole, as his delicious spicy scent floated around her making her feel a little dizzy. Was that his heart pumping so hard or he
rs? Oh, God, she really liked him holding her like this against his unyielding body.
She had to know and decided to take him at his word and try him. She gently brushed her cheek across his and pressed her forehead to his, sliding her hands slowly down from his neck and resting them on his brawny chest. When she looked up, Olivia saw Jake’s eyes closed and he was no longer humming. He seemed to have stilled.
She rubbed his nose with hers and when he finally opened his eyes, they scorched her with their blazing heat. That look melted her and without hesitation, she raked her hands through the back of his hair, pulled his mouth to hers, and kissed him hard and hungry. He tasted sweet and sexy and she may have even moaned a little, but she didn’t care. His soft lips covered hers as his hands greedily caressed her back and shoulders drawing her in even tighter.
Her hands drifted under his arms and up around his back, pulling him even closer as they swayed and shifted against one another for better access to each other’s hungry mouths. She gently tugged at his full lower lip with her teeth and she thought he growled. He brought his hands up and cupped her face as his kiss turned even more passionate and his tongue began probing her mouth more deeply. She met him stroke for stroke. They were heading for a frenzy that Olivia didn’t think she would want or be able to stop. She needed to break away now or this would go too far too fast.
“Jake. Jake,” she whispered into his mouth not wanting him to answer. He just kept kissing her hard, claiming her mouth with his tongue and stroking her face tenderly with his thumbs. How many times could her panties melt in one night?
She really didn’t want to stop, but she forced herself to pull away and saw the desire stoked in his eyes that mirrored her own.
They both just looked at each other gasping for air from the lost connection. She thought she would ignite right there. She had never kissed anyone like that before…nor had anyone kissed her that way. He was so incredibly sexy and when he looked at her like that, she knew she was going to have to be very careful for so many reasons.