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Keeper Page 14

by Robyn Roze

  Connor McCloud, on the other hand, was as tall as Jake with thick, wavy salt-and-pepper hair that highlighted his stormy gray eyes and square jaw. Those gray eyes lit up earlier when Jake introduced Olivia. Connor gave her a bear hug that completely took her by surprise. Olivia was definitely getting the impression that Jake had been talking about her quite a lot to his parents. Sometimes she forgot that people had families and that they shared their lives with them.

  Dinner was delicious. Evelyn had made a variety of tasty salads and a few desserts that the ravenous group completely devoured. Connor and Jake had grilled juicy burgers and barbecued chicken, which Olivia eagerly ate.

  Olivia had prepared herself in advance for all kinds of intrusive, albeit normal, questions from Jake’s parents, but much to her surprise — and relief — it hadn’t happened. They pretty much talked about their lives. Connor was a pediatrician in the city and Evelyn worked as a nurse in his office. They lived together and worked together. Olivia wondered if they ever just wanted time away from each other. She guessed not. It was apparent they really liked each other, still teasing, joking and touching as if they were teenagers. She didn’t remember much about her parents’ relationship except that they had worked very hard and were seldom home.

  The McCloud’s seemed very interested in Olivia’s career choice and discussed the need for physical therapists in their area. They believed there was even a market for working independently and building a new business. She couldn’t help but wonder if Jake had put them up to that. Then she noticed the smile on his gorgeous face and knew the answer. He had definitely been talking a lot about her to them. She was just sorry that there was so little for him to tell. She promised them she would seriously consider what they had told her when she began her spring interviews.

  The highlight of dinner, however, was the evident delight they all took, Jason especially, in telling her embarrassing stories about Jake, which she thoroughly enjoyed hearing. It helped round out the picture of Mr. Magnificent-the playboy that she still had in her head. She could feel herself starting to relax a little. Maybe this weekend wouldn’t be so bad.

  After dinner, they all cleaned up the table, and Evelyn and Connor shooed the “kids” away to go and select a movie on Netflix while they finished loading dirty dishes in the dishwasher. The three of them headed down to the second level to checkout new releases.

  They selected a comedy and settled in as Connor and Evelyn took their seats on a loveseat. Jake positioned himself on the floor against the sectional centered in front of the TV and looked up at Olivia, patting the carpet between his legs. She complied, sitting between his legs on the floor and leaning back against him. Jake reached around, grabbed a forest green throw off the couch and blanketed them with it.

  He murmured in her ear, “It might get cold on the floor.” Once the blanket was covering them, Jake tented his knees, repositioned his feet along the inside of hers, and then crossed her arms underneath his on her belly snuggling up against her. The large great room was almost dark except for dimmed background lighting. Jake’s parents were sitting in a cozy embrace watching the movie. Jason was sprawled on an oversized recliner closer to the television, laughing and engrossed in the antics on the large plasma screen. Then the outside world interrupted when Connor’s pager alerted him. He gave Evelyn a sideways glance and she nodded, mouthing I’ll go with you. They rose from their warm seats and told the kids to continue the movie without them as they made their exit.

  After about an hour, Olivia felt Jake’s grip on her tighten and his feet slide up a little higher nearer to her knees. Then she felt his hand stray between her legs and she immediately understood that he had intentionally pinned her underneath the fleece throw. She looked up at him aghast and he was smiling mischievously with narrowed eyes.

  “Watch the movie, Liv.” He breathed softly into her ear, “You don’t want to draw attention to us do you?” He nuzzled closer to her as his hand deftly skimmed under her yoga pants and panties. He whispered softly, “Good call on the yoga pants…no noisy zipper,” he growled faintly in her ear.

  She stiffened as he delicately traced the quivering line separating her outer folds while holding her snugly against him. Her breathing hitched as he gingerly inserted one then two fingers.

  He moaned quietly in her ear and whispered, “You’re already so wet, Liv.” She could feel him smile against her face.

  She was trying very hard to focus on whatever was happening on the television screen up in front of her. His fingers were slowly massaging her sensitive spot and then he slid the pad of his thumb between her folds and started gently circling around her tingling clit. She tried tightening her legs but his firmly planted feet would not allow it. Her breathing was becoming more uneven as he applied increasing pressure and strokes. Closing her eyes, she did her best to concentrate on not making a scene.

  “Are you okay, Olivia?” Jason asked tacitly, looking back at her with a squeezed expression.

  Her eyes darted open at his voice. Jake was undeterred from his mission and did not let up. She looked at Jason and tried to smile convincingly.

  “Mm-huh,” she muttered softly and choked out, “I’m…fine.”

  Without looking up at Jason, Jake quietly warned, “Just watch the movie, little bro.” There was a hint of a dangerous undertone.

  Then Jake moved in for the kill and electrified Olivia unmercifully with his five-o-clock shadow. She came undone and stiffened as her orgasm pummeled her relentlessly. Jake held her tight as she focused all her efforts on breathing calmly so that she would not cry out in delirium.

  His breath scorched her neck as he whispered hotly, “I always get my way.” She felt him smile against her as he withdrew his expert fingers pulling her t-shirt back down and patting her gently between her legs. Her head lolled against his neck and chest.

  “Is Olivia asleep?” Evelyn asked quietly, as she and Connor returned from the hospital and positioned themselves back on the loveseat.

  Olivia jumped at the question. “Oh, I’m sorry. It’s been a long week. I apologize,” she said sleepily shifting her position.

  Before his parents could comment further, Jake said matter-of-factly, “I think she just needs some fresh air.” He was already pulling her up from the floor and tossing the throw back onto the couch.

  “Oh, we can stop the movie,” his parents offered, looking back at them.

  Jake had already led Olivia to the large double doors leading to the ambient-lit deck outside. “Not necessary,” Jake said. “We’ve already seen this one.” She waved weakly at them as he shut the door behind them and headed down the stairs with her in tow.

  “That was kind of rude, Jake,” Olivia blurted as he quickly led her across the deck and down the stairs.

  “They’re already over it,” he replied, moving at a rushed pace.

  “What’s the hurry, Jake? Slow down.”

  Olivia scanned around the professionally-lit lawn. It was beautiful at night with lights directed at the surrounding forest and the descending slope of the multi-leveled walkway leading to the dock and boathouse. She glimpsed back up at the architecturally stunning home behind them and saw the massive windows centered along the midpoint, glowing warmly in the cool night air. Rope lights wrapped around the various levels of decking and directional fixtures spotlighted the trees reaching up through the decks. It looked like the cover of a luxury home magazine.

  Before she knew it, they were on the dock and Jake pulled her off along a perpendicular walkway that sent them to the back side of the boathouse. He still hadn’t said a word.

  As soon as they rounded the corner, he picked her up and pinned her against the boathouse kissing her feverishly. With her legs wrapped around his hips, his hands skimmed down underneath her yoga pants and tightly gripped her bare cheeks. He moaned as he rocked her back and forth against his burning erection. She was having trouble catching her breath.

  “Jake, we can’t. You have to stop,” she pleaded un

  “I’ve already proven we can. Now get your pants off,” he ordered huskily as he lowered her to the dock.

  Olivia took the opportunity to yank harshly at the front of Jake’s worn jeans and push him back up against the boathouse. She moved quickly and had his jeans and boxer trunks already unhitched before he could stop her. She knelt down stroking his throbbing heat in both hands while sucking greedily at his crown. He was moaning and flexing his hands in her hair as he growled and steadied himself up against the boathouse.

  She was relentless. This was payback for what he’d done to her under the blanket in front of his brother and almost his parents. She squeezed tightly at his root and began stroking the centerline of his sac. She moved him in and out of her mouth and throat as far as she could take him accelerating the speed and changing directions. Then she gently grazed the ridge around his crown with her teeth. He choked out, “Oh, fuck, Olivia.” She rolled her lips under her teeth and applied increased pressure as she took him into her throat completely. He moaned louder and started to stiffen. She knew he was close. She went down on him deep and hard one more time before he roared his shuddering release into her. She continued milking him up and down his length with her hands and mouth until he gave her the last drop. He was quaking and breathing heavily with his hands covering his face.

  Olivia licked her lips and gently pulled his boxer trunks back up along with his jeans leaving them comfortably undone. Then she stepped back and knelt down, sitting and leaning back on her hands, to watch him. It always felt like such an accomplishment to bring Jake to his knees like this. He was so physically strong and in control of everything that she savored knowing she had the power to turn him into a mere mortal like everybody else. Her eyes followed his lazy slide down the boathouse until he was sitting with tented legs, forearms resting on his knees. His head tipped back against the boathouse exterior with his eyes closed.

  Olivia glanced up at the glistening full moon and its delicately painted diamond strokes across the lazy lake. It reminded her of her little blond boy long ago scampering around the lawn with his glass jar, catching fireflies under the milky moonlight only to run to the end of the dock releasing them up as an offering to the celestial body. He would jump up and down giggling the way that only a four-year-old can, while pointing at and counting the escaping bursts of light. Another lifetime ago, she remembered despairingly.

  Just then, Jake tugged her onto his lap, pulling her from the melancholy reverie and wrapped his arms tightly around her. Her head rested on his chest underneath his chin. She deeply inhaled in his scent. It always calmed her.

  “Don’t leave me, Liv,” he whispered hoarsely with a serious distant tone. She stopped breathing and felt a slice of panic. How did he know?

  Jake squeezed her against him and said, “I know you don’t think this is real, because of my past,” he sighed and kissed the top of her head. “But my past is the reason I know this is real. You’re the real deal. We’re the real deal.” He nuzzled her hair and inhaled its sweet scent. “Just give me time to make you believe it, Liv. Okay?” he pleaded, caressing her arm with his strong hands.

  She was stunned into silence. Jake thought his past was the problem. All she could do was nod against his chest. She felt as if she might cry, but had depleted her reservoir long ago.


  As Olivia and Jake entered the house hand in hand, they saw Jason holding a pool stick angled away in front of him while he sat back against the billiard table watching the television above the fireplace. Olivia jumped when she heard Nick’s voice.

  Jake noticed her reaction and asked, “You okay?” Olivia’s color drained as she watched the TV.

  “Yeah, I’m fine…just fine.” She waved him off and moved nearer to the pool table.

  Jason still watching the screen said over his shoulder to Jake, “Do you remember this guy?”

  Jake looked at the TV and shook his head. “Should I?”

  “He was a helluva a motocross racer in his day. Don’t you remember Dad taking us to see him when we were kids?”

  “No,” Jake answered.

  “Well, this guy tore everybody up back then, but he never went pro for some reason. I think he had some kind of accident or something if I remember right,” Jason said matter-of-factly.

  “Okay, I guess it made a bigger impression on you,” Jake responded neutrally, shoving his hands into his front pockets and glancing over at Olivia who was staring hard at the TV screen.

  “Oh, I don’t really follow it anymore,” Jason replied. “I just watch it now and then. He owns a racing team that’s kicking ass in the Grand Prix’s. Apparently, he’s got some new rider that’s tearing up these races.”

  Olivia could not tear herself from the screen. There was Nick, talking and smiling on the TV. He was fielding questions and sitting next to Scott Chambers. She had guessed Nick was scouting him when they went to the supercross race the last time she visited. Her stomach was churning. Here he was in the room with her - and Jake. Her worlds were colliding and she felt like she might vomit. She could barely breathe.

  Jake watched Olivia, not sure what to think. She was acting strangely. What had happened since they walked in the door?

  Then she abruptly turned heading to the guest room and said to no one in particular, “I’m going to take a shower.” Before Jake could say anything or make a move in her direction, she had already shut and locked her door.


  Olivia sat on the tiled shower floor letting the punishing steamy hot water pelt her. She wanted so desperately to wash away her past. She laughed aloud. Jake was worried that she would leave him because of his promiscuous past. His past was nothing compared to hers. If he knew about her trail of despair and - Nick, he would want nothing more to do with her. She remembered how well-meaning friends and neighbors had looked at her after the accident. She saw the pity and the fear in their eyes. It was as if she had become a bad luck charm, which proved to be oh so true when Nick decided she was ripe for his taking. She shivered. She knew that in the end she was better off on her own - alone. Nobody deserved to have her clusterfuck of a life dumped on them.

  Every now and then, though, Olivia would have an errant thought that Jake might be different. Maybe she could let him in. Maybe after the initial shock of the avalanche, he would still look at her the way he did now. Sometimes she even thought that maybe she could just tell him about the accident and leave Nick out altogether, but she knew that was only a short-term solution. Nick was the only reason she was even alive today. Their stories were interwoven, always had been and she saw no way to cut him out of it now.

  After getting ready for bed, she sat in the box window seat and stared blankly out at the lake. Jake had knocked on her door around ten-thirty and found it still locked, but she pretended to be asleep and didn’t answer. She needed some space. She didn’t think as clearly when he was around. He made her dream of the possibility of a happy outcome instead of focusing on the hard reality. He had made her go so off track that she had agreed to spend the weekend with him in his parents’ home on a lake that reminded her of everything she had wanted to forget.

  Jake was supposed to have been just a fun distraction. At the time, she figured he would tire of her, and would have moved on to the next girl by now. Instead, he was growing more serious. She could see it in his eyes and feel it in the way he touched her, and she was beginning to realize there was an even bigger problem…she cared deeply for him.

  Sometime after midnight, Olivia felt compelled to walk down to the lake. She headed out of her room in a milky fog wearing only her thin sleeping shirt and matching shorts. The house was dark and quiet. The deck and landscape lighting still glowed softly, but was unnecessary with the bright full moon in the sky. She noticed her breath in the air and absently thought that she should have dressed warmer and put on her shoes, but she was unaffected by the cool night temperature and continued sleepily down to the dock.

ting through the mist toward the beach, she thought she glimpsed a plastic red pail turned over in the sand and heard the laughter of a little boy in the distance somewhere in the thick trees but couldn’t see him.

  She followed the solar dock lights and perched herself at the very end of the steel dock dipping her bare feet into the cold inky water below. Watching the moonlight skip off the ripples she made, she began thinking of how easy it would be to just slide down into the depths and let everything go, so few people would even be affected by her absence. She leaned further forward over the dock when she thought she saw her little blond boy motioning to her to follow him below. Her thoughts suddenly jerked back into the moment when she heard Jake’s voice behind her.

  “Olivia, what’re you doing out here? You don’t even have a coat on,” he said with alarm in his voice.

  “Oh, I’m fine, Jake. Really, I’m just fine,” she said distractedly, looking off into the distance gently swirling the image from the water.

  He reached down to help her up, saying, “Come on, Liv, let’s get you back up to the house where it’s warm.”

  She didn’t hear him and said, “This place brings back memories…a lot of memories that I haven’t thought about…for a very long time.”

  Jake knelt down beside her and noticed her eyes opening and closing slowly. She almost looked like she was in some kind of trance. He decided to sit with her for a minute. She had never talked about her past before so he decided to blanket her with his warmth to see if she would keep talking to him. He sat behind her and pulled her onto his lap. He tore off his jacket and wrapped it around her feet and legs.

  Cautiously he asked, “What memories, Liv? Tell me.” He was rubbing her feet trying to dry them and warm them at the same time. Her head fell back against his shoulder and he noticed a soft smile on her face. She almost looked like she was dreaming.


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