Tangled Hearts

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Tangled Hearts Page 3

by Elizabeth Lennox

  Chris chuckled but Olivia ignored him. “I’m good,” she said, grinning with anticipation.

  “Ah!” Heather laughed. “A bit of competition, then! Excellent! I’ll get your beers and put in your burger order. Extra fries, coming up.”

  Olivia sat back in her chair, stumped but pleased. In New York City, competition was everything. A brewery and a bookstore might not sell the same products, but they didn’t help each other out. In fact, she hadn’t even known what other companies in her building sold or did while she’d worked there. She hadn’t even known her neighbors in her apartment building! There were rumors that people socialized in the city, but Olivia and her friends hadn’t seen any evidence of that.

  “That was awfully nice of her to offer to help,” Olivia murmured, still stunned.

  “It was sincere. Heather’s great! She and Burt bought this place and all of the other businesses along the street picked up significantly. Especially on the weekends. Lots of evening walking traffic, plus more weekend traffic as well.”

  Olivia nodded. “Good to know.”

  Heather delivered their beers and a moment later, the bell rang, indicating that the trivia competition was about to begin. “Everyone! Here’s the website. Log into the site with your phones and we’ll start the games!”

  Olivia was impressed. Most of the trivia nights she’d gone to used paper and pencils. The host would call out the question, the competing teams would write down the answers and then someone would tally up the right answers after each round.

  “Oh, this is going to be good!” she whispered, putting her hand on his thigh. But the movement caught her attention and she froze for a moment before turning to look at Chris. Sure enough, the heat in his eyes was enough to send sizzles of desire through her body. Slowly, she slid her hand away from his thigh. But before she could fully disengage, his strong fingers moved over hers, stopping her retreat. His eyes dared her to keep her hand in place. Was she brave enough to accept his dare?

  Olivia cocked an eyebrow at him. But she should have known that it wouldn’t be that easy. He lifted an answering eyebrow right back and she shivered.

  “Table three wins the first point!”

  Olivia swung around, startled to realize that they’d just missed the first question. Looking down at her phone, sure enough, the first question had already been released, answered and timed out.

  “Focus!” she snapped at him, then took a long sip of her beer. Snatching her hand away, she looked down at her phone, waiting eagerly for the next question.

  Chris leaned forward and she’d thought he was only going to look at the question on her phone. And he did, but he also wrapped his arm around her, resting it on the back of her chair. His head was so close, she could feel his warm breath along her skin.

  “Table four gains a point!”

  Chris’ deep, rumbling laughter had Olivia gritting her teeth in frustration.

  “You’re not concentrating, Liv,” he commented as if they were having a normal conversation.

  She didn’t dare turn her head for fear that their lips would be too close. Too tempting.

  “You’re not helping,” she muttered.

  He reached out, shifting her phone so that she could see the next question. Even that slight movement distracted her. He had long fingers and she could see the calluses along the tips and his palms. They were working hands, she realized. A strong man’s hands. The muscles in his forearms stood out and he had a thick, heavy watch on his wrist that looked as if it could launch a rocket instead of just tell time.

  “Table three wins another point!”

  Chris chuckled softly when she growled.

  “I think I like this side of you.” His hand moved up underneath her hair, teasing the soft hairs along her neck, before moving lower. Olivia hissed as heat sizzled through her body. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to turn around and jump onto his lap and beg him to make love to her right here on the bar table, or kick him for distracting her.

  “Press B,” he ordered, but didn’t wait for her to follow through, reaching over to press it for her.

  “Finally, Table Two has entered the race!” the host called, pointing to Olivia and Chris. Olivia flushed under the curious gazes of the other patrons and competitors.

  The questions kept coming and, after Chris answered the next three correctly, Olivia pulled herself together and focused. At the end of the round, the two of them were ahead by one point, no thanks to her.

  Their burgers arrived at the end of that round and she licked her lips in anticipation. “Oh wow, this looks amazing!” she gasped.

  Heather nodded, wiping her hands on her apron. “Dig in. I’ll bring more fries if you run out.” And then she was gone. Olivia’s safety net disappeared back behind the bar. Even worse, Olivia suspected that Chris had just silently acknowledged Heather’s question about a refill on their beers. Looking down, Olivia realized that her glass was empty. How had that happened?

  “Eat up,” he encouraged, nodding to her burger. “You won’t be disappointed.”

  Olivia breathed a sigh of relief when he pulled his hand away from her neck in order to eat his burger. Unfortunately, said sigh was noticed by Chris. Figures, she thought with increasing resentment. The man was trained to notice everything.

  “The bookstore looks great. Are you almost ready for the grand opening?”

  Olivia bit into the burger, then closed her eyes as the juicy goodness of the fresh burger hit her taste buds. “Oh my!” she sighed, and slouched down just a little. “This is awesome!”

  “Like it?” Heather asked, bringing two more beers to their table.

  “Love it!” she nodded. “It’s wonderful!”

  For the next half hour, they talked about the opening and business. Chris had some good insights into the population of the town and she appreciated that, thinking to move some of the books around so that some of the special interests books were closer to the front of the store. Easier access meant faster sales, she thought.

  The competition started up just as they finished their dinner and Olivia was eager to get back into the game. They won that round, but lost the third round, most likely because Chris put his hand back on her neck, so Olivia couldn’t focus properly.

  When the winners were declared, Olivia clapped excitedly along with the rest of the crowd.

  “You aren’t upset we didn’t win?” he asked.

  Olivia shook her head. “No way! They are a good team.” She didn’t mention that the two of them would have been a good team if he’d kept his hands off her neck. That was a little tidbit she’d keep to herself. No use giving him more ammunition, she thought.

  Especially since she was still trying to heal from her last romantic relationship. Why did she have to keep reminding herself of that whenever Chris was around? It seemed…well, if she had to keep reminding herself of the healing process, did that mean she was already healed?

  Looking over at Chris as he spoke to Heather at the bar, Olivia wavered. Although, that could just be the beer talking. From past experience, Olivia knew that beer lied!

  “Come on, Liv,” Chris said, coming back to their table. “Let’s walk around the park.”

  Olivia took out her wallet, prepared to pay for her half of the meal. “What are you doing?” he demanded, glaring at her.

  She stopped, two twenty dollar bills halfway out of her wallet. “I was just going to pay…”

  “No,” he growled. “You’re not!” and he took her wallet, stuffing it back into her purse before taking her hand and tugging her out of the bar.

  Olivia was startled to find herself a part of the waves of goodbyes and cheerful hugs. She might have grown up in this town, but after ten years in New York City, she’d forgotten the friendly attitude of small town people. It was nice, she thought as she smiled at the room before they stepped out into the warm, humid night air.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, impressed by the kind gesture of him buying her dinner. Brandon had
n’t ever done that. They’d split everything equally. Well, until the last six months. He hadn’t had any money coming in during that period.

  It suddenly occurred to her that she and Brandon hadn’t gone out for dinner at all in the past several months. Although…she stopped in the middle of the sidewalk as something else occurred to her.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, coming back to stand in front of her.

  “I think my ex was cheating on me,” she whispered.

  His lips thinned and he moved closer, his body language protective. “What was his name?” he asked.

  Olivia smiled, thinking that his casual question – that wasn’t really casual – was sweet. “Are you going to hunt him down and punch him?” she teased.

  His features didn’t change and Olivia realized with a start that he was truly angry. For her!

  “Why do you think that he was cheating on you?”

  She tugged at his hand, surprised to find that he was still holding hers. But now she used it to get them away from the street that still filled with people. Families with their kids, many with strollers, several people with ice cream cones, and she could hear music playing in the distance.

  “Olivia? Why do you think your ex was cheating on you?”

  She shrugged, smiling at the beautiful night. “Oh, it doesn’t really matter now,” she told him.

  “But you’re still going to tell me.”

  She laughed up at him. “That’s a rather commanding tone. Do you practice it?”

  “Olivia, stop trying to change the subject.”

  They turned towards the pond. They had a lot of memories with that pond! “Remember that night we swam over to the island?” she asked, referring to the small spot of land in the middle of the pond that had a huge, beautiful willow tree with long, wavy branches that skimmed the water. There were also some small houses that protected the ducks and geese during storms.

  “Yes,” he replied, pulling her in closer. “I think we should repeat some of those nights,” he told her, lowering his voice as memories of sneaking across the water and hiding amid the long strands of the willow tree leaves floated between them. Oh, the wonderful things that they’d done together under that tree!

  Needing to ease the tension before she threw herself into his arms, she pulled back and, with a mock expression of horror, said, “Officer! Are you actually suggesting that we violate a county ordinance by swimming across the pond?”

  His chuckle was low and sexy as he pulled her against his side. “Yes,” he murmured, nipping at her ear lightly.

  Olivia giggled at the thought of the stern, well known, and easily recognized chief of police getting caught making out under the willow tree in the middle of the town’s park. “Goodness, what will the neighbors say?’ she asked with a deeper southern drawl to her words.

  He smiled and kissed the top of her head. “It’s nice to see you smile, Liv,” he said softly, pulling her under one a big oak tree. He leaned against the trunk, pulling her in between his legs with his hands on her hips. “You were looking a bit too stressed before.”

  “Eh, it’s just the beer talking. I’m still worried about getting everything ready for the grand opening.” She leaned against his chest and sighed with contentment. “Although, I’ll admit that this is really nice, Chief,” she said.

  “Just Chris to you, Liv,” he corrected.

  “Should I feel special?” she teased.

  “Yes.” He kissed her. Olivia felt the world fall away from beneath her. A wave of desire hit her and she whimpered, reaching up on her toes to kiss him back. Unconsciously, her hands slid up his hard chest, wrapping around his neck, and she reveled in the feeling of him under her fingertips.

  There weren’t any loud noises to interrupt them this time, only the realization that they were out in the open where anyone could see them.

  “Let’s go back to your place,” he growled, pushing away from the tree and taking her hand. He was already three steps towards that goal when she pulled back, stopping his momentum.

  “We can’t!” she hissed.

  “We can,” he argued, desire making his eyes glow.

  She shook her head. “We shouldn’t.”

  “Why not?”

  Why not? Good question. Olivia knew that she wasn’t ready for that step. She wasn’t ready to spend the night with Chris. They might have had a thing going together ten years ago, but…!

  “Chris, I just got out of a long term relationship, packed up my apartment, and moved back here. I’m about to open my new bookstore and I’m freaking out a bit about that. There’s been a lot of change in my life and I just…I need some time.”

  He sighed and moved closer. “Time? You just need time?”

  She shrugged. “Time and a lot of customers,” she joked.

  He pulled her gently forward and, Olivia knew she shouldn’t, but he felt too good. So she let him pull her into his arms, his heat surrounding her. “How much time?” he asked.

  Olivia barked a laugh at him. “I don’t know, Chris. I just know that everything in my life is changing and I’m struggling to figure out a routine.”

  He pulled back and looked at her. “Liv, we messed things up the last time we were together. I’m not going to mess things up again. So if you need time, that’s fine. But…” he bent down and kissed her gently, “I’m going to hang around.”

  She thought that was the sweetest thing a man had ever said to her. “I think I can handle that.”

  He pulled back, but took her hand again. “Come on, Dragon Master,” and he led her back across the park to her apartment. “Goodnight,” he said after opening the door for her and returning her keys. “Sweet dreams, Liv.”

  And then he pulled her back into his arms, kissing her with a passion that left her breathless before he walked back down the steps and into the night.

  Chapter 6

  Midnight. Chris sighed as he drove through the quiet streets of town. A major traffic accident on the parkway had brought him out tonight. This time, everyone was lucky – there were no fatalities, so he counted tonight as a good one.

  He was bone tired, having risen at five o’clock this morning to go for a long run and then into the office by seven. His day was never routine, he thought. And he loved it. He loved the people and the town, the sense of community. Staunton, Virginia was his town, he thought.

  At the light, he paused. He should head straight home and get some sleep. Morning would be here soon and he’d been up for far too long already. But instead, he turned right. “Just a drive by,” he muttered to himself.

  Three minutes later, he stopped at the intersection, noting that the light in Olivia’s apartment was still on. Taking his cell phone out, he dialed her number and waited for her to pick up.

  “Hello?” she gasped.

  Instantly, the exhaustion vanished at the sound of the panic in her voice.

  “What’s wrong?” he demanded.

  “Chris?” she sighed, but he could still hear the tremor in her voice.

  “What’s wrong, Liv?” he asked again, already pulling his SUV around and parking under her door. “I’m on my way up. Unlock the door, honey,” he ordered, taking the stairs two at a time, one hand holding the phone and the other resting on his still holstered weapon, but ready for anything.

  As soon as he reached the top of the stairs, her apartment door burst open and she dove into his arms. “You’re here!” she gasped, her arms tightening around his neck. “What are you doing here?” she asked, pulling back slightly, but then shook her head. “I don’t care why. I’m just…Okay, this is silly, but I’m relieved that you’re here.”

  Chris shifted her body to the his other side in order to free up his weapon as he peered over her shoulder, trying to see inside of her tiny apartment. “Tell me what’s wrong,” he insisted, turning so that his body shielded hers.

  “I was just…nervous,” she admitted, her cheeks turning pink. “It’s silly.”

  He glanced at her
, keeping her behind him as he moved into the apartment. “Is someone in here?”

  “What?” she asked. “No! No one’s here.”

  He looked around, peering into the tiny kitchen, then her bedroom. Cute comforter, he noted absently, as he pushed the closet door open to peer inside. “I thought you were a slob, honey,” he said as he looked around the small but cozy den area.

  She laughed. “I used to be. But then I went off to college and had to live in a dorm with another human being. I learned quickly to keep things neat or my roommate would simply walk over my clothes.” She laughed self-consciously and he turned to face her. “It’s one thing for me to walk over my clothes. It’s another for someone else to.”

  He stopped searching her apartment and turned, really looking at her now. That’s when it struck him and he almost groaned aloud.

  “What are you wearing?” he demanded, his body springing to life as he took in the small, thin, cami top with the barely-there straps and the barely there material covering her very-much-there breasts. And pants. Yeah, she was wearing loose, pajama pants but…that top!

  “Oh, um, well,” she crossed her arms over her upper body. “I was in bed, reading, when you called.”

  His eyes slid to the bed and the pieces of the puzzle clicked into place. “You were reading a horror story? Alone at midnight?”

  Oliva glanced over her shoulder at the book laying on the obviously hand-made quilt, the book laying open on the bed with the horrific, gruesome animal with wings and horns glaring out from the cover.

  “I like reading. I like all genres, you know that,” she told him with a slightly defensive tone to her voice.

  The adrenaline still filled his veins as he looked down at her. She looked soft, cuddly, and sexy as hell!

  “Liv!” he groaned. It took him only one step before she was in his arms. Lifting her up, he used the wall behind her and his hips to hold her in place as he devoured her mouth. Over and over, his mouth slanted against hers. The kiss wasn’t enough! He wanted all of her. He wanted to devour her and explore every inch of her body! He wanted…!


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