Leaving His Mark

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Leaving His Mark Page 15

by T A. McKay

  “Can I ask why you’re in here … and when you got in to my bed?” He chuckles against my back, snuggling in even closer. His arms are like vices and even if I wanted to move I wouldn’t be able to.

  “Why are you still talking? Just shhh and let me snuggle in here, it’s so comfortable.” He grinds his dick into me, eliciting another moan from me. He isn’t playing fair.

  “As much as I like what your doing, friend. I would like you to answer my questions.” He’s going to make this friends thing really difficult, his teasing touches are going to drive me insane. He gives me a dramatic sigh before answering my questions and I can’t help but laugh at him.

  “I got up to go to the loo and your door was open. You looked so comfortable and cosy, I thought I would just join you for a little while. I must have fallen asleep and it was a nice sleep until someone woke me up.” He doesn’t make sense. I look comfortable so he joined me. I smell bullshit.

  “Pull the other one, it has bells on it.” A loud laugh hits my ears before his arms release me and he rolls onto his back. I wish he hadn’t. He’s only wearing boxer shorts and it’s really easy to see how turned on he is. His dick is lying hard and pushing against the material, it looks like it wants to escape. My mouth waters as I stare at him all ready to go, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything as erotic as what I'm looking at. He reaches his hand down and rubs slowly up and down his long shaft, a soft groan leaving him. Yeah, I lied. This is the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen.

  I jump up from the bed quickly, I don’t even know what time it is, but I have the sudden urge to get ready for work. I reach the bathroom and walk inside, leaning against the wall just inside the door. I close my eyes before shouting out to him, I can’t look at him when I speak. I swear he is going to make me use every single ounce of restraint I possess.

  “I’m just going to grab a shower for work. Maybe you should go get ready in your own room.” I hear him laugh and there is a rustling noise as I imagine him getting up from my bed.

  “No worries. I’ll just head now…unless you need a hand?” I let out a moan but I’m past caring if he hears me, he knows exactly what he's doing to me and is getting great pleasure out of it.

  “Just go, Gabe, please.” I hear his laughter cut off as the door to my room closes and I collapse to the floor. I don’t know if my body will be able to survive being around him like this, I'm shaking and have a layer of sweat covering me. I won’t pretend that my clit isn’t throbbing right now desperately needing release. It’s in this moment that I make a very important observation. I think Gabe Ryan may just kill me, even if he never touches me again.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I'm sitting in my office trying to focus on the paperwork that’s in front of me but I'm failing. My mind keeps drifting to Rhys. I decided an hour into the day that my friendship plan with her is a really fucking stupid idea. Watching her move about the shop has had my dick hard most of the day. Maybe slipping into her bed last night wasn’t a good idea.

  I’d lied to her about how I ended up there. I hadn’t been able to settle once I’d gone to bed, the conversation between us still running through my head. I haven’t told anyone except Clay about what happened with my dad. I was always worried people would pity me, think I was weak, but I knew I had to tell her. After reacting so badly to those stupid flowers I lost it and my anger had scared her. I knew I had to get out of there and calm down, I felt just like my dad. The only way to ease my conscience was to tell her why I had run and beg for her forgiveness. I had only managed to apologise once before she pried deeper. Once I started telling her I couldn’t stop, the past came out like an avalanche. I did feel better afterwards, just holding her in my arms as allowed the cathartic release of tears. When I was in bed alone, I felt completely uncomfortable in my own skin, as if needed to scratch under it.

  I’d gone to the toilet like I’d told her but her door had been closed and I opened it planning on just checking on her. As soon as I saw her I realised my mistake, I should have just walked past her door. She was lying on her side and had one leg out from under the duvet like she was too hot but goose bumps littered her skin. I walked in with a plan, I was going to cover her up and then walk away. I managed the first part but when she moaned and turned away I needed to touch her. It was a longing deep down in my soul and I couldn’t stop myself. I was just going to touch her thigh, just connect my skin to hers so my nerves would calm down but before I knew it I was lying next to her. I wasn’t touching her, I just lay there listening to her breathe, her scent drifting around me like a cloud. I started to relax, feeling comfortable in my skin for the first time in hours. I knew I needed to move and I was going to I swear but she turned, her body touching mine. Her arm draped over my chest and her leg curled over my leg just inches below my dick. Instantly alert to her my body hardened and I almost sprinted from the room. She didn’t wake as she curled her head under my chin which was surprising, I thought she would wake up screaming. What I got instead was her moaning my name in her sleep. I closed my eyes, feeling pleasure rush through my body at that one word. I wondered if she was dreaming of me or could her body sense me even when her mind wasn’t aware.

  I hadn’t meant to fall asleep but I had felt so relaxed that I must have drifted off. It had all been worth it when I woke up this morning with her cute little arse rubbing against my morning glory. My dick had nestled itself between her arse cheeks like it had been made to be there. Even now thinking about the memory has my dick hardening. I rub my hand over it, trying to ease the pressure. I know one thing for sure, Rhys is going to make me walk about with a permanent boner.

  I’ve been watching her all day, everywhere she moves my eyes are instinctively drawn to her. She’s dressed in tight jeans and a red corset top and it’s taking everything in me not to corner her in the supply room and take her against the wall. She feels it as well, I can tell by the flush that spreads down her neck and the way she bites on her lip when she catches me staring. I want to take that lip in between my teeth and bite it, drawing blood again. I’ve loved seeing the faint teeth marks on her neck today, and the fact that she isn’t even trying to hide them.

  I’m just about to rub my dick again when the door slams open and Clay enters, closing the door behind him. I wait for him to sit down, rest his feet on my desk and cross his arms over his chest like he usually does. He must be working today because he’s wearing his black trousers and light blue shirt. He only dresses like this when he's on a case, he is more your jeans and t-shirt type guy. Since Clay is a private investigator, I thought maybe he would be able to help me with finding whoever seems to have an unhealthy obsession to Rhys. It’s been bugging me since I saw the flowers. The fact that they know she’s living with me, a fact that only Clay, Rhys and I know, makes me think someone is following her. I need to know who this person is so I can protect her.

  “I’ve had the day from fucking hell.” I go over to the fridge and grab a bottle of water and an energy drink, throwing the bottle of water to Clay as I sit again.

  “Thanks.” He opens it and drinks most of the bottle on one go.

  “I don’t know how you drink that shit. You would think you would bounce off the walls all day.” I smile around the top of the bottle as I take a drink. He’s right but since I don’t usually get a lot of sleep it’s my one saving grace. I wouldn’t even bother drinking it today after the sleep I had last night holding Rhys, but I have a headache coming on and they usually help. I don’t want to have to miss work because of a migraine so anything I can do to help I will give it a try.

  “Someone’s a joy today. What happened, someone steal your parking space?” Clay throws the now empty bottle at me but there isn’t much effort behind it so I catch it easily.

  “Just the usual shit. I don’t know why people hire me to catch their other half cheating and then give me crap for confirming it. It’s not like I'm the one slipping it to someone else when I shouldn’t. Totally shooting the messenger.” I
laugh at his innocent expression. I couldn’t do what he does, having to go under cover and follow people. It’s why he takes shifts at the bar as a bouncer, it lets him get closer to some of the people he’s investigating.

  I remember when he first started up his business and I didn’t think he would have enough work to make any money but I was very wrong. Apparently there are tons of locals who need a P.I., he’s made a name for himself and is highly sought after, he even has to travel away a lot.

  “I think people are just in denial. Did you have to show pictures this time?” I know he hates having to show his client’s proof of what he's seen, he tries to keep the worst of pictures from them but sometimes they don’t believe whim until he shows them everything. He nods his head and scrubs his hand over his head, messing his short hair up.

  “Fuck me they were bad. The guy was getting his dick sucked in his car, I tried to avoid showing her but she wouldn’t believe me. She cried for what felt like hours.” I can’t help but laugh, he looks more stressed than normal and I know it’s because the client cried. Clay can do a lot of things but dealing with a crying woman isn’t one of them. He removes his feet from the table and sits up straighter in the seat.

  “Anyway, what did you call for? Have you finally decided that it’s time for me to kick Paul’s arse?” He smiles as though he's hopeful that I’ll agree. He has this hate for Paul that I don’t understand, I know the guy is a dick but I wouldn’t want him beaten up. Ok that’s a lie, I would love to give his face a good punch, especially today. He’s been pushing his luck with his shitty attitude towards me ever since I walked in the door this morning, laughing at something Rhys had said. I swear he’s getting close to getting his final pay check, I think he forgets I'm the boss sometimes. If his appointment book wasn’t so full I wouldn’t put up with his shit for a second longer.

  “As tempting as that is today, that’s not what I called about.” Clays lips turn downwards as he pouts out his bottom lip.

  “You’re no fun, Gabe. So tell me why you wanted me here, was it to see my pretty face?”

  “Actually it’s for Rhys. She’s been getting certain items in the post, letters, presents, flowers, that sort of thing but she doesn’t know who it is. I want you to try and find out who’s sending them.” Clays jaw twitches as I talk. He has a soft spot for Rhys and is just as protective as I am of her, but I hope to hell it’s not for the same reason. I’ve never got into a fight with Clay over a woman, I’ve always stepped aside and let him go after them but not this time. There is no way in hell he's having Rhys.

  “Do you think it’s the same person that paid her a visit at the weekend?” I simply nod trying to keep my anger under control. The more I think about what could have happened the more I want to find this person and rip their arms from their body.

  “And what does Rhys say about it?” This is where I need his special skills to come into play.

  “She thinks it’s nothing and right now I want to keep it that way. I need you to keep this on the down low, whatever happens I don’t want her worrying about it.” A smirk appears on Clays face and I don’t like it, he looks like he knows something but he can’t.

  “And what’s going to happen if she worries? Are you gonna bite her into submission again?” The smirk breaks into a full shit-eating grin and I close my eyes, dropping my head to my desk. I don’t know how much he knows but apparently he knows some of it. The risk I have now is working out how much of the story to tell him, I need to find out how much he knows.

  “I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.” I try to keep my face neutral but I know I'm playing it too cool and he can see straight though it. Clay has known me far to long for me to get anything past him.

  “Of course you don’t, bro. You have no idea how that bite mark got on Rhys’s neck. Let me ask though, was it worth it?” I swear I try to keep the smile off my face, I really do but the thoughts of being with Rhys does two things to me. Firstly, it makes me smile and secondly, it makes me hard. I pull my seat in closer to the table to try and hide the bulge that’s showing in my jeans, but the smile is very obvious.

  “Oh shit. Someone has it bad, looks like she kept your balls afterwards. So you two a couple now?” I'm not sure how to tell him what’s happening between us because I don’t know myself. I keep using the word friend hoping it will keep things light and less serious but I think I might want more. My head is constantly filled with Rhys, every second of the day she is there taunting me with her hot body and sassy attitude.

  “No, not a couple. We’re just friends.” I see Clay pulling up the collar of his shirt and tuck his chin down inside it. I frown at him watching what he's doing.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” He looks at me with big eyes and if I didn’t know better I would say he was scared of me, but as I say, I know him better than that.

  “I'm just protecting myself. Apparently you have a new thing for biting your friends.” He winks at me and I want to poke him in the eye. I know he thinks he's funny but he's not, not even a little bit.

  I hang up the phone and close over Gabe’s appointment book. I’ve just taken his first official ‘six months in advanced’ booking. I swear people would wait for a year to get Gabe to work on them. I wish he wasn’t so good because I was going to ask him to give me my first tattoo but he’s far too busy and there is no one else I would ask. I only want him doing it.

  Checking over my notepad I remember I need to check the stock level of Gabe’s shading needles. He usually does it himself, or at least that’s what I let him think. Since I started I’ve been keeping an eye on the stock and reminding him to order when he gets low on something. I swear he’s the most forgetful guy I know and would have nothing to tattoo with if I didn’t give him a nudge. I'm the first front of office manager that the shop has had and when I arrived it was organised chaos. I’ve taken it as my life’s mission to get this place organised and thankfully Gabe lets me get on with it, giving me full control over everything as long as he has what he needs when he needs it.

  I'm standing on my tiptoes counting his aftercare cream when I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up on end, like someone has left a door open and a breeze has blown in. A warm breath brushes over my cheek and I shudder, the body behind me is far too close for me to be comfortable.

  “Do you need a hand?” I turn quickly coming almost nose-to-nose with Paul. He has a small smile on his face and his eyes flicker between my eyes and my lips. Being so close to him is making my body freak out in the worst possible way. My heart is racing and there is sweat covering my body. I haven’t felt this way since high school, I always feel uncomfortable with people being so close but not normally to this extent.

  “Um … no, I'm fine.” I try to move away but he follows me step for step further into the room. It’s a small room and with the wire shelves it’s even smaller, barely enough room to fit two people but here he is and he's not moving away.

  My back hits the wall and he stops just before our bodies touch. I want to scream, to get someone to rush in here and save me but I know I can’t. Paul isn’t doing anything wrong, he's just in my personal space little too much.

  “I heard about your place, that’s bad luck.” So, he's just being nice, I try to calm my body down, I'm overreacting and it’s not fair on Paul.

  “Yeah, I'm just glad I was out. I don’t know what I would have done if I’d been there.” His jaw clenches and his hands form fists at his side. I'm used to Gabe doing this when he's angry but I don’t know what Paul has to be angry about.

  “I'm sure you would’ve been fine. At least you have somewhere to stay.” I hear the bell above the door go and I smile at Paul and try to get past him but he doesn’t move. I don’t want to have this conversation with him, the fact he knows I'm staying with Gabe makes me uncomfortable, I would rather Paul didn’t know anything about my life.

  “I better go see who that is, it might be your next client.” He finally moves to the side
and gives me a small gap to get past, it’s not a big one though, and my body brushes against his. I keep my eyes to the ground as I move past him and towards the door, I hear him mutter something behind me and I turn quickly to look at him, sure I didn’t hear him right.

  “Sorry, what was that?” I need to know what he said, if I don’t find out my mind will go crazy imagining it.

  “I said I'm glad Gabe was there to give you a bed.” I nod my head before turning and leaving the room. That’s not what my brain is telling me he said, I'm sure I heard something else completely. As I walk to the front desk I repeat in my head what I’m pretty sure I heard. I thought I heard him say ‘It didn’t take Gabe long to get into your bed.’ And if he did, how the hell would he know that?


  “Are you ready to go home?” I look up from my computer and see Gabe leaning against the wall across from my desk. He looks like God took everything I wanted in a man and created Gabe for me. He’s wearing black jeans that are tight over his hip but looser over his thighs. His black Ramones t-shirt is tight over his chest and arms showing all his perfect muscles. I wonder how he got those muscles, I’ve never seen him work out and for a body like that he must have worked hard. His arms are crossed over his chest and I realise I love him in that pose, it makes his muscles bulge perfectly and highlights his tattoos.

  “I think you just like me for my body.” I look up quickly at the sound of his voice and I realise that I’ve been staring. I shrug my shoulders before turning back to my computer hoping to hide the redness on my cheeks.

  “What can I say, you’re hot.” I desperately try to take the words back, to grab them out of the universe. I feel a bit better when I hear his laugh, at least I know he didn’t take it in an awkward way. I need to watch what I say to him though, we are just friends after all. I think I might end up hating the word friend more than any other.


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