Calla's Kitchen_One of the Boys

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Calla's Kitchen_One of the Boys Page 11

by Teresa Crumpton

  “Look who's talking. If anyone needs to get some action, it's you,” she retorts.

  Forest leans toward Calla. “I need to head out. I told Ella I wouldn't be too late picking her up from Nonna and Gramps’ house. You going to be okay with these fuckers for the night?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Go home to that pretty little girl of yours.” She kisses Forest’s cheek before pushing him toward the exit. “See you tomorrow, Forest.”

  A young waitress stops at the table and unloads another round of drinks.

  “Where did these--” Calla starts to ask, but the waitress just shrugs, places her tray under her arm, and walks away.

  Trey, Adam, and I glance around, searching for the person that sent the drinks over.

  “It's probably from them,” I say, tilting my head in the direction of Caleb, Max, and their hostess as they slowly maneuver their way toward our table.

  Calla gulps down her first drink. What's their deal with the hostess? Max gave the impression he wasn't into her, but by the way they’re acting now, I’d say they’re both with her.

  “Funny meeting y’all here. Calla, would you like another?” Caleb steps to the side of Calla, sipping his own drink.

  “Not yet, thanks.” Calla slips around the newcomers and moves over to stand beside Trey, who is standing on my other side.


  I grab Trey’s hand, pulling him to the beat of Sean Paul's Temperature toward the dance floor. Trey pulls me to a stop not far from the table, close enough that everyone can keep an eye on me. With my boys close by, I let down my guard and enjoy the rhythm.

  “So, has anyone caught your eye tonight?”

  “Darlin’, you know I’m not telling you that. Besides, tonight is all about you.”

  “Trey, one of these days the tables are going to turn, and I’ll be helping you with boyfriend issues.”

  Trey chuckles. “Calla, Darlin’, when I find someone I need help with, I promise you will be the first to know.”


  I sip my whiskey as I watch Calla dance with Trey. A few men try to cut in, with no success. Trey is most likely using his growly voice to tell them to fuck off. The song ends, and I hand over another drink to Calla as they move back to the table. Caleb and the hostess move away from our group, leaving Max with us.

  “It seems Calla's making a big hit.” Adam winks at me.

  “Leave the girl alone. Babe, drink up so we can head home. I’m getting tired, and I have to be at Belladonna before you do in the morning,” Nessa pipes in.

  Adam gestures to the drinks filling the table. “You heard my wife. Drink up so I can head out!”

  “Nessa wins. This is the last call for me, too.” Calla takes a glass and raises it. “Thanks y’all.”

  The Belladonna crew clink glasses and bottles.

  “Anything for you, Darlin’.” Trey gives Calla a side hug.

  Another slow, sexual song begins to play, and Max steps up next to Calla. “Can I have a dance before you head out?”

  Calla slips her hand in Max’s.

  “You’re right. We need to bring her out more,” Trey tells me, patting me on the shoulder.

  Calla glances back at us as Adam and Trey laugh, each taking another drink. I shake my head. Max cautiously leads Calla to the dance floor.


  “Have you enjoyed yourself tonight?” Max places his hands on my hips as we move to the music.

  Damn he has some strong arms. Makes me wonder how strong they truly are.

  “Yes, actually. Is it that obvious that I'm a workaholic?”

  “Not really, but Adam has made some comments about it before.”

  My head falls back in laughter.

  “He's such a mother hen sometimes. What else has he told you?”

  “Just that you're a wonderful person that got hurt a while back. And that makes you very cautious,” Max replies.

  “I’d agree with the cautious part.” I smile. “Not so sure on the wonderful. I think he gives me too much credit.”

  “Well, I’d say you're pretty cool.”

  “Thank you. You’re kinda cool, too.” I smirk.

  Max places one hand over his heart. “Kinda? You slay me, woman.”

  We both chuckle.

  From the corner of my eye, I catch Wes as he pushes through the crowd. As one song ends and Lost in this Moment begins, Wes interrupts.

  “May I?” Wes holds out his hand.

  Max steps back, and Wes’s arms snake around my waist.


  “Are you having fun?”

  “Yeah, but I'm tired. After our dance, I'm going to head home.” Calla covers her mouth as she yawns.

  “Come on party girl, I think it’s time to get Cinderella home. We’ll finish this dance another time.” We slowly head back to the table, and Calla attempts to collect her things.

  Trey quickly pulls her purse toward him and pushes a glass of water in her direction.

  “Why did y’all order more drinks?” Calla yawns again.

  The guys chuckle.

  “Darlin’, those are from your admirers,” Trey responds. “We’re not drinking those.”

  She blushes and smiles in agreement, taking the water glass.

  Max follows us out, walking next to Calla. She is in no condition to drive. However, neither am I. Not even the walk back to Belladonna will sober either of us up enough to drive home.

  “Hey Trey, you grabbing an uber or are you--” I begin.

  “I’m getting an uber. I’m not going to risk it. You want to share one?”

  “Are you fuckers really going to call an uber?” Adam asks.

  “Why wouldn’t we?” I respond.

  “We’ll drive you home,” Nessa offers, snuggling into Adam.

  “I’m in the wrong direction, and I was going to ask if y’all would take Calla home,” I explain.

  Max leans into Calla and kisses her cheek. Tensing, I stop about fifteen feet away from her Jeep. My three friends turn to look at me, and Adam has a confused glare on his face.

  “Dude! You wanted her to screw someone else, so either man the fuck up, or don't be an ass. This is exactly what you’ve been telling her to do.” Adam rolls his eyes as he chastises me.

  “He's in love with her.” Trey chuckles.

  Nessa sighs. “Wes, you need to tell her. You know she’s always cared for you.”

  “The question is, are you still with Zoe? You keep telling me no, but have you kicked her out?” Trey demands.

  “Man, I can’t do that. You know my parents would have a cow if I did.” I run a hand through my hair.

  “Your fucked up reason for Calla to get laid is going to backfire. You do realize this don't you?” Adam growls. “This game you’re playing is going to bite you in the ass.”

  Grimacing at their reminders, I glance over at Calla with Max.

  “I know, I know. But I don’t want to be the rebound.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? Do you really think she’d do that?” Nessa gestures to Calla just as she turns toward us.

  “Is everything okay?” Calla calls out.

  “Yeah, we’re good,” I tell her.

  “Alright. I’m taking Max home, since he’s on my way.”

  “Are you sure you should be driving?” Trey asks her.

  “I can let Max drive, if that makes you feel better. I’m not sure how many drinks you guys had, so if one of you wants to crash at my place, you can.”

  “Ugh. Trey, instead of taking an Uber, can you go with her, please?” I beg.

  “Yeah.” Trey jogs over to Calla’s Jeep as I blow out a deep breath.

  Calla walks around to the passenger side and ducks into the small back seat. Trey and Max slip into the Jeep, and they take off.

  Chapter 16


  “Where do I need to go, Max?” Trey puts the car in gear and heads to the exit.

  “Calla’s building.”

  “Seriously? Or are yo
u two hooking up? Not that it wouldn't make a few of us happy,” Trey mumbles the last part.

  Max coughs an uncomfortable sounding laugh.

  “Seriously. I live on the first floor.”

  “Alrighty, then. Calla, to be on the safe side, I’m just going to drop you two off and call an Uber, if that's okay? Call me in the morning before your run, and we’ll work out together.”

  “You sure?” I ask, and Trey nods. “Deal.”

  Soon Trey pulls to a stop in my parking spot in the garage. Max gets out and moves the seat forward for me. Trey steps around the car, hands me the keys, and pulls me into a hug.

  “Use protection, but have a fun night. He’s a cutie.” He kisses my cheek then pushes me toward the lobby doors.

  “Night Trey! Enjoy the rest of your night.” I wink at him before heading inside.

  “Good evening Ms. Bond, Mr. Woods. How was your evening?” the doorman greets us as he opens the doors.

  “Evening, Paul. It was good, thanks. How’s the family?” I inquire.

  “They’re fine, thanks,” the man responds, going back to his station.

  I pull my key card out of my purse as I move toward the elevator.

  “Can I talk you into stopping by my place tonight?” Max’s hand grazes down my arm.

  “I really want to get out of these heels and into something more comfortable. So, can I take a rain-check on your place and offer mine tonight, instead?” I push the “up” button on the wall.

  “I can get behind that.” We step onto the elevator as the doors open. “Why don’t you slip out of those heels.”

  “Oh no. I’m not walking barefoot down the hall. I know they clean the floors, but still.” I shudder then lean against the back wall.

  “You have a point.” The elevator pings, and the doors slide open.

  Max follows behind me as I head down the hallway to my loft.

  The door across the hall opens, and Jason sticks his head out. “Hey, Calla.”

  I stare at the man, faltering over his name. “Hi… uh, Jason. How are you?”

  “Good, thanks. You didn’t by chance see anyone in the garage when you came home?” he asks.

  “Sorry, no. My friend, Trey, dropped us off before heading home, so I wasn’t really paying attention,” I respond, unlocking the door.

  “Thanks.” Jason closes the door.

  I open my door, and we step inside. I flip on the light as I move out of the entryway.

  “Max, will you flip the lock, please?”

  “Sure thing. Can I use your bathroom?” He follows behind me.

  “Yeah, it’s this way,” I say over my shoulder.

  A furry tail rubs against my calf as Baggie circles between my feet. I stumble into the spare bedroom door frame trying not to step on him. Max catches my arm, keeping me upright.

  That’s one way to get in his arms.

  “Damn it, Bagheera!” I take a deep breath, trying to slow my heart rate.

  “You okay?” He helps me stand upright.

  “Thanks, Max. Yes, but I swear my cat is trying to kill me. The bathroom is right there.” I gesture to the closed door across from us.

  Max chuckles. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

  I fucking need food. I think that last drink was one too many.

  Max quickly returns, dragging me into the kitchen. He lifts me up and sits me on the counter.

  “I almost fell in the bathroom, so I need something to eat. And while this is your kitchen, how about I cook in it? Do you have soup, cheese, and bread?”

  “I do. You thinking grilled cheese sandwiches and soup, or one or the other?” I ask.

  “I need both, I think, or I might pass out.” Instead of asking where everything is, Max starts opening cabinets and the fridge.

  “Can you pass me a Coke please?” I request.

  “Only if I can have one.” He glances back at me and smirks.


  Max grabs what he needs out of the fridge and hands me one of the Cokes. I pop the top and take a long sip. Max places everything on the counter next to me before searching for the pots and pans.

  “In this cabinet.” I spread my legs wider, letting my dress slide up my thighs, and point to the cabinet under me.

  Max steps between my legs. One of his hands slides up my thigh underneath my dress as the other pulls me into a searing kiss. Afterwards, he steps back to open the cabinet and pulls out the pot and pan he needs. I take another sip of Coke, and it seems to help me refocus my fuzzy thoughts. I’m a little more coherent as I watch Max fix Campbell's chicken noodle soup and two grilled cheese sandwiches.

  The soup simmers as the sandwiches become a golden brown, and he turns off the heat.

  “Behind you, next to the fridge, is where you’ll find plates and bowls.” I point to the cabinets I’m talking about.

  Max grabs one plate and two bowls. “Thanks,” he says when he returns to the stove and starts scooping out the soup.

  He places one bowl next to my thigh and the other on the opposite side of the stove. The plate is placed on one of the burners he didn’t use as he flips both sandwiches onto it. Leaning against the stove, Max eats his sandwich first. I’m only halfway finished with my soup as Max scarfs down the rest of his food and steps away from the stove. He washes his dishes and leaves them in the sink. It takes me a good ten more minutes before I finish. However, Max doesn’t seem impatient. In fact, he takes my dishes and cleans them as well.

  He comes to stand between my legs again, leaning in and kissing me lightly. Starting with my hand, he kisses my palm before he moves cautiously up to my neck, to my jawline then finally, to my lips. Every time his lips touch me, it sends tingles through my body. His tongue barely creases my lips, and I open for him, kissing him back without thinking.

  He breaks the kiss and whispers, “Wrap your legs around me.”

  Max wraps his arms around my ass, pulling me into him, and he lifts me off the counter. My legs encircle his waist as he carries me to the dining room table. This, I could get used to. There’s something about the way he’s handling me that’s getting me a bit tingly. He gently sits me on the table, removing his hands from my ass. His fingers coast up my arms, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. Once he reaches my shoulders, his hands move in different directions. One hand moves to cradle my chin as the other lightly grabs my hair.

  He pulls my hair, tilting my head up and giving him better access to kiss, nibble, and bite up and down my jawline and neck. I comply with each caress, closing my eyes as he starts to work his magic. Gradually, his hands slip from my face and hair, down my body. When he reaches the only strap on my dress, he pushes it down my arm, leaving my shoulders bare as he caresses my skin with his fingers and lips. I shiver in the wake of every touch. His hands slide around my back, searching for the zipper.

  “I want you out of this dress… now,” he growls.

  “Unzip me,” I demand, as I lift one arm to show him the hidden zipper.

  He unzips the dress, letting the satiny fabric pool at my waist. Max’s hands glide up my torso, stopping to linger around my strapless bra-covered breasts, teasing them for a few minutes before moving on.

  My mind drifts from Max to Wes in the blink of an eye.

  Wes should be the one stripping me down and ogling my breasts…. Focus! Wes doesn't want you. Let your guard down and enjoy Max.

  As I try to push thoughts of Wes out of my mind, new issues plague me. What if I’m not good at this? Torrance cheated on me... will I even be able to satisfy Max? Damn… Can’t I get out of my fucking head and enjoy this?

  “Fuck, I can’t wait to get my mouth on these, but I’m craving dessert,” Max murmurs as he gently pushes me back against the table, and his hands roam down to my hips.

  At those words, the tingly sensation turns to butterflies, and I want to see where Max can take me. With a bit of pressure, he holds my hips in place, bends over me, and kisses my navel. His lips and tongue make
a trail from my stomach to the pooling dress, and warmth slowly starts to build with each caress. Both of Max’s hands rub over my bare thighs, pushing the bottom of the dress up to my waist, exposing my sexy black, lace undergarments and smooth skin. A small flutter forms in my core, and while his touch feels good, I’m still not on fire.

  Stop thinking, damn it! Max wants you! It’s time to get the fantasy of Wes out of your mind and take what’s in front of you. I deserve to have fun! I deserve to have a fucking orgasm!

  “God, you’re sexy as fuck. I’m going to savor every taste of you,” Max says as he kisses down to my mound.

  I’m not sure if it’s his words or his mouth so close to my pussy that shifts the warmth I’m feeling to a burning heat. But suddenly, I’m extremely turned on.

  “Max,” I manage, breathily.

  His fingers gently glide along the seam of my pussy, and I shiver at the first touch. Fuck that feels good. It’s been too long since someone besides myself touched me there.

  “Calla? Baby, are you still with me?” he asks.

  “Yes.” Now more than ever.

  “Good, because I want you to watch while I eat your pussy.”

  A moan escapes me at his words. His fingers tease my clit as he slides onto the bench seat. He slips one finger between my folds, and my core clenches around the intrusion. I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to hold out if he keeps teasing me. It feels too damn good.

  “Damn, you’re so fucking tight,” he murmurs in pleasure. “Keep your legs open wide for me.” He blows lightly on my pussy, and my first instinct is to close my legs.

  I bite my bottom lip, trying to simply enjoy the first kiss and light lick. However, Max quickly latches onto my clit and sucks my little nub until I’m writhing on the table. Muling sounds spill from my throat. Sounds I’ve never made in my life. Holy fuck!

  I squirm as the pressure builds in my core. “Max!”

  “Cum for me Calla. I promise, after this orgasm, I’ll give you another.”

  With his promise, my orgasm crashes through me, and I scream out. But Max doesn’t stop his ministrations. If anything, he picks up his pace, releasing my clit and licking my pussy, lapping up my juices. Adding a finger then two, he pumps them in and out of my vagina, trying to pull another orgasm out of me. My head falls back, and my back arches as my core tenses, readying for another wave of pleasure to release.


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