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Surrendered: A Collection of Five Works

Page 3

by Unknown

  Walking along slowly, side-by-side, Marino stared straight ahead for a few moments after these revelations from his colleague, appearing to digest the information before speaking. Jessica began to think there was some kind of problem, until he cleared his throat and finally responded.

  “I’m sorry that there was unhappiness and pain in your past relationships, and I can understand why someone who has been burned once would keep their distance from fire after that. I will be honest and tell you that I cannot truly relate to what you went through, because I have never really had a similar painful relationship in my past. On the other hand, I also never had a really serious relationship with a woman – someone whom I felt so powerfully attracted to that I wanted it to become permanent. I would welcome that day when it comes, and I look forward to being with such a woman, but for me it has not happened yet. In some respects, you and I are alike, because I have also devoted myself to objectives other than relationships. First it was a university degree, then it was becoming adept at business - and there just never seemed to be time for a serious relationship.”

  “Maybe we are a little bit alike, Nick”, Jessica responded staring down at the path before her, “but - we don’t have to be locked into that mode forever. Do we?” She said this hopefully and almost fearfully, realizing that it was putting herself smack-dab in the middle of Vulnerability.

  Marino stopped walking, and looked deeply into her eyes before speaking. Then he said very softly, “No. We don’t. We can both open up – if we really want to.”

  This was so unexpected that it hit Jessica like a blast in the chest, and her jaw dropped unintentionally as she looked up at her companion. “Are you saying that – what are you saying exactly, Nick?” she asked, with lips trembling.

  “I’m saying,” He replied tersely, “that I am very attracted to you. I think you are a beautiful, intelligent, vibrant woman, with a great deal to offer. The kind of woman that could make a man interested in a serious relationship.”

  “Oh my God. Oh my God. I don’t know what to say. I – “

  But Nick didn’t let her say any more. Right there on the bike path, under the shade of a majestic Laurel Oak tree, he pulled Jessica into his arms, and kissed her passionately on the lips. Years of frustration melted away for Jessica in that moment, and she felt herself responding willingly to his arousal. He almost lifted her off her feet as he thrust his tongue inside her mouth, feeling her lips parting in submission, exploring her and feeling her matching his intimacy with her own. In a kind of fairy-tale moment she had not allowed herself to even dream about, all care and propriety faded into the warm summer air, and Jessica felt the thrill of a passion she had not dared to think about for years. In actuality, this joining between them lasted less than a minute; in Jessica’s heart, it lasted an entire age, and in that glorious age, she was born again, grew as a creature of natural passion, and became mistress of the limitless reaches of her heart’s own landscape.

  Her feet never touched the ground on the way back to the office, and she had difficulty remembering anything that happened the rest of the day. Sitting in the quiet of her apartment that night, she took a deep breath and exhaled. Did that really happen today? Was The Kiss real – or imagined? She started trembling as she recalled the intensity and the pleasure that fantastic moment had given her. She couldn’t keep it to herself – she had to call Lauren!

  “Oh, hi, Jess. What’s up? You never call me at night.” Then she giggled, “Did you get promoted to Vice President at Southwest or something?”

  “Lauren, you’re not going to believe this! It’s something much better than a promotion,” Jessica replied, barely able to contain her excitement. “Are you sitting down? I think I’m falling in love – with Nick Marino. We went for a walk today, and well, we got very romantic. It was – incredible. I think today might have been the beginning of a beautiful relationship – at least it felt that way. Are you happy for me?”

  Of all the ways Lauren might have reacted to this announcement, the way she did react was probably the one least expected by her friend, and after hearing it, Jessica slowly took the phone away from her ear and stared at it, as though it had suddenly morphed into a snake.

  “Uh, geez, Jessica – are you sure about this? You don’t really know much about him after all, and jumping into a relationship like this can be dangerous. You should give this some thought, and not do anything hasty. Don’t do anything you’ll come to regret.”

  Chapter 5 – Revelations

  The best restaurant in Burridge was an establishment that was little frequented by tourists and passers-through, simply because they didn’t know about it. The Sloop John B, as it was known, was very lightly advertised, relying instead on the word-of-mouth which spread all through the surrounding area. For those who had no idea of the excellent cuisine it offered, and were completely unaware of its secret, the curious, inconspicuous name was enough to discourage heavy patronage.

  Locals who frequented the place were also mostly unaware that the sumptuous entrées served up were the creations of a master chef, Franco Alessi, who had achieved international fame before settling away from the limelight to practice the trade he loved so much. It mattered little to him whether or not his establishment was profitable; he loved it, and he had plenty of money from earlier years, so he worked now simply for the joy of it.

  As might be expected from its name, the small-sized restaurant was charmingly laid out like a sailboat, with an actual mast from a sloop set in its center, and reaching through the roof. The part of the mast which was above the roof had attached to it a sail, which proudly proclaimed its business name to everyone in southwest Florida. Even this however was an understatement, since in calm weather, the flag clung limply to its mast, and during breezy weather it fluttered so much that the name was difficult to discern.

  It was this fine dining venue that Jessica chose when Nick Marino unexpectedly asked for the pleasure of her company at dinner the day after Jessica was shocked by her friend Lauren’s total reversal of sentiment. Earlier that day, the two had gotten together in the cafeteria for their usual morning coffee session, and it was probably the most awkward exchange they ever had together.

  When questioned directly about the startling change of heart, Lauren could only mumble about how she was simply concerned that her friend was rushing into a relationship, and that caution might be better served in this case. She offered no real justification for her abrupt change in thinking, other than the fact that too little was known about Marino, and too much was known about Jessica’s inability to relate.

  The conversation that day had ended even more strangely, with Lauren remarking that she didn’t want to be the determining factor in anyone’s relationship, and that it was therefore her intention to stay away from Jessica for a few days so the latter could give the issue some serious thought without external influence.

  And then Nick asked her out to dinner.

  Not five minutes after she returned to her office, she got a call from him, asking her if she had plans for that evening, and whether she would be interested in having dinner with him somewhere. In light of the strange conversation she had just had with her friend, this did take Jessica aback for a moment, but she was already decided on her feelings about Marino, so after brief verbal fumbling, she happily accepted, and agreed to be escorted to the Sloop John B that evening at 7 o’clock.

  “So – I’m very glad that you accepted my invitation for dinner. I’ve been wanting to get to know you outside the office. I would have asked sooner, but a couple of my new friends advised me that you weren’t the dating type, and as far as they knew, you don’t have much of a social life. I knew that couldn’t be true for a woman as lovely as yourself, so I just decided to find out for myself.” He smiled easily at her from across the small circular wooden tabletop, making her feel completely at ease.

  “Well yes, I suppose I do have that reputation at work, and to be honest it’s not entirely unjustified. You know
what they say about office romances!”

  “No,” he replied, still smiling, “I don’t really know what they say. What about office romances?”

  “Oh – just that they’re not a good idea in general, because they can lead to conflicts and little jealousies – things like that. Besides, there’s never really been anyone at Southwest Tours that I was even a little bit attracted to.” Her timid smile made it obvious that her thinking on this had undergone a significant change, but to emphasize the point, she finished the thought, “Until now.”

  “I’m flattered,” he rejoined, “that you’ve decided to come out of your shell a little bit with me. Conflicts and jealousies?” He appeared to consider the notion, but Jessica could tell he was only teasing her. “I suppose anything is possible – but I’m not the jealous type myself, so maybe we can risk it. I’ll try not to disappoint you.”

  The two were not far apart because of the table’s size, so it was easy for Jessica to gaze into the eyes of her handsome Mediterranean companion. Disappoint her? How could anyone with such beautiful dark eyes disappoint her? They invited her in, leading her to a world of mystery and all things exotic – fragrances and tastes she’d never experienced, places she had never seen, sounds that soothed and thrilled, newfound feelings that enveloped and caressed her, eluding all description.

  She was being pulled into a shadowy and sensuous abyss from which she did not want to escape. Ever. Without even realizing it, she drifted into a series of immersive, mist-shrouded scenes featuring herself and Nick exploring the limits of relationship. It was with considerable embarrassment that she suddenly realized he had been talking to her, and that none of it had registered. He finally broke through her reverie by rapping his knuckles on the wooden surface of the table, as though he were knocking at a door.

  “Jessica? Are you there?” He chuckled at her obvious detachment, joking “I think maybe I’ve bored you a little bit, and made you long for the excitement of your Tanglewood apartment.”

  “Oh no – nothing like that!” she hastily apologized, “Please forgive me – I guess I was still thinking about work stuff. No more of that, I promise. Ummm, if you’ve been here before, I think you’ll find that all the seafood dishes are sheer delight, and that you won’t be disappointed. My personal favorite is the swordfish with lemon-garlic sauce, but anything you choose is going to be fantastic. I haven’t eaten here for a while now, so I’m really looking forward to a wonderful dinner – and a wonderful evening.”

  “I also enjoy seafood very much, and since it is a favorite of yours, I think I will also order the swordfish. I have no doubt it will be completely satisfying – especially in such lovely company. What kind of wine do you prefer?”

  After some little bit of discussion, the two decided on a German Riesling, and had consumed nearly two glasses by the time their dinner entrées arrived. For Jessica, this was a huge departure from her normal lifestyle, and even after eating a full meal, she felt fairly light-headed. In this state, her past came flooding back to her, and she began getting more and more agitated. Marino sensed her changing mood immediately, and tried to draw her out about it.

  “Is something the matter, Jess?” He queried. “You seem to be getting upset about something. Have I done something to offend you, or was there something about the food, or the wine?”

  “I’m fine. Really – there’s nothing wrong with the food, or – anything. It’s just – it’s just me. If anything is wrong, it’s something wrong with me.” She wanted to stop here, but she suddenly realized that by blurting this out, all she had done was provoke his curiosity, and encourage him to probe into the cause of her discomfiture.

  “Look, Nick, there’s something about me that you don’t know, and it should tell you a lot about my behavior and why people think the way they do about me. I have had to live this lifestyle not so much because I wanted it that way, but because I had to. I haven’t been as sociable as I might’ve wanted to be, and I’ve avoided getting close to people or letting them get close to me. A few years ago, something happened to me that changed my whole life forever, and it’s just something I’ll always have to deal with.” She looked up at him. “That means that anyone who gets involved with me would have to deal with it too.”

  “Good heavens, Jessica,” he interjected, a look of genuine concern and curiosity apparent in his features, “Please tell me what all this is about. Whatever it is, I think we can deal with it together.”

  “OK – here goes. Four years ago, I was involved in a terrible situation where my husband was – was brutally murdered. Right in front of my eyes by some mob killer. He would have killed me as well, but I escaped and dashed to the police station. The police couldn’t find the man, but since we both had a very clear look at each other, they figured the only safe thing for me to do, would be to disappear.”

  She paused, taking a deep breath. “To stay safe from all that, they relocated me far away from where I used to live, and set me up with a whole new identity and a whole new life. I have been in the Witness Protection Program ever since.”

  Marino let out a long, low whistle, and shook his head. “Whew! Now that is some secret! And you’re right – it does explain a lot.” Then he went silent, causing Jessica to think he might be considering the wisdom of becoming involved with her. She was about to ask if her revelation was a deal-breaker for him, when he looked up at her again, looked her directly in the face, and made an announcement of his own.

  “It’s not so unheard of, Jess. It does happen. As a matter of fact,” he paused here before concluding, “I am also in the Witness Protection Program. That’s what brought me here.”

  Chapter 6 – A Fly in the Ointment

  In the six weeks since Nick’s arrival in Burridge, he and Jessica had only actually bumped into each other twice at Tanglewood, even though they kept pretty much the same schedules for work and free time. On this evening that changed in as profound a way as it could have.

  Jessica felt that at last she had another human being that she could fully relate to, and fully open herself up to. Not only was Nick Marino the physical epitome of manhood, but he shared a huge secret with her that bound them close together in a way that few others can be bound. Two ships adrift on turbulent seas, they had found each other amidst the chaos, and on this night, sailed the same course. For the first time in a very long time, Jessica was ecstatic, and as she propped herself up on one arm in her bed, she told her lover so.

  “Nick, I can’t begin to describe to you how happy you’ve made me this evening. I thought I would have to carry this secret around with me for the rest of my life, telling no one, and allowing no one close to me, just to keep myself safe and live another day. It never occurred to me in my wildest dreams that I would meet someone who is going through the same thing, doing what I have to do, and feeling the way I do. It’s like the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders, and I feel light as a feather again. I feel like I could dance from leaf to leaf on the rosebushes outside without bending them over.” Then she giggled at her own imagery, and added “but I might need some help from my pixie wings. Goodness, listen to me – I sound like a schoolgirl!”

  Then she got serious again, and looking into the endless depths of his brown eyes, she put her hand to the back of his head, eased her fingers through his luxurious black hair, and gently pulled him close until their lips touched. It started as a series of loving pecks, which inevitably lead to a prolonged passionate exchange, and yet another tight embrace. With their two bodies close together, Jessica felt his arousal mounting again, and she reached down to encourage him with a caress.

  He said nothing at all, but his eyes told her everything as he gently hovered over her, poised to renew his desire for her. This is how I want to remember him, she thought. Glistening deep, powerful chest, muscular arms, clearly defined tight abdominal muscles, square shoulders – a physique that suggests he’s been placed down on earth by the gods of Olympus. A two-day growth of beard that ju
st reeked of sexuality, firm jaw, expressive of inner strength, and best of all, a brilliant smile that conveys his sheer joy at being with me. Me, Jessica Ellis! Of all the zillions of women on Earth that this wonderful man could be with, he chose me! These last four years of shutting down and withdrawing are banished – now I can open up and blossom again, I can feel the excitement, the thrill of being really alive.

  And he did make her feel alive. More alive than she had felt in years – maybe even more alive than she had ever felt, because it was all happening after a period of intense emotional confinement. Instead of feeling like a prisoner inside her own body, Jessica again felt like a sensual creature, eager to explore the depth of her own passion, and to feel her partner’s passion. At long last, she could throw caution to the winds, and surrender herself totally.

  Both of them slept in the next morning, fatigued by the physical aspect of their night of love-making, so it wasn’t until nearly 11:00 that Nick kissed her lips in parting, and closed the door behind him. She was tempted to open her door, just to watch him make his way down the hallway and up the stairs to his own second-floor apartment, but decided she was just too lazy, too comfortable laying there in bed to exert herself. Instead, she greedily replayed the activity of the previous night in her mind, squirming with renewed pleasure at the thought.

  She was still in this euphoric state when she got The Call. It was Lauren, and she was so distraught on the phone that it took Jess a minute to shift gears and try to synchronize her mindset with that of her friend.


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