Taken: (A Dark Romance Kidnap Thriller) (The Dark Necessities Trilogy Book 1)

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Taken: (A Dark Romance Kidnap Thriller) (The Dark Necessities Trilogy Book 1) Page 7

by Felicity Brandon

  “Hands behind your back.” He gave the next order in a deliberately low tone, watching her body shudder as the words registered.

  “Please, no!” she whimpered, her face turning to meet his eye. “Sir, no!”

  The scowl which met her made her visibly wince.

  “I told you to turn around.” Connor spoke slowly, keeping his tone soft and menacing. She obeyed at once, trembling as she forced her hands into the small of her back.

  Connor grabbed them with his left hand, allowing the rope to drop to the floor as he dragged her wrists up her back in a split second. Molly yelped, but he held her tightly as he brought his right palm down hard against her nude bottom. The sound of the smack echoed around the room.

  “Enough!” he barked at her. “You will do as you’re told, and I will have silence, or you will be gagged. Consider this your final warning, Molly.”

  She mewled like a small animal, and the sound made his cock ache, but there were no protests. Her head fell forward after that, her will beaten – for the time being at least. He took a moment to compose himself after his outburst, closing the space between them again as he continued to hold her wrists behind her back. Molly was quiet, and seemed reasonably compliant, so he took the opportunity to enjoy this moment. Inhaling the scent of her hair, Connor bit back his smile. Molly Clary was here in his place, virtually naked and quivering at his touch. He must be fucking dreaming!

  He bent slowly, ensuring her wrists were still contained as he reached for the rope which had landed on her trousers. Connor’s face passed her reddened backside, and this time he couldn’t suppress the grin which spread over his expression. He straightened up, passing the rope over her wrists, before he secured them behind her back again. She let out a low groan as the ropes pressed back into her delicate wrists.

  “Sit on the bed.”

  He watched her responses carefully as the command resonated around her. Molly may be bound, but she’d already proven that binds did not guarantee obedience. He would have to keep a close eye on her. She ogled him in return, her gaze nervous, but she said nothing as she shuffled back toward the bed. As her slim calves met the bedding, she lowered her bottom tentatively to the covers.

  Connor was smiling as he approached her again. He lowered himself into a crouch at her feet but made sure he was well on top of her so that she couldn’t give him a swift kick in the process. Reaching into the small pocket at his hip he withdrew the tiny key which fitted her ankle cuffs. She stared at the thing wildly. It was probably the first time she’d even realized the metal at her feet needed a key to be unlocked. Connor moved fast. He unlocked her right ankle, ordering her to lift her leg so he could remove the clothing which pooled there. Once that leg was nude he refastened the metal cuff, admiring the length of her shins as he glanced up at her.

  Molly’s face was expressionless. She looked shocked, as though she simply could not believe this was happening to her. Good. The shock would buy him a few moments to get her naked and re-chained. Only then would he have her exactly how he wanted her. Connor shifted, turning his attention to her left leg. In just a few moments, this ankle was also free of clothing, and the metal cuff had been replaced around her flesh. All the while, she remained motionless, her breathing fast and ragged.

  “Good girl, Molly,” he told her. “Now, what else did I ask you do?”

  Her gaze flitted to his face. “Kneel, Sir,” she replied. Her voice was croaky, and Connor wondered if she was thirsty again.

  He rose from his crouch, taking a step backwards to allow her room. “Do it then,” he commanded. “Let’s see you kneel.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Her brain felt numb. There were sensations waiting to be acknowledged. She felt the sting in her ass and the burn in her cheeks, but more than that, she was absolutely aware of the humiliation of this moment. She was actually naked and chained in front of this guy – this sick stranger who had drugged and taken her against her will. Now he was demanding her to lower herself by kneeling at his feet. Molly shuddered reflexively. What the fuck was she going to do?

  She raised her head to look at him. Connor’s expression was dark and expectant, and the look of him made her belly knot in trepidation. She was going to have to do it. She’d have to kneel and do whatever he wanted, but God only knew what would happen next.

  “Why are you making me wait, Molly?” he asked her in an impatient, curt tone. “Do you feel like you need yet more punishment?”

  She shook her head fiercely, shifting from the soft covers to the threadbare carpet before she even answered. “N-no, Sir.”

  “I want you here,” he ordered, pointing to the floor in front of his feet.

  Molly drew in a shaky breath and shuffled over on her knees. She felt absurdly vulnerable like this. She was naked, and with her hands tied behind her back she was exposed. The journey was slow and excruciating, and she could feel the weight of his stare on her as she moved. Although she couldn’t meet his eye, she was aware of the grin spreading across his face as she dragged herself forward. She felt his gaze devour her breasts each time they bobbed at the motion of her awkward movement. By the time she’d made the short distance to where Connor waited, her pride was hurting a lot more than her knees.

  His hand rose to her face at once, and instinctively she squeezed her eyes shut. She felt the warmth of his palm at her neck, trembling as the hand shifted to her chin.

  “Open your eyes,” he instructed.

  Molly obeyed reluctantly. She could see the lower arm which held her chin in place and beyond it the dark pants of her captor. She pushed her mind away from the thought of what may be waiting in there for her.

  “I want you to listen to me now, Molly, but I do not want you to speak unless I tell you to do so. Do you understand?”

  His voice vibrated over her head and she nodded slowly. “Yes, Sir.”

  “I know this is new to you. I know you didn’t expect any of this, and you probably think you don’t want it either, but your opinion is not relevant.” Connor paused, and she could sense him eyeing her severely, but still she didn’t meet his eye. “All that said, let me be clear. I will not tolerate your disobedience or your disrespect, and that outburst from you just now will absolutely not be accepted.”

  She gulped at his words, trepidation knotting in her belly.

  “However frightened you are, you will never again speak to me that way. Do you understand?” Connor’s voice was unrelenting.

  She shook as she answered him. She hated it, but it was true. Her body trembled in an involuntary show of her terror as she knelt before him. “Yes, Sir,” she replied breathlessly. “I’m sorry for the way I spoke to you.”

  She wasn’t sorry. She wasn’t even vaguely sorry, but he didn’t have to know that right now. Molly knew she would have to do better at controlling her emotional responses if she was going to survive this ordeal.

  Connor’s gaze bore down at her. “I’m not sure that I believe you,” he told her. “I’m going to need a show of obedience from you, Molly, to help me to believe.” He paused, and the weight of his stare penetrated her face as his hand fell away.

  She flushed beneath it, panting at how utterly helpless she was at this moment. This was exactly the sort of scene she’d penned in the past; a young heroine bound and powerless on her knees before her brooding captor. In those tales the scenario had always turned her on, and she imagined herself squirming in her seat as her fingers hit the black keys of her laptop. She had been aroused by the spanking, too. She hadn’t wanted to be, but she knew she had been. But this wasn’t fiction. She wasn’t young, well not that young at any rate, and Connor wasn’t brooding. He was freaking dangerous, a complete stranger who seemed to have studied just about every detail of Molly in excruciating detail. Had long had he been watching her, waiting for the opportunity to pounce? She swallowed again, wondering if she would ever get away from this lunatic.

  “Are you going to do as you’re told, Molly?”

bsp; “Yes, Sir,” she whispered. “I’ll try.”

  She didn’t know if this was a lie or not. She didn’t want to please him, but she needed to stay alive.

  “That’s good to hear,” he replied, although his tone remained skeptical. “I want to believe you, Molly…” There was a hesitation, and Connor’s hand rose to her hot face once more. Molly trembled as he cleared the limp strands of hair from her face. “I want this thing between us to work.”

  She gasped, only a small sound, but in the heavy silence of the room, it was more than obvious. This thing, is that what he’d said? What thing did he think was going on here?

  “But first there’s the matter of your punishment.”

  That made her glance up to meet his eye. She found his expression looming over her, a torrid mixture of lust and glee.

  “P-punishment… Sir?” she stammered as the shock of his words radiated through her. Hadn’t he just punished her with the spanking?

  “Oh yes,” Connor assured her, allowing his hand to fall from her face to her left breast. Molly watched in silent horror as her nipple beaded under his touch like an obedient little pet which had been trained to respond. A dark salacious smile spread over his face as he acknowledged her own body’s betrayal. “You must be punished for the way you spoke to me, Molly. I need to reinforce the lesson.”

  Something about that expression made her want to run, made her want to hide, but in reality, she knew she could do neither. For the time being at least she really was his, bound and vulnerable at his feet.

  “Please,” she breathed. “Please don’t.”

  She hadn’t intended to beg, but the words were out before she could stop them. If she thought she’d been scared before, then she’d been wrong. This was fear. The knot of crippling tension in her stomach which made her want to double over in agony, that was terror, and with its arrival she found it impossible to be proud anymore. She was simply too terrified.

  The hand at her breast shifted, initially cupping her flesh before pinching her bud cruelly. Molly yelped at the pain, her eyes darting to Connor’s face for a response to her plea.

  He glowered down at her. “I do like to hear you beg, Molly, but that’s enough. You’re mine, and I will punish you any way I see fit.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Connor took in the image of the trembling woman on her knees in front of him. He wanted to capture the look of her, and hold it in his memory for all time. She was clearly petrified of what he would do next, and she had good reason to be. Even he hadn’t decided what fate awaited her.

  And then – just like that – the idea came to him. He smiled menacingly as the plan began to formulate in his mind. He was one dark, twisted fuck.

  “Since you were unable to control that pretty little mouth of yours,” he started, “I’m going to make it my mission to do so.”

  He watched Molly’s responses carefully, noticing the flickering fear in her wide eyes as his words registered. Her lips parted and Connor knew what she wanted to ask. She was going to inquire about how he intended to control her mouth, but wisely she thought better of it. Don’t fret, he thought, grinning to himself. You’ll find out soon enough.

  Connor stepped around the bound woman before him, striding back toward the bed. Once he reached it, he grabbed the edge of the duvet and pulled it forcefully from its place over the bed. The fabric came away with ease, and he turned to see Molly’s concerned expression as she watched him carry it into the middle of the room.

  “Eyes ahead,” he commanded her. She didn’t need to know what he had in mind until her fate was sealed. Molly lowered her eyes, her expression sullen as though she wanted to protest, but slowly she twisted her head back toward the doorway.

  Satisfied for the time being, Connor laid the single duvet out in the space beside Molly. The cover was old and faded, but it was perfect for what he needed today. He had the impression Molly wasn’t going to complain about the soft furnishings. In fact, he’d make damn sure that she couldn’t.

  “Okay, little lady,” he called out to her. “Shuffle that pretty little body over here onto the cover.”

  She shifted her weight as her glance fell over the duvet to her right. Her questioning eyes met his face.

  “Now, Molly,” he instructed in a brusquer tone.

  She let out a long sigh before her knees began to move, and inch by inch she twisted and edged her way over to the waiting duvet. Watching her trying to move in his ropes and chains nearly took Connor’s breath away. She could only manage small movements without the use of her hands, and the strain on her knees was written all over her pained expression.

  Poor little Molly, he thought gleefully. If she thinks crawling for me is tough going, she’s going to love what’s coming next.

  It took some minutes for her to make it to the centre of the duvet. Molly struggled on to the boundary of the cover, her knees fighting its corners as she edged herself on. By the time she had completed the journey, Connor was almost proud of her effort. Almost.

  He took a step toward her. “Much as I love these breasts,” he began, stooping to cup one and then both of them. “I’m going to lay you on your stomach for now.”

  Molly turned her head to meet his eye, and once again he thought she was about to speak. Those lush lips parted and she exhaled, but no words came out.

  Clever girl, he thought, offering her what he hoped was a reassuring smile.

  “Are you ready, Molly?” he asked, shifting his position to her rear. It pained him to leave her gorgeous tits, but they would have to wait. Right now, he had a lesson to teach. Gripping the back of her upper arms he pushed her body forward. Molly yelped as her bodyweight shifted, and in a flash, she landed on her belly. It was only Connor holding some of her weight which prevented her smacking her face against the covers, and her body shuddered as she settled onto the duvet.

  “Now let’s get this pretty hair out of the way,” he mused aloud as he dug in his pocket for the small cloth-covered elastic band he’d put there especially for a moment like his.

  Connor extracted it as he looked down over the bound and naked form of Molly before him. He shifted his body lower, squatting over her as he pulled her dark locks back into a scruffy ponytail in his hands. She mewled beneath him, squirming against her ropes as she twisted her head, trying to shake him off.

  “Settle down,” he warned her, intentionally lowering his tone.

  She stilled at once, pulling in a shaky breath as he wrapped the band around the length of hair in his fist. With the ponytail complete he rose again, towering over her vulnerable figure as he assessed his handiwork. Well, it wasn’t perfect, but it would have to do for now. Plus, he mused, he’d have plenty of time to work on his hairstyling techniques now that he had Molly for company.

  “Now, that’s better,” he said playfully as he stepped over her thigh and came to stand by her head again.

  She raised her eyes to try and see him, but from her position on the floor, it was virtually impossible. Connor smiled to himself, suppressing the waves of carnality seeing her there produced in him. He turned, his attention falling over the wooden dresser which waited at the wall behind him. Connor pulled out the second drawer slowly, his eyes devouring the look of all the wonderful toys and contraptions laid out before him. He’d been collecting items for Molly for months now, his old network of friends had been extremely useful in that regard. Connor was enormously proud as he surveyed the vast array of options available to him. Each drawer of the tall piece contained a different type of implement, but the one he selected now was home to his selection of gags.

  “Time for your first lesson in mouth control,” he told her as his right hand dipped inside the drawer and made its choice.

  As he spun back to face Molly, he held out his chosen option, dangling the black leather in front of her. He watched excitedly as her eyes widened with recognition.

  “No!” she gasped as he crouched down in front of her face. “I’ll be quiet from now on
,” she promised. “I swear it.”

  Connor’s cock swelled with enthusiasm. Christ, how he loved hearing the desperation in her voice. Was it possible that this was going to be even more fun than he’d imagined?

  “I can tell you one thing, Molly,” he cooed from over her head. “You will definitely be quiet now, for as long as I decide you should be, and this”—he dangled the gag just in front of her nose — “is going to remind you of what happens to you when you disobey or disappoint me.”

  He saw her gulp as the black plastic approached. “Open wide now,” he called out, his tone taking on a sing-song quality. “It’s time to take what’s coming to you.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Molly was close to tears as she peered at the gag he held in front of her. She hated gags. Well, actually that wasn’t true. What was nearer the truth was that she loved to hate them. There had always been a dark, depraved part of her that yearned to wear them – to be forced to wear them – just like this, but she’d kept that desire well buried. It surfaced sometimes in her books, her characters afflicted with the very worst of her taboo longings, but she never talked about them in real life. And she certainly never let anyone actually gag her.

  But now here she was. Bound and naked, and Christ knows where, and this deranged lunatic was going to gag her. He was going to use one without her consent, and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it. She eyed the black plastic as he dangled it over her face. It looked normal in most respects, if the word can be used to describe a device whose sole purpose was to forcibly silence a human being. The straps were black, and one end had a buckle which would seal it closed behind her head. Her gaze fell over the middle – the part which Connor intended to force into her mouth. Rather than a ball, or even a hole, there was a long black piece of plastic attached, which looked suspiciously like a dildo. Her mind reeled at the sight of it, her years of kinky research already telling her how this awful contraption worked. The plastic was to go into her mouth – down her throat – and it would stay there while the gag was attached. Forcing her mouth to be not only silent, but full.


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