The Noble Petty, Complete Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 2)

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The Noble Petty, Complete Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 2) Page 49

by Craig Gerttula

  “That may be the case. I have warned the fool on many occasions to control his...yearnings. But that leaves the question of our mutual business interests. Most have been under his direct supervision and it is unlikely that control would be returned to me if I do as you recommend,” Earl Dovin responded curtly, then glared at his son, Sir Ravin, who sat at Vir'To's side.

  “What have you to say?” Earl Dovin asked.

  “It would be a substantial loss, Father. You left the vast majority of the most profitable enterprises to the Traditionalist Collective, in which Duke Zehman has full control. Though...” his son trailed off, Earl Dovin's eyes narrowing when he sensed fault being shifted towards him.

  “No. We shall reaffirm our control and keep open our longstanding agreements,” he informed, letting them know it was decided. His son blushed, embarrassed, his reaction seeming to anger his father even further. “With that in mind,” the earl turned his attention back to him. “Vir'To, have you finalized our options in regards to Alutia and how best to approach?”

  “Yes, My Lord. As you know, the princess and her petty husband are traveling to Don'Alutia for reasons unknown. So for the time being, the queen is in charge of the Alutia Dukeship. She is, however, not holding formal court, so it will be impossible for us to lead the opposition of their past proclamations in regards to Hulk'Zif, the freeing of the petties, and the opening of Alutia'Earth to common immigration,” the earl stared through him, deep in thought.

  “That will be to our advantage. I will handle Princess Sasha personally. She will listen to what I have to say and stop this foolishness.” Vir'To hid a smirk, knowing not many could refuse the earl, his presence, overpowering. “But we must not stay idle. I want you to contact Duke Montadoon Olvia, Baron Timolion, and Countess Zevoriesia Yis'Toe, and have them embark on trade missions to Alutia'Earth immediately. Instruct them to formally begin construction of our headquarters for the business interests that were kept separate from the Traditionalist Collective. Tell them that until I have a chance to “persuade” the ignorant young princess to revoke her proclamation in regards to anything related to Hulk'Zif, we must keep our relation hidden. It is paramount they clearly understand the importance of this discretion. Understood?” Vir'To nodded, memorizing the quickly voiced instructions before the earl turned again to his son.

  “Have you talked to your mother, as I instructed?” Earl Dovin asked.

  “Of course, Father. Though she only provided me little of the information you deemed me to inquire.”

  “Did you inform her that it was of my request?” the earl pushed, his annoyance rising.

  “Ye-yes, Father. She did acquiesce after I mentioned that you may contact her directly if she did not provide details to your liking,” the earl's eyes narrowed. Sir Ravin tensed, unable to hold his father's gaze.

  “Tell me what she had to say,” Earl Dovin seemed to calm, not responding how Vir'To had become accustomed. But he did sense that the earl and his son would be speaking in private, after the current matters were concluded.

  “Yes, Father,” Sir Ravin started, then paused, taking a few deep breaths. “Apparently, King Johan has known of Duke Zehman's plotting for many years, but has been unable to act due to Emperor Yuloo forbidding any disharmony within galaxy 189. Though recently, King Johan decided to take action indirectly by forming the Alutia Duchy from the uncolonized sectors of the Hulk'Zif and Bar'Vac Duchy’s vast holdings. Though mother explained there was also another reason, one not as widely known...the discovery of a massive gorian deposit and the paradise planet, Alutia Earth, within the sectors removed from Hulk'Zif control.” Sir Ravin paused, looking to his father for approval.

  “My contacts have informed me as much. What of this elevated petty...Grand Duke Trent?” Earl Dovin directed, having sensed his son would provide the entire history of events since they'd left 10 years before without guidance.

  “Of course, I am sorry, Father. Grand Duke Trent Alutia is from the special protectorate of Earth that was destroyed by the order of Prince Baric of galaxy 2 before his death, to avert the spread of a level one quarantine agent. This planet was special, being colonized in NHA year 49,858 by Emperor Xaxis to study human evolution, and had no direct influence by the NHA, the culture and technology being allowed to evolve naturally. So at the time of destruction, the planets culture was similar to that of the later years of the HOC period, about three to four thousand years prior the beginning of the pre-NHA period, which is when-” Sir Ravin paused , having been so engrossed in the history that was his passion, that he didn’t notice his father's glare intensifying. He blushed in embarrassment, only making the glare worse, “ this primitive culture is where Sir Trent was raised and apparently his first contact with the NHA involved the TSB, the organization that was responsible for overseeing Earth, and its NHA representative, Sir Simwa, who attempted to “dispose” of him. This is when mother became vague. It seems Sir Simwa was an agent for Duke Zehman, and his actions were part of plot to allow the duke to reoccupy Alutia, though why he chose Earth as a means to this end seems suspect. It could be because-”

  “Stay on point, have we not discussed the need to be concise in the past?” Earl Dovin cut in and Sir Ravin quickly diverted his eyes.

  “Yes...yes, Father, I am sorry. It will not happen again,” Sir Ravin took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before continuing. “Princess Sasha did divert to Earth to handle the matter personally, but her private shuttle was destroyed by Duke Zehman's planted guards before she could arrive. But she escaped to Earth where she met Sir Trent. Mother only provided a few details, but apparently he saved her from Sir Simwa, who was planning to force her to wed him and make her a pawn of Duke Zehman,” the earl frowned uncharacteristically, but waved for his son to go on without interrupting. Sir Ravin cleared his throat, seeming unsure of his father's unexpected display. “They then escaped from Earth before it was destroyed and, again, Mother did not have any knowledge of the details, but they were apparently courting before they even escaped the surface.”

  “And about the petty himself?” Earl Dovin asked.

  “From what Mother explained about her time spent in his company, is that he is bright, but volatile, and thinks only of Princess Sasha. Many of the worst of his proclamations in regards to Hulk'Zif were directly following Princess Sasha's life being placed in danger. She also pointed out that he is overly kind and honest, seeming ignorant to deceit...or so Mother could sense before she returned to Tidelia. Overall, Mother believes him to be an honorable man, but warns that he may be very dangerous given his single mindedness towards Princess Sasha and her safety, and his apparent aversion for traditionalist nobles based on his encounter with Sir Simwa and Sir Baric, who destroyed his home planet,” the earl appeared pleased with his sons explanation, or as pleased as a man who never smiles can look.

  “That fits well with my own initial observations. Given his past conduct, I can only believe his actions to kill Prince Baric during the Battle of Earth, and the reasons behind him being awarded the King's Nova, were for blind love.” Vir'To could sense the scheming behind Earl Dovin's dark blue eyes. Love was so very easy to exploit, and as such, is the greatest weakness of humanity, or so the earl taught.

  “I agree, Father. Mother did also mention he has changed Princess Sasha as well. Many of the realist beliefs that you kept in check are being fostered and promoted by this man. Mother had plenty of praise for her, explaining she had begun to command a room, not being easily deceived or swayed once she has made a decision, but she is still the quick tempered child that we knew. She's also deeply in love with Sir Trent, to the point that she will not allow him to leave her side. That, and her ladies company, who all seem to share similar beliefs, has changed Princess Sasha into a woman neither of us will recognize......or so Mother says.”

  “No matter, Sir Dovin waved a hand absently at his son, “she will listen to me, that is all.” Ravin nodded at what he thought was a question, but Earl Dohan had already
looked away, towards the TBF Orvillie's Captain, who'd sat silently, sipping a cup of Etique while the discussion was taking place.

  “Knight Captain Silva, set course for Alutia'Earth immediately.” Vir'To raised an eyebrow, momentarily surprised the earl was skipping the opportunity to see his wife for the first time in 10 years, then remembered the earl's priority; business always comes first. “And VirTo,” the earl seemed to recall something else. “The information in regards to “The Wall” and the rumors of colonies being lost to a new ASU weapon is very disturbing. Put together a task force to assess this issue and find a way to keep our interests from being touched,” the earl paused, mind working. “We may be able to profit from this as well, so let us form a new noble company to handle rapid reconstruction and contact the worst of the affected noble holdings.” Vir'To almost let slip a hidden smirk.

  “Very well, My Lord,” he answered without question.

  “That is all. Leave us,” the earl instructed. Vir'To and Knight Captain Silva stood together, bowing deeply, before quickly exiting the earl’s private chamber.

  As the door slid shut behind him, Vir'To glimpsed the earl pulling on the black gloves that always lay at his side and knew Sir Ravin would never forget the lesson that he was about to be provided. The lesson that taught one to never place any blame at the feet of the Earl of Tidelia, even if unintended, for he is the greatest mind the universe has ever known, and Vir'To would forgive none that may try to sully his name; including the man's own child.

  Chapter 16

  Instinct, it drove him, changed him. He needed to feed, to mate, to conquer. But a fluidic barrier encased his burning flesh, resisting his desires and holding back the faint scent of his yearnings, flowing from its other side, driving him wild. With inhuman strength, he forced his way through, ripping the thick membrane to flow free of his watery prison, as if he was born anew.

  The full onslaught of the irresistible scent met his emergence, a tender face flashing within his animal-like mind. A face he knew, attached to that euphoric scent. But the overwhelming pheromones in the air washed away the hazy image, a female being in heat nearby, and his instinct drove him.

  It took mere seconds to locate the female, his female, squatting in the corner. She immediately sensed his desire, submitting and presenting herself, screeching her yearning. He took her, instinct driving him wild, and they mated, filling the cave with their spores as he fertilized her, again, and again, knowing he must continue until her scent changed.

  After many attempts, the pheromones began to dull, then vanish, telling him he'd been successful. He howled, marking her face with his claw to let all other males know she was his. But he found his desires insatiable and decided he would continue to mate with her, no matter if his instincts drove him or not. Eventually, his hunger overwhelmed his desire and he threw her aside, ignoring her confused whimper as his other needs took precedent.

  He explored the cave with no exit, finding familiar sights that he used to know. His mind grasping futilely at concepts he could no longer understand, from a world that was no longer his own. A ravenous hunger drove him foward and the desperate screeching of his mate told him she needed food or she and their unborn child would die. An image stuck, one of a shape with four equal sides, hidden in the cave wall. He searched, running his claws along the smooth surface, finding of what the image told. As he prodded, the image morphed, and grew, showing him how to open the familiar shape. He obeyed, touching the mysterious object that floated before him.

  Part of the cave wall slid away, exposing many rectangular rocks that were not food. But the images in his mind told him they were, though they did not look it or smell it. He pulled them clear, scattering them along the soiled floor, before picking one up and biting into its hard shell. It wasn't edible and he threw the strange object against the wall in anger, howling at the images in his mind lying.

  A crack exposed the inside of the one he threw, the scent of unspoiled food flowing from within. His mate rushed forward, crawling to the split shell, scooping its contents into her mouth, her snarls telling him of her acceptance. He cracked open another using the sharp bone on his wrist, scooping its tender insides into his jowls.

  Time passed slowly in the cave with no exit, only broken by his sessions of feeding, sleeping, and mating. At first, his mate didn't understand, being no longer in heat. But he didn't care, something besides instinct driving him forward. So she obliged him, being his mate, his possession. When sated, he stopped, curling up in his corner, restless sleep taking hold.

  The room shook and he awoke, rushing to hide his mate behind him in his corner of the cave, watching an outline on its wall, which he somehow knew would open. When it did, he struck, slashing the throat of the first male who appeared, while expelling his spores at a female, her scent telling him she was obviously in heat. His mate followed, greedily feasting on the dead male, providing him with the most prized organs.

  Content, he moved on, silently through the long narrow caverns, when a group of males appeared, their shock and fear evident by their putrid scent. He struck quickly, killing them all, screeching his grand success to his mate, who howled in return.

  A new scent struck his nostrils, of females, more than one in heat. He followed the trail, finding it led to a hidden cave. Entering without sound, he found the females asleep, making it easy for him to plant his spores.

  The rest of the connected caves he found empty, so he returned to his mate, moving her to the hidden cave of females, before mating again and leaving her be.

  His impatience grew, the pods of his new mates emitting the sweet aroma and pheromones of being in heat. But he could not take them until they emerged. The sound warned him, and he took the first immediately as she exited the fluidic womb, marking her cheek with his claw, claiming her as his own. The rest he took in unison, mating until their scents all changed. But he found it mattered little, and continued even after.

  His females did his bidding and he created his nest. They would live and mate, that is what his instincts told. But something was wrong. Memories and images of another time assailed his primitive mind. The scent of one of his mates brought them on; his primary mate. So he began keeping her close, studying the images she caused to be born, until finally, something stuck. A memory of a name, of the man he use to be; a man named Daniel.


  “Trent,” Sasha whispered to her love, floating beside him on a cloud of white in an infinite blue sky. He turned to her and smiled, lips moving, saying that he loved her, but no sound touch her ears. Confused, she pushed closer, frightened he wasn’t real, that this was all a dream. But her fears fled when he caressed her cheek, pulling her close. She lost himself in his presence, starring up into hazel eyes that looked unworldly, finding her lips drawn to his, the yearning irresistible.

  A moment before their lips touched Trent pulled away and smiled. “Wake up, Sasha,” he instructed kindly, breaking her free of the dream world where she and Trent lived a peaceful existence, free of the constant danger that had haunted almost every moment of their life together. For an instant, the loss of such a peaceful reality made her despair. She wanted to return to its sweet embrace. But its fleeting memory began to fade as the warmth of a reality where she was surrounded by love, by friends, by family that she would never trade for any dream, no matter how peaceful.

  She moaned, pushing closer to the warm body at her side, whose owner had broken her forth from her pleasant slumber. She snuggled deeper into Trent’s embrace, burying her face in his neck while wrapping her arms tightly around him, wanting to feel the touch of the man she loved more and more with each passing day. Her hand brushed his breast, being softer then she remembered. A feminine moan escaped his lips at her gentle caress. Confused, but still content to be at her love’s side, she pushed closer, letting his hand brush her back, then his other to stroke her cheek, while one more tickled her leg, and the last casually squeezed her butt.

  Sasha's eyes shot open,
the darkness of her bedchamber masking her sight, but not the sounds of many breaths. What’s going on? The thought assailed her sleepy mind. Trent lay at her side, that was obvious by his smell; but who are these others that invaded our bed?

  The memories of the previous evening returned. She gasped in horror when she remembered what she had done. During the celebration they had thrown in honor of Trent's release from the medical tube, and his heroic actions on Heclutia, Yukie suggested they continue the sleeping habits they had adopted during the three days he'd been isolated. Sasha had been adamantly against it, Trent having been released a week early and still requiring plenty of time to rest and recover. Plus, her own jealousy ran wild at the mere thought of her ladies, who'd smiled mischievously at the suggestion, joining them in their bed. But then everything went hazy.

  She recalled enjoying the banquet with Trent at her side, whose own memories lay in a dense fog. So she told the tale of his actions on Heclutia, the new name of Alutia V5432 and the barony in which it was the capital. She'd made sure to playfully admonish him whenever the story turned to his self-sacrifice. But she still thought he was valiant; her duke, her love.

  They then listened to the full recap of the battle that had taken place within the Heclutia Star System while her and Trent fought for survival on the planet's surface. Yukie had provided herself the naming rights for the battle, calling it, “The Epic Dual of Heclutia”, while providing commentary during the viewing of the battle's record. It'd been a desperate struggle, the ABF Sasha outnumber 50 to 1, and outgunned by a thousand times more. But thanks to a hull constructed of gorian alloy, a near impenetrable material, the ABF Sasha had not only survived the conflict, but had devastated the enemy battle group, forcing it into retreat.


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